Detecting Errors: Prepared by Neetu Singh

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Detecting Errors
Prepared by Neetu Singh

(Previous Year Questions)
1. He is a university professor (1)/ but 9. If your coming home tomorrow (1)/
of his three sons (2)/ neither has any let me know at what time (2)/ I can
merit. (3)/ No error (4) expect you. (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-I (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
Exam.16.05.2010 (First Sitting) Exam. 10.03.2013)

2. The poor man (1)/ poisoned him (2)/ 10. He is (1)/ fatter (2)/ than me. (3)/ No
and his own children.(3)/ No error. error (4)
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
(4) Exam. 10.03.2013)
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) 11. I and him (1)/ are (2)/ very good
Staff Exam. 20.02.2011)
friends. (3)/No error (4).
3. She is one of the (1)/ best mothers (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
(2)/ that has ever lived. (3)/ No error Exam. 17.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
(4). 12. I and he (1)/ have prepared (2)/ the
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) lesson thoroughly. (3)/ No error. (4)
Staff Exam. 27.02.2011) (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
4. John, I and Hari (1)/ have finished Exam. 17.03.2013, Kolkata Region)
(2)/ our studies. (3)/ No error (4). 13. The boy who studies hard (1)/ he will
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) pass (2)/ with flying colours. (3)/ No
Staff Exam. 27.02.2011) error (4)/
5. I am (1)/ your’s (2)/ affectionate (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
Exam. 24.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
son.(3)/ No error (4)
(SSC CISF Constable (GD)
14. My uncle forced (1)/ my friend and I
Exam. 05.06.2011) (2) to stay back. (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC FCI Assistant Grade-III Main
6. Both me (1)/ and my sister (2)/ went
Exam. 07.04.2013)
to a boarding school. (3)/ No error 15. Both science and religion (1)/ are
(4) necessary for man and for their (2)/
(SSC Stenographer Grade 'C' & 'D'
outer and inner self respectively. (3)/
Exam. 16.10.2011)
No error (4)
7. It was him (1)/ who came running (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
(2)/into the classroom. (3)/ No error. Exam. 21.04.2013)
(4) 16. I and Tina will (1)/ go to the market
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry (2)/ in the evening. (3)/ No error.(4)
Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator &
(Ist Sitting (East Zone)
LDC Exam. 27.10.2013, IInd Sitting)
8. May I know (1)/ to who (2)/ I am 17. Rustam and (1)/ myself saw (2)/ the
speaking ? (3)/ No error. (4) picture. (3)/ No error.(4)
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry (SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Tech.)
Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011
Staff Exam. 16.02.2014)
(Ist Sitting (East Zone)


18. There is no agreement (1)/ between 27. They brought to themself this
you and I (2)/ so we are free to go disaster.
our way. (3)/ No error (4) (1) No error
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Tech.) Staff
(2) to themself
Exam. 23.02.2014, IInd Sitting)
(3) this disaster
19. The ant who was nearby (1)/ walked
forward and bit the hunter (2)/ (4) They brought
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police
sharply in the ankle. (3)/ No error
SI Exam, 30.08.2015 TF No. 4039770)
(SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam.
28. The article suggests that when a
(2013) 20.07.2014, IInd Sitting) person is under unusual stress you
20. Such rules (1)/ do not apply to (2)/ should be especially careful to eat a
you and I. (3)/ No error (4). well-balanced diet.
(SSC GL Tier-I Exam. (1) The article suggests that when a
19.10.2014, Ist Sitting) person is under unusual stress
21. One of the boys (1)/ who always give (2) you should be especially careful
the correct answer (2)/ is Samuel.
(3) to eat a well-balanced diet.
(3)/ No error. (4)
(4) No error
(SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014)
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam,
22. One should respect (1)/ the religions 25.10.2015, TF No. 2148789)
of others (2)/ as much as his own. 29. One must (1)/ obey one’s (2)/
(3)/ No error. (4) teachers. (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014) (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA Exam,
23. It is I (1)/ who is responsible (2)/ for 15.11.2015 (IInd Sitting) TF No. 7203752)
the delay. (3)/ No error (4) 30. When one takes great risks they must
(SSC CGL Tier-I Exam.
be prepared for great losses.
19.10.2014 TF No. 022 MH 3)
(1) they must be prepared
24. The children which are assembled
(1)/ in the hall are the ones (2)/ (2) When one takes great risks
chosen for the field trip.(3)/ No error (3) for great losses.
(4) (4) No error
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.12.04.2015 (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA Exam,
Kolkata Region, TF No. 315 RI 3) 06.12.2015 (IInd Sitting) TF No. 3441135)
25. Who do you think I met ? 31. One should have their teeth checked
(1) Who (2) No error every six months.
(3) do you think (4) I met ? (1) their teeth checked
(SSC CGL Tier-I Exam, 16.08.2015 (2) every six months.
(Ist Sitting) TF No. 3196279) (3) No error
26. This is the girl whose brother is a (4) One should have
doctor. (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA Exam,
(1) is a doctor 20.12.2015 (Ist Sitting) TF No. 9692918)
(2) This is the girl 32. Each boy was given (1)/ a toy as a
(3) No error parting gift, (2)/ which made them
(4) whose brother to happy. (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police SSC CHSL-2016
SI Exam, 30.08.2015 TF No. 4039770) 8th Jan, Morning


33. This is the sportsperson (1)/ whom I (3) No error (4)
think has won (2)/ the much coveted SSC CHSL-2016
25th Jan, Evening
prize. (3)/ No error (4) 43. Reeta is a spiritually centred person
11 Jan, Afternoon (1)/ who loves every being (2)/ she
34. My twin (1)/ is five minutes younger comes in contact with. (3)/ No error
(2)/ than myself. (3)/ No error (4) (4)
11th Jan, Evening 27th Jan, Morning
35. Was it him, that the teacher (1)/ 44. Tom Sawyer is one (1)/ of the best
punished for not submitting (2)/ his kid stories (2)/ that was ever written.
project on time (3)/ No error (3)/ No error (4)
15th Jan, Afternoon (1st February, Evening)
36. One should respect (1)/ religious 45. He told me the same (1)/ story which
beliefs of others, (2)/ as much as his he told (2)/ you yesterday. (3)/ No
owns. (3)/ No error (4) error (4)
16th Jan, Morning (2nd February, Morning)
37. As it was his first date, (1)/ he 46. Me and my wife (1)/ were at home
dressed (2)/ himself in best suit. (3)/ (2)/ last night. (3)/ No Error (4)
No error (4) SSC CGL-2016
SSC CHSL-2016 (27th August, Evening)
16th Jan, Afternoon 47. Science and technology and (1)/ their
38. The audience are (1)/ humbly fallouts do not (2)/ complete human
requested to be (2)/ seated in their culture (3)/ No error (4)
seats. (3)/ No error (4) SSC CGL-2016
SSC CHSL-2016 (29th August, Evening)
16th Jan, Afternoon 48. There was a (1)/ comparison between
39. Vicky is the one who (1)/ always finds (2)/ you and he (3)/ no error (4)
faults with (2)/ whatever Priya does. SSC CGL-2016
(3)/ No error (4) (31st August, Morning)
SSC CHSL-2016 49. I enjoyed during (1)/ my tenure (2)/
20th Jan, Afternoon at Shimla (3)/ No error (4)
40. Sairat is one of the latest (1)/ in the SSC CGL-2016
(31st August, Afternoon)
list of contemporary Marathi movies
50. Do you know (1)/ whom the (2)/ next
(2)/ which appeared in recent times.
speaker is? (3)/ No Error (4)
(3)/ No error (4)
SSC CGL-2016
SSC CHSL-2016 (2nd September, Afternoon)
22nd Jan, Evening
51. You are the man (1)/ who have (2)/
41. When you have (1)/ gone through my
spoiled it (3)/ No error (4)
notes, (2)/ give the same to me. (3)/
SSC CGL-2016
No error (4) (3rd September, Evening)
SSC CHSL-2016 52. I and my wife (1)/ were declared (2)/
24th Jan, Afternoon
the best couple at the party (3)/ No
42. One who perpetually hesitates (1)/
error (4) .
which of the two things he will do
SSC CGL-2016
first (2)/ will ultimately do neither. (4th September, Afternoon)
53. I remember him as (1)/ someone who
was a lot nicer (2)/ than circumstances SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
1 July, 2018 Morning
warranted. (3)/ No Error (4)
SSC CGL-2016
62. During India's struggle for (1)/
(8th September, Morning) freedom many brilliant students (2)/
54. One (1)/ should keep (2)/ his word. gave up their studies by Bhagat
(3)/ No Error (4) Singh's call. (3)/ No Error (4)
SSC CGL-2016 SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
(9th September, Afternoon) 1 July, 2018 Morning
55. The boy (1)/ which money (2)/ was 63. Madhuri and I have done my (1)/
lost felt sorry (3)/ No Error (4) work patiently and diligently (2)/ just
SSC CGL-2016 for our safe and secure future. (3)/
(9th September, Evening) No Error (4)
56. Roger dressed (1)/ in is best shirt, SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
(2)/ silver tie and black jacket (3)/ 1 July, 2018 Evening
No Error (4) 64. This container is full with water (1)/
SSC CGL-2016 so I can't carry it for a (2)/ long
(11th September, Morning) distance at one go. (3)/ No Error (4)
57. Me and my friend have started SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
working on a summer project which 2 July, 2018 Evening
was approved by our teacher. 65. Mr. Mukesh Bhatnagar our (1)/
(1) Me and my friend colleague he will attend (2)/ the
(2) have started working on a meeting on our behalf. (3)/ No Error
summer project (4)
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
(3) which was approved 4 July, 2018 Morning
(4) No error 66. The CEO has decided to visit all the
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016 (1)/ departments of the office
58. The teachers, who I worked with, tomorrow (2)/ evening to review of the
were very insensitive towards situation. (3)/ No Error (4)
children's needs. SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
(1) The teachers, who I worked with 4 July, 2018 Evening
(2) were very insensitive 67. Neha is a very good fashion (1)/
(3) towards children's needs designer but her designs are not (2)/
(4) No error easily accessible with the public. (3)/
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016 No Error (4)
59. We take security very seriously and SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
4 July, 2018 Evening
(1)/ we want to keep you in the loop 68. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's life was a (1)/
on (2)/ important actions in our
sage of dedication in the (2)/ cause
account. (3)/ No Error (4)
of educational reforms in India. (3)/
SSC (Steno.) 2017, 11 Sept., Evening
No Error (4)
60. Last week I made a list of 10 classics
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
(1)/ those make for great reads and 4 July, 2018 Evening
a (2)/ few of my son's favourites. (3)/ 69. When the professors are on strike (1)/
No Error(4) and a notice of this effect is pasted
SSC (Steno.) 2017, 12 Sept., Evening on the university gate (2)/ there is
61. Our professor taught us that (1)/ one no sense to go there. (3)/ No Error
should respect the (2)/ religions of (4)
others as much as his own. (3)/ No SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
Error (4) 4 July, 2018 Evening


70. I insisted but neither Praveen or his the 1980s and 1990s where violence
(1)/ friend Bharat is ready (2)/ to was rampant.
work on holiday. (3)/ No Error (4) (1) has become very safe
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017 (2) a long way
5 July, 2018 Evening (3) where violence
71. Ayesha is among the few people (1)/ (4) it has come
in the office which did not (2)/ blindly SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
15 March, 2019 Morning
follow the path of other. (3)/ No Error
78. Last year the UK saw it's first child
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
diagnosed with internet addiction.
6 July, 2018 Morning (1) Last year
72. The scientists found that (1)/ (2) the UK saw
leopards tend to hoist prey (2)/ that (3) it's first child
are between half and one-and-a-half (4) diagnosed with
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
times it's own weight. (3)/ No error 16 March, 2019 Afternoon
(4) 79. One should be careful to re-read what
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2017 they has written.
73. Can you tell me (1)/ the name of the (1) to re-read what
person (2)/ whom wrote the book? (2) be careful
(3)/ No error (4) (3) One should
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2017 (4) they has written
74. My sister and myself are pleased to SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2018
accept your invitation to dinner. 27 September, 2019
80. I know the cobbler(1)/which mends
(1) My sister and myself
the shoes outside(2)/the gate of our
(2) are pleased
colony(3)/No error(4)
(3) to accept SSC PRE - 2018
(4) your invitation to dinner 6th June, 2019 Afternoon
STENOGRAPHER - 2018 81. The team began searching for
5 Feb., 2019 Evening
reasons for their poor performance
75. It was him who was responsible for
in the tournament
this mishap that took place
(1) The team began
(2) in the tournament
(1) for this mishap (3) searching for reasons
(2) It was him (4) for their poor performances
(3) that look place CHSL-2018
11 July, 2019, Morning
(4) who was responsible 82. Pleasure cannot derive from giving
6 Feb., 2019 Evening pain to innocent people.
76. The woman which lives next door is (1) Pleasure cannot derive
a teacher. (2) pain to
(1) which lives (2) The woman (3) innocent people
(4) from giving
(3) next door (4) is a teacher CHSL-2018
STENOGRAPHER- 2018 8 July, 2019, Morning
7 Feb., 2019 Morning 83. Climatic change are a greatest threat
77. The subway system has become very facing our planet which needs our
safe and it has come a long way since


immediate attention. 84. The young girl was helping her father
(1) our immediate attention to look after shop.
(2) are a greatest (1) her father
(3) which needs (2) The young girl
(4) facing our planet (3) was helping
CHSL-2018 (4) to look after shop
8 July, 2019, Evening
CHSL-2018, 9 July, 2019, Afternoon

1. (3) Replace ‘neither’ with ‘none’ 11. (1) Replace ‘him’ with ‘he’ because
because ‘neither’ is used for only when Pronouns serve the same
two person whereas ‘none’ is used function, they should be used in
for ‘more than two’. same form. The sentence must
2. (2) Change ‘him’ into ‘himself’. read ‘He and I’ as the order of
3. (3) Replace ‘has’ with ‘have’ because Pronoun is 231.
the verb to be used after the 12. (1) The 1st Part should read as ...
relative Pronoun depends upon its He and I ... because when two or
antecedent. more Pronoun are used in a
Here antecedent to relative sentence, the order should be 231
Pronoun ‘that’ is ‘mothers’ which (i.e., 231)
is plural hence it will take plural 13. (2) Remove ‘he’ because in a single
verb. sentence a Noun and a Pronoun
4. (1) Replace ‘John, I and Hari’ with for the same Noun cannot come
‘John, Hari and I’ because if two together.
or more than two Pronoun are 14. (2) Replace ‘I’ with ‘me’ because here
used in a sentence they follow the ‘my friend’ and ‘me’ are the object
order 231 [i.e., 1- First Person, 2- of the sentence.
Second Person, 3- Third Person] 15. (2) Replace ‘for their’ with ‘his’
5. (2) Replace ‘your’s’ with ‘your’. because here we are talking about
‘Your’s’ is a wrong word. Here we ‘a man’ which is singular.
need Possessive adjective ‘your’. 16. (1) Replace ‘I and Tina’ with ‘Tina and
6. (1) Replace ‘me’ with ‘I’. In the place I’.
of subject we always use 17. (2) Replace ‘myself’ with ‘I’ because
nominative case. the subject of a sentence cannot
7. (1) Replace ‘him’ with ‘he’. be a reflexive Pronoun.
8. (2) Replace ‘who’ with ‘whom’. ‘Who’ 18. (2) Replace ‘I’ with ‘me’ because
refers to the subject of a sentence between (Preposition) is followed
whereas ‘whom’ refers to the by objective Pronoun. Here ‘me’ is
object of a sentence. object form of Pronoun.
9. (1) Replace ‘your’ with ‘you are’ or 19. (1) Replace ‘who’ with ‘that’ because
‘you’re’. Relative Pronoun ‘who’ is used for
10. (3) Replace ‘me’ with ‘I’. human beings.
Nominative Pronoun should be 20. (3) Replace ‘I’ with ‘me’ because a
compared with nominative Preposition is always followed by
Pronoun only. objective case of Pronoun.


21. (4) No error generally use it with ‘the’ but
22. (3) Replace ‘his’ with ‘one’s’ because remember, we don't use ‘the’ when
when ‘one’ is used as a subject, there is a possessive adjective.
Possessive adjective ‘one’s’ is Hence add 'his' before 'best'.
used. ‘Remove ‘himself’. Dressed doesn’t
23. (2) Replace ‘is’ with ‘am’ because take a reflexive pronoun.
antecedent to Relative Pronoun is 38. (4) No error
‘I’ which agrees with verb ‘am’. 39. (2) Change ‘faults’ into ‘fault. ‘Find
24. (1) Replace ‘which’ with ‘who’ fault’ means to make an adverse
because for human beings, criticism or objection sometimes
Relative Pronoun ‘who’ is used. unfairly.
25. (1) Replace ‘who’ with ‘whom’ 40. (3) Change 'which' into 'that'. Also
because ‘whom’ is used as the change 'appeared' into 'have
object of verb or Preposition. appeared' as 'in recent times'
26. (3) No error means 'lately' or 'recently'.
27. (2) Replace ‘to themself’ with ‘to 41. (3) Change 'the same' into 'them'.
themselves’ because Reflexive 'The notes' will take pronoun
Pronoun of ‘they’ is ‘themselves’. 'them'.
28. (2) Replace ‘you’ with ‘he’. 42. (2) Change ‘will’ into ‘should’.
29. (4) No error 43. (4) No error
30. (1) Replace ‘they’ with ‘one’. 44. (3) 'Verb' to be used after relative
31. (1) Replace ‘their’ with ‘one’s’ because pronoun agrees to the antecedents
Possessive Adjective of one is of the relative pronoun. Here
‘one’s’. 'stories' is plural so replace 'was'
32. (4) No error with 'were'.
33. (2) Relative pronoun 'who' is used as 45. (2) The same + noun is followed by
the sportsperson is the subject relative pronoun ‘that’. So replace
here who was won. 'which' with 'that'. Also change
34. (3) If there is a comparison between ‘told’ into ‘had told’ as it is the Ist
two nominative cases, the action out of the two past actions.
pronoun of the nominative case 46. (1) Replace objective case 'me' with
is used after than. Hence 'myself' nominative cause 'I'. Also the
will be replaced by 'I'. order of pronoun should be 231
35. (1) 'Him' is used as an object form of (i.e. Second Person, Third Person,
pronoun. Hence replace 'him' with First Person). Hence replace 'me
and my wife' with 'my wife and I'.
'he'. Also 'It+ 
be ' is followed by 47. (2) Here 'science and technology' is
any form
singular so possessive adjective
subject form of pronoun. 'its' will be used in place of 'their'.
36. (3) If 'one' is used as the subject, 48. (3) 'Between ... and' should be
possessive pronouns 'one's' is followed by objective form of
used. Hence replace 'his' with pronoun (Such as him, her, me).
'one's'. Also change ‘owns’ with Hence replace 'he' with 'him'.
‘own’. 49. (1) 'Enjoy' takes a reflexive pronoun
37. (3) When we use a superlative (here 'myself') if it is not followed
adjective before the noun, we by any object.


50. (2) 'Who' is used' to refer the subject On call - Ready to go to work at
of the sentence whereas 'Whom' any time on demand.
is used to refer the object of the 63. (1) Replace 'my' by 'our'.
sentence. Here we are talking 64. (1) Replace 'with' by 'of'.
about 'the speaker' which is the full of – containing a lot of
'subject' 65. (2) Remove 'he' with Mr. Mukesh, he
Hence 'who' will be used in place becomes superfluous.
of 'whom'. 66. (3) Remove 'of' after' review'.
51. (2) The verb used after the relative 67. (3) Use 'to' after 'accessible'.
pronoun should agree with its accessible to – easy to get
antecedent. 68. (2) Replace 'in' by 'for'.
Here the antecedent (man) is 69. (3) Use 'in going' instead of 'to go'.
singular thus verb will also be 70. (1) Replace 'or' by 'nor'. 'Neither ...
singular hence replace 'have' with nor' is a pair of conjunction.
71. (2) Replace 'which' by 'who'.
52. (1) If two or more personal pronouns
72. (3) Replace 'it's' with 'their'.
are to be used in a sentence, the
73. (3) Replace 'whom' with 'who'. For
order should be 231 (second
subject use 'who'.
person, third person, first person).
So replace 'I and my wife' with 'my 74. (1) Use 'I' in place of 'myself'. Myself
wife and I'. cannot come as subject.
75. (2) Replace 'him' with 'he'.
53. (4) No error
54. (3) If 'one' is used as the subject of a It + be
 + Nominative form
sentence 'one's' is used as is/was/has been

possessive adjective. of Pronoun.

55. (2) Possessive pronoun 'whose' is 76. (1) Replace 'which' with 'who'. For
used for human beings. person we use 'who'.
56. (2) Replace 'is' with 'his'. 77. (3) Replace 'where' with 'when'. For
57. (1) Replace 'me' with 'I'. The order will time (here- 1980s and 1990s)
be 231. 'My friend and I' is the when will come.
correct order. 78. (3) Replace 'It's' with 'its'. 'Its' is
58. (1) Change 'who' into 'whom'. The possessive adjective. It's is
teachers are the object and hence contracted form of it is.
will take 'whom'. 79. (4) Replace 'they' with 'one'.
59. (3) Change 'our' into 'your'. 'Keep 80. (2) Change 'which' into 'who'. Cobbler
someone is loop' means 'to keep will take 'who'.
someone informed'. 81. (4) use ‘its’ in place of ‘their’. Team
60. (2) Change ‘those’ into ‘that’ or takes singular adjective 'its'.
'which'. 82. (1) 'Cannot derive' be changed into
61. (3) Replace 'his' by 'one's'. 'cannot be derived'.
'one's' is the possessive case of 83. (2) Superlative degree takes article
'one'. 'the'.
62. (3) Replace 'by' by 'on'. 84. (4) Change 'to look' into 'in looking'.


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