Mercantile Law

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VIB Anokiaromal

College Avts d Science

Re-model Fxainoion Feb

Rog No 90BccOu2 Do teJ.02.2022

Name Poop 8ree A Sub: Merchondile
class n.B.CoM AJ-A
Section A

.eutonic o
2182 SJ
3. Proposal Ld
Void L
.Sormothing in votuvn cJ
7 Cortyo 16
2. 12 S6
4. peno7oance a
1o.tubeas tudion Sa J
Seclion B

11.a ContractE

The oleinition o a coryac

5On agreeroend betuween tuoo or
more people to do s0mehing.
An etample o corttrac oan

0greerent betuoerrn b u e s ano

cordrocA wheYein each p o y
B obna tao to i a prormise

mooe ho he ponty and serti+ted

tohe comp let1on o promise
mooe by h Ohahprry
The bront ouo ouang
witR orool ngreermends between
PandesACorrrot a leqal
ogreernertt binding two pouies Rat
dobinds hot coun ano ohot cannot
be olon by dhe pardy
12. OLLor
Ar e 4Re c t shp in
of Corthrocd,
Pe ntormouion
moks e begining cf Contrachual
betuoeen Re poottes. Hs
known oact tho ac toptonce
Can On y be rocole tD a prioY ofhen,

an obben esserio ox Re
a conchract.
ormocHon of

kinds o Obers
An o4ten Con be c many

tupes, ronging acnosS fie spettyuuo.

oe bousi cally kinols ol
Fxpress ofen
lmplieol oben
byeneroal olen
pecitic obe
Crocs oten
t Coortar oe
hondling ofe
13.6) Capocty ob Pavtie

Copoelty o Paoute relens t

each pavty who s entring Eac
Yequired by louo t bave e
menct oul and ntellzctua) copocity to
tundensand he tms b he contyact

Oncd to make Re de cis ion to ertur it,

Theveore, peope such ous mimoYs,

+RDSe o reoncedmerdal actvity,

and peoplk unden ARe Tnuence e
drug DY olto hol toould hot bgaLly
meet fe capaci y requYe d to
ins wance Contra c
enter 3nto an

OtRen portus Consiolereo by

lao to hawe no legal copaci ty

raOE name on
atne rade names.

oon s considures to howe ho

lego a t u s and Rerehore
o enter inbD
ho leg a copac ny
Coer cion de
Dnolue inwence
Coercion Onolu nuence
irwowes he Invoures moYal
phueico torce o D menta presst e

HPveodThe oggreivec
porty is compelled

to moke he onttac
ogainc O
+9naowes commfnd ND Such tlegal act
OY 4Yeotening o 1
commiHeol or
Cormmit and, act +Rread given
Horbioden by Induan
penal coola or ddanind
b Rxeoenung fD

detoin ppoxhy unlauwl

4O not necesovy ome sov o
HRot Hhene must
Yeladionship beruwean
besome sovt o e patius Bs
Yelachonship bdoonbso etel
Hne parties. ne cesso
kere Re consent
Coey con nee r o t
fnduceod by
pro ceec o m
PooisOY nor ne
he cortra ct
be +Re divecteo)
agains h e promisa eithex
Or he couc may
se t osiole oY

entorce 14 n a

oe diteol tovm

The is
condra ct Tha cowt bos Ra
voiodable ot+R duro chDn o oiect
option c t e poty+Re cgqvoived
tohose Consernt has pooty to e t u
been obtaincol byHRe benekit in
IRe coercion. oho le OY in

give ony 6tuc


n case oCoereion
ohaye tAe ordrae
Yescinco by 9he
aggyeivoo ppdcty as

pen Seelion 644

15.B) Valtd Teneler
Naied Terde meors
paksageo he Yevieo peruiod
dauong ohith peniod, borroo e chall
rot cYeate any concersua

on he propeuty ano borrowen

be beuome debtor
Sholl hot OY

n any bonkrupty prouedung or

+Re &ubject any oPen 1nsow eng

Ecsentioals o /a licd Tenoder
Tenoler must be uncondutional
Tonden mus be maole aT

O propen m e d place
chanu o Adjudging
cs Must be jor agred quanihy
Ono uat y
e Whole Obugation
Should be made to Re
propen promise

Rasonable oppwtuniny h inpe

16.a) Contrace

Corhoc, în +he iroplst

dotnition, a proroise onov teoble

by lau The promuse noy be to do

Something or ho rerain o m doing

Classificoion o Contracts



FovmocHion YeoranE
Va lio cortracb Frpres
Veie cormo c Iroyalie ecuo
Voidable corma ConTyad Onilt
tluga ogreemen Ruos
corthectB1lot ve
DVaRd Corhoct valio corroe
Uonagroeroend enorcobe by
Louo. Anogyeeent beLDmes entovcooe

by lauo whan aU 4he esentfals

a v o l i l conttach Cus lail in

Seioo 10 ot ulilled

Onentorceable tortracdt o
Corta t which actualluy valid
but cannot enovce ol betouse

some dechndcal eject.

rpress corrhoacFrpros corcha

ade by wDYds
which is
Spoken OT OY-Flen

CorrhaeT a torchrat

rto Re corttact
Ohee both tRe parties
tm thein
U to pero
esppecive Dbkoaons
Jeloioance o Contvact
Tha tovo Perhovoonce nlerthroc
toeorns Poct botR, 4Reprornito
and he promfs ee howe uliled
respecive obugaions,whidh
Re cordra c plated upon Rem

Section Ihoian ortract Ad

The pavtos to a Lonctra c
eidRn perlorm, OY O to
peoo,1heir respecHve pomíses,
un les 6uch petomone dipersed
euued undeh Pe provisIons
eo +R oY

DtRen lau.
ohis Mot, Dr any

rorm ises bind +Re repres endatie

Rhe pomuor in case cf HRe olad

of Re lod en beore perorman ,
un less o cordvory irlenton appeats

in Retondrac
Thus, HRa primahu cu o
cat condyocing palt to eitReh
pero or ofbei to perho tm 1
phroo Lse Fo perormonce D be ellofive

He Cours epect e era

ono cormplete i.e, 1Pe Larne must

tooctc6 +Ae corrhractual obugaions.

Houoeven, OheYe unoan Hhe rovis1ons
heContrac At ev any

louo he penhornance ca
be dispensedl

w i oY erusoo,a patnty is a bsowec

bror guch a rosponsi6i uhy.

A promn ise to de inven goools
DBon a (etaun olay en poL ment

10vo A expives beore tRe corihacle

yepesontatves ae bound
dloven he qooos t B, anol B

Epodrol t pay R. 1, boe

epres entaive4.
Ja.b Fraud
Secion1 has delineo aud
yauol oeans înelu oles any of
otlooing c c COmmiHeol by porh
to acondyac, oY OtR Kis
Connivance,ov by his ogont,
Sntend to dicei/e anotRen paty

Rereto hos agent, or tD induce him

Conctra ct.
to enter Inip +Re
There oust be oulls represenltta

The represonioution muust hae

been 0aole by he ponhy to
Cortract or his agend.

7herepreserdaton mus have

made oidh an ntentton o

daoireh pken pany

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