Low Mastery Competencies With Intervention Plan

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Grad Low Objectives Strategies/ Person Resources Time Expected

e9 Mastered Activities Involve Fram Outputs
Competenci d e
Identify the To identify *Teachers will School Self Marc 75%
distinct the distinct develop and Head, learning h to competenc
characteristi characteristic contextualize Teache activity April y level on
cs s strategic r, sheets, 2023 identified
during the during the intervention Studen strategic very low
Renaissance Renaissance materials (SIM), ts interventio mastered
and and Baroque learning activity n competenci
Baroque period sheets (LASs) materials, es
period and other list of
activities to interventio
support students n activities
learning needs.

Identify To identify *Teacher will School Videos Marc 75%

representati representativ provide teacher Head, from h to competenc
ve artist es Artist made video Teache youtube, April y level on
from from about the topic. r, 2023 identified
Renaissance Renaissance Studen Trivia very low
and and Baroque Trivia ts presentati mastered
Baroque period presentation on competenci
period es

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