Go Wyoming (April 2023)

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The Official Newsletter of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Office

14th Edition / April 2023

This Is
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The We ncing
York An New
Photo by JoAnne Pionessa

www.wycochamber.org / www.gowyomingcountyny.com


2 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Startups to expansions bring Becoming a Chamber of Commerce member

The Wyoming County
Chamber of Commerce
Wyoming County’s business

a hopeful outlook to 2023 and Tourism is the leading

membership organization for
local and regional growth,
advocacy, and connection for
To become a member, call
(585)786-0307 or visit the
Chamber’s website at www.
By Scott A. Gardner tracked over the previous holi-
It looks like spring is in the day season.
air and we can start looking to-
ward warmer weather and the
It’s always a great time to
be a Chamber member, as
beginning of summer plans
and activities just around the
we continue to offer business
member-focused programs
including a recent series we
We have been busy at the hosted that trained business- FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES
Chamber & Tourism office es on digital competency,
over the winter months and e-commerce, web design,
are looking forward to kicking
President’s/CEO Message digital marketing, and more.
off the season. We are always open to hosting
There have been many new surge of activity from startups new learning opportunities
businesses that have opened to expansions as the weather that will inform the business
in Wyoming County over the warms up and projects begin. community on topics to in-
last several months, each Our annual Shop Wyoming crease profitability and posi-
highlighted within this publi- & Win campaign over the tion them for success.
cation. We’ve also seen a few holiday season successfully The Chamber also part-
business transitions this past recorded hundreds of thou- nered on job fairs with Com-
year and we wish all the new sands in total sales and we munity Action for Wyoming Call Any Time
owners and those who’ve re- thank all the businesses that County to bring employers
tired the very best as they look
to new opportunities.
participated. It can never be
said enough – we have great
and prospective hires to-
gether. There are many great
(585) 567-2638
It is always gratifying to see local businesses in our com- positions open throughout the 7960 Trall Road
new businesses open and I re- munity and shoppers proved TIM BARLOW Freedom, NY 14065
main hopeful that we will see a that with all the activity we See MESSAGE T3
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 3

Message The Chamber & Tourism office is in the Staff Directory

From T2
planning stages for the solar eclipse that Scott Gardner
will take place on April 8, 2024. Our region President/CEO
[email protected]
area – many can be found on
our website and through other will be in the optimal path of totality and
readily available sources. Eric Szucs
We also participated or we want to make sure our community is Director of Chamber Office
partnered in several projects Tourism & Marketing 36 Center Street, Suite A
including the dedication of ready for this rare event. We anticipate [email protected] Warsaw, NY 14569
three new markers recogniz-
ing Wyoming County’s place thousands of visitors to our region to Lindsey Beaumont How to contact
in the Women’s Suffrage
movement, and the launch of
enjoy the celestial show. Member Services
(585) 786-0307
[email protected]
a new Underground Railroad [email protected] www.wycochamber.org
brochure, which shares the ished an economic develop- one has a safe and fun spring www.gowyomingcountyny.com
rich heritage and history of ment and tourism destination and summer season filled with
the abolitionist movement assessment that will help to set time together and all of the Why should you become a Chamber of Commerce member?
throughout Wyoming County. priorities and position Wyo- wonderful activities available Find the top 10 reasons on the Chamber’s website at
The Chamber & Tourism ming County for future growth during our warmest months. https://www.wycochamber.org/membership/why-join-the-chamber
office is also in the planning in our business and hospitality We hope you enjoy time
stages for the solar eclipse sectors. This process is a joint with family and celebrate all
that will take place on April 8, project between the Chamber that is good about Wyoming
2024. Our region will be in the & Tourism office and the Wy- County and our great part of
optimal path of totality and we oming County Business Assis- the state.
want to make sure our com- tance Corporation.
munity is ready for this rare We continue to work closely Scott A. Gardner is presi-
event. This once-in-a-lifetime with our economic develop- dent and CEO of the Wyoming
event will not happen again ment partners to develop pro- County Chamber of Commerce
for 126 years, and we antici- gramming and opportunities and Tourism Promotion Agen-
pate thousands of visitors to that serve our communities. cy, a position he has held since
our region to enjoy the celes- On behalf of the Chamber’s 2013. He is a Warsaw native www.perrymarketplace.com
tial show. membership, Board of Direc- and lifelong resident of Wyo-
We have also recently fin- tors, and staff we hope every- ming County.

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4 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Develop your business vision with Fast Track

Do you have an innovative preneur’s business concept.
business idea? Have you always The remaining classes help
dreamed about starting your build the framework for a solid
own business? If you answered business plan.
“Yes,” then the Wyoming Coun- The classes, which are inten-
ty Business Fast Track Program tionally kept small in size, are
is here to help make your busi- facilitated by two local experi-
ness dream come true! enced entrepreneurs. The pro-
The Wyoming County Busi- gram is fast-paced and ener-
ness Fast Track Program, built gizing, utilizing presentations,
on the Kauffman Foundation’s subject matter guest speakers,
FastTrac platform, offers an and in-class activities.
exciting hands-on business de- Additional assistance is
velopment, real-world educa- available for class graduates to
tional experience that will help help with financing options,
you start or grow your business identify business locations,
and gain access to a network new business resources, and
of resources. Participants de- other guidance.
velop and refine their business The fall class begins Aug. 29,
ideas throughout the program – 2023 and runs for 10 weeks on
moving from concept to reality Tuesday evenings from 5:30
in an interactive group setting. to 8:30 p.m. at the Wyoming
“The Wyoming County Busi- County Agriculture and Busi-
ness Fast Track Program guides ness Center, 36 Center St., War-
entrepreneurs through each saw. Seats are limited.
step of the business planning The Wyoming County
process,” said program manag- Business Fast Track program
er Jennifer Tyczka, “The facili- is graciously sponsored by
tators and local subject matter Tompkins Community Bank,
experts are supportive and Complete Payroll, Community Guest speakers enhance the learning experience for participants of the Wyoming County Business
encouraging and create a pos- Bank N.A., Robert D. Strassel Fast Track Program.
itive and fun learning environ- Esq., Five Star Bank, Wyoming
ment.” County Board of Supervisors,
Classes are offered twice a and the workforce develop-
year in the spring and fall. The ment resources available to
first few classes are devoted to participants through Commu-
determining the viability and nity Action for Wyoming Coun-
market potential of the entre- ty.

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WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 5

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6 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Growing business
by supporting
FAST TRACK: Participants use classes to
develop business concepts and vision
The possibility of starting

‘ There’s a real
your own business became a
reality on Nov.1, 2022, for the
graduates of Wyoming Coun- benefit to going
ty’s Business Fast Track Pro- through an in-depth
gram, built on the Kauffman
Foundation’s FastTrac plat- business planning
form. process and The fall 2022 graduates of Wyoming County’s Business Fast Track Program are, front row, from
The class of graduates left, Mary Gibson, Emily Richards, Tess Phillips, Laura Anders, and Beth Caton, senior manager
brings a variety of innovative targeted employment and training, Community Action for Wyoming County. Back row, from left, Jeff Fitch,
business concepts to Wyo-
ming County including a ther-
entrepreneurship Fast Track Program co-facilitator; Jennifer Tyczka, Fast Track program manager; Cheryl Gibson;
Sheila Eigenbrod; Jessica Pomeroy; Tyler Day; Rick Ryan; Daniel Watkins; Carrie Johnson, executive
apeutic and adaptive eques- training before director, Community Action for Wyoming County; and Mike Fitch, Fast Track program co-facilitator
trian center, natural farming/
regenerative agriculture, bed
obtaining business
and breakfast, berry farm,
farm stand/milk processing,
grain storage facility, farm
winery with coffee house/café

Jim Pierce
’ Chamber membership provides business a voice in government
The chamber takes on the
tough issues and opposes
rected at small businesses
and supports legislation that
as well as, state and na-
tional government helps the
and wine bar, bakery/cafe, President, Wyoming County new regulations, taxes, fees, is pro-business. chamber advocate for busi-
and a transportation hub for Business Center assessments and costs di- Direct links to both local, nesses.
Wyoming County.
In collaboration with the
Wyoming County Business
Education Council, the Wyo- Pierce, president of the Wyo-
ming County Business Center ming County Business Center.
also provided Tyler Day, a Pio- “There’s a real benefit to going
neer Central High School stu- through an in-depth business
dent and future business lead- planning process and target-
er, the opportunity to attend ed entrepreneurship training
the Wyoming County Business before obtaining business fi-
Fast Track Program with a full nancing. This is evident when
scholarship. we look at many of the suc-
“These graduates spent the cessful Fast Track graduate
past 10 weeks working hard to businesses who continue to
develop their concepts and vi- operate years after obtaining
sions through each step of the a business startup loan from
business planning process. the Wyoming County Business
They have built powerful life- Center,” noted Pierce.  
time networks with one an- The new graduates com-
other,” said Jennifer Tyczka, pleted 10 fast-paced and
program manager. “With challenging entrepreneur-
our small business resources ship classes delivered over a
available they can continue to 10-week period that covered
grow with low-interest financ- a variety of topics, including
ing, grant funding, addition- analyzing the feasibility of the
al technical assistance, and business concept, assessing
access to Wyoming County’s the marketplace, projecting fi-
business support network.” nancials, sales and marketing,
“I’m very impressed to operations and management,
see the level of qualifications and business legal matters.
of our microloan-financing Class participants devel-
applicants who are former
FastTrac graduates,” said Jim See CLASSES T7
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 7

Micro-Loan Program offers financing

help for your small business
If you need help financing for start- financing, should still reach out to the
ing or growing your business in Wyo- WCBC because there is a wide variety
ming County, the Wyoming County of assistance available to encourage
Business Centers Micro-Loan Pro- and support entrepreneurs.”
gram could be just what you need. Funds may be used for working
The Wyoming County Business capital, furniture, fixtures, equipment,
Center offers a low-interest, fixed- inventory, materials, and supplies.
rate, micro-loan program for qualified Refinancing of existing debt is not
startups and existing businesses with eligible. This program is designed to
five or fewer employees. Micro-loans serve as gap financing or if a borrow-
range from a minimum of $10,000 to er has been declined by a bank. The
a maximum of $50,000. The current focus of the program is to support un-
interest rate is below market rates derserved markets, including low-in-
and the terms are five to seven years. come borrowers or those with little to
“This program is designed to as- no credit history.
sist small businesses that may be For more information about the
considered high risk or for individu- Micro-Loan Program and to see if you
als that may not have the best credit qualify, contact Jim Pierce, president
score,” said Jim Pierce, president of of the Wyoming County Business Cen-
the Wyoming County Business Center, ter at (585) 786-3764 or via email to
“Businesses that may not be ready for [email protected]

The Wyoming County Business Center presented an Entrepreneur Scholarship to allow a student
the opportunity to attend the Wyoming County Business Fast Track Program with a full scholarship.
Here, Jim Pierce, president of the Wyoming County Business Center, presents Tyler Day with the
Wyoming County
Wyoming County Business Center Entrepreneur Scholarship.
Office for the Aging
From T6

oped their business plans in

an interactive group envi-
ronment where they built a
unique network with one an-
The Wyoming County Busi-
Come visit our booth in the Youth (yellow)
ness Fast Track Program fea- Building at the Wyoming County Fair
tures engaging online content
plus the comprehensive En-
trepreneur’s Manual to arm
participants with the resourc-
es and confidence needed to
complete and implement their
business plans.
Guest Speakers are featured
throughout the program to
share their specific areas of ex-
pertise. tors and the Wyoming County Community Action for Wyo-
The classes, which are in- Board of Supervisors support ming County.
tentionally kept small in size to the Wyoming County Business
personally engage each partic- Fast Track Program, recogniz- For more information
ipant, are facilitated by two lo- ing that entrepreneurship and
To learn more about the Wy-
cal experienced entrepreneurs new business startups are a
Jeff Fitch and Mike Fitch. primary source of job growth oming County Business Fast
The next cycle of training for Wyoming County. Track Program or to register If you miss us at the fair, we are located at
will begin on Aug. 29, 2023, at The program is graciously for the fall class visit wycoida. 8 Perry Avenue, Warsaw, and our phone
the Ag & Business Center in sponsored by Tompkins Com- org or contact Jennifer Tyczka number is 786-8833 or 1-800-836-0067.
Warsaw. Sessions are sched- munity Bank, Complete Pay- at the Wyoming County Busi-
uled from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. roll, Robert D. Strassel Esq., Call or stop by for information on long term
ness Center at (585) 786-3764
Tuesdays during the course of Five Star Bank, Community
10 weeks. Bank N.A., and the workforce or email [email protected]. care services and support for individuals of all
The Wyoming County Busi- development resources avail- Registration is now open ages in Wyoming County.
ness Center Board of Direc- able to participants through and seats are limited.
8 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Western New York Antique Trail County readies for 2024 solar eclipse
Save the date for the total until at 3:19 p.m., we’ll be in

includes Wyoming County solar eclipse happening on

April 8, 2024
Wyoming County and the
total darkness for four min-
Where else would you want
surrounding region is in prime to be?
WARSAW – Wyoming County

position to experience a total During the next year, the
Tourism is pleased to announce These shops offer rusty trinkets, primitives, solar eclipse, taking place in Wyoming County Chamber
the Western New York Antique April 2024. The world’s spot- of Commerce and Tourism
Trail, a route that will introduce and handcrafted items so there will always light will be on us, and as one will be working with towns,
antiquers to rural shops and
communities from East Aurora
to Mount Morris and everything
in between.
be something new to discover.
’ of the darkest areas in Western
New York, Wyoming County
will be a perfect location to ex-
perience this incredible celes-
villages, organizations and at-
tractions to develop and coor-
dinate “watch parties,” a logo,
glasses and more.
More than a dozen shops perience these diverse estab- cideries, and distilleries. tial event. Keep up to date on the solar
spanning 65 miles are currently lishments, while also exploring For information on the West- During the eclipse, the skies eclipse by follow @Wyoming-
included on the trail, each offer- the natural beauty of our Main ern New York Antique Trail, visit will grow darker and darker, CountyTourism on Facebook.
ing unique treasures and one- Streets, and the many unique www.WNYAntiqueTrail.com.
of-a-kind gifts. gems we have to offer,” said Er- The Chamber & Tourism’s
The trail includes informa- ic Szucs, director of Tourism & mission is to serve the members
tion on the location, hours of Marketing for Wyoming Coun- and community, promote and
operation, information on each ty. “These shops offer rusty trin- grow area economic and tour-
antique store and maps/driving kets, primitives, and handcraft- ism assets, and work collabora-
routes to assist patrons in plan- ed items, so there will always be tively to create an environment
ning out their trip. something new and fascinating that leads to the success and
If visitors are coming from to discover.” economic prosperity of Wyo-
Buffalo, or Rochester, this trail is Visitors are encouraged to ming County.
accessible by major routes – in-
cluding Route 400 from Buffalo,
plan a full day of adventure
along the trail, while including
The key programs and ser-
vices of the organization are ed-
P.O. Box 58, Stafford, NY 14143

Route 390 from Rochester and stops at unique mom-and-pop ucational seminars, leadership
Route 20A through Wyoming restaurants, natural wonders development, business assis-
County. such as Letchworth State Park tance and guidance, cost-saving

“The WNY Antique Trail is a and Knox Farm State Park, and opportunities, advocacy, recog-
wonderful way to bring people a thriving craft beverage scene nition, networking, exposure,
into our region, let them ex- including breweries, wineries, and promotional opportunities.


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WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 9

Wyoming County introduces Underground Railroad brochure

This February, the Wyoming stantial part of our history and was established in 1974 and is actively supports a variety of
County Chamber & Tourism
office in conjunction with the
Wyoming County Historian’s
office launched the new Wy-
‘ It is important that
we share our
incredible story, as it
a defining moment in the his-
tory of our community.”
“The first map of this kind
was first created in 2004 when
a division of the Community
Foundation for Greater Buffa-
lo. The Wyoming Foundation
cultural, educational and hu-
man services organizations in
Wyoming County.
oming County Underground it was proposed to the tourism
Railroad history brochure and is a substantial part office by Georgian Almeter of
map. of our history and a the Warsaw Historical Society.
Wyoming County was an A committee of all the histori-
integral contributor to the Un- defining moment ans and museums from across
derground Railroad and Abo- in the history of our the county came together to

litionist Movement, and this get it done,” said Amrhein.
brochure provides a detailed community. “Now, almost 20 years later, it
breakdown of the county’s was time for a refreshed look at
role, as well as historic events this project and an update as
and important individuals in- Funding for a portion of the our involvement in this part of
volved. project was made available history is one of the things visi-
In addition, the brochure through a grant from Wyo- tors are most interested in.” 733 Route 20A, Strykersville, NY 14145
includes historic pictures from ming Foundation. About 10,000 Underground
the area, as well as a map of
Wyoming County identifying
“This project is a culmina-
tion of multi-years of work by
Railroad brochures have been
produced, and will be made WNY's First Custom Beer-Makers Center
the locations of the Wyoming our office and the Wyoming available at the Wyoming Come Try One of Our Beers!
County historical societies, County Historian,” said Er- County Chamber & Tourism
museums, and centers where ic Szucs, director of tourism office in Warsaw, and at his- Make an Appointment for a
history buffs can find addition- and marketing for Wyoming torical societies throughout
al information about the area. County. “Wyoming County the county. If you would like HOME BREWING EXPERIENCE
This project was a collabo- has significant ties to the Un- a copy, contact the Chamber DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT OUR TAP ROOM!
rative initiative between the derground Railroad and the & Tourism office at (585) 786- 585-805-4006 • [email protected]
Chamber & Tourism office and Abolitionists Movement. It is 0307 or by email at info@gowy-
the Wyoming County Histori-
an Cindy Amrhein.
important that we share our
incredible story, as it is a sub-
The Wyoming Foundation
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10 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

County embraces Maple Weekends Membership creates networking chances

Create networking opportu- nities as well as professional
It truly is springtime in Wy- nities with a Chamber member- leadership development. We al-
oming County when you first ship. Chambers have commit- so host events where business-
catch the sweet smell of maple tees and serving on one of them es can meet and make greater
provides networking opportu- connections.
During the last two week-
ends of March, Wyoming
County embraced Maple
Weekends, celebrating the
scrumptiousness of all things
This year, Wyoming Coun-
ty had 16 participating maple
producers in the area, featur-
ing a myriad of family-friendly
fun and tasty maple products Maple Weekends featured a myriad of family-friendly fun.
for purchase, including maple
syrup, sugar, candies, barbe- Facts about maple lon of fresh sweet maple syrup.
cue sauce, mustard and more. n Maple Weekends started
What makes Maple Week- Here are some maple pro- in 1995, which means they just
ends in Wyoming County so duction fun-facts: celebrated their 28th year.
special is how diverse and n New York State produces
If you didn’t experience Ma-
unique each of the county’s the second most maple syrup
ple Weekends in March – don’t
maple producers are. They in the United States – and Wy-
vary in size from large produc- oming County produces the worry – you can order maple
ers who sell goods at Taste of second most maple syrup in products all year long. Many
New York locations along the New York State. sell online, have physical re-
New York State Thruway, to n On average, a maple tree tail locations, or can make ar-
small sugar houses that pro- will produce 10 to 20 gallons of rangements for pickup and/or
duce 25 gallons of syrup a year sap per tap. delivery. All you have to do is
and sell locally from roadside n It takes about 40 gallons visit www.BuyWyomingCoun-
stands. of sap to produce just one gal- tyGrown.com.
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 11

New Chamber members

New members of the Wyoming
County Chamber of Commerce
and Tourism include:
n Pugs and Mugs Café,
The Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism has
n Flint’s Maple, Warsaw.
hosted ribbon cuttings in recent months for:
n Tree Hugger Hard Cider,
Attica. APRIL 1, 2023: Rusty Bones/Primitive Farmhouse, 34 Liberty
n Michelle Ann with Metro St., Arcade, left, offers more than antiques. Its owners describe
Roberts Realty, Attica. the business as a “fun home decor and more store.” The store
n RIX Carpet Cleaning, LLC, offers a selection of new, vintage, antique, beautiful and just
Warsaw. plain fun items of farmhouse primitive décor.
n 40 Acre Productions,
n Grace Apiaries, LLC,
n Wyoming County Maple
Producers Association.
n Short Drive Driving Range,
Silver Springs.
n Apple Cove Farm, Pike.
n Junk and Disorderly Arts &
Antiques, Arcade.
n Miller’s Construction, Bliss.
n Studio Café, Warsaw.
n Brooksholm Wedding Barn
& Events Center, Wyoming.
n Simmons Knoll Counseling,
n Flowers on the Hill,
n Fuller Flower & Co, Sheldon.
n Amber’s Agricultural
Services, Strykersville.
n R&R Salon, Warsaw.
n Letchworth Valley
Campground & Resort, LLC, Pike.
12 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber
Being a chamber member brings in customers
Being a chamber member helps calls from individuals and business- chamber members. The chamber
business acquire customer referrals. es looking for vendors, and cham- website also allows for direct refer-
Every day, the chamber receives ber members typically recommend rals.
The Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism has
hosted ribbon cuttings in recent months for:

OCT. 12, 2022: Brooksholm Wedding Barn & Events Center,

565 Pavilion-Warsaw Rd. (Route 19) in Wyoming, is a new
wedding and event venue surrounded by more than 400 acres
of farmland. There are various outdoor locations to host a
wedding ceremony, and a separate ceremony barn is available.
Two houses provide accommodations for wedding parties.

SEPT. 29, 2022: The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism

office and the Arcade Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a
joint ribbon cutting for the new Town of Arcade office building,
7340 State Route 98, Arcade. The building provides office
space for the clerk, supervisor, assessor, and bookkeeper.

DEC. 9, 2022: Studio Cafe, 2407 North Main St., Warsaw, is

owned and operated by Stephanie Russell. The business is
a café and art studio, selling espresso-based coffee drinks,
baked treats, artwork and handmade gifts from local artists.
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 13

Chamber membership brings credibility

You can increase positive percep- member of the chamber of commerce,
tion among consumers and business they are 44% more likely to think favor-
owners when you’re a member of a ably of it, a 51% increase in consumer
The Wyoming County Chamber chamber of commerce. According to a awareness, a 57% increase in its local
of Commerce and Tourism study by The Shapiro Group, Inc. and reputation and a 63% increase in the
has hosted ribbon cuttings in Market Street Services, when con- likelihood that consumers will patron-
sumers know a small business is a ize the business in the future.
recent months for:
SEPT. 26, 2022: Letchworth
Central School Agriculture
Program’s Agriculture Barn,
top right, Jordan Road,
Gainesville, celebrated a
new barn after outgrowing
its previous facility. The new
barn is about 48 feet by 60
feet with 8 pens that allow for
group housing. There is
an indoor wash rack that will
provide students with the
ability to wash and groom
project animals year-round.

MARCH 25, 2023: The

Lumberyard Restaurant &
Party House, bottom right, 18
South Federal St., in Perry,
celebrated its reopening
under the new ownership
of Jacquie Billings and Chef
Travis Barlow. The Lumberyard
specializes in prime rib, steak,
and seafood and its popular
salad bar.
14 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Chamber membership increases your visibility

As a chamber member, you will lated business, you will also be
be listed in the chamber’s annual listed in the Wyoming County Travel
Business Directory, which is distrib- Guide. You will also be listed on the
The Wyoming County Chamber uted to more than 20,000 homes chamber’s website which receives
of Commerce and Tourism and businesses throughout Wyo- thousands of inquiries and referrals
has hosted ribbon cuttings in ming County. If you are a tourism-re- every year.
recent months for:
OCT. 15, 2022: Moe Depot,
top right, 91 North Main St.,
Warsaw, moved to a new
home in Warsaw in the former Neil Mohler
Rexall Drugstore. Moe Depot
specializes in pallet sales,
providing household and
home goods games, toys and
more at discounted prices. & Metal Roofing
Disorderly Arts & Antiques, Kitchens, Baths, Built-ins Houses & Pole Barns
bottom right, 265 Main
St., Arcade, celebrated its
grand re-opening and sixth Still Receiving deliveries 2x week
anniversary. After purchasing
the building, business owner
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WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 15

2023 Wyoming County Visitor Guide is here

The 2023 Wyoming County gion a tourism destination for sharing a unique cover pho-
Visitor Guide offers adventur- visitors worldwide. to, and to everyone for sharing
ers an engaging visual experi- “The guide highlights our great photos and experiences
ence, providing valuable travel diverse tourism businesses with our organization.”
and hospitality information to and attractions,” Szucs said. The Chamber & Tourism of-
tourists and residents through- “We’ve specifically highlighted fice printed more than 80,000
out the world. Letchworth State Park, which copies for distribution this
The guide is also linked to attracts a million visitors a year. year, which will be handed out
the Wyoming County Tourism The Visitor Guide also includes at trade and travel shows, and
website GoWyCo.com fea- an entire section about the Au- stocked at information centers
turing an interactive and fully tism Nature Trail, which is the and rest stops across New York,
mobile platform, an expanded first of its kind in the USA. The the northeastern United States
Letchworth State Park informa- guide provides information on and southeastern Canada.
tion section, travel itineraries food, shopping, craft beverag- Guides will also be available in
and trails, an events calendar, es, camping, golf and so much Letchworth State Park, area at-
maps, and partner listings. more. tractions, government offices,
The 2023 guide features a “This print piece is an excel- restaurants and retail locations
cover photo by photographer lent way to describe Wyoming throughout Wyoming County.
Keith Walters, depicting hot air County’s unique story, while Visitor guides may be picked
balloons floating over the Mid- educating and informing vis- up at the Chamber office at the
dle and Upper Falls in Letch- itors,” he continued. “Think Wyoming County Ag and Busi-
worth State Park. The cover of it as an official invitation to ness Center, 36 Center Street
shot is aimed at attracting vis- explore our beautiful natural in Warsaw. Area residents are
itors to the “Grand Canyon of landscape while experiencing encouraged to call, email or
the East” and the many attrac- an unforgettable adventure.” stop by the Chamber office to
tions and experiences Wyo- “On behalf of the organi- grab a copy. Guides can also be
ming County has to offer. zation, I would like to extend mailed free to interested parties
“We are very excited about a special thanks to Eric Szucs nationally to learn more about
the 2023 visitor guide,” said Di- for his hard work to deliver a Wyoming County. 
rector of Tourism & Marketing great-looking product for the Area businesses that would
Eric Szucs. “This comprehen- 2023 tourism season,” said like to have a supply of visitor
sive tourism marketing piece Chamber CEO Scott Gardner. guides at their location are al-
is engaging, informative, and “I would also like to thank all so encouraged to contact the
depicts everything that makes the businesses and advertisers Chamber at (585) 786-0307 or
Wyoming County and our re- in the guide, Keith Walters for email [email protected].

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16 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Business programs offer technical assistance

Looking to grow sales, im- are provided by the Marjorie
prove your profitability, and and Charles Van Arsdale Fam-
advance your business to the ily Fund at the Community
next level? Foundation for Greater Buffa-
The Wyoming County Busi- lo and Key Bank.
ness Accelerator Academy is WYOMING COUNTY
the right choice to help you ty. BUSINESS MENTORSHIP
discover opportunities and n Identify their businesses’ Are you ready for what’s
capture profitable momen- distinct competitive advan- next?  What does the future
tum. tage and tap into new mar- hold for your business?
“This 4-week interactive kets. The Wyoming County Busi-
program was created for ex- n Learn from a digital mar- ness Mentorship Program is
isting business owners who keting expert and increase designed to connect expe-
are looking to overcome bar- online marketing. rienced Business Mentors
riers to growth and develop n Learn how strategic with Wyoming County Small
new strategies to move their thinking can dramatically im- Business owners with up to 8
business to the next level,” prove business performance. hours of no-cost, one-on-one
said Jennifer Tyczka, program Classes are offered twice a consultation. 
manager, “Sometimes as a year in the spring and fall. The “The Wyoming County
business owner, you can be- fall class begins Sept. 6, 2023, Business Center is commit-
come hyper-focused on the and runs for four weeks on ted to continuing to provide
day-to-day operations and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:30 programs that are geared to
miss opportunities that could p.m. at the Wyoming Coun- support the development
help your business reposition ty Agriculture and Business and growth of businesses in Jill Gould opened Butter Meat Co. on Feb. 1, 2020.
itself as a market leader or ex- Center, 36 Center St., in War- Wyoming County,” said Jim
pand in a new direction.” saw. Seats are limited. Pierce, president of the Wyo- County Economic Develop- schedules visit wycoida.org or
Business owners and stra- The Wyoming County Busi- ming County Business Center ment website wycoida.org for contact Jennifer Tyczka at the
tegic decision-makers that ness Accelerator Academy is Inc. “I encourage every busi-
have a passion for growth ness owner – whether you are resources available.” Wyoming County Business
sponsored and supported by
who attend the program can the Wyoming County Busi- established or just starting To learn more about the Center at (585) 786-3764 or
expect to: ness Center Inc. Board of out – to visit the Wyoming programs and current class email [email protected].
n Develop new business Directors and the Wyoming
strategies and tactics to pro- County Board of Supervisors.
mote growth and profitabili- Program funding resources

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WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 17

Concerts, exhibits highlight ACWC schedule

PERRY – The Arts Council exhibition. loved Clarinet Quintet K. 581, your summer senses as you view the experience is invaluable.
for Wyoming County, 31 South Mark your calendar for the and music of the Finnish-Swed- vegetables and landscapes that Regular gallery hours are 9
Main St., invites the public to Annual Chamber Concert, fea- ish clarinetist and composer, were created on canvas come a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesdays, 11
attend the council’s upcoming turing chamber music of the Bernhard Crusell. alive with the mastery of Cary’s a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursdays and
events this spring and summer. classical era for clarinet and The concert is scheduled for skillfully crafted pastels work, Fridays, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Events include a free concert, strings. 2:30 p.m. April 30 at the Cas- according to ACWC officials. Saturdays.
a photo exhibition and a pastel Included will be Mozart’s be- tile United Church of Christ, 4 Moscato’s exhibition ends For more information, visit
Washington St., Castile. Sept. 29. www.artswyco.org, email info@
The program will be per- Visits to the ACWC’s gallery artswyco.org, or call (585) 237-
formed by the Rochester-based exhibitions are always free, but 3517.
period-instrument ensemble
Publick Musick, with Dominic
Giardino playing clarinet, Boel
Gidholm and Cynthia Roberts
Our apples are
on violin, and cellist, Christo- pressed,
pher Haritatos.
The concert is free with an blended, and
optional donation at the door.
Please call (585) 237-3517 to
fermented on site.
RSVP. Served in our tasting
Two exhibitions presented at
room for a complete
the ACWC’s gallery should not
be missed. tree to
Photography by the Canyon glass experience.
Camera Club opens with a re-
ception at 6:30 p.m. June 9. The 29 East Park Rd,
exhibit runs through July 28. Castile NY
Later, Cary Moscato’s stun- (585) 493-5928
ning pastel exhibition opens Hours:
with a reception at 6:30 p.m. FRI., SAT. & SUN. FROM 12-6PM
Publick Musick will perform April 30 in Castile. Aug. 4. Her work will evoke all

We love calling Wyoming County home.

Our employees live and work right here, serving friends and neighbors.
And they volunteer thousands of hours of their time each year out in the community.

We hope that makes you proud to work with us. But most of all, we hope it makes our community a little better.
18 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Chamber hosts
annual awards
WARSAW – On Thursday
evening, Nov. 10, 2022, the
Wyoming County Chamber
& Tourism Agency hosted the
2022 annual awards reception
‘ The award winners
represent longevity
and commitment to
at the Chalet at East Hill Cream-
ery. our communities and
The event is designed to hon- are some of they very
or the awardees of several out-
standing business recognition best that Wyoming
Community members were
invited in the fall to nominate
their favorite businesses for
County has to offer.
Scott A. Gardner
Wyoming County

the several categories and the Chamber of Commerce
Chamber’s Board of Directors
made the final selections for the
awards. n Most Promising New
The event welcomed busi- Business of the Year – Buried
nesses and guests from across Barrel Hard Cider in Castile
the county to share in network- “We again thank everyone Recipients of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Agency’s annual awards
ing and recognition of six busi- who sent in nominations from include, from left, James Carter, Patrick Carter, Denise Coffey, Nick Pankow, Holly Momberger,
nesses that were selected based across the community, and Holly Mitchell, Sam Gullo, Nichole Brant, Katie Patnode, Todd Plouff, and Tammy Ives.
on criteria that included their congratulate all the winners
contributions to the economic for their many contributions to office. “The award winners that

Robinson & Hackemer

vitality and quality of life of Wy- the quality of life and econom- we honored represent longevity
oming County; capital invest- ic vitality of Wyoming County,” and commitment to our com-
ments; business expansions; said Scott A. Gardner, Presi- munities and are some of the

Funeral Home
job growth and retention; com- dent and CEO of the Wyoming very best that Wyoming County
munity involvement; and their
County Chamber & Tourism has to offer.”
contributions that strengthen
their particular business sector
in Wyoming County.
Honorees received an award
plaque from the Wyoming
County Chamber of Commerce
and certificates of recognition
from U.S. Representative Chris
Jacobs, Senator Patrick Galli-
van, Senator George Borrello,
and Assemblyman David DiPi-
2416 Main Street • Warsaw Providing Comfort During A Difficult Time
etro. Toll Free: 800-724-1302
Commitment to service and professionalism
The awardees for 2022 in- Phone: (585) 786-3170 Fax: (585) 786-3223 are the guiding forces behind our funeral
n Small Business of the Year – Sue Gardner & Jon Crater - Owners homes. There is nothing more important to
Family Furniture in Perry us than the trust a family places in our ability
to help guide them through a most difficult
n Large Business of the Year
– Advanced Rubber Products in
Manufacturer of Material Handling time. Our goal is to work with each family to
Middlebury Equipment & Workstations provide the service that fits their needs with
n Agri-Business of the Year – dignity and honor at a reasonable cost.
Reisdorf Brothers in North Java Also Provide Custom Machining &
n Tourism Business of the Sheet Metal Fabrication 246 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
Year – The Glen Iris Inn in Cas- (585) 786-2424 | fax: (585) 786-3024
tile www.unidex-inc.com www.robinsonandhackemer.com
n Tourism Attraction of the
Year – Microtel Inn & Suites in email: [email protected] Peter Robinson Joseph P. Robinson
John J. Hackemer
Kelly Keough
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 19

Chamber lists ‘Shop Wyoming’ winners

SHOP LOCAL: Annual effort encourages The Wyoming County promotion,” said Wyoming County Chamber of Com-
Chamber & Tourism conducts County Chamber President merce’s shop local programs.
holiday spending at local businesses the annual drawing at the Wy- Scott A. Gardner. “Thank you After weeks of planning and
It was another excellent oming County Board of Super- to the many businesses who delivering the entry boxes to
via, who won a rocker recliner
visors’ regular February meet- participated this year with small businesses all over the
year for the Wyoming County donated by Harding’s Furni-
ing. Town Supervisors, Jerry support and placing of drop county, the contest kicked off
Chamber’s “Shop Wyoming ture, Flooring & Mattress in Davis from Covington, Doug boxes. We also thank everyone on November 25th, Black Fri-
and Win” annual Buy Local Attica/Mount Morris; Berwanger from Arcade, and who shopped locally in Wyo- day.
promotion. n Pam Eley from Warsaw, Ellen Grant from Bennington, ming County, as it was critical This year, 833 shoppers
The organization was who won the gas grill donated assisted by drawing the win- to helping our local businesses
pleased to announce the selec- by Ace Hardware Warsaw/At- participated by submitting
ning tickets during the meet- throughout this holiday sea- receipts totaling more than
tion of the three lucky winning tica; and ing. son.”
individuals who were random- n Cynthia Bailey from $752,000 and generating more
“On behalf of the Chamber “The prizes are made possi-
ly chosen on Tuesday, Feb. 14, North Java, who won the Le- than $60,000 in estimated
and the community, we ex- ble with the strong support of
2023. novo laptop donated by Prizm sales taxes during the promo-
tend congratulations to all the local county businesses. We
This year’s winners were: Document and Technology winners of this year’s “Shop tional period.
especially thank Ace Hardware Participants were required
n Joann Kruppa from Bata- Solutions in Arcade. Wyoming and Win” buy-local of Attica and Warsaw for the to save their receipts from
generous donation of the gas
purchases made in Wyoming
grill, and Harding’s Furniture,
County between Nov. 25, 2022,
Flooring & Mattress in Attica/
and Christmas Eve 2022. Par-
Mount Morris for donating the
Rocker Recliner, Prizm Doc- ticipants then submitted the
ument and Technology Solu- receipts by mail, in-person, or
tions in Arcade, and Old Souls in drop boxes by the deadline
Catering for their sponsor- in early January.
ship of the conditional prize,” For every $50 worth of pur-
concluded Gardner. “These chases made in Wyoming
businesses generously donat- County, the participants were
ed prizes and we encourage eligible for one entry in the
shoppers to stop in to sup- drawing that took place on
port these outstanding local Feb. 14, 2023.
family-run small businesses During the past five years,
throughout the year.” the Chamber has tracked more
This past year marked the than $3.6 million in consumer
12th time the Chamber has spending during the Shop Wy-
sponsored the holiday promo- oming and Win promotional
tion as part of the Wyoming period.


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20 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

‘Pride of Agriculture’ dinner remains a true

celebration of a Wyoming County tradition
WARSAW – The Wyoming The Good Neighbor Award Cornell Cooperative Exten- Ronald P. Herman Partner Management award to Camp-
County Chamber & Tourism was then presented to Beau- sion of Wyoming County. of the year award to James bell Dairy Farm, LLC.
joined with the Wyoming View Farms/Bill Beaumont, The Wyoming County Soil LaGioia, Resource Conserva- Special thanks were also
Soil and Water Conservation and the Friend of Agriculture and Water Conservation Dis- tionist, USDA-NRCS; and the given to all of the Gold and
District and Cornell Cooper- award was presented to Kel- trict presented the annual Agricultural Environmental Silver Sponsors of the event.
ative Extension for Wyoming ly’s Garage. These awards Conservation District Farm
County to host the 14th annu- were given by the Wyoming of the Year award to Greg and
al Pride of Wyoming County County Farm Bureau and Ben Chamberlain, LLC; the
Agriculture Dinner, present-
ed by Farm Credit East, ACA,
on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at
the North Java Fire Hall.
The Wyoming County
Chamber & Tourism office
partners annually with Cor-
nell Cooperative Extension
of Wyoming County, the Wy-
oming County Soil and Water
Conservation District, and
members of the agriculture
community including farms
and agri-businesses. The sell-
out event celebrates and rec-
ognizes the important impact
of agriculture in Wyoming
County. Again this year, the
Pride of Ag dinner was em- COURTESY OF LINDSEY BEAUMONT
ceed by Jeff Fitch who shared Though retired, Bill Beaumont remains involved in the
his wit and wisdom with the agricultural community by keeping up on the new technologies
gathered crowd. of farming and getting what he calls “tractor seat time” by
“The Pride of Agriculture helping other farmers in their spring and fall work.
dinner is a true celebration
of our agriculture tradition
in Wyoming County,” said
Chamber & Tourism Presi-
dent Scott A. Gardner. “We
are excited to be celebrating
the 14th year of this recogni-
tion event and are very for-
tunate to have a strong agri-
cultural sector recognized as
a leader in New York and the
nation. We can all take great
pride in their hard work that
provides jobs and critical val-
ue to our important food sup-
The Wyoming County
Chamber & Tourism office
presented the Agri-Business
of the Year award to Reisdorf
Brothers Inc. in North Java.
This award is given annual-
ly to an agri-business that
exhibits any or all of the fol-
lowing criteria including ex-
pansion projects, job growth,
community involvement, and
contributions that strengthen
the agricultural industry.
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 21

FEB. 17, 2023: The newly- MARCH 10, 2023: Madison’s APRIL 6, 2023: The
built, top left, LandPro Skincare Spa, top right, 34 Spring Music Hall, bottom
Equipment Agricultural Parts North Main St., Suite B, in left, 909 Creek Rd., Attica,
and Service store, 3907 Perry, seeks to provide a is operated by David Hamer,
Route 19, South Warsaw warm, positive environment the proprietor of River Spring
provides ag/farming parts, for clients to be able to relax
Lodge in Darien Center.
service, and precision and reach their skincare
Corporate sponsored events
solutions while staffing three goals. Services include
parts professionals and three customized facials, back in this new coffee house-
service technicians. The store facials, chemical peels, mud style music venue will feature
has more than $1 million in wraps, eyelash lifts, national touring artists in an
parts inventory onsite eyebrow enhancements, facial affordable, family-friendly
(11,000 part numbers). waxing, and spa day parties. venue.

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22 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

APRIL 1, 2023: Silver Lake St., Arcade, is owned and NOV. 26, 2022: The Arcade
Marine’s new 8,100-square- operated by Layna Mattson. Area Chamber of Commerce
foot Parts and Service Center, She has a bachelor’s degree along with the Wyoming
top left, 4213 West Lake Rd., in ceramic design from Buffalo County Chamber of Commerce
Silver Springs, allows the State College, and always hosted the grand reopening
business to more efficiently dreamed of opening her own of the Arcade Hotel’s newest
take care of customer needs ceramics studio. Mystic Pots restaurant, Strike, bottom left,
while also providing room for has three electric wheels, one with owner Chuck Horning and
growth in the future. kick wheel, a slab roller, a staff. The Arcade Hotel is at
large kiln that fires frequently, 266 Main St. in Arcade.
APRIL 7, 2023: Mystic and all the tools and glazes
Pots, top right, 284 Main one might need.

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WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 23

Meet customers with chamber events and programs

Chamber events and programs tential customers, clients and ven-
provide members with great oppor- dors— and generate new business
tunities to get to know new people leads. Educational seminars also
and expand their prospect base. keep local businesses owners and
The Wyoming County Chamber Chamber events are innovative and their employees up to date on the
of Commerce and Tourism fun ways to help members meet po- most pressing business items.
has hosted ribbon cuttings in
recent months for:

OCT. 19, 2022: R&R Salon,

right, 14 West Buffalo St.,
Warsaw, specializes in men’s,
women’s, and children’s
haircuts, hair coloring, and
hair styling. The salon is
operated by sisters Ryenne
Smucker and Remi Proefrock.
They also provide formal and
special occasion hairstyles
and updos, gel and acrylic
manicures, facial waxing,
and eyelash extensions. The
sisters’ goal in opening the
salon was to create a place
where everyone is welcome
and can get a variety of their ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES!
favorite services in one visit.


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24 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber

Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism

Community Investors
Thank you for the substantial commitment to the advancement of the Wyoming County business
community and the mission of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.
Attica Ace Hardware
and Ace Hardware
Warsaw Pioneer Credit Recovery, Inc.
Five Star Bank
Attica Ace Hardware and Handling billions in portfolios, Pioneer
Five Star Bank is a local community bank
Ace Hardware Warsaw are full-service,
that assists businesses and individuals with recovers a broad spectrum of debt for all
independently owned retail hardware sup- levels of government: from federal agen- Wyoming County Board of Supervisors
all their banking and investment needs.
ply stores ready to serve the community cies, to cities, to hundreds of countries. 143 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
on any project no matter the size. Oper-
ating since 1976 with a large selection of (585) 786-8800 • www.WyomingCo.net
hard-ware supplies including paint, elec-
trical and plumbing supplies, along with
equip-ment rental, lumber, quality tools, FreedMaxick, CPAs, P.C.
grills and key cut. They also offer screen, FreedMaxick, one of Western and Up- R&R Precision Construction, Inc.
win-dow, sewing machine and vacuum state New York’s largest public account- R&R is your one call contractor for con- Wyoming County Community
clean-er repair. Delivery available. ing firms and a Top 100 firm in the U.S., crete and general contracting, commer- Health Systems
FreedMaxick provides audit, tax and cial, residential and agricultural buildings. Wyoming County Community Health System (WCCHS)
Adobe Express consulting services. They cover all aspects of the building has served Wyoming County and the surrounding
Create Your Design. Make
process. No job is too big or too small. areas for more than 110 years and continues its com-
your own social graphics,
flyers, logos, and more in mitment of providing outstanding healthcare services
minutes with the Adobe Ex- for our rural community. WCCHS is a full service health
press free online and mobile apps. Learn system based in Warsaw, NY comprised of a 62-bed
more at www.adobe.com
Koike Aronson, Inc. Tompkins Community Bank acute-care hospital, a 138 bed Skilled Nursing Facility,
Koike Aronson, Inc. is a manufacturer Tompkins Community Bank is a commu-nity bank and more than 10 primary and specialty care physician
of cutting machines, welding positioning with 16 offices in Western New York and has been clinics. The hospital provides 24-hour emergency care
Byrncliff Golf Re- equipment, oil tank automatic girth weld- assisting individuals, families and businesses for as well as a range of services, including: family and
sort & Banquets ers, portable welding/cutting products over 150 years. Services include complete lines internal medicine, orthopedics and general surgery,
Byrncliff is a year and gas apparatus. of consumer deposit accounts and loans, busi- gastroenterology, podiatry, cardiology, inpatient mental
around resort nestled ness accounts and loans, and leas-ing. Whether health, neurology, endocrinology, dialysis, and a variety
in the rolling hills of you’re a first-time home-buyer hoping to put down of other specialty services.
Wyoming County in Varysburg, NY. It roots, or an entrepreneur looking to grow your WCCHS has outpatient clinics in Arcade, Attica, Mt.
features an 18 hole par 72 golf course, busi-ness, Tompkins is here for you every step of Morris, Perry, and Warsaw, NY.
recognized as one of the best public golf the way.
courses south of Buffalo, a full service Tompkins Community Bank
bar and restaurant, overnight lodging Tompkins Insurance provides a full range of per-
with heated pool, cross country skiing Morton Salt, Inc. sonal and commercial insurance and employee
and banquet facilities for all your social Morton Salt, Silver Springs Facility,
benefits products and services. With roots dating
occasions. produces food and chemical grade salt WCJW Radio
back 100+ years, their team of professionals de-
for grocery, water softening, agricultural
livers quality products and unrivaled, 24/7 custom- WCJW has been Wyoming County’s
and industrial uses.
er service to help families and businesses in our most listened to radio station for the
community protect what they value most . past 40 years. Western NY’s CJ Country
plays today’s favorites and the legends
Complete Payroll Processing, Inc. across 5 frequencies (1140 AM, and
Complete Payroll Processing provides 100.9, 103.7, 104.3 and 105.5 FM) other
payroll processing, tax management, HR popular programs include Tradio, NA-
services, time and attendance and much Upstate Auto Group SCAR racing, and Section V high school
more. A second generation owned and oper-
NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of Upstate Auto sells new and pre-owned sports broadcasts.
ated company, based out of Perry, Complete Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram
AVANGRID, operate more than 44,000
Payroll strives to keep their clients current & Toyota. They service all makes and
miles of electric distribution lines and
and up to date with the latest payroll and HR models. Unbeatable tire prices. Quick
5,600 miles of electric transmission
information, compliance and controls, wheth- Lube and Automatic car wash with
lines across more than 40% of upstate
er they have 2 employees or 200. service appointment.
New York. The companies also operate Wyoming County Industrial
more than 17,000 miles of natural gas Development Agency
distribution pipelines and 125 miles of A public benefit corporation that provides
gas transmission pipelines. With a com- Upstate Door, Inc. incentives such as tax savings and finan-
mitment to the well-being of the commu- Upstate Door specializes in unique, cing programs for qualifying economic
Creative Food Ingredients nities served, NYSEG and RG&E create one-of-a-kind fine door solutions. We development projects in Wyoming County.
Creative Food Ingredients is a commer- sustainable value for customers by build custom hardwood exterior and
cial bakery based in Perry, NY supplying providing reliable service and investing interior stile and rail doors, MDF doors, For more information on how to
baked ingredient products throughout the in innovative technologies to make the and screen/storm door solutions for become a Community Investor,
North American market. electric grid more resilient. entry-ways and porches. call us at (585) 786-0307.

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