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Bhagyanagar Gas Limited: Bid Document For

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Tender for Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS,

WhatsApp business and Chatbot Solution Services for



Bid Document No.: BGL/559/2022-23


Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23






(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 2 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23



(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 3 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23



The special conditions of contract shall be read in conjunction with general condition of contract
(GCC), Schedule of rates, scope of work and any other document forming part of contract,
wherever Context so Requires. GCC is available at tender issuing office and same shall be referred
to by Tendered. Notwithstanding, the subdivisions of the documents in to separate sections every
part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other part and shall be read with and
into the Contract so for as it may be practicable to do so. Where any portion of the special
conditions of the Contract (SCC) is repugnant to or at variance with any provisions of the GCC
then provision of SCC Shall be deemed to override the provision of GCC only to the extent of
each repugnance or variations. In case of any contradictions the Decision of the Engineer-I In-
Charge will be final and binding on the Contractor.

In case of an irreconcilable conflict between Indian or other applicable standards,

General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Specification,
Drawings or Schedule of Rates, the following shall prevail to the extent of such
irreconcilable conflict in order of precedence:
i. Letter of Acceptance/ LOI along with Statement of Agreed Variations.
ii. Schedule of Rates as enclosures to Letter of Acceptance
iii. Special Conditions of Contract
iv. Service descriptions
v. Instruction to Bidder
vi. General Conditions of Contract
vii. Indian Standards
viii. Other applicable standards

1. Duration of contract:
The period of contract shall be two (2) years i.e. 24 months from the date of award of
contract. This contract may be extended for six months on the same rates, tender terms
and conditions, at the sole discretion of BGL, after requisite approvals. Quoted rates shall
remain valid for the tenure of the contract and for extended period (if any).

For Part-A- SMS Services: The successful bidder will be required to integrate their
solution with the applications of BGL as per below timelines of award of contract.
S.N. Activity Timeline
Integrate solution with the applications of BGL and start of SMS T + 15
services days
T + 30
2. Deployment and Go-Live of Custom Dashboard

Note: ‘T’ denotes the date of award of Contract.

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 4 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

For Part-B- Whatsapp Chatbot Solution: The overall period of the engagement of the
Agency shall be Twenty-Four (24) Months of Implementation & Operation Phase.

Implementation Phase: During this phase, agency shall be responsible for setting up the
team and shall include Entire setup of the core platform, integrating this platform with
BGL’s billing Utility System etc., Infrastructure establishment, Resource training,
dashboard and other set up including UAT.
Operation Phase: The Operation phase shall start after the completion of
Implementation phase. During this phase the agency shall start their operation towards
delivering their services as per the scope of services for a period of 24 months.
The Bidder is expected to adhere to these timelines stipulated below. However, Bidder
can complete the below mentioned tasks before the scheduled timelines. Non-compliance
to these timelines by the Bidder would lead to Liquidated Damages as stated in this RFP:

Timelines (In
SI No. Key Activities Calendar
01. Date of issuance of Letter of Intent T0
02. Implementation Phase (T1) (till Go Live) T0 + 2 Months
03. Operations Phase (T2) T1 + 22 Months

Monthly progress Reports (MPRs) to be submitted every month indicating the activities
completed / ongoing / remaining as against the scheduled tasks / activities.
Communication can be done through official email, which would suffice requirements of
serving notice.

The successful bidder has to provide uninterrupted services and operations throughout
the contract period.

2. Price basis:
Bidders to quote on the basis of FIRM prices inclusive of GST and all applicable taxes
and duties as per scope of work defined above. No additional payment shall be admissible
over and above the quoted price.

3. Validity of quoted rates:

The rates quoted and accepted shall remain valid for the entire period of contract and no
escalation whatsoever permissible after the award of contract.
4. Taxes and duties:
The rates quoted and accepted shall inclusive of GST and all applicable taxes, duties, and
other charges as applicable. BGL shall not entertain any such claim whatsoever on this
5. Payment Terms:
For Part-A & Part-B:
Bi-Monthly invoice shall be generated upon rendering the satisfactory Messaging services.
Net Invoice amount shall include any penalty applicable.

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 5 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

For Part-B:
SOR Sr. no. 5 & 6 will be released in phase wise manner. In 1st Phase- after Successful
delivery & UAT-70% will be released. In 2nd Phase- after Successful completion of three
months from the date of Go Live, remaining 30% will be released.

6. Rejection of tender:
BGL reserves the right to accept or reject the tender and to waive irregularities and
formalities at its own discretion. Any attempt for canvassing shall debar the tender
resulting in summarily rejection of the tender
7. Contract Performance Security:
The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer, within 30 days from the date of
notification (FOI, LOI, LOA, WO) of award, a security of 3% of annualized Order/
Contract Value excl. of taxes & duties.
Contract Performance Security which will be valid for 90 days beyond the contract expiry
date shall be refunded after the Defect Liability Period. GCC clause 2.13 of Contract
Performance Security & as per Instructions To Bidders shall be followed. Defect Liability
Period (DLP) is 3 months from the date of completion of the contract.
The Contract performance Security shall be released after completion of defect liability
period and issuance of completion certificate by EIC/Officer-In- Charge (OIC) of tender.

8. Contract Agreement:
The bidder has to execute a contract agreement within 15 working days of the award of the
work as per the format enclosed in tender Document.
9. Bidder should have PF or ESIC, PAN and GST Registration number in its name.


PRS clause/ Penalty is applicable as per GENERAL CCONDITIONS OF CONTRACT

(GCC) if any deficiencies are observed like delay in Integration, Improper Roll out of
SMS/ WhatsApp service, Delay in Go Live, Interruption in services etc.

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 6 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23



(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 7 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23



The scope of work of selected bidder is to provide push-based SMS delivery service 365x24x7
mode as per details hereunder, while ensuring compliance of all statutory norms applicable for
the project during the contract period.

The approximate number of SMS required to be delivered for various purpose per year shall be
about 30 Lakhs. Out of the estimated total number of SMS’s, approximately 85% of SMS are
expected to be under the exempted category and rest 15% are expected to be under the non-
exempted category. The number of SMS and their break up (into exempted and non-exempted
category) is only an estimate and BGL guarantees, neither this business volume, nor the estimated
category wise breakup.

1. Specifications of Services:
1.a Types of SMS
1. Transactional SMS
2. SMS for OTP / Unicode OTP
3. Single / Bulk Message - English / Unicode Text Message
4. Pull SMS
5. SMS shall be only text (Hindi/English/Telugu/both)
1.b Web Portal
Successful bidder shall provide to BGL, a web interface which should have the following
minimum features:

2. Custom Dashboard - for viewing status of project by senior administration. The requirements of
same shall be collated by the successful bidder and provisioned upon approval by BGL.

i. API provisioning for sending SMS.

ii. Facility to create multiple Sender Ids (Bidders should be able to send SMS "Sender
iii. Each approved Sender should be able to schedule the SMS from his own system /
Separate IP, i.e. sender ID operations are to be location and IP independent.
iv. Creation and maintenance of Sub Accounts under Main Account and tagging of Sender
v. Facility for requesting SMS limit and allocation of SMS count to multiple sub accounts.
vi. Scheduling the messages with defined date and time for auto-delivery.
vii. Management of group of SMS receivers.
viii. Daily / monthly SMS sent report with all requisite data like time stamp, delivery status

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 8 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

etc. as per BGL needs.

ix. Report on failure intimation of every undelivered SMS with error description.
x. Facility to provide reports aggregated based on Mobile number, Date, Account, Protocol,
transaction, Grade, and the like. The generated detailed report shall be in both Excel and
PDF formats, besides, in any other standard industry format as specified by BGL. The
reports shall also contain timestamps of SMS received at successful bidder’s Server, SMS
sent to the Telecom operator, actual delivery to the end user and final status of SMS alert
along with status description.

3. Data maintenance, Logs and Reports

Successful bidder shall have to maintain and as per BGL request, produce, the
following: -
i. Logs of all sent SMS with individual receipt status along with time stamp of request
received from BGL for sending individual SMS and actual time stamped of
delivered/undelivered SMS.
ii. Unique identification code (SMS ID for each individual SMS).
iii. Bidder shall have to restrict sending duplicate SMS in any manner. No payment would
be made for such duplicate SMS.
iv. MIS report related to SMS service like, monitoring of total messages sent within a day/
week/ month, time delay (if any) in sending the messages, number of failed messages
(with reasons for failure), invalid mobile numbers, number of messages sent.
v. Bidder shall have to maintain the data with regard to SMSs sent for at least 1 Year. The
data maintained should have the following minimum fields:
a. Mobile Number/MSISDN
b. Complete Message text
c. SMS Language
d. Message Category
e. Bearer (GSM/CDMA)
f. Operator
g. Circle
h. National/International
i. Sender Name/ID
j. Date/time of SMS received at the gateway
k. Date/time of SMS send to the operator
l. Date/time of SMS delivered to the end subscriber finally
m. Status of the SMS
n. Status description

4. System Features
The successful bidder shall deploy the system having following capabilities:

i) Capability to send SMS to all GSM and CDMA handsets and on all telecom

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 9 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

operators available in the state without any exception.

ii) Delivery of real time SMS alerts on 24x7x365 basis as per requirement of BGL.
iii) Bidder should have a capability to handle at least 2 lacs real time SMS alert per day.
iv) The bidder should be able to allocate a minimum throughput 750 SMS per second.
v) The solution offered should be a multilingual messaging solution supporting English
and Hindi & Telugu languages
vi) Ensuring that SMS message whose content is less than 160 characters in English and
70 character in Hindi/Telugu languages, is delivered as a single message on receiver’s
handset, unless there is dependency on the receiver’s mobile handset
vii) Configurable mechanism in terms of number of re-tries and time duration for each retry
for messages that cannot be delivered immediately
viii) Ensuring that duplicate/multiple SMS are not delivered to the recipients
ix) Compliant with Standard IT & IS Security policy in key concern areas relevant to this
RFP. Some of the key areas are as under:
a. Responsibilities for data and application privacy and confidentiality
b. Responsibilities on system and software access control and administration
c. Physical and logical separation from other customers of the Vendor
d. Incident response and reporting procedures
e. Password Policy of BGL
f. Data Encryption/Protection requirements of BGL
g. Ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability, in general

5. Technical Support
The successful bidder shall provide technical support on all working days and over the
telephone / email/ remote control mechanism. Successful bidder shall have to provide a contact
no. and a mail ID through which a technical person can get in touch in case of any problem with
regard to service of sending SMS. Also, nodal person and company representative should
actively coordinate to resolve the issues of BGL, as and when they arise.


The selected Agency shall provide WhatsApp business service and Chabot solution for a
period of 24 months including, but not limited to the following activities:

S# Activity
1. WhatsApp Business API
2. Chatbot Solution
3. Chatbot Builder

2.1 WhatsApp Business API

a) Set up verified WhatsApp Business accounts of BGL.
b) Providing a console to send WhatsApp notification / messages to customers
by BGL.

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 10 of 20Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

c) Providing an API to send WhatsApp notification / messages to customers

by BGL.
d) Providing console to respond to messages received over WhatsApp.
e) Implement opt-in campaign for taking consumers consent for sending
messages to their WhatsApp accounts. Bidder must implement opt-in
campaign through various communication mechanisms like missed calls,
SMS, email, QR code etc.
f) Implement an automated process of sending documents like Bills and other
notifications (due date reminders, payment receipts, notices etc) to
consumer WhatsApp accounts by integrating with various software system
which are currently used by BGL.
g) Implement sending WhatsApp messages in Hindi, Telugu and English
language. Messaging framework must be capable of sending messages in
various media formats like image, pdf, video, gif, emojis, stickers etc.
allowed by what’s app and the file size limit should not be not less than
that of permissible limit by what’s app.
h) Provide web interface to employees of BGL for sending WhatsApp
notifications/messages to consumers.
i) Provide web interface to view/download summary and detailed MIS report
of sent/received WhatsApp messages.
j) Bidder shall provide free of cost WhatsApp message services for at least a
period of 24 hours, if the consumer initiates the request and responses are
sent to the consumer through Whatsapp messages/notifications.
3. Chatbot Solution
k) Design, develop and customize and implement state of art chatbot solution,
after careful requirement analysis, in line with modern software
development practices (SDLC), hereafter referred as chatbot, capable of auto-
answering customer/user queries related to General Information, Tracking
Status of an Application, Receipts, Bill, Payments, Registration, Complaints
l) Chatbot will help customer/user with their queries related to viewing of
Tracking of application Status, Payment Receipts, Billing queries, Current
Bills, Registration of complaints, Knowing application’s status, knowing the
eligibility etc.
m) Chatbot shall offer an interactive dialog interface for engaging customer/user
in a chatbot session. In order to start conversation, chatbot shall send an
interactive list of options related to different operational areas of application
utility like welcome message, how to get started etc. Chatbot response shall
be based on organizational knowledge base or information retrieved from
various BGL Software Solutions, Call Center etc.

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 11 of 20Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

n) The Chatbot will automatically analyze the User Request, extract relevant
activities and respond to the user. The response can be predefined text, a text
retrieved from a knowledge base that contain different answers, a
contextualized piece of information based on data the user has provided,
data stored in enterprise systems, the result of an action that the chatbot
performed by interacting with one or more backend application, a
disambiguating question that helps the chatbot to correctly understand the
user’s request.
o) Chatbot must use machine learning and Natural Language Processing
(NLP) algorithms to train itself with variety of questions asked by
p) A bidder shall help BGL in creating a comprehensive knowledge base of
frequently asked questions on chatbot platform.
q) Chatbot needs to be integrated with services/facilities available on BGL’s
portal, Web Applications, CRM, other applications, etc.
r) Chatbot needs to be flexible to incorporate new services/facilities.
s) The Bidder shall handover all the documents along with entire source code
to BGL after completion of development period.
t) Chatbot application can also be hosted at BGL Data Centre apart from
bidder Data Centre
u) Apart from WhatsApp, bidder shall deploy chatbot solution on various
BGL projects, web portal, mobile app or other web applications as and
when directed to do so, without any additional cost to purchaser.
v) The bidder shall provide proper Knowledge Transfer regarding
development of Chatbot application to BGL IT/CRM Team.
w) Bidder shall provide necessary and sufficient training to BGL’s team
before go-live of chatbot solution, to manage application(s) and related
x) Any license cost required incurred to host or develop chatbot application to
be borne by the bidder itself.
y) The chat bot developed by the bidder should also continue to work even
after the end of contract period with or without the requirement of taking
technical support from bidder.

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 12 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

3. 1 Chatbot Builder Features

S# Feature Detail functionality

1 User Management The chatbot builder to offer access to multiple users at
BGL’s team via offering separate credential for every
2 Conversation This feature should help defining chat flow hence it
should directly map to different conversations a user can
do on chat. This should also help in organizing the
complete chatbot logic
in meaningful component.
3 Properties Properties are like custom fields. Properties help you
store all the data associated with any user. The chatbot
builder should support properties of type: Text, Number,
Decimal, Date/Time,
Phone Number, Email, Boolean, Location, Complex
4 Branching The chatbot builder should be able to personalize the bot
flow with different branches for different users.
Branching helps you take decision based on user input.
User can branch a conversation using any property.
With branching we can make
Conversations as personalized as per our requirement.
5 Modular Blocks A conversation consists of different blocks. Each block
can perform one action like send message, set property,
sync to CRM etc.
6 Send Message/User Send Message Block should help us in composing
Input message of different types - Text, Button, Gallery, List,
Location, Quick Reply / Suggestions etc. We can use
any property while composing a message to make it
more personalized. It should also let us take user input
and validate them. This also contain some advance
features like User Typing Control, Skip Question,
Customized Help/Error Message, Max Tries etc.
7 Delay/Typing This feature should allow you to put delay in between
message and also send typing indicator
8 Context Memory The Chatbot builder should support context memory
where bots stores intelligent context and runs
conversations based on this context. This will help to
provide ideal customer chat Experience.
9 Starting Rules Starting Rule should help us in defining rules for
conversation matching. We can define Exact Match,
Partially Match, Regex & AI based rules.
10 Set Properties This should allows us to set property values and should
support complex mathical operations and data

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 13 of 20Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

11 Rest API This should allow us to make Rest API calls

Email/SMS This should allows us to send email or sms to end user
12 Sync Application The Chatbot builder should offer real time integration
with our different web application
13 Assign to Human This allows us to pass any user / lead to you support
agents. The bot should stop for these users
14 Templates This allows us to reuse messages and conversations
15 Custom Code If there is something we still can't do then we can write a
small piece of code. Custom Code block supports
multiple languages like Java, Python or C#.

The bidder should also ensure the following requirements for chat bot builder solution.
a) The chat bot developed using chat bot builder should also continue to
work even after the contract period is over. Also without any compulsion
to take any kind of technical support from bidder.
b) A proper training should be given to the technical team at BGL using
Online platform, in-person or by providing reference material.
3.2 Solution Specification
The proposed solution must be hosted on public cloud provided by the bidder. The
proposed solution must support the following specification. Bidders are required to
submit compliance towards all the specifications/features in their Technical bid given
i. Dashboard
 View daily/weekly/monthly count of messages sent or received through
 Show count of messages with delivered, read, and failed status.
 Show count of currently active whatsApp conversation with chatbot and
human agent.
 Show system utilization in terms of CPU, RAM and network utilization.
 Export data in .xls, .csv etc. format
 Dashboard should have responsive design and should be able to automatically
resize, hide, shrink, or enlarge, a website, to make it look good on all devices
(desktops, tablets, and phones)

ii. User/Agent Management for Chatbot

 Ability to add/delete/update user/agent accounts.
 Ability for admin to monitor agent conversation with consumers.

iii. Case Management

 Ability to create cases for queries, complaints and service requests
 Ability to assign case with rule based criteria
 Ability to view and edit case details
 Ability to search solution for case in previous cases
 Ability to auto-escalate case
 Ability to integrate workflow with case management for automatic case alert,
notification and escalation

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 14 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

 Ability to use multichannel communication for case management (email,

mobile, self-service, social media) through external APIs
 Ability to assign case level tasks/activities to other users
 Ability to create and track child cases
 Ability to auto-close case
 Ability to reopen case
 Ability to authenticate customer through OTP (sms)
iv. Feedback Management
 Capture consumer feedback at the end of conversation.
 Capturing case feedback through email/SMS etc.
 Conducting scheduled feedback from customers
 Conduct Feedback Analysis through charts and dashboards

v. Knowledge Management
 Ability to create a knowledge database with Articles, Documents &
 Ability to search knowledge database using key words
 Ability to define approval workflow for artefacts creation/modification
 Ability to attach KM artefacts to cases
vi. Reporting
 Ability to view and download outgoing traffic report containing messages
sent with delivery status, read status and day wise traffic trend.
 Ability to view and download incoming traffic report containing all
conversation messages received or sent to the consumer.
 Ability to view and download report to search conversation with mobile
number and fetch the log to analyse content for troubleshooting and
measuring efficiency of chatbot solution.
 All the reports related to SLA Monitoring should be available and can also
be exported in .xls file

vii. Encryption and Security

 Ability to encrypt WhatsApp messages exchanged between BGL and
 Chatbot should comply with all the guidelines issued by Meity/MP
Govt./Govt. of India and other regulatory authority from time to time at no
additional cost.
 Bidder should not disclose any information in WhatsApp messages or data
generated through chatbot solution with any third party.

viii. Integration
 Provide API for sending WhatsApp messages using standard
communication protocols and data formats.
 Ability to integrate and retrieve data from applications running in BGL.
 24x7 Listening to log and capture customer conversation data

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 15 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

ix. Testing
Bidder shall provide test plan, test methodology, test cases, carry out testing
on separate test and development environment and submit test reports along
with analysis and corrective measures for comprehensive and sufficient testing
of functional, system and integration aspects of application(s) in initial and
subsequent stages of development and deployment.

x. Classification and Sentiment Analysis

 Runs ML and AI based analytics on captured conversation data to figure
out and store:
 Identify customer sentiment and severity
 Classify data as per categories: Request, Complaint, Compliment,
Miscellaneous or custom category
 Identify the topic (keyword) of conversation
 Identify conversation attributes that help system know if it is part of an on-
going conversation
 Identify misclassified data
 Identify data moved into manual category
 Support for multiple languages.
xi. Conversation Live Stream
 Display real-time conversations
 Display user profile: id (mobile number, name, account number etc.)
 Display conversation/ post attributes: Request, Complaint etc.
 Display thread of customer conversation
 Provision an agent response (manual text type) on the conversation
 Display misclassified conversation and option to mark right classification
 Display manual category conversation and option to mark new
xii. Instant Response
Support for sending contextual and rule based instant response to the consumer
within time duration as specified in SLA.

xiii. Rule based automatic routing of conversations using latest AI and ML

 Ability to define rules for conversation routing
 Multiple level rule support for different categories of routing
 Execution of rules and auto routing to relevant departments

(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 16 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23



(Sign & Seal of Bidder) Page 17 of 20 Digitally signed by BONNY

Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

REFER E-TENDER NO.: BGL/559/2022-23 IN E-

(https://petroleum.euniwizarde.com/) ) FOR

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Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

Bhagyanagar Gas Limited

Financial Bid / Priced Bid
Bid Document ref: BGL/59/2022-23, dtd. 06.10.2022
Item :Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL.
Name of the Bidder

Sr. Particulars Unit HSN/ Quantity Unit amount Unit amount GS Unit Total Unit Total amount Total amount
No SAC per Unit incl. per Unit incl. T in GST in amount incl. all taxes incl. all taxes &
Code of all taxes & of all taxes & % INR incl. all & duties & duties & GST
duties excl. duties excl. taxes & GST (INR) (in (INR) (in words)
GST, INR (in GST, INR (in duties & figures)
figures) words) GST (INR)
1 2 3 4 6.a 7 7.a=6 8=6+7.a 9=5 X 8 9.a=5 X 8
5 6 x7%
Enterprise SMS (Inc.
DLT Charges) as per
1 Messa 57,60,000
Scope of - - -
Charges for
WhatsApp(Business Per
2 Initiated) Message as Messa 26,88,000
- - -
per Scope of ge

Digitally signed by BONNY

Sign & Seal of Bidder
Page 19 of 20
Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41
Hiring of an agency providing Bulk SMS, WhatsApp business
and Chatbot Solution Services for BGL Volume
Bhagyanagar Gas II of II
Limited Bid Document No. BGL/559/2022-23

Charges for
WhatsApp(User/Cust Per
3 omer Initiated) Messa 12,48,000
- - -
Message as per Scope ge
of Work/Services
Platform Fee for
Outgoing WhatsApp
4 Messa 2,19,45,600
Messages as per Scope - - -
of Work/Services
WhatsApp Solution-
One Time Set Up Cost Lumps
5 1
as per Scope of um - - -
WhatsApp-BOT, Web
hook Development Lumps
6 1
Charges as per Scope um - - -
of Work/Services
WhatsApp Solution-
Monthly Rental as per Per
7 24
Scope of Month - - -
Chat Bot- Monthly
Rental incl. Tech. Per
8 24
Support as per Scope Month - - -
of Work/Services
Grand Total amount incl. all taxes & duties & GST (INR)

Digitally signed by BONNY

Sign & Seal of Bidder
Page 20 of 20
Date: 2022.10.06 14:46:41

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