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Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Artificer Class Homebrew

By /u/Dragnseeker
Version 1.4 - Updated 12/26/20

Special Thanks To:

The Hounds of Cailean Discord A WORD TO GMS AND PLAYERS
For playtesting and feedback
    This class is a homebrew and as such, the game was
Thanks Opie for allowing me to test there! not built with artificer in mind. I have done my best to
make the base class as balanced as possible, but due the
Nyx artificer's signifigant involvement with magic items,
Being great and finding ways to break Artificer there is a great potential for things to break as more
items are introduced into the official game, and as such,
Xenio and Polarbear some concideration by both players and the GM is
For proofreading my messy typing needed when using this class.

     Players: The goal of the game is for all players and
the GM to have fun playing, so as with any class,
For indepth balancing discussions
trivializing another player or a large swath of challenges
/r/Pathfinder2eCreations and may not be fun for others. Some campaigns may call for
/r/Pathfinder2e (Sub and Discord) breaking builds, but many do not, so keep these ideas in
mind as you build your artificer and select their items.

For general feedback and encouragement

        GMs: Much like wizards and other spellcasters,
Artificers of different RPGS artificers might have the perfect item for a situation to
For inspiration and being fun cleasses trivialize a challenge and this is normal. However if a
specific item or ability is causing issues with making
things too easy, talk with your player about maybe
exchanging that feat or formula for a less problematic
one of the same level.

    And of course, you have the final say on allowing this

class, so if it is not a good fit for your game, talk to your
player about similar alternatives or explain that
homebrew might cause extra complications when
planning your campaign.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

While not adept at casting spells, your ability to work with magical devices is
unparalleled. Able to replicate and manipulate anything you get your hands on is a
great boon to yourself and allies. When you're out adventuring, there's always
opportunities to test new inventions such as a jurry rigged cannon or prototype runes,
along with many more secrets of artifice to uncover.

KEY ABILITY HIT POINTS initial proficiencies

8 plus your Constitution modifier
At 1st level, you gain the listed

At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum number proficiency ranks in the following

ability boost to Intelligence. of HP by this number at 1st level and statistics.

every level thereafter.

You are untrained in anything not

listed unless you gain a better

proficiency rank in some other way
During Combat Encounters…
You offer support either on the frontlines or further back depending on
your trade. An arms smith or a runecrafter will likely be in the thick of it,
Trained in Perception
using their artifice to enhance themselves and their items. A cannoneer or
staffcarver may spend their time in the back, providing ranged support
and covering fire.
Saving throws
Trained in Fortitude

During Social Encounters… Expert in Reflex

Expert in Will
Your more scientifically focused mind offers a different perspective, and
your knowledge of artifice can provide details on magical items and other
mechanisms. Skills
Trained in Crafting

While Exploring… Trained in Arcana

You keep your eyes out for both magical items and for any oddities that
Trained in a number of

additional skills equal to 2

might indicate a trap or other hidden mechanisms. You may also

plus your Intelligence Modifier
distribute your scrap items to those who it will benefit the most. After
battle you might repair any items that got damaged in the fight.
In downtime… Trained in simple weapons

You might spend your time creating new inventions, disassembling old Trained in unarmed attacks

items for parts or putting your crafting skills to work to finance your
Trained in polytools
larger projects.
You might… Trained in medium armor

Spend more time observing the architecture of wherever you are Trained in light armor

instead of the people contained within Trained in unarmored defense

Be the most excited to get your hands on a powerful item
Come up with creative solutions to solve simple problems Spells
Trained in Arcane Spell attack rolls

Others probably… Trained in Arcane Spell DCs

Are both impressed and afraid of your inventions
Come to you to for fixing tools and devices
Trust your insight in artifice and engineering
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker


Your Class Features Even though you may not be magical yourself, your
understanding of how magical items work allows you
1 Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies,
magical trickery, trade, arcane scrap (4), artificer feat to use most of them without issue. You gain the Trick
2 Artificer Feat, skill feat Magic Item as a bonus skill feat, and can use crafting
3 General Feat, skill increase, great fortitude in place of any other skill when used to trick an item
4 Artificer Feat, skill feat, arcane scrap (6) with the scrap trait. In addition, the action gains the
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, alertness, skill increase, following critical success effect:
5 weapon expertise
6 Artificer Feat, skill feat Critical Success For the next minute, you can spend
7 Scrap Efficiency, weapon specialization, skill actions to activate the item as if you could
increase, arcane scrap (8)
normally use it.
8 Artificer Feat, skill feat
9 Resolve, anscestry feat, tinkering expertise, For the purposes of casting spells from magical items,
improved magical trickery, skill increase
you have access to the arcane spell list, and you may
10 Ability boosts, Artificer Feat, skill feat, arcane scrap use your Arcane spellcasting proficiency in place of
any other casting proficiency. Your casting stat is
11 Vigilant senses, general feat, medium armor
expertise, skill increase intelligence.
12 Artificer Feat, skill feat
Ancestry feat, weapon mastery, skill increase, arcane
Arcane scrap
13 scrap (12) You have access to 4 arcane scrap at first level, and
14 Artificer Feat, skill feat you gain 2 extra scrap every 3 levels after that as
15 General feat, evasion, greater weapon specialization, shown in table 1-2. This scrap can be used to replicate
skill increase mundane and magical items without the use of the
16 Artificer Feat, skill feat, arcane scrap (14) Magical Crafting feat and without having to meet
17 Ancestry feat, greater resolve, tinkering mastery, other normal requirements for crafting specific items.
skill increase
If any scrap is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced for
18 Artificer Feat, skill feat
free during daily preparations, and any items or scrap
19 Mastered magical trickery, general feat, medium
armor mastery, skill increase, arcane scrap (16) that were replaced are destroyed. The same is true for
20 Ability boosts, Artificer Feat, skill feat any other scrap items gained from this class.

You can use your scrap during daily preparations to

Class Features imitate magical items and runes that you or your allies
You gain these abilities as an artificer. Abilities gained
can use. By consuming scrap, you can imitate a
at higher levels list the level at which you gain them
permanent magical item of your level or lower from
next to the features' names.
your formula book. Adventuring gear can also be
Ancestry and background replicated in this way. Items and runes created this
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st way gain the Scrap Trait. The scrap costs for different
level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry categories of items are seen in table 1-3.
and background, as described in Chapter 2.
Your Level Base Availible Scrap
Initial Proficiencies
1-3 4
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that
4-6 6
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are
7-9 8
noted at the start of this class.
10-12 10
13-15 12
16-18 14
19-20 16
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

You can reclaim your scrap by disassembling an item

as part of your daily preparations or as a 10 minute
You'll see the following terms in many Artificer Abilities.

activity. Scrap that is reclaimed as a 10 minute activity

        Scrap: You've replicated an item using your arcane
cannot be used to replicate a magic item until your
scrap. Items with this trait are obviously temporary and
next daily preparations, but it can be used for other
cannot be sold. If the creature that created the item
Artificer class features and feats.
does not come into contact with the item for one week it
Specific Item Rules falls apart into scrap, and if that item has non-scrap
Certain scrap items that you replicate have specific runes on it, they can be transferred from the scrap for
properties that differ from thier normal counterparts the normal price.

as seen below:         Stance: A stance is a general combat strategy that

you enter by using an action with the stance trait, and
Runes replicated in this way can be applied to
you remain in for some time. A stance lasts until you fall
weapons and armor as part of replicating them for
unconscious, until its requirements (if any) are violated,
no additional cost. Items with scrap runes applied
until the encounter ends, or until you enter a new
to them are concidered to have the scrap trait for
stance, whichever comes first. After you take an action
the purposes of abilities.
with the stance trait, you can't take another one for 1
Base Magic Weapons and Armor cannot be replicated round. You can enter or be in a stance only in encounter
(Such as a +1 Striking Longsword). Runes must mode.
either be replicated and applied to existing items, or
specific magical items must be replicated. TABLE 1-3: REPLICATION COSTS
Item Category Scrap Cost
Structures must be deactivated and not broken before
Structures 6
they can be disassembled. If a structure is destroyed,
Specific Weapons 4
it takes 1 week of downtime to replace the scrap.
Specific armor 4
Staves can be prepared by artificers to give them Staves 4
charges equal to the highest level spell in the staff. Property Runes 3
Staves prepared this way cannot use spell slots to Held and Worn Items 2
increase the amount of charges added, or to Wands 2
discount the charge costs. All spells cast from the Fundamental Runes 2
staff use your arcane spellcasting proficiency, but if Specific Shields 2
the spell is not on your spell list(s), you must still Adventuring Gear 1
successfully use Trick Magic Item to cast it. Consumables* 1
Wands and Scrolls can be created with any spell on *Must have the Consumable Crafting feat, or a trade
your spell list(s) as long as you have the formula for that gives access to crafting specific consumables
the correct level of spell. Spells from other traditions
must be gained as specific formulas (such as a 1st Trades
level heal scroll), and must be tricked as normal. As an artificer, you dabble in all manner of magical
You may only have 1 scroll/wand per spell level tinkering, but there is one area that catches your
replicated at a time. attention the most. This represents the area of artifice
you are most intimate with, and you gain special
Trade discounts and Access benefits relating to the trade. Items you get from your
Your Trade allows you to replicate certain items at a trade always have the Scrap trait. If a trade offers you
discount or allows you to replicate certain magical an alternate class boost, your casting stat is still
items you would not otherwise have access to. These Inteligence. Pick a trade.
discounts are noted in the Trades feature
Arms Smith
Formula Book You may select Strength or Dexterity as your class
You begin play with a formula book containing the boost Instead of Intelligence.

formulas for four Level 1 or lower magical items.         You are skilled in replicating magical arms and
Every time you level up, you may add two common armor, and due to this knowledge you can effectively
formulas for magical items of your level or lower for use any weapon that you create yourself.
free to your formula book.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Martial Weapons and Heavy armor with the scrap If you have Scrap Efficiency, you can instead create
trait use your Simple Weapon and Medium armor four pieces of magical ammo that are no higher than
proficiencies respectively. You gain the Shield Block half your level (rounded down).
general feat.

Starting at level 9, when you are in the Fortified

    The scrap cost to replicate specific magic weapons Position Stance and are holding your Scrap Cannon,
or armor is reduced to 3.
you gain the effects of normal cover.
Starting at level 9, you can further improve your
items. During your daily preparations you may choose Runecrafter
a weapon, suit of armor or shield you have replicated Instead of creating new items to use, you specialize in
using scrap. If it's a weapon, you deal extra damage attaching your scrap to existing weapons or armor to
equal to half your inteligence modifier rounded up. If imitate runes. You gain a special proto-rune that can
it's armor, you gain resistance to physical damage be applied to weapons and armor. When applied it
equal to half your inteligence modifier rounded up, or acts as any property rune of your level or lower that
that number plus 1 for heavy armor. If it's a shield, you have the formula for. You may use your
increase its HP and BT by half, and its hardness by intelligence for attack rolls from weapons that bear
your Inteligence Modifier. your proto-rune, and can change which rune it is
imitating as a 10 minute activity.
Cannoneer The scrap cost to replicate fundamental or property
You may select Dexterity as your class boost instead
runes and apply it to existing weapons or armor is
of Inteligence.
reduced by 1 scrap.
        You've devised a way to turn a crossbow into a
handheld cannon that can magically launch any kind Starting at level 9, you gain a second proto-rune that
of ammunition. During your daily preparations you can be used in the same way. You can change the
can modify one crossbow you are proficient with into replicated property rune for both as a part of the same
a Scrap Cannon and it gains the deadly d10 trait. If it 10 minute activity.
already has deadly d10, it becomes deadly d12
instead. Scrap Cannons are Martial weapons, but you
Staff Carver
You have carved a staff and imbued it with chaotic
use your simple weapon proficiency for any you have
magic that allows it to shift and imitate other staves.
made yourself. You may only have one scrap cannon
The protean staff normally contains a single cantrip
at a time. You gain the Fortified Position action.
from the arcane spell list that you can change during
FORTIFIED POSITION your daily preparations. Each day during your daily
preparations you may turn your protean staff into a
magical staff from your formula book, with the
Requirements You are wielding a Scrap Cannon, or are addition of the selected cantrip.

in the same square one already locked in place.         When you prepare your protean staff, it gains
You lock your Scrap Cannon in place, giving up charges equal your level instead of the normal
mobility for improved range and reloading capabilities. amount. You may also spend 2 scrap to increase the
If the cannon is already locked in place, you can weild total charges by the maximum spell level on the staff.

it as part of the same action. While in this stance, the     The scrap cost to replicate wands is reduced to 1,
cannon cannot move from its square unless you use an and the cost to replicate staves is reduced to 3

action to pick up your weapon, leaving the stance. Starting at level 9 you may spend 4 scrap to increase
Double the weapon’s range increment, it gains the the total charges by twice the maximum spell level on
volley 30’ trait, and its reload becomes 0.
the staff.
    If you leave your square or let go of the cannon, you
Artificer feats
leave this stance, and must spend an action to pick
At 1st level and every even numbered level thereafter,
your weapon back up.
you gain an additional artificer class feat. Artificer
You can create magical ammunition, creating two class feats are described beginning on page 7.
pieces of ammo by spending one scrap. The ammo
created can be arrows, sling bullets or bolts, even if it
does not normally come in that variety.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Skill feats 2nd Powerful Creations 7th

At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a Scrap items you replicate are more powerful than the
skill feat. You must be trained or better in the original. When you replicate a magical item that calls
corresponding skill to select a skill feat. for a saving throw, you can change its DC to your
Arcane spellcasting DC.
General feats 3rd
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a Weapon Specialization 7th
general feat. You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the
weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional
Great Fortitude 3rd damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which
Your physique is incredibly hardy, granting you you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re
increased endurance. Your proficiency rank for a master, and to 4 if you’re legendary.
Fortitude saves increases to expert.
Scrap Efficiency 7th
Skill increases 3rd You have learned to use your scrap more efficiently for
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a lower level items. The scrap cost to replicate items
skill increase. You can use this either to increase your that are no more than half your level is reduced by 1
proficiency rank to trained in one skill you're to a minumum of one. If an item already costs one
untrained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in scrap, you can instead create two items of the same
one skill in which you're already trained to expert.
type so long as neither are more than half your level.
    At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which Resolve 9th
you're already an expert, and at 15th level, you can Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to
use them to increase your proficiency rank to Master. When you roll a success at a Will save, you get
legendary in a skill in which you're already a master. a critical success instead.

Ability Boosts 5th Tinkering Expertise 9th

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost You’ve enhanced your creations to make them more
four different ability scores. You can use these ability potent. Your proficiency ranks for your for arcane
boosts to increase your ability scores above 18. spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to expert.
Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it's
already 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18. Improved Magical Trickery 9th
Whenever you would use Trick Magic Item, you may
Ancestry feats 5th select one of the two following options:
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you Trick Magical Item gains a circumstance bonus
gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels based on your crafting proficiency

thereafter. +1 for expert, +2 for master and +3 for legendary

Artificer Weapon Expertise 5th Trick Magical Item can be used as a free action.
You’ve dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of
If you would roll a critical failure to Trick Magic Item,
your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple
it becomes a failure instead.
weapons, the polytool and unarmed attacks increases
to expert. You gain access to the critical specialization Vigilant Senses 11th
effects of any weapon with the scrap trait.
Through your adventures, you’ve developed keen
Alertness 5th awareness and attention to detail. Your proficiency
rank for Perception increases to master.
Your eye for detail makes you more aware of your
surroundings. Your proficiency rank for Perception Medium armor expertise 11th
increases to expert.
You’ve learned to defend yourself better against
attacks. Your proficiency ranks for light armor,
medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Feat Level
Ancestral Artifice 6 Weapon mastery 13th
Animated Armaments 8 You fully understand the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency
Artificer's Investiture 12 ranks for simple weapons, the polytool and unarmed attacks increase to
Artificer's Trick 14 master.
Artificial Body 12
Bigger Batches 4
Evasion 15th
Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to Master. When you roll
Body Enhancements 2
a success at a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead.
Charged Creation 12
Companion's Cry 4 Greater Weapon Specialization 15th
Complete Animated 18
Armaments Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons
Consumable Crafting 1 and unarmed attacks in which you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and
Crossbow Terror 2 8 if you’re legendary.
Drain Rune 10
Greater Resolve 17th
Enhanced Familiar 2
Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to Legendary. When you
Expanded Scrap Casting 6
roll a critical failure at a Will save, you get a failure instead. When you
Expanded Trades 4
fail a Will save against a damaging effect, you take half damage.
Expedited Crafting 8
Extra Scraps 18 Tinkering Mastery 17th
Flexible armory 10
You’ve mastered your arsenal of artificer techniques and imitating arcane
Hasty Replication 10
spells. Your proficiency ranks for your arcane spell attack rolls and spell
Incredible Scrap Companion 10
DCs increase to master.
Lightning Recharge 16
Magic Sense 12 Medium armor mastery 19th
Material Tinkering 6 Your proficiency ranks for light armor, medium armor, and unarmored
Mature Scrap Companion 6 defense increase to master.
Overcharged Runes 18
Overclock Strikes 4 Mastered Magical Trickery 19th
Perfected Artificial Body 20 You can use magical items without a second thought. You always gain the
Persistent Creation 8 benefits of both options for Improved Magical Trickery. Whenever you
Projectile Barrage 6 would roll a failure on Trick Magic Item it becomes a success instead.
Quickened Refurbishment 20
Quick Trick 2 Artificer Feats
Remote Cannon 18 At every level you gain an artificer feat you can select one of the following
Running Reload 4 feats. You must satisfy any prerequisites before taking the feat.
Scrap Casting 1
1st level
Scrap Companion 1
Scrap Detonation 8 SCRAP FAMILIAR FEAT 1
Scrap Familiar 1
Scrap Link 14
Scrap Snares 2 You create a familiar from spare parts you have laying around. You gain a
Soul of Artifice 20 familiar.

Spare Parts 6         They are a construct instead of being any of their other types, and
Specialized Scrap Companion 16 cannot be healed by spells and items with the positive trait. You can
Sprocketed Scrap Cannon 10 instead use any ability or spell that restores hitpoints to an object. You
Staff Metamagic 8 may replicate any action or activity that would restore Hit Points or
Staff Supremacy 20 remove the wounded condition from your familiar that uses the Medicine
Ultimate Polytool 16 skill (such as Treat Wounds or Battle Medicine) using the Crafting skill and
Volatile Detonation 14 holding a repair kit instead
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker


Artillerist ARTIFICER  

You can replicate consumable magical items for one

Using your scrap cannon from afar, you rain
magical ammunition upon your enemies scrap following the same rules as replicating
permanent magical items. The scrap used to replicate
ABILITY SCORES the item is lost upon use, but can be replaced during
Prioritize Dexterity. Intelligence increases your magical daily preparations as normal.
ammunition's DC

Crafting, Arcana, Thievery Source Core Rulebook pg. 183

You have an intuitive sense that alerts you to the
dangers and presence of traps. You gain a +1
circumstance bonus to Perception checks to find traps,
HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS to AC against attacks made by traps, and to saves
Crossbow Terror (2nd), Running Reload (4th), Projectile against traps. Even if you aren’t Searching, you get a
Barrage (6th) check to find traps that normally require you to be
Searching. You still need to meet any other
SCRAP ITEMS requirements to find the trap.
Magical Ammunition, Potency Runes
You can disable traps that require a proficiency rank of
SCRAP CASTING FEAT 1 master in Thievery. If you have master proficiency in
ARTIFICER   Thievery, you can disable traps that require a
proficiency rank of legendary instead, and your
You can use your scrap to imitate the effects of
circumstance bonuses against traps increase to +2.
cantrips. During your daily preparations you may
spend up to 2 scrap to gain the ability to cast a cantrip 2nd level
from the arcane spell list until your next daily
preparations for each scrap spent.
Souce Advanced Player's Guide pg. 157
You are a dynamo with the crossbow. You gain a +2
You create an automaton in the shape of a young circumstance bonus to damage with crossbows. If the
animal companion that travels with you on your crossbow is a simple weapon, also increase the
adventures and obeys any simple commands you give damage die size for your attacks made with that
it to the best of its abilities. crossbow by one step. As normal, this damage die
increase can't be combined with other abilities that
They are a construct instead of being a beast, and
alter the weapon damage die (such as the ranger feat
cannot be healed by spells and items with the positive
Crossbow Ace).
trait. You can instead use any ability or spell that
restores hitpoints to an object. You may replicate any ENHANCED FAMILIAR FEAT 2
action or activity that would restore Hit Points or ARTIFICER  
remove the wounded condition from your familiar that Prerequisite A Familiar
uses the Medicine skill (such as Treat Wounds or
Source Core Rulebook pg. 134
Battle Medicine) using the Craft skill and holding a
You infuse your familiar with additional magical
repair kit instead
energy. You can select four familiar or master abilities
This serves as Animal Companion for the purpose of each day, instead of two.
meeting prerequisites.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker



You’re able to draw and manipulate magical items in When you craft a batch of consumable items, you can
one swift motion. You Interact to draw a worn magic make up to eight in a batch instead of the usual four
item, then use Trick Magic Item on it. per batch.



You’ve turned your knowledge of artifice inwards, Source Core Rulebook pg. 172
enhancing your own body functions. During your daily You can reload your weapon on the move. You Stride,
preparations, you may spend one scrap to gain one of Step, or Sneak, then Interact to reload.
the following effects until your next daily
preparations: COMPANION'S CRY FEAT 4
Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 bludgeoning and ARTIFICER  

lose the non-lethal trait Prerequisites An Animal Companion

You gain low-light vision, if you already have low- Source Core Rulebook pg. 172
light vision, you gain darkvision. You may pick You can urge your companion to do its utmost. You
this twice to gain darkvision if you don’t already can spend 2 actions to Command an Animal instead of
have low-light vision from your ancestry. 1 when commanding your animal companion. If you
You gain a 5’ status bonus to your land Speed do, your animal companion uses an additional action.
You gain a +1 status bonus to Athletics and
Acrobatics checks OVERCLOCK STRIKES FEAT 4
You can carry Bulk equal to 6 + your Strength ARTIFICER  

modifier before becoming encumbered, and you You may spend one scrap to temporarily increase the
can hold and carry a total Bulk up to 11 + your damage potential of your strikes. You overclock one
Strength modifier. scrap weapon you’re wielding with arcane energy. For
Starting at level 6, you can spend two scrap to gain 1 minute, your Strikes with that weapon deal 1
two of the benefits. additional damage per weapon damage die. The
damage is the same type that the weapon deals.
ARTIFICER   6th Level
You gain the Snarecrafter Dedication Feat, even if you ANCESTRAL ARTIFICE FEAT 6
could not normally take a new dedication feat. In
addition, once per day you can spend one scrap to re-
Prerequisites At least one spell gained from your
prepare a used snare so it can be used again.
Ancestry or Heritage.
4th level Spells that you have gained from from your Ancestry
or Heritage count as being on the arcane spell list for
the purposes of casting from magical items.

Through studying in a different area of artifice, you If you have a proto-staff, when you use it to imitate a
gain the ability to efficiently imitate items specialized staff, you may replace one of the spells on that staff
in by another trade. Pick a Trade other than your own. with one you gained from your Ancestry or Heritage.
You gain the discount to scrap items that the Trade
would normally grant, but you do not gain any of the
other benefits. You may select this feat more than
once, choosing a different trade each time.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker



When applying a scrap or proto-rune to a weapon, you Your work often leaves you with spare parts that can’t
may also temporarily change the weapon’s material be used for making anything on their own, but still
into silver or cold iron until the rune is removed. At might have some use. You gain access to an additional
level 14, add adamantine to the materials that you can 2 scrap, but they cannot be used to replicate items.
pick from.
8th Level
Using a crossbow or Scrap Cannon, you load and
Source Character Guide pg. 104
launch a volley of projectiles. Make a single attack roll
against each creature in a 15’ cone, or 25’ cone if you You can cast creation as an innate spell at will,
are using a Scrap Cannon and are in the Fortified choosing whether it is arcane or primal each time. The
Position Stance. This counts as two attacks against created object lasts until you spend 1 hour not within
your Multiple Attack Penalty, but do not increase the its immediate vicinity or until it is destroyed. Such
penalty until after this action finishes. objects are called persistent creations. If you cast
creation again, any persistent creation you previously
You can use special or magical ammunition for this created with the spell immediately disintegrates.
ability, and if you do it costs 4 of the ammunition,
reguardless of the number of targets. If the Artificer: You may only choose arcane as the tradition
ammunition requires an action to activate, you can ANIMATED ARMAMENTS FEAT 8
activate all of them by spending an extra action on
Projectile Barrage.
Prerequisites Arms Smith Trade
EXPANDED SCRAP CASTING FEAT 6 Requirements You are wielding a melee weapon with
ARTIFICER   the scrap trait
Prerequisites Scrap Casting By infusing your scrap weaponry with animating
Your ability to replicate spells using scrap expands. energy, you can cause it to fly and attack foes at a
Each scrap you use up to a maximum of 2 grants two range. While in this stance, you can spend an action to
cantrips from the arcane tradition instead of one. In have the weapon fly and strike a creature within 60’
addition, you may spend one scrap to pick a first and using your own attack modifier and multiple attack
second level spell from the arcane spell list and can penalty before returning to your hand. This strike
cast them once each before your next daily increases your multiple attack penalty as normal.

ARTIFICER   Prerequisites master in Crafting

Prerequisites Scrap Companion Your mastery with replicating items with scrap has
You improve your scrap companion, making it into a made you faster at crafting items out of normal
mature animal companion and gaining additional materials. When taking the Craft downtime activity,
capabilities. During an encounter, even if you don't use you only spend 3 days before making the crafting
the Command an Animal action, your animal check. If you are Legendary in crafting, you only spend
companion can still use 1 action on your turn to either 1 day.
Stride or Strike.

This serves as Mature Animal Companion for the

purpose of meeting prerequisites.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker



Requirements You are holding an item with the scrap Prerequisites Runecrafter Trade
trait. In a pinch, you can drain the energy from your proto-
You overload your scrap item with arcane energy, runes to rejuvenate allies or deal damage. You interact
propelling it to a point within 60’ of you. It then an item you are holding or wearing benefitting from
explodes, dealing 2d8 fire or electricity damage plus one of your proto-runes to heal yourself or an ally
an additional 1d8 for each scrap used to make the item within 30 feet for 6d6+6, or to deal the same amount
in a 15’ burst centered on it (Basic Reflex). If an item of negative damage to an enemy within the same
cost less than 1 scrap to create, it deals only the base range (Basic fortitude save). The rune is then rendered
damage. This action gains the appropriate trait for the inert and gives none of its benefits or effects until
type of damage it deals. your next daily preparations.

The item and scrap are lost and cannot be replaced This action gains the positive trait if used for healing,
until your next daily preparations. and the negative trait if used for damage.

STAFF METAMAGIC FEAT 8 At level 15, the healing and damage increases to
Prerequisites Staff Carver Trade HASTY REPLICATION FEAT 10
Not content with merely casting spells as they are,
you have devised a way to incorporate metamagic into
You can replicate items in a pinch. As a 10 minute
your protean staff. During your daily preparations, you
gain a single metamagic feat from the wizard class activity you can use any unused scrap to replicate an
item following the normal rules, except it costs one
that has a level requirement of no more than half your
level until your next daily preparations. You may only more scrap than it normally would.
use this feat when casting spells from your protean FLEXIBLE ARMORY FEAT 10
staff. ARTIFICER  

10th Level You can alter the properties of magical weapons and
armor to better suit you. When replicating a specific
weapon, you may have the base weapon instead be
any weapon in the same weapon group that you are
Prerequisites Mature Scrap Companion proficient with. If an ability requires a specific trait to
You continue to improve your scrap companion. It function (Ex. The thrown trait), it can not be activated
becomes a nimble or savage animal companion (your if the new base weapon does not have that trait.

choice), gaining additional capabilities determined by     When replicating a specific armor, you may change
the type of companion. the base armor to any armor within 1 step of the
armor type that you are proficient with. For example,
This serves as Incredible Animal Companion for the Light armor can become medium armor or unarmored,
purpose of meeting prerequisites. but not heavy.

Prerequisites Cannoneer Trade

You may spend one unused scrap to power up your
Scrap Cannon for the next minute. It gains a +1 status
bonus to the first attack roll each turn, and deals an
extra 1d6 precision damage on the first hit on each
turn. At level 17 the status bonus increases to +2 and
the extra precision damage increases to 2d6.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

12th Level Sample Build

ARTIFICER ARCANE   Enhancing yourself to get into the thick of the
Prerequisites Persistent Creation fighting, you use your enhanced weaponry to
Source Character Guide pg. 104 protect your allies.
Your magic is drawn to your persistent creations.
While you are within 30 feet of and have line of effect
Prioritize Strength and Constitution. Inteligence
to your persistent creation, you can use it as the origin improves your item's DCs
point for your line or cone spells. For instance, a
lightning bolt could originate from the persistent SKILLS
creation rather than from you. Crafting, Arcana, Athletics

Artificer: Following the same restrictions, you can use TRADE

any of your scrap items as the origin point for your Arms Smith
line or cone spells.
MAGIC SENSE FEAT 12 Body Enhancements (2nd), Overclock Strkes (4th),
Source Core Rulebook pg. 211
You have a literal sixth sense for ambient magic in
Retribution Axe, armor Potency Rune
your vicinity. You can sense the presence of magic
auras as though you were always using a 1st-level
detect magic spell. This detects magic in your field of
vision only. When you Seek, you gain the benefits of a
3rd-level detect magic spell on things you see (in Prerequisite 16 Inteligence
addition to the normal benefits of Seeking). You can Your understanding of artifice allows you to invest in
turn this sense off and on with a free action at the more magical items. You gain the Incredible
start or the end of your turn. Investiture general feat, even if you do not meet its
prerequisites. In addition, at level 18, your invested
ARTIFICIAL BODY FEAT 12 item limit further increases to 14.
14th Level
Prerequisites Body Enhancements
You further your pursuits into improving yourself, VOLATILE DETONATION FEAT 14
making you equal parts organic and artifice increasing ARTIFICER  
your speeds by 5’ and gaining the benefits of one of Prerequisites Scrap Detonation
the options from the Body Enhancements feat until
You have improved the potency of explosions caused
you retrain this feat. You may still spend scrap to gain
by overloading your scrap items. You may now have it
more of the abilities, and additionally add these to the
deal 4d8 base damage and an additional 2d8 per scrap
list of options you can choose from for both feats:
used in a 20’ burst, and it can also deal cold, sonic or
Your unarmed attacks deal 1d8, gain the forceful
negative damage.
trait and lose the non-lethal and finesse traits
You gain a climbing speed of 20’ or half of your
land Speed, whichever is higher
You gain a swimming speed equal to your land
Increase your max HP by your level
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker



You have such a deep connection to the things you Prerequisites Master in Crafting
create out of scrap that you can use them as conduits Sometimes you need to reuse an item before it's ready,
to communicate with their wielders. You can so you have devised a way to quickly recharge items.
telepathically communicate with anyone within 200’ You can spend 1 scrap to regain the use of a scrap
who is carrying one of your scrap items.
item's ability that has a frequency of no longer than
        If you are legendary in crafting, you can once per day. If you are Legendary in crafting, reduce
communicate as long as they are on the same plane of the actions needed to 1.
existence as you.
18th Level
Frequency Once per 10 minutes
Trigger You would fail or critically a saving throw Prerequisites Runecrafter Trade
Your intelect and inventions can get you out of harm's Your proto-runes can be integrated into weapons that
way more often than not. When you would fail or have already reached their limit. If you use scrap to
critically fail a saving throw, you may spend one scrap apply a property rune to a weapon, its capacity for
or render one of your scrap items inert until your next property runes is increased to one past its normal
daily preparations to reroll the saving throw and take maximum. This does not stack with other materials or
the better result. abilities that also add capacity to weapons or armor,
such as an item made from orichalchum.
16th Level
Prerequisites Fortified Position
Prerequisites Incredible Scrap Companion When you enter your Fortified Position Stance, you
Your scrap companion continues to be improved in may choose to let go of the weapon and using your
power and ability, and it is now enhanced enough to connection to it to aim and fire it remotely. You retain
become specialized. Your scrap companion gains one all benefits of the stance, except you do not gain cover
specialization of your choice. unless you are holding onto the cannon. As long as
you are within 200' of the cannon, you may strike and
This serves as Specialized Companion for the purpose perform actions that you normally could with the
of meeting prerequisites.
cannon, originating from where you entered the

    Additionally while you are in the fortified position
stance, you are quickened and can only use the extra
You create the ultitool, an upgrade to the polytool.
action to strike or to pick up your weapon and leave
When replicating and applying property runes to one
the stance.
of the blades, they cost one less scrap to replicate.

        If it is lost, it can be replaced with one day of When placed this way, the cannon has 8 Hit Points for
downtime, but loses any property runes that were on each of your levels, its BT is equal to four times your
it. If there were scrap runes applied, you regain the level, and its AC is equal to 12 + your level.
scrap spent on them as the old ultitool crumbles into
useless parts.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker


Prerequisites Staff Carver Trade ARTIFICER  
Instead of simply imitating other staves, you can alter
During your daily preparations, you may designate one
your protean staff to be entirely unique. A protean
of your invested or scrap items as your ensouled item
staff made this way draws from the arcane spell list
by putting a little of your own energy into it. While
only and can no longer imitate other staves. Once
the ensouled item is on your person, you gain a +1
prepared this way, the spells can only be changed by
status bonus to AC and all saving throws.

spending a day of downtime for each spell you swap

    As a free action if damage would take you to 0 hit

points, you can first drain your ensouled item,

        A protean staff prepared this way contains 2
destroying it and regaining 10d6+10 Hit points. If this
cantrips, including the one that already contained in
is enough to prevent the damage from bringing you to
the staff, three 1st and 2nd level spells, two 3rd, 4th
0 Hit Points, you don’t become Unconscious or Dying.
and 5th spells and a single 6th and 7th level spell. At
This cannot be used against effects with the death
level 20 the staff gains an 8th level spell and an
trait or that would leave no remains such as
additional 6th level spell.

    If you have the Ancestral Artifice Feat, you can also
use spells gained from ancestry feats. QUICKENED REFURBISHMENT FEAT 20

Prerequisites Hasty Replication
Prerequisites Animated Armaments Stance You can tear down and remake scrap items extremely
Requirements You are wearing armor and weilding a quickly. As an 1-hour activity you can disassemble
melee weapon with the scrap trait scrap items and spend the scrap to replicate items or
spend on other artificer abilities as if you had made
When you enter the Animated Armament Stance you
your daily preparations. If the old item has a limited
may instead choose to animate both the weapon and
use ability that has been used and is not recharged, it
your armor, regardless of if the armor has the scrap
can not be torn down in this way.

trait. You instantly doff the armor as it becomes a

    Replicating items with Hasty Replication no longer
construct in a square adjacent to you weilding the
costs extra scrap.
weapon your are holding. It gains the minion trait and
has 10 hit points for each of your levels and AC equal PERFECTED ARTIFICIAL BODY FEAT 20
to 12 + your level + its item bonus to AC. It makes ARTIFICER  
strikes with the weapon required for this feat using
Prerequisites Artifical Body
your attack modifier, and uses its own multiple attack
You have perfected melding your own body with

magical devices, becoming almost completely

    If the construct reaches 0 HP, the armor ceases to
inorganic. The increase to your base speed becomes
be animated, ending the stance. The armor drops in
10’ and your max HP increases by your level. You gain
the square it was in and its hp is reduced to its broken
an additional permanent perk from the options, can
threshold. The weapon returns to your hand.
spend 4 scrap for enhancements and the following are
Once this stance has been used in this way, it can not added to the list:
be entered again for one hour. You gain a flying speed equal to 40 feet or your
land speed, whichever is higher
EXTRA SCRAPS FEAT 18 If you have Darkvision, you gain Greater
ARTIFICER   Darkvision
Increase the maximum amount of scrap you can have You gain a 10’ status bonus to your land Speed
by 2. You gain a +2 status bonus to Athletics and
Acrobatics checks
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Artificer Archetype SCRAP TRADE FEAT 10

You're always trying to get to the bottom of how ARCHETYPE  
things work, and creating your own devices. This has
Prerequisites Artificer Dedication
progressed from a simple hobby into something more.
Select a trade, you are concidered to have it for
Multiclass Artificer Characters meeting prerequesites for feats. If the trade would
The scrap given from the artificer archetype can be give or allow you to make an item you gain or can
used in the same way as the artificer class, but can create it. If it would not normally grant an item, you
only replicate items up to a certain level which are instead gain any feat that would be granted by the
given in the archytype feats. Trade at level 1. You gain none of the other benefits
ARTIFICER DEDICATION FEAT 2 from having a trade, including higher level features or
scrap cost discounts.

Prerequisites 14 Inteligence MASTER INVENTOR FEAT 12

You put your inventive tendencies to work. You ARCHETYPE  

become trained in crafting. If you were already trained Prerequisites Expert Inventor, master in Crafting
in Crafting you become trained in a skill of your You have acess to 6 scrap per day and the level of item
choice. You also gain the Trick Magic Item skill feat. you can replicate increases to 7. For every level you
You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for gain beyond 12th, the level of item you can replicate
arcane spells. Your key spellcasting ability for artificer increases by 1.
archetype spells is Intelligence, and they are arcane
artificer spells.

    You gain access to 2 arcane scrap and can replicate

magical items and adventuring gear up to first level.

        Special You cannot select another dedication feat

until you have gained two other feats from the
artificer archetype.



Prerequisites Artificer Dedication

You gain a 1st or 2nd-level artificer feat.



Prerequisites Basic Artifice

You gain one artificer feat. For the purpose of meeting
its prerequisites, your artificer level is equal to half
your character level.

Special You can select this feat more than once. Each
time you select it, you gain another artificer feat.



Prerequisites Artificer Dedication, expert in Crafting

You have access to 4 scrap per day, and you can create
items up to 3rd level. At 10th level, you can create
items up to 5th level.
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Magic Items

UNCOMMON MAGICAL SCRAP   Usage Held in one hand; Bulk L

Price - ; Usage Held in one hand; Bulk 1 Price 15gp
This +3 Greater Striking Polytool has been upgraded This 50’ long rope can be cut and the pieces rejoined
and enhanced beyond its normal limits. It contains by using an interact action to press the two severed
four blades: steel, cold iron, silver and adamantine that ends back together. The mending rope can not be
can be switched between with an interact action. combined with other mending ropes, and its max
Property runes can be etched to each blade length is 50’. If an end of the rope is burned, it can no
individually or the weapon as a whole, although a longer rejoin until the burnt section is cut off, losing
maximum of 3 runes can effect any given blade, with that length permanently.
runes on the blade applying first, and any remaining Worn Items
properties coming from a rune of your choice on the

    The Ultitool can also switch to a damage type that a MAGICAL

property rune adds to the active blade, such as fire Usage Worn; Bulk 1
from a flaming rune, instead of Bludgeoning, Piercing This replication of a limb can replace any arm, leg or
or Slashing using the Modular Trait
tail for standard uses but cannot replicate any special
biology such as a Venomtail Kobold’s Tail Toxin. This
Activate Interact; Trigger You are about to make a prosthetic can only replace missing limbs, not give one
skill check that requires a tool or set of tools; that you would not normally have. You can have any
Frequency Once per 10 minutes; Effect The polytool number of prosthetics and they count as only one item
morphs into any set of tools needed for a check, toward your investiture limit.
granting a +3 item bonus to any check made. The Type: Prosthetic Limb; Level 1; Price 15gp
ultitool reverts to being a weapon after the check is Type: Greater Prothetic Limb; Level 5; Price 130gp

completed. The more robust design allows it to replicate

Runes biological features only if the creature could use the
feature normally.
Usage Etched onto a weapon CANTRIP WAND ITEM 1

This weapon is concidered magical for the purposes of Usage Held in one hand; Bulk L
bypassing resistances. This rune needs no potency Price 20gp
rune to be present on the weapon to grant this effect. This baton is about a foot long and contains a single
Held Items cantrip. The appearance typically relates to the spell
EVOCATION MAGICAL   Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus
Price 9gp overcharge; Effect You Cast the cantrip at first level.
Usage Held in one hand; Bulk Craft Requirements Supply a listed-level casting of the
This small, fist sized rock is unremarkable, but glows spell.
faintly in the dark.

Activate command; Effect The glowstone is

targeted by a 1st-level light spell
Artificer Homebrew By /u/Dragnseeker

Public Release

Limited wands and scrolls to 1 per spell level to
prevent 18 level 9 spells shenanagains.

Moved Key Terms box
Changed arms smith level 9 feature to rely on
INT mod instead of potency rune level
Changed Scrap Cannon to be able to turn any
crossbow into a Scrap Cannon
Modified wording on Fortified position action
Adjusted Staffcarver Flavor
Changed Scrap Trade Archetype Feat to be more
Various Spelling and Gramar Fixes

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