Go Wyoming (April 2023)
Go Wyoming (April 2023)
Go Wyoming (April 2023)
This Is
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The We ncing
York An New
Photo by JoAnne Pionessa
www.wycochamber.org / www.gowyomingcountyny.com
2 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber
KCS Computers
6183 State Rte. 20A E., Warsaw, NY
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Over 30 Yrs. Experience. Repairs starting at $30.
The Cloisters
"Your Home Away From Home"
Growing business
by supporting
FAST TRACK: Participants use classes to
develop business concepts and vision
The possibility of starting
‘ There’s a real
your own business became a
reality on Nov.1, 2022, for the
graduates of Wyoming Coun- benefit to going
ty’s Business Fast Track Pro- through an in-depth
gram, built on the Kauffman
Foundation’s FastTrac plat- business planning
form. process and The fall 2022 graduates of Wyoming County’s Business Fast Track Program are, front row, from
The class of graduates left, Mary Gibson, Emily Richards, Tess Phillips, Laura Anders, and Beth Caton, senior manager
brings a variety of innovative targeted employment and training, Community Action for Wyoming County. Back row, from left, Jeff Fitch,
business concepts to Wyo-
ming County including a ther-
entrepreneurship Fast Track Program co-facilitator; Jennifer Tyczka, Fast Track program manager; Cheryl Gibson;
Sheila Eigenbrod; Jessica Pomeroy; Tyler Day; Rick Ryan; Daniel Watkins; Carrie Johnson, executive
apeutic and adaptive eques- training before director, Community Action for Wyoming County; and Mike Fitch, Fast Track program co-facilitator
trian center, natural farming/
regenerative agriculture, bed
obtaining business
and breakfast, berry farm,
farm stand/milk processing,
grain storage facility, farm
winery with coffee house/café
Jim Pierce
’ Chamber membership provides business a voice in government
The chamber takes on the
tough issues and opposes
rected at small businesses
and supports legislation that
as well as, state and na-
tional government helps the
and wine bar, bakery/cafe, President, Wyoming County new regulations, taxes, fees, is pro-business. chamber advocate for busi-
and a transportation hub for Business Center assessments and costs di- Direct links to both local, nesses.
Wyoming County.
In collaboration with the
Wyoming County Business
Education Council, the Wyo- Pierce, president of the Wyo-
ming County Business Center ming County Business Center.
also provided Tyler Day, a Pio- “There’s a real benefit to going
neer Central High School stu- through an in-depth business
dent and future business lead- planning process and target-
er, the opportunity to attend ed entrepreneurship training
the Wyoming County Business before obtaining business fi-
Fast Track Program with a full nancing. This is evident when
scholarship. we look at many of the suc-
“These graduates spent the cessful Fast Track graduate
past 10 weeks working hard to businesses who continue to
develop their concepts and vi- operate years after obtaining
sions through each step of the a business startup loan from
business planning process. the Wyoming County Business
They have built powerful life- Center,” noted Pierce.
time networks with one an- The new graduates com-
other,” said Jennifer Tyczka, pleted 10 fast-paced and
program manager. “With challenging entrepreneur-
our small business resources ship classes delivered over a
available they can continue to 10-week period that covered
grow with low-interest financ- a variety of topics, including
ing, grant funding, addition- analyzing the feasibility of the
al technical assistance, and business concept, assessing
access to Wyoming County’s the marketplace, projecting fi-
business support network.” nancials, sales and marketing,
“I’m very impressed to operations and management,
see the level of qualifications and business legal matters.
of our microloan-financing Class participants devel-
applicants who are former
FastTrac graduates,” said Jim See CLASSES T7
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 7
The Wyoming County Business Center presented an Entrepreneur Scholarship to allow a student
the opportunity to attend the Wyoming County Business Fast Track Program with a full scholarship.
Here, Jim Pierce, president of the Wyoming County Business Center, presents Tyler Day with the
Wyoming County
Wyoming County Business Center Entrepreneur Scholarship.
Office for the Aging
From T6
Western New York Antique Trail County readies for 2024 solar eclipse
Save the date for the total until at 3:19 p.m., we’ll be in
position to experience a total During the next year, the
Tourism is pleased to announce These shops offer rusty trinkets, primitives, solar eclipse, taking place in Wyoming County Chamber
the Western New York Antique April 2024. The world’s spot- of Commerce and Tourism
Trail, a route that will introduce and handcrafted items so there will always light will be on us, and as one will be working with towns,
antiquers to rural shops and
communities from East Aurora
to Mount Morris and everything
in between.
be something new to discover.
’ of the darkest areas in Western
New York, Wyoming County
will be a perfect location to ex-
perience this incredible celes-
villages, organizations and at-
tractions to develop and coor-
dinate “watch parties,” a logo,
glasses and more.
More than a dozen shops perience these diverse estab- cideries, and distilleries. tial event. Keep up to date on the solar
spanning 65 miles are currently lishments, while also exploring For information on the West- During the eclipse, the skies eclipse by follow @Wyoming-
included on the trail, each offer- the natural beauty of our Main ern New York Antique Trail, visit will grow darker and darker, CountyTourism on Facebook.
ing unique treasures and one- Streets, and the many unique www.WNYAntiqueTrail.com.
of-a-kind gifts. gems we have to offer,” said Er- The Chamber & Tourism’s
The trail includes informa- ic Szucs, director of Tourism & mission is to serve the members
tion on the location, hours of Marketing for Wyoming Coun- and community, promote and
operation, information on each ty. “These shops offer rusty trin- grow area economic and tour-
antique store and maps/driving kets, primitives, and handcraft- ism assets, and work collabora-
routes to assist patrons in plan- ed items, so there will always be tively to create an environment
ning out their trip. something new and fascinating that leads to the success and
If visitors are coming from to discover.” economic prosperity of Wyo-
Buffalo, or Rochester, this trail is Visitors are encouraged to ming County.
accessible by major routes – in-
cluding Route 400 from Buffalo,
plan a full day of adventure
along the trail, while including
The key programs and ser-
vices of the organization are ed-
P.O. Box 58, Stafford, NY 14143
Route 390 from Rochester and stops at unique mom-and-pop ucational seminars, leadership
Route 20A through Wyoming restaurants, natural wonders development, business assis-
County. such as Letchworth State Park tance and guidance, cost-saving
“The WNY Antique Trail is a and Knox Farm State Park, and opportunities, advocacy, recog-
wonderful way to bring people a thriving craft beverage scene nition, networking, exposure,
into our region, let them ex- including breweries, wineries, and promotional opportunities.
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WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 9
litionist Movement, and this get it done,” said Amrhein.
brochure provides a detailed community. “Now, almost 20 years later, it
breakdown of the county’s was time for a refreshed look at
role, as well as historic events this project and an update as
and important individuals in- Funding for a portion of the our involvement in this part of
volved. project was made available history is one of the things visi-
In addition, the brochure through a grant from Wyo- tors are most interested in.” 733 Route 20A, Strykersville, NY 14145
includes historic pictures from ming Foundation. About 10,000 Underground
the area, as well as a map of
Wyoming County identifying
“This project is a culmina-
tion of multi-years of work by
Railroad brochures have been
produced, and will be made WNY's First Custom Beer-Makers Center
the locations of the Wyoming our office and the Wyoming available at the Wyoming Come Try One of Our Beers!
County historical societies, County Historian,” said Er- County Chamber & Tourism
museums, and centers where ic Szucs, director of tourism office in Warsaw, and at his- Make an Appointment for a
history buffs can find addition- and marketing for Wyoming torical societies throughout
al information about the area. County. “Wyoming County the county. If you would like HOME BREWING EXPERIENCE
This project was a collabo- has significant ties to the Un- a copy, contact the Chamber DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT OUR TAP ROOM!
rative initiative between the derground Railroad and the & Tourism office at (585) 786- 585-805-4006 • [email protected]
Chamber & Tourism office and Abolitionists Movement. It is 0307 or by email at info@gowy-
the Wyoming County Histori-
an Cindy Amrhein.
important that we share our
incredible story, as it is a sub-
The Wyoming Foundation
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10 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber
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We hope that makes you proud to work with us. But most of all, we hope it makes our community a little better.
18 • April 2023 WYCO Chamber
Chamber hosts
annual awards
WARSAW – On Thursday
evening, Nov. 10, 2022, the
Wyoming County Chamber
& Tourism Agency hosted the
2022 annual awards reception
‘ The award winners
represent longevity
and commitment to
at the Chalet at East Hill Cream-
ery. our communities and
The event is designed to hon- are some of they very
or the awardees of several out-
standing business recognition best that Wyoming
Community members were
invited in the fall to nominate
their favorite businesses for
County has to offer.
Scott A. Gardner
Wyoming County
the several categories and the Chamber of Commerce
Chamber’s Board of Directors
made the final selections for the
awards. n Most Promising New
The event welcomed busi- Business of the Year – Buried
nesses and guests from across Barrel Hard Cider in Castile
the county to share in network- “We again thank everyone Recipients of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Agency’s annual awards
ing and recognition of six busi- who sent in nominations from include, from left, James Carter, Patrick Carter, Denise Coffey, Nick Pankow, Holly Momberger,
nesses that were selected based across the community, and Holly Mitchell, Sam Gullo, Nichole Brant, Katie Patnode, Todd Plouff, and Tammy Ives.
on criteria that included their congratulate all the winners
contributions to the economic for their many contributions to office. “The award winners that
Funeral Home
job growth and retention; com- dent and CEO of the Wyoming very best that Wyoming County
munity involvement; and their
County Chamber & Tourism has to offer.”
contributions that strengthen
their particular business sector
in Wyoming County.
Honorees received an award
plaque from the Wyoming
County Chamber of Commerce
and certificates of recognition
from U.S. Representative Chris
Jacobs, Senator Patrick Galli-
van, Senator George Borrello,
and Assemblyman David DiPi-
2416 Main Street • Warsaw Providing Comfort During A Difficult Time
etro. Toll Free: 800-724-1302
Commitment to service and professionalism
The awardees for 2022 in- Phone: (585) 786-3170 Fax: (585) 786-3223 are the guiding forces behind our funeral
n Small Business of the Year – Sue Gardner & Jon Crater - Owners homes. There is nothing more important to
Family Furniture in Perry us than the trust a family places in our ability
to help guide them through a most difficult
n Large Business of the Year
– Advanced Rubber Products in
Manufacturer of Material Handling time. Our goal is to work with each family to
Middlebury Equipment & Workstations provide the service that fits their needs with
n Agri-Business of the Year – dignity and honor at a reasonable cost.
Reisdorf Brothers in North Java Also Provide Custom Machining &
n Tourism Business of the Sheet Metal Fabrication 246 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
Year – The Glen Iris Inn in Cas- (585) 786-2424 | fax: (585) 786-3024
tile www.unidex-inc.com www.robinsonandhackemer.com
n Tourism Attraction of the
Year – Microtel Inn & Suites in email: [email protected] Peter Robinson Joseph P. Robinson
John J. Hackemer
Kelly Keough
WYCO Chamber April 2023 • 19
Mark Doerr, MD
Warsaw Location:
408 North Main St.
FEB. 17, 2023: The newly- MARCH 10, 2023: Madison’s APRIL 6, 2023: The
built, top left, LandPro Skincare Spa, top right, 34 Spring Music Hall, bottom
Equipment Agricultural Parts North Main St., Suite B, in left, 909 Creek Rd., Attica,
and Service store, 3907 Perry, seeks to provide a is operated by David Hamer,
Route 19, South Warsaw warm, positive environment the proprietor of River Spring
provides ag/farming parts, for clients to be able to relax
Lodge in Darien Center.
service, and precision and reach their skincare
Corporate sponsored events
solutions while staffing three goals. Services include
parts professionals and three customized facials, back in this new coffee house-
service technicians. The store facials, chemical peels, mud style music venue will feature
has more than $1 million in wraps, eyelash lifts, national touring artists in an
parts inventory onsite eyebrow enhancements, facial affordable, family-friendly
(11,000 part numbers). waxing, and spa day parties. venue.
Comfort Care
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No experience necessary,
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to those in their end-of-life journey. in meeting our clients needs.
APRIL 1, 2023: Silver Lake St., Arcade, is owned and NOV. 26, 2022: The Arcade
Marine’s new 8,100-square- operated by Layna Mattson. Area Chamber of Commerce
foot Parts and Service Center, She has a bachelor’s degree along with the Wyoming
top left, 4213 West Lake Rd., in ceramic design from Buffalo County Chamber of Commerce
Silver Springs, allows the State College, and always hosted the grand reopening
business to more efficiently dreamed of opening her own of the Arcade Hotel’s newest
take care of customer needs ceramics studio. Mystic Pots restaurant, Strike, bottom left,
while also providing room for has three electric wheels, one with owner Chuck Horning and
growth in the future. kick wheel, a slab roller, a staff. The Arcade Hotel is at
large kiln that fires frequently, 266 Main St. in Arcade.
APRIL 7, 2023: Mystic and all the tools and glazes
Pots, top right, 284 Main one might need.
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