Risk and Resilience Priorities As Told by Chief Risk Officers
Risk and Resilience Priorities As Told by Chief Risk Officers
Risk and Resilience Priorities As Told by Chief Risk Officers
December 2022
At this moment, economies and societies are employees and in the area of nonfinancial risk. Few,
enduring several crises simultaneously. All have however, expected those effects to retain their force
major humanitarian impact and potentially long- in three years’ time.
lasting second- and third-order effects. The era is
Climate change, on the other hand, is expected to
defined by the interplay of complex disruptions with
grow in importance. Almost all respondents (92
disparate origins and long-term consequences.
percent) assessed climate regulation as one of the
Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic,
five most important forces in the financial industry
record inflation and monetary tightening, supply
in the coming three years. Three in four (75 percent)
disruptions, and increased geopolitical risk—all
stressed the significance of climate-transition
pose urgent questions of organizational resilience
risk—those financial and other risks arising from the
that cannot be addressed in isolation.
transformation of global energy systems away from
In a business environment subject to constant carbon-based fuels.
disruption, superior risk management has become
Cybercrime was consistently assessed as one of
a competitive advantage in all industries. Financial
the top five risks by most executives (58 percent
institutions are no exception. They are seeking
and increasing), now and in the coming three years.
to become more resilient. With scenario-based
Other high-ranking risks included evolution of work
foresight, monitoring of early indicators, and
practices and AI—its use and misuse. Forty-two
crisis-response capabilities, they can become
percent of CROs ranked these risks in their top five
capable of absorbing the shocks, pivoting, and
risks in the coming three years.
accelerating into new realities. In this first of a series
of articles on risk management in banks, we explore Looking at the evolution of financial services, CROs
perspectives of chief risk officers (CROs) from some identified accelerated digitization and entry of
of the world’s leading banks on the evolving context nontraditional competitors, fintechs especially, as
and priorities. the top trends they are following. All respondents
agreed that digital transformation is the most
consequential initiative today; this will be true also
What CROs are thinking
in the coming three years, as these transformations
To discover the latest thinking of banks on risk and bear significant operational and execution risks.
resilience, McKinsey conducted survey-based
The entry of nontraditional competitors will
research in late 2021, engaging with more than 30
significantly affect the financial sector, according
CROs. We asked about the current and evolving
to 75 percent of respondents; 67 percent see
banking environment, risk management practices,
integration of fintech-vendor services into banks as
and forthcoming priorities. We quickly discovered
a major trend in the coming years.
that the great majority of CROs were already
taking a long-term view when planning actions and Interestingly, at the end of 2021, only one CRO
identifying future themes. This perspective was only identified the geopolitical environment as a risk of
strengthened by the 2022 disruptions such as high serious consequence for banks—a result not unlike
inflation and geopolitical turmoil. Here is what the the view most executives held in 2019 toward the
CROs said. danger of a global pandemic occurring in 2019. It is
likely, therefore, that the industry is exposed now to
The banking environment
unanticipated risks that could strike in the future.
Regarding the economy and business environment,
Building a resilient model means increasing banks’
respondents pointed out that banks were especially
ability to respond effectively to unforeseen events.
exposed to accelerating market dynamics, climate
change, and cybercrime. More on the major risks banks face
We noted that the top three risks which most
Most responding CROs (67 percent) cited pandemic
concerned the CROs in our survey were direct
effects as having had significant impact on
A standard for risk data aggregation and risk reporting developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 2013.
Marc Chiapolino is a partner in McKinsey’s Paris office, Filippo Mazzetto is an associate partner in the Milan office, Thomas
Poppensieker is a senior partner in the Munich office, Cécile Prinsen is an expert in the London office, and Dan Williams is a
partner in the Washington, DC, office.