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The following points are to be maintained in EMD submission.

1) Mode of Payment of Earnest Money:

➢ EMD have to be submitted ONLINE through this portal. It may be noted here that the bank
processing may take some time, and bidders shall not be allowed to upload bid documents
until and unless EMD amount is deposited through the portal. So the bidders should
shou submit
EMD well ahead of the last date of submission of EMD. BG will also be accepted through
online mode.

2) Exemption of Earnest Money :

a) SSI Units registered with NSIC/ MSME units are exempted from deposition of EMD in
form of Demand Draft(DD) / Bank Guarantee (BG). Small-scale scale industries seeking such
exemption must enclose valid registration certifi cate from appropriate Govt. Authority.
In case of NSIC/SSI
/SSI, attested Photo copy of valid Exemption Certificate (Current)
EITHER to be submitted in a sealed envelope in Office of the Sr.Mgr (Purchase),
Bakreswar Thermal Power Plant, P.O. BkTPP, District: Birbhum, Pin Pin-731104, within
stipulated date (mentioned under heading Schedule of Dates for e-Tendering)
e Tendering) prior to the
declared tender opening date (technical part) in lieu of EMD OR the same may be
uploaded in the “EMD Fee Details” cover of the bid itself OR both may be done if the th
Bidder wishes so.

b) However, necessary relaxation in Bank Guarantee amount may be allowed to the bidder,
if they are governed by any particular Circular / Administrative order for a definite period
coverable within the scope of the contract, on production of supporting documents.
Original order of relaxation is to be shown if required. The date of validity should be
clearly recognizable from the certificate and if any doubt arises, WBPDCL may disqualify
the bidder.

3) Procedure of submission of Earnest Money:

EMD may be submitted ONLINE through this portal. It may be noted here that the bank
processing may take some time, and bidders shall not be allowed to upload bid documents
until and unless EMD amount is deposited through the portal. So the bidders shou should
submit EMD well ahead of the last date of submission of EMD. BG will be accepted .
a) In the payment mode of the portal, Online mode is to be selected and
against Online Banks, both ICICI Bank and ICICI NEFT / RTGS modes
are to be selected.

b) EMD amount (deposited online) of the unsuccessful bidders, shall automatically be

returned to the respective debited accounts.

c) Same methodology shall be followed in case of rejected bids as mentioned in (b)


d) In case of cancellation of the tender, the deposited EMD amounts shall be returned to
the respective bidders follow in the procedure as mentioned in (b) above.

e) For NEFT / RTGS the agency must complete the transaction procedure at least 48

f) Where Bank Guarantee is submitted as EMD, Exempted mode of the portal is to

be selected and scanned copy of Bank Guarantee is to be uploaded. Original
copy of the Bank Guarantee is to be submitted by the bidder to the respective
unit by hand or through post 48 hours prior to opening of the bid, failing which
the bid may be rejected.

4) Submission/Upload of EMD (Statutory Documents) :

(To be submitted in EMD FEE DETAILS Cover)

The following documents in standard format are to be uploaded in EMD FEE DETAILS
Cover in a Single PDF file:

a) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) - Scanned copy of online submission documents / Valid
Exemption Certificate/BG as prescribed in the NIT, is to be digitally signed & uploaded.

❖ If a bidder fails to upload a valid Exemption Certificate, his bid will stand rejected and
tender documents will not be opened.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by SUNITA TAMANG
Date: 2022.09.27 15:44:40 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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