Safety, Health and Environmental Execution Plan: Name Title Signature Date

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Prepared by Contractor Site Manager

Document Owner Contractor Site Manager

Checked by Project Manager

Safety &Health
Checked by

Occupational Hygiene
Checked by

Checked by Coordinator

Checked by Occupational Hygiene

Checked by
Environmental Manager

Approved by Safety & Health Manager



SECTION 1 Introduction 4

1.1 Scope and purpose of Work 4

1.2 SH&E management system Overview 4

SECTION 2 SHE Policies 5

2.1 Safety and Health Policy 5

2.2 Environmental Policy 5

2.3 Social Management Policy 6

2.4 Smoking Policy 6

2.5 HIV/Aids Policy 7

2.6 Drugs & Substances Abuse Policy 7

SECTION 3 Risk Planning and Management 8

3.1 Job Safety Analysis 8-14

3.2 Subcontracted Activities 14

SCETION 4 Legal and Other Requirements 15

a. Legal Requirements 15

b. Other Requirements 15

C. Internal Appointments 15

d. Legal Structure 15

SECTION 5 Project SHE Objectives and Targets 15

5.1 Project SHE Objectives and Targets 15

SECTION 6 Safety Management System Implementation 16

6.1 Site Safety Management 17

6.2 Individual Responsibility for Safety 17-18


6.3 Training Awareness and Competency 18-19

6.4 Consultation, Communication and Reporting 19-20

6.5 Safety System Documentation and Interaction with 21

other System

6.6 Documentation and Data Control 21

SECTION 7 OH &S Operational Control 21

7.1 Machinery and Equipment Control 21

7.2 Mine Site Traffic Requirements 21-22

7.3 Hazardous Substance Storage and Handling 22

7.4 Personal Protective Equipment 22-23

7.5 House Keeping 24

7.6 Fire Prevention 24

SECTION 8 Emergency Preparedness and response 24

a. Firefighting and Control Measures 24-25

SECTION 9 Checking and Corrective Action 26

9.1 Performance, Measurements and Monitoring 26

9.2 Inspections 27

9.3 Safety Violation System 27

9.4 Safety Award Scheme 28

9.5 Accidents and Near Misses 28

9.6 Consultation, Communication and Reporting 28

9.7 Audit 29

9.8 Project Safety Records 29

SECTION 10 Appendices & Reference 30

Classification: Confidential


Staff Connect Engineering and Construction (PTY)LTD has developed a SHE Management Plan to give an
insight to areas that will require attention in terms of Hazards, Activities, Products and Services in a safe
manner through developing and implementing Policies, Procedures and Risk assessment processes. Our
SHE management Plan is aligned to ISO 45001: 2018 standards and takes into consideration Debswana
Site Rules, Regulations and Botswana legislation.


The purpose of this safety health and environment plan is to guide and provide SHE framework to
management and employees of Staff Connect to implement the SHE programme on site. This document
act as a guide on SHE related matters.

The scope of work for this project is to:

 Site Establishment
 Supply of Rooftop lifeline across the rooftop
 Ladder Link (Ladder Stabilizer)
 First man up kit installation
 Electrical services
 Installation of Lifeline across rooftop
 Inspection and certification of lifeline
 Demobilisation

(1.2) SH& E Management System Overview

The main objective is to establish and document objectives to facilitate continual improvement in
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and Environmental performance. To establish and document
minimum precautionary safety standards to ensure legal compliance, a safe working environment and
minimizing impacts on the environment by all employees, sub-contractors and visitors.

Classification: Confidential



Staff Connect Engineering & Construction provides the following services: Fall Protection Equipment, Fall
Protection Planning, Building Construction and Maintenance, Electrical works and Lifting Equipment and
Manufacturing services to its clients and customers.

As part of the Company’s philosophy and ethos, Staff Connect Engineering & Construction has generated and
implemented safety, health, environmental and quality management system commensurate with the highest
standards to ensure that both its products and services are fit for use by its customers and in accordance with
the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.

Staff Connect commits to open communication on all SHEQ matters with employees, interested parties, or
any other person under Staff Connect management control.

This policy, in pursuance of the Company’s objectives, is to render unconditional support to the design,
development implementation and maintenance of the management systems.

The system, as outlined in the management manual, describes how effective control is established by means
of formal procedures, work instructions, specifications, suitable qualified personnel, as well as the appropriate
inspection and test coverage necessary to ensure that established requirements have been met.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is fully committed to the continuous improvement as a strategic approach to
achieving these objectives. Our policy and associated objectives are reviewed and communicated to all
employees on a regular basis.

To achieve this, we are committed to ensure our safety talks are conducted at every start of shift during
which HSE representatives; SHE Stewards, first aid & hygiene coordinators will be appointed as
custodians of sections SHE files where records and forms are kept to be accessed upon demand

(2.2) Environmental Policy

Staff Connect is committed to leading the industry in minimizing the impact of its activities on the

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are;

 Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
 Minimize toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source of its power
 Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
 Source and promote a product range to minimize impact both production and distribution
 Meet or exceed all environmental legislation that relates to the company
 Use an accredited program to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by our activities

Classification: Confidential

(2.3) Social Performance Policy

2.3.1 Local Employment

Staff Connect will employ local staff for all the general workers and trades man positions, working with
people locally is critical to effective, sustainable and equitable distribution of resources. It will improve
the lively hoods of the surrounding community.

Local procurement of construction materials will also create employment at the surrounding hardware’s
which will reduce community dissatisfaction and conflict.

2.3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility

Staff Connect has previously engaged in corporate social responsibility helping local communities with
the following;

a. Buying a football kit for Wrong Button Football club

b. Sponsoring Wrong Button Football club with P3000 community
c. Accommodation will be rented from local communities as well.

(2.4) Smoking Policy

To protect and enhance our indoor air quality and to contribute to the health and well-being of all employees,
Staff Connect Engineering & Construction shall be entirely smoke free. Additionally the use of all tobacco products
is banned from the STC workplace, except as designated in this policy.

Smoking is prohibited in all of the enclosed areas within Staff Connect worksites, without exception. This includes
common work areas, the manufacturing facilities, conference and meeting rooms, private offices, hallways, the
lunchrooms, stairs, rest rooms and all other enclosed facilities.

The only designated smoking areas in Staff Connect sites will be outdoors, within the designated smoking area. No
one may smoke along any path way or walk way leading to or from the designated smoking area.

Additionally, employees may smoke in their personal vehicles, but the smoke and tobacco products must be
completely contained within the vehicle. It is not acceptable that either smoking or non-smoking employees are
subjected to smoke that they must walk through to reach their vehicle or any other destination on the Staff
Connect premises. Smoking is prohibited in all company vehicles.

While Staff Connect makes designated smoking areas available to smokers, the company has no legal responsibility
to do so. Employees who choose to use these smoking areas do so at their own risk. Smokers and users of tobacco
products must dispose of the remains in the proper containers provided. This helps to keep a neat and clean
environment for all employees and our visitors.

Failure to comply with all of the components of this policy will result in disciplinary action that can lead up to and
include employment termination.

Classification: Confidential

(2.2) HIV/Aids Policy

Staff Connect Company recognizes the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact on the
workplace. The Company supports national efforts to reduce the spread of infection and minimize the
impact of the disease.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure a consistent and equitable approach to the prevention of
HIV/AIDS among employees and their families, and to the management of the consequences of
HIV/AIDS, including the care and support of employees living with HIV/AIDS. The policy has been
developed and will be implemented in consultation with employees at all levels. It is in compliance with
existing regulations regarding HIV/AIDS and with the company Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the
world of work.

(2.6) Drugs & Substance Abuse Policy

Staff Connect Engineering (Pty) Ltd is fully committed to maintaining a safe and healthy working
environment, free from intoxication liquor or drugs.

Employees will be sober at all times while in the workplace and there will be a zero tolerance stance
against any personnel not complying with this rule.

Illegal possession, consumption, distribution or sale of drugs or alcohol by any personnel while in the
workplace will lead to disciplinary action with possibility that the employee will be dismissed. The
employee will also be given over to the relevant authorities who will then commence with the relevant
legal proceedings.

As a condition of continued employment all personnel are required to submit to drug and alcohol
testing. Refusal to consent to the testing, falsification of a test or positive test results will results in the
termination of employment.

To ensure further commitment to an area free intoxicating liquor or drugs random tests will be
conducted on a regular basis to ensure employees are not under the influence of any alcohol and or un-
prescribed drugs

All employees of Staff Connect Engineering and Construction (Pty) Ltd are strictly required to adhere to
this “Policy” by fully complying with the company`s Procedure as well as all applicable industry, national
and international regulations.

Classification: Confidential



Job safety analyses will be conducted before any task commences. Debswana Jwaneng mine Job safety
analysis Procedure PR-SD-S&H-023 will be adopted and followed to comply with this requirement.
Supervisor will ensure that all employees under his supervision understand the process of completing a
job safety analysis of every task using JSA form FRM-SD-S&H-09
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a consistent and effective approach to identifying hazards
and assessing associated risks about task execution and in developing mitigation measures to control
these risks
The following steps will be followed when conducting a job safety analysis:
 Take a blank job safety analysis form to the job/task site.
 Write the title of the job/task on the job safety analysis form.
 Walk the work site to be familiar with the workplace and environmental conditions.
 Write steps of performing the task in a sequential manner.
 List all possible hazards and aspects involved in each step.
 Identify who might be harmed. This includes people who may be sharing the workplace with you
and passers-by.
 Complete the job safety analysis form using the checklist at the back including stating actions to
be taken to control the hazards/aspects and prevent injury/environmental impact.
 Make sure that mitigation measures follow the ‘Hierarchy of Controls’.
 To complete the job safety analysis, the form must be signed by all team members.
 The supervisor shall counter-sign the job safety analysis form


In determining the Baseline Risk Assessment, Staff Connect follows Debswana Jwaneng mine procedure
entitled Identification of hazards and assessment of risks (PR-SD-SH-12), to guide the process or
Identification of Positive Environmental Aspects Procedure (PR-SD-ENV-12). This procedure identifies
hazards and risks associated with the project. Controlled measures are developed to manage identified
risks. The control measures that are put in place follow the hierarchy of controls as in the below

 Elimination - All defective tools and machines shall be removed from site and those being used
will be inspected and colour coded as per the respective quarter colour code.

Classification: Confidential

 Engineering-Installation of barricades between construction site and offices to reduce

exposure to hazards.
 Isolation- We shall follow the lock out tag out procedure and other electrical safe work
 Administration-We shall develop a training schedule and matrix and ensure our employees
are well trained and informed on SHE matters. Safe work Procedures shall be developed to
guide safe execution of activities, inspections, job safety analysis and planned task
observations shall be conducted to ensure compliance with the set requirements.
 PPE-Provision of proper PPE as per Debswana Personal Protective Procedure, PR-SD-SH-018
and Staff Connect PPE matrix.

(b) Baseline Risk Assessment

Once the risks are identified, they shall be assessed as to determine their potential severity, loss
property and the probability of occurrence.


Activity Hazard Risk Mitigation

Site Establishment Falling objects and Injury MQWM ACT. REGULATION

Always support material while
loading/offloading, good
communication when
Compliance to method statement
Erection of Scaffold Fall from heights, Injury, fatalities, loss of MQWM ACT. REGULATION
defective equipment, assets 76.FALLING OBJECTS
falling objects, tools Always support material while
loading/offloading, good
communication when erecting,
loading/offloading scaffold
Compliance to method statement
Installation of Ladder Gravitational Falling of materials, Working at height permit
link (ladder stabilizer) tools and people Implementing & enforcing the
(people) Working at Height Procedure PR-
FRCS 7 self-assessment
Installation of First-man Gravitational (people) Falls from Heights Working at height permit
up kit Implementing & enforcing the
Working at Height Procedure PR-
FRCS 7 self-assessment
Installation of Lifeline Exposure to sharp and Injury MQWM Act: Reg No. 77 & 79,
pinching points Protective equipment
Safe hand positioning,
Communicating well when carrying
same load (Proper method of
Classification: Confidential

PPE( wearing proper gloves )
Electrical works Contacts with exposed Electrocution FRCS 6 -Isolation procedure (EN-
live wires, cables, PR-04) Test for zero
faulty power outlets.
Working On top of the Gravitational Injury, Fatality Working at height permit
roof Falling objects, tools, Implementing & enforcing the
defective IBR Sheeting, Working at Height Procedure PR-
animals (e.g birds) SH-48
FRCS 7 self-assessment
Demobilization Mechanical Equipment and vehicle MQWM.REG 319 (Drivers to
(Mobile) collision ensure that every vehicle have
necessary safety requirements.)
MQWM REG:326 (Offences in
connection with any vehicle) Road
Traffic Act Reg 30 Drivers to be
licensed , Road Traffic Act Reg 44
Speed limit
FRCS 1 & 2:Light Vehicles &
Surface Mobile Equipment


This is some of the prevalent occupational health risks that have been observed at MRM Core Shed:

Activity Identified Hazard Controls Legal & Other

Noise Exposure to excessive Use of ear plugs (NRR 32) MQWM Act: Reg
noise levels from power No.104, Noise control
Adhere to periodic medical
examination schedule MQWM Act: Reg
No.105 Hearing
Hearing Conservation

Debswana Occupational

Debswana Site Rules

and Regulations STD-
SSD-ECOHS-01, Version

Ergonomics Wrong / awkward Compliance to Ergonomics Debswana Occupational

posture when lifting Management Procedure PR-SD- Hygiene
equipment’s & tools SH-43 Standard(STD/SHE/SHE/
Practicing good posture by

Classification: Confidential

implementing proper lifting Debswana Site Rules

techniques and Regulations STD-
SSD-ECOHS-01, Version
Assisting each other to lift heavy 3

FRCS 8 Lifting operations

Respirable dust Respiratory difficulties/ Personnel to stand in opposite Public Health Act:
irritations caused by dust direction of wind and avoid Regulation No. 113
inhalation exposure to dust Respirators, MQWM
PPE (Dust mask, FFP2), Act: Reg No.108 & 113,
awareness about the health provision of adequate
effects of exposure to dust, ventilation) MQWM
personal monitoring of dust. Act: Reg No 478
Personal Protective
Equipment Procedure
Debswana Occupational
Hygiene Management
Procedure PR-SD-SH-25
Debswana Site Rules
and Regulations STD-
SSD-ECOHS-01 - Version

Fatigue Body injuries SHE awareness briefs, advise to Employment Act Reg:
take break if one fills tired, 93 rest periods.
Fatigue management plan, Debswana Occupational
Fatigue Management Procedure Hygiene
(Fatigue management Standard(STD/SHE/SHE/
procedure - Procedure PR-SD- 019)
Debswana Occupational
Hygiene Management
Procedure PR-SD-SH-25

Debswana Site Rules

and Regulations STD-
SSD-ECOHS-01, Version

Vibration Prolonged & excessive Regular and timely maintenance MQWM Act: Reg
vibrations to the hands of pneumatic tools No.106, Protection
and arms (Hand-Arm Regular inspections of tools, against vibration
Vibration) Rotation of employees during
Debswana Occupational
the task, and awareness on the
Hygiene Management
health effects of exposure to
Procedure PR-SD-SH-25
excessive vibration.

Classification: Confidential

Debswana Site Rules

and Regulations STD-
SSD-ECOHS-01, Version

Cold stress Cold Infections, Awareness trainings on adverse MQW&M - reg - 111
weather conditions, Persons unknowingly
exposed to bad
PPE (suitable clothing- Winter

Chemical Respiratory difficulties/ Compliance to paint MSDS; Public Health Act:

irritations caused by skin section 4 (First-aid measures) Regulation No. 113
contact Description of first-aid Respirators, MQWM
measures After skin contact -In Act: Reg No.108 & 113,
case of contact immediately provision of adequate
flush skin with plenty of water ventilation) MQWM
for at least 15 minutes while Act: Reg No 478
removing contaminated ventilations
clothing and shoes. If skin Personal Protective
irritation persists, call a Equipment Procedure
physician. section 8 (Exposure PR-SD-SH-18
controls/personal protection. Debswana Occupational
Exposure controls Hand Hygiene Management
protection- gloves should be Procedure PR-SD-SH-25
discarded and replaced if there Debswana Site Rules
is any indication of degradation and Regulations STD-
or chemical breakthrough. SSD-ECOHS-01 - Version
Other protective equipment- 3
ensure that eye wash stations
Debswana Occupational
and safety showers are close to
Hygiene Management
work station location. Light
Procedure PR-SD-SH-25
weight protective clothing.
Engineering Controls: Avoid
contact with skin, eyes and


Awareness training will be implemented on Environmental Management Plan generated from the
project Environmental Aspects and Impacts. In turn, the Site Manager will provide awareness on
managing environmental issues to reduce or manage projects impacts. Waste Management Plan will be
developed and adhered to. Environmental Management plan will cover the following impacts and shall
be mitigated as Waste Management Plan will be developed and followed. The following are some of the
Classification: Confidential

prevalent environmental risks that have been identified for this project:

The following are some of the prevalent environmental risk that has been identified on this project.


SITE Disturbance/interference -Endangered - Report to Waste management act of
ESTABLISHMENT of Endangered Species Biodiversity Biodiversity office 1998-part viii section 34
habitat e.g Birds Debswana waste
management procedure

Wildlife Conservation and

National Parks Act of 1992.
Section 49
LIFELINE a) Chemical - Soil and Water - Follow MSDS: e.g. MQWM Reg297- removal of
INSTALLATION Spillages Pollution paint section 13, contaminated materials
-During use of disposal Hydrocarbon (oil, diesel and
drilling, cutting & consideration (all grease) Debswana handling
tapping lubricant contaminated of oil and diesel spillages
- Spray paint used container to be procedure SD-PR-SHE-002,
during quarterly disposed) Hydraulic oil and diesel
inspections color - Report all chemical MSDS FRCS3 (hazardous
code. pillages materials management
LIFELINE b) Waste generation - Adverse - Waste segregation Waste management act of
INSTALLATION -Domestic/ Esthetics at source (Reduce, 1998-part viii section 34
general waste Reuse, Recycle) Debswana waste
(Plastic packaging - Regular management procedure
for lifeline Housekeeping PR-SD-SHE-30
components and
metal offcuts, cut
off the lifeline
DEMOBILIZATION Waste generation - Adverse - Waste segregation Waste management act of
-Domestic/ general waste Esthetics at source (Reduce, 1998-part viii section 34
(Paper, plastic, metal Reuse, Recycle) Debswana waste
chipping, offcuts etc.) -Regular management procedure
Housekeeping PR-SD-SHE-30

(f) The following will be waste, which will be generated on site:



1. General Waste -Personnel Waste bins vehicle/truck Jwaneng Mine Weekly

Blue Landfill

Classification: Confidential

-Food item -Visitors Recycle


2. Recyclables -Personnel Waste bins vehicle/truck Jwaneng Mine Weekly/

Blue Landfill Daily

-Bottles, papers


3. Empty spray paint -Personnel Properly Vehicle/truck Facility for Used Monthly
stacked on the oil (Champs
site for Botswana).

4 Steel off - cuts Personnel Stalked on site LDV Jwaneng Mine Weekly
Alman Metals


Due to the limited work we have, we do not have any sub-contractor to assist


a) Legal Requirements
Legal and other requirements will be identified in accordance with Legal and other Requirements
procedure (PR-SD-SH-07) and Compliance Obligations procedure (PR-SD-ENV-07).

 MQWM ACT Regulation 29 Responsibility of supervisor

 MQWM ACT Regulation 39 First aid provision
 MQWM ACT Regulation 276 Housekeeping
 MQWM ACT Regulation 185 Protection of Persons and apparatus
 Waste Management Act 15 of 1998 Regulation 34 Prohibition to litter
 Traffic (Chapter60:01) Act Regulation 30 Drivers to be licensed.
 Road Traffic (Chapter60:01) Act Regulation 44 Speed limit
 Employment Act of 1982 Part VIII-Regulation 96 Hours of work
 Botswana Factories Act of 1973

Classification: Confidential

b) Other Requirements
 Debswana Site Rules and Regulations STD-SSD-ECOHS-01, Version 3
 Debswana Incident Notification and Investigations Standard (PR-SD-SHE -03)
 Non-Conformity and Corrective Action (PR-SD-ENV-27)
 Fatal Risk Control Standards (STD/SHE/SH/016)
 Staff Connect HIV & AIDS Policy
 Remmogo SHE Programme
 Debswana Occupational Hygiene Standard(STD/SSD/OH-02)
 ISO 45001; 2018

c) Internal Appointments
Staff Connect will ensure the appointments for the following;

 First Aider appointment- FRM –HR-TRN-08

 SHE Officer Appointment
 Fire Marshall
 OH Representative
 SHE Representative

d) Legal structure
Staff Connect shall comply with the legal requirements outlined in the Site Rules and Regulations, Mines,
Quarries, Works and Machinery Act and other relevant Acts. The Key legal appointments are that of the
Site manager (14.2 Mechanic in charge) and 14.2 mechanics respectively. These legal appointees shall be
responsible for the full execution of this SHE plan.


Project Manager
Montwedi Makabea

SHE Officer
Project coordinator/Technician
Molly Segwape
Thato Kebuang

Scaffold Inspector Scaffold Erector

First Aider
Leon Dekoker Jacob Roman
Chris Peloewetse
(14.2) (14.2)

Classification: Confidential


Staff Connect goal will ensure the successful completion of this project, success being measured by the
following objectives and aligned Engineering objectives.

To achieve zero fatalities resulting from falling from heights by training all employees for
working at Heights before execution of the Project.
To prevent restricted work injuries during project execution
To achieve 100% medical examination surveillance compliance

(5.1) TABLE NO. 2 Below shows objectives & targets of Staff Connect this project and management

Objectiv Objective Manageme Action Resource Who? When Statu Link

e no nt plans s s to
Programs/ (Persons, BRA
Projects Budget,

STFC- To Trainings, PTO, s to Awarenes Project 30 SFTC

OBJ-001 achieve Inspection be s to manager/Proj Augus -
zero of safety conducte personne ect t RISK
fatalities harness d during l, Briefs Coordinator 2020 24
resulting daily, Briefs Project on
from on Execution Procedur
falling Procedures to es
from and Policies enforce
heights complian

STFC- Prevent Briefing Daily SHE Awarenes Project 30 SFTC

OBJ-002 restricted employees briefs s to Manager/ Augus -
work on relevant personne Project t RISK
injuries procedures l, briefs Coordinator/ 2020 O09
during & SOP on SHE Officer
Project procedur
Execution es

STFC- To Medical 100% Medical Manager/ 30 ALL

003 achieve Examinatio Medical Awarenes Project Augus RISK
100% n certificate s Coordinator t S
medical 2020

Classification: Confidential



Staff Connect will adhere to all Debswana procedures and develop its own safe work procedures in
relation to tasks/activities performed.

List of Safe Work Procedures for this project:








6.1 Site safety management Organisational structure

Classification: Confidential




6.2: Individual Responsibility for Safety

a) Operational Managers
The Project Manager has day to day responsibility for SHE within his Work site.
Ensure SHE are given Priority in pre-planning and preparation of work to allow safe execution and
completion of the work.
Provide positive leadership on SHE issues within his area of operation.
Actively participate and personally contribute to the project leading indicators targets.
 Ensure all personnel comply with their individual SHE responsibilities.
 To ensure correct and safe work methods.
 Make adequate provision for dealing with emergencies at their work site.
 Act immediately to rectify any breach of SHE rules, procedures or unsafe conditions that came to
their attention and report such breaches.

 All personnel comply with their individual SHE responsibilities as prescribed by the company and
Debswana (Client).
 Communicate clear instructions to personnel under their control, to ensure correct and safe
work method
 Adequate provision for dealing with emergencies at any work site
 SHE file is up to date
 Updating of the SHE notices board.

Classification: Confidential

 Be familiar with and comply with SHE rules established for the project.
 Trainings and inductions to be attended as required.
 Stop, correct and report any work that, in their opinion, is unsafe.
 Attend and participate in toolbox talks and other meetings.
 Avoid shorts cuts always.
 Comply with all permits requirements.
 Practice good housekeeping is maintained and any waste generated is segregated and disposed
on the correct containers
 Wear risk based personal protective equipment (PPE) required.
 Report all accidents and near misses in which they have been involved or witnessed.

6.3 Training Awareness and Competence

Training matrix is used to define the required competences among our employees on site so that
relevant training is given to the relevant trades.
The training matrix sample is given below:
Training Needs


Debswana SHE and Security All employees, sub-contractors & visitors Upon entry into mine

Site specific induction All employees, sub-contractors & visitors Upon entry into site

SHE Policy All employees & sub-contractors Quarterly

Hazard Identification and Risk All employees, sub-contractors & visitors After incident/process
Assessment. & equipment changes

Emergency Preparedness and All employees, sub-contractors & visitors Monthly


Incident Investigation and All employees & sub-contractors Monthly


Fatal Risk Control Standards. All employees & sub-contractors Weekly

Debswana Site Rules and All employees & sub-contractors Monthly


Legal Responsibilities. Legal Appointees 4 Monthly

Classification: Confidential

Training Plan
Staff Connect will adhere to its training plan which follows;



1. 14,2 (Project Manager and ORMP A3 29-01 August 2020 Awaiting Training
Project Coordinator)



2. SHE Officer ORMP A1.2 28 August 2020 Awaiting Training

Working at Heights 16,17,18 August 2020 Awaiting Training

Advanced First Aid Training 17-21 August 2020 Awaiting Training

3. First Aiders Basic First Aid 19-23 August 2020 Awaiting Training

4. Assistants Basic First Aid 12-16 August 2020 Awaiting Training

6.4 Consultation, Communication and Reporting

Debswana Jwaneng Mine Communication, Awareness Consultation and Participation Procedure (PR-SD-
S&H-14) has been adopted to adhere to this requirement

A communication plan applicable to the project will be developed outlining the responsibilities for
internal and external communication with various functions and levels of the client.

This shall guide the communication process

Type of Communication Frequency Target Group Responsible Person

SHE Site Specific Induction Upon arrival on site All Site Manager/Project

Safety and Health Policy, Upon arrival on site All Site Manager/Project
Environmental Policy and Manager

Classification: Confidential

Procedure Briefings

Toolbox talks/5 Minutes Talks Daily All SHE Officer

Site SHE Meetings Monthly SHE Personnel & Site Manager/SHE

Supervisors Officer & Project

Staff Connect SHE Meetings Quarterly SHE Officers & Site Manager, Project
Directors Manager, Project
Coordinator & Director

SHE Stand Downs Quarterly All Site Manager/Project

Manager & Coordinator

Management Briefs Quarterly All Site Manager, Project

Manager, Director
&Project Coordinator

Site Progress Meetings Monthly SHE Personnel & Site Manager, Project
Supervisors Manager, Project
Coordinator & Director

• SHE stands down: Staff Connect will be complying with all SHE stands downs which will be held within
our area of work in Debswana Jwaneng Mine.

• SHE notices boards: All information which is shared in Debswana Jwaneng Mine, Staff Connect will
share it with its employees and put them on the SHE notices boards for everyone to access.

• SHE bulletins: SHE communiqué and SHE topics as communicated by the client will be shared with
employees and posted on notice board

6.5 Safety System Documentation and interaction with other System

Staff Connect will adhere to Debswana Jwaneng mine procedure PR-SD-S&H-04 which is applicable to
the project and will be implemented to ensure that documents required are controlled identified and a
master list of all documents is kept. Master list of documents is available on the SHE files and is
continuously updated.

Staff Connect will adhere and comply all Debswana procedures and develop their own procedures to add
to the existing ones to achieve zero harm.

6.6 Document and data Control

Classification: Confidential

Debswana Jwaneng Mine Documented Information procedure, (PR-SD-ENV-04) and Documented

information Procedure, (PR-SD-SH-04) will be implemented to ensure that documents required are
controlled, identified and a master list of all documents is kept. Master list of documents is availed on
the SHE files and is continuously updated.


7.1 Machinery and equipment control

Staff Connect will ensure that equipment’s are inspected before they enter the mine and fit for purpose.
All machinery and equipment’s will adhere to Fatal Risk Control Standards:

1) Light Vehicle: All drivers shall be competent with authorizations to drive vehicles. Vehicles shall be
inspected daily with a checklist to ensure that they are safe for use. Employees driving vehicles must
have valid driver’s license and be authorized to drive in the mine. The drivers must ensure that the
vehicles are in a road worthy condition and fully comply with the mine FRCS standards (FRCS 1: Light
Vehicles Standard). Daily pre-use checklists must be done before driving the vehicles and any defects
must be attended.
2) Surface Mobile Equipment: We shall make sure that inspections are carried out and service records
3) Hazardous material management: Availability of MSDS and briefs conducted

5) Equipment Safe Guarding: All machines with moving parts shall have machine guards. All this
equipment shall have checklist and be inspected daily before use. If defective, they should be taken out
of the tool box for repairs and inspection.

6) Isolation: we shall isolate the power line that is interfering with our works as per Debswana

7) Working at heights: Checklists shall be used to ensure that fall protection devises and working
platforms are safe for use, we shall ensure that safety harnesses and lifelines are inspected daily to
prevent falling from heights. Scaffolding and lifeline will be erected by competent personnel and tagged
accordingly after daily inspection. All this equipment shall have checklist and be inspected daily before
use, if defective they must be removed from site

7.2 Mine Site Traffic Requirements

In Order to Control Traffic within the Construction site and the adjacent communit offices to the
construction site,a Traffic Management Plan (A&J-SHE-DOC-01) shall be in place and will shallfollow
the set traffic rules and regulations as prescribed by the Botswana

Traffic law Section 44 Part vii and Section 57 Part vii. Road signs will be adhered to and all drivers and
operators will not drive and operate under the influence of any alcohol or drugs. There shall be site

Classification: Confidential

layout of how traffic will be managed so as to avoid confusion and incidents. There shall be reverse
parking lots and routes which are only to be used by mobile equipment and vehicles and routes also to
be used by only personnel & visitors.

c) Signage
The Symbolic safety signs-Part 1 standard (BOS 6-1:2016) shall be adopted and followed to ensure that
the site has proper safety and warning signage to avoid incidents.

Signs  will  meet  the  following  requirements:

 Give clear direction
 Be visible and not obscured
 Be maintained
 Be reviewed regularly for relevance
 Pictograms may be required, as English is not the first language of all workers
 Side roads will be signed (STOP and NO ENTRY)

7.3 Hazardous Materials Management. An inventory for all chemicals (Paints,) shall be developed and
kept up to date.

7.4 Personal Protective Equipment

 The company will provide personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate to the work done by
the employee. Such PPE will remain the property of the company, and an employee who
negligently loses, or damages company property shall be liable for the replacement of the
Employees are expected to always wear their PPE when on site, and failure to do so can result in
removal from site and loss of a day’s wages or dismissal in serious cases.

(The following table shows the PPE that will be required);


PROJECT MANANGERS/ SAFETY OFFICERS 2 Piece Overalls, Winter jacket, 2 Hi-viz

shirts, mask, steel toe boots, googles,

FIRST AIDER/ FIRE MARSHALL 1 Reflective shirts, 2 Piece Overalls,

Winter jacket, Hi-viz shirts, mask, steel
toe boots, googles, and mask.

FALL PROTECTION TECHNICIANS 2 Piece Overalls, Winter jacket 2 Hi-viz

shirts, mask, steel toe boots, googles,

Classification: Confidential

Abseiling helmet, rubber gloves, safety

harness, chin strap, tool bag,
respiratory mask

SCAFFOLDERS Steel toe safety boots, 2 piece Overalls,

winter jacket, steel toe boots, rubber
gloves, googles, abseiling helmet, Chin
trap, tool bag, safety harness, mask.

LABOURERS Hardhat, gloves, 2 piece overalls, steel

toe boots, winter jacket, safety googles,
and mask.

7.5 House-Keeping
On project closure, any temporary infrastructures or alterations to client infrastructure will be
dismantled and removed from site.

A clean-up will be conducted on site to remove any material that may cause any harm to the safety and
health of employees, and the environment.

After the clean-up, waste will be collected and disposed at respective disposal sites and the client will be
called for the inspection and hand over of the site. End of contract clearance form shall be completed
and together with the SHE file be returned to the Client or project owner.

SHE records will be archived as per Debswana Jwaneng Mine Safety and Health Procedure, PR-SD-SHE-01
as adopted and followed and project close out report will be written using Debswana prescribed format.
A retrospect meeting shall be held after project completion to reflect on the successes and failures. This
will assist in Improved SHE performance for the other upcoming projects.

7.6 Fire Prevention and Control Measures

Fire  fighting equipment  shall  be provided and  placed strategically  based on  the  outcome  of  the  fire r
isk assessment. Fire drills shall be conducted every six months to ensure complience to SHE requiements.
There shall be a designated fire assembly point and in case of fire, the emergency evacuation procedure
has to be followed and fire extiguished.


Staff Connect will adhere to Debswana Emergency Preparedness and Response procedure (PR-SD-SH-09)
or (PR-SD-ENV-09). A site emergency procedure shall be put in place. An emergency response team shall
be scheduled for first aid and firefighting training as per training plan. First Aiders and Fire Marshals will
Classification: Confidential

be appointed and these employees will report to the Project Manager, Project Coordinator and SHE
Officer. The emergency procedure will be communicated to all employees as part of the induction
process and continually shared in toolbox talks and job safety analysis. A Fall Protection program (Rescue
Plan) is executed as a guidance only for developing site-specific working at heights rescue plan. The
rescue plan will be done by all personnel working at heights, including management and SHE Personnel,
it will be discussed and approved by the Project Manager and a rescue kit will be available on site in case
of fall occurrences leading to suspension at heights.

Emergency response procedure for the following emergencies;

 Falling from Heights

 Electricity
 Falling objects


a) As mentioned above a site-specific rescue plan is completed prior to any working at heights. If an
employees falls from height, there shall be a trained rescue team on standby with rescue equipment to
assist the victim. The incident scene shall be cleared of all other employees and area barricaded. Two
members of the rescue team accompanied with their rescue kit ,shall use a ascending devices or
extension ladders to reach the suspended employee, lower them into the scaffolding and detatch his/her
lanyad from the guardrails. Upon reaching the ground level, an appointed first aider shall administer first
aid and then the victim shall be rushed to the mine township area hospital. Trained mine rescue team
shall be notified to assist employee working at height, then incident to be logged on the Isometrix and
further investigations conducted thereafter.

b) FALLING OF LOADS: If an employee is hit by any falling object eg. Hammer falling from roof etc, a
rescue team will be notified, area barricaded and victim and first aider called in to the scene to
administer first aid, if the injury is severe then the ambulance will be called and the injured sent to the
hospital, Incident will be logged in Isometrix.

c) ELECTRICITY: Rescue team will be called in to the scene, area barricaded and first aid administered to
the injured person, but if electrocuted person looks severe he /she will be taken to the hospital for
further treatment.

Staff Connect Simulation Plan

No Department Section Activity Frequen Schedul Date Responders Procedure

cy ed date executed number/Na

2 PMO Staff Falling from 6 TBA TBA Fall Working at

Classification: Confidential

Connect height months protection heights

simulation rescue team procedure
First aider


In the event of any emergency;

• Stay calm.

• Assess the situation.

• Take command.

• Provide protection.

• Aid and manage.

• Maintain contact.

• Guide emergency services.

 Stay calm – Your example can influence others and thereby aid the emergency response.
 Assess the situation – Determine what happened and what the emergency is.
Determine if there are any injured employees.
Identify the cause that must be controlled to eliminate immediate, on-going, or further danger.
Immediately leave the building
 Take command – Call or delegate someone to call emergency services and explain the situation.



Police station 999

Fire station 998

Ambulance 997


This will be done according to Debswana Non-Conformity, Corrective and Preventative Procedure (PR-
SD-SH-27) and Non-Conformity and Corrective Action (PR-SD-ENV- 27). When non-conformances are
identified, a corrective action report is sent out to the responsible section or person to be rectified with
Classification: Confidential

a due date included to ensure that the actions are done. A register of all corrective action reports is to be
updated continuously to ensure that all potential non-conformances are closed and signed off. These
reports monitor if there are any repetitive non-conformances and assist with ensuring continuous
improvement of the system.

9.1 Performance Measurements and Monitoring Controls

Staff Connect will adhere to Debswana Monitoring and Measurements Procedure (PR-SD-SH-08 19),
Speed Monitoring Procedure (PR-SD-SH-19) and Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Evaluation (PR-

Monitoring controls measurement and monitoring of performance shall be conducted as follows:

Monitoring Control Measure Frequency Responsible Person

Planned Task Observation (PTO) Weekly Site Manager & Supervisor

Visible Felt Leadership (VFL) Weekly Site Manager and company official

FRCS Assessment Monthly Site Manager & SHE officer

Management SHE Self Assessments Weekly Site Manager, Supervisor & SHE Officer

Supervisor Inspections Daily Supervisors

Monitoring of achievement of the set objectives and targets shall also be done. It is the responsibility of
management to ensure that the performance measurement and monitoring programme is enforced.

9.2 Inspections
Both the contractor and the client will do safety inspections monthly. A system audit will be done
monthly as a tool to monitor and maintain Staff Connect SHE system. The client representative will be
informed of the audit results, which will be audited again by the client to show the compliance of the

The following inspections shall become part of the monitoring programme:

Types of Inspections

Inspections Frequency Responsible Person

Site Manager inspections (14.2) Weekly Site Manager

SHE Rep inspections Weekly SHE Reps

Classification: Confidential

SHE Officer inspections Weekly SHE Officer

Legal Inspections Monthly Site Manager

Remmogo SHE compliance inspections (VFL) Monthly Site Manager & SHE Officer

Equipment, machinery & tools inspections Daily Mechanic (14.2)

FRCS inspections Monthly Site Manager & SHE Officer

PPE inspections Weekly SHE Officer & SHE Rep

Housekeeping inspections Weekly Site Manager, Project Coordinator &

SHE Officer

9.3 Safety Violation System

Staff Connect will set in place Safety Standards and Procedures for any employee who will be violating
Safety rules and Procedures. Code of conduct will be in place and action taken at management level.

9.4 Safety Award Scheme

A reward scheme will be implemented on the project for encouraging positive safety behaviour: this will
also include rewards of hours worked without incidents/accidents and near Hits Reporting. Employees
that receive rewards. The items that the company offer as recognition reward, include, but are not
limited to:

 Pen
 Cap and T-Shirt (branded with employee name)
 Gift vouchers
 Achievement certificates.

9.5 Accidents and Near Misses

i) Accidents, Incidents and Near Hits

All incidents shall be reported as per the Debswana Incident Notification and Investigation Standard (PR-
SD-SH-03) and (PR-SD-ENV-27). All incidents will be investigated and corrective actions will be
implemented as per the recommendations from the investigation. A culture of near hit reporting shall be
instilled within the workforce to identify gaps that may exist in the SHE management plan. All high
potential incidents (HPI) shall be investigated as per the Debswana Incident Notification and
Investigation Standard. We shall analyse all reported near-hits and incidents monthly in order to
understand the patterns and frequency rates.

9.6 Non Conformity

Classification: Confidential

Non-conformances identified are investigated as per the Debswana Non-conformity and Corrective and
Preventative Actions Procedure PR-SD-SH-27 or PR-SD-ENV-27 and corrective actions adopted and
implemented to avoid recurrence.

Non-conformity can be from:

 She meetings
 Toolbox talks
 Visible Felt Leadership
 Incidents and near hits
 Inspections and observations

The identified non-conformities from the above mentioned will be investigated and closed off.

The implementation of the SHE management programme will be controlled and checked by periodic
audits, monthly reviews of individual areas of documentation and process control shall be carried out to
ensure that the procedures are being followed. The Debswana Jwaneng Mine Auditing and Evaluation
Compliance Procedures PR-SD-SH-013 or PR-SD-ENV-13 guides the process of external and internal
audits using standards checklists

9.8 Project Safety Records

All project documented information will filled and accessible on the SHE file kept on site. Weekly
documented information will be done and logged, inspection conducted and kept, all near hits will be
filled and logged. PTO conducted and kept.

Classification: Confidential



Appendix 001 - SHE Policy

Appendix 002- HIV/AIDS Policy

Appendix 003- Smoking Policy

Appendix 004- Drug and substance abuse

Appendix 005- Leadership and commitment

Appendix 006- Legal Appointments

Appendix 007- Waste Management Plan

Appendix 008-Medical Examination Records

Appendix 009- Baseline Risk Assessment

Appendix 010-Company Organogram

Appendix 011- Fall Protection Program (Rescue Plan)


1. Site rules & regulations

2. Botswana Legal Compliance Network & Hard copy Standards Acts

Classification: Confidential

3. Debswana SHE Policies & Procedures

4. Fatal Risk Controls Stats

5. Debswana SHE Standards

6. Botswana Mines and Quarries Act


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