Long Quiz
Long Quiz
Long Quiz
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Question 1
Organisms belonging to different species are capable of producing fertile offspring
Response: False
Question 2
Which of the following ecological pyramids is inverted in aquatic ecosystem?
Response: biomass
Question 3
Food chain is the passage of energy from one trophic level to the next resulting from one organism consuming another.
Response: True
Question 4
Herbivores constitute the first trophic level.
Response: False
Question 5
The competition happening among members of the same species is called _____
Question 6
In the second law of Thermodynamics, energy is converted into heat.
Response: True
Question 7
_____ is the kind of symbiotic relationship involve both species benefiting from the interaction.
Response: mutualism
Question 8
"intergenerational responsibility,” is also known as the “Factoran Doctrine,
Response: False
Question 9
Lion is a concrete example
Response: organism
Question 10
_____ returns organic material to inorganic material where it completes the recycling of atoms.
Response: Decomposer
Question 11
Predators are always bigger than their prey
Response: False
Question 12
In mutualism both organisms benefit in association
Response: True
Question 13
The following are examples of consumers except:
Response: algae
Question 14
Phytoplanktons use the solar energy to carry on photosynthesis.
Response: True
Question 15
Ecocentric view states that all forms of life have an inherent right to exist.
Response: False
Question 16
The environment is everything that affects an organism during its lifetime.
Response: True
Question 17
_____ refers to total dry weight of organisms
Response: biomass
Question 18
Only producers are capable of trapping solar energy through photosynthesis, thereby making the energy available to the ecosystems.
Response: True
Question 19
In nearly all ecosystems, energy is supplied by the _____.
Response: sun
Question 20
The preservation ethics is based on individualism or egocentrism
Response: False
Question 21
Relationship which exist between dogs and fleas
Response: parasitism
Question 22
Below are examples of important ecological processes involving interactions of matter and energy except:
Response: habitat
Question 23
A food web is not an interlocking food chains.
Response: False
Question 24
Daily and seasonal changes are the products of temperature changes influenced by the intensity and duration of sunlight in an area.
Response: True
Question 25
Daily and seasonal changes are the products of temperature changes influenced by the intensity and duration of sunlight in an area.
Response: True
Question 26
About 70% of the useful energy is lost with each transfer to the next higher trophic level.
Response: False
Question 27
Match the following environmental principles with their definition.
Response: Interdependence and Interconnectedness => What one does will affect another, whether directly or indirectly.
Response: Change and Material Cycles => Materials in the environment undergo cyclic changes, passing through geologic and biological
Response: Law of Limits and Population Dynamics => An ecosystem can support only a certain number of individuals at a given time.
Response: Diversity and Stability => The more diversity among life forms and ecosystems are, the more resilient and stable the
environment will be.
Response: Balance of Nature and Stewardship => Nature has its own laws and processes to maintain itself, and therefore going against
what Nature prescribes will have undesirable consequences.
Response: Finiteness of Resources => Most resources are nonrenewable, vulnerable to depletion and degradation unless it is used
prudently and wisely
Question 28
The relationship between organisms where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected, it is called _____
Response: commensalism
Question 29
A _____ refers to populations of different plants and animals living and interacting in an area at a particular time
Response: community
Question 30
Identify the relevant environmental attitudes and/or behavior based on the statements.
Response: Everyone reasons that, “If I do not use this resource, someone else will” or “a small amount used or pollute is not enough to
matter, anyway, it’s a renewable resource”. => Tragedy of commons
Response: A degraded environment creates less opportunities, so poor people become more vulnerable in the process. => Maslow's
heirarchy of needs
Response: It emphasizes caution, pausing and reviewing before leaping into new innovations that may prove disastrous. => Precautionary
Response: “If anyone intentionally spoils the water of another…let him not only pay for damages, but purify the stream or cistern which
contains the water.” => Polluter-Pays Principle
Response: “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” =>
Intergenerational Equity
Response: Legal instrument in the form of a court order commanding a dilatory organization or individual, in this particular case, several
government agencies, to perform its legal duties and obligations, or be penalized for contempt of court. => Writ of Mandamus
Question 31
Categorize the hierarchy of ecological structures.
Response: It occupies the planet’s surface, confined in a closed system that is self-regulating. => Biosphere
Response: A distinct biological community of organisms with common characteristics in an environment with a shared climatic condition
covering a wide geographical area. => Biome
Response: The community of organisms and populations interacting with one another and with the chemical and physical factors making
up their environment => Ecosystem
Response: Populations of different plants and animals living and interacting in an area at a particular time => Community
Response: Group of organisms of the same species living within a particular area => Population
Response: Any form of life which includes plants and animals. => Organism
Question 32
Carrying capacity is the maximum number of users of a resource without creating adverse environmental impacts
Response: True
Question 33
The two components of environment are biotic and abiotic factors.
Response: True
Question 34
“Nature Knows Best” is an affirmation that Nature has its own laws and processes to maintain itself, and therefore going against what
Nature prescribes will have undesirable consequences
Response: True
Question 35
_____ level refers to the steps in the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
Response: trophic
Question 36
A school of milkfish is a concrete example
Response: population
Question 37
A parasite lives in or another organism and gets food from its host.
Response: True
Question 38
_____ exclusion principle, which states that “no two species can occupy the same ecological niche in the same place at the same time.”
Response: competitive
Question 39
Categorize the hierarchy of ecological structures.
Response: It occupies the planet’s surface, confined in a closed system that is self-regulating. => Biosphere
Response: A distinct biological community of organisms with common characteristics in an environment with a shared climatic condition
covering a wide geographical area. => Biome
Response: The community of organisms and populations interacting with one another and with the chemical and physical factors making
up their environment => Ecosystem
Response: Populations of different plants and animals living and interacting in an area at a particular time => Community
Response: Group of organisms of the same species living within a particular area => Population
Response: Any form of life which includes plants and animals. => Organism
Question 40
An ecosystem is simply a combination of communities and its physical environment.
Response: True
Question 41
What is the study of the interactions between humans, other organisms, and their surroundings and how these interactions affect their
Question 42
For plants, the sun directly provides the energy in order to sustain themselves.
Response: True
Question 43
The passage of energy from one trophic level to the next resulting from one organism consuming another is a food _____
Response: chain
Question 44
All the options comprise the several broad yet interrelated categories of abiotic factors except:
Question 45
_____ competition occurs between organisms of different species
Response: interspecific
Question 46
Categorize the given biotic factors:
Question 47
The following are examples of herbivores except:
Response: bacteria
Question 48
_____ is the kind of symbiotic relationship involve both species benefiting from the interaction.
Response: mutualism
Question 49
_____ is the weight of the living material in a trophic level
Response: biomass
Question 50
Morals reflect the predominant mindset of a society about ethical issues at a distinct time period
Response: True
Question 51
The niche of of an organism is the functional role it has in its surroundings.
Response: True
Question 52
Identify the primary theories of moral responsibility regarding the environment based on their definition.
Response: Maintains that the environment deserves direct moral consideration and not one that is merely derived from human and animal
interests. => Ecocentrism
Response: comes with a view that all living things have moral consideration => Biocentrism
Response: Revolves around environmental responsibility derived from human interest alone. => Anthropocentrism
Question 53
Carnivores that eat carnivores are the fourth trophic level.
Response: True
Question 54
Environmental justice is also interchangeably referred to as “environmental equity".
Response: True
Question 55
An ecosystem is a stable and self-regulating unit.
Response: True
Question 56
Grasses, tress and algae are examples of _____
Response: producers
Question 57
The climate reflects the prevailing weather patterns in an area covering a certain duration of time is an ecological process involving solar
energy interacting with matter that makes up the Earth
Response: True
Question 58
It is always easy to tell whether a relationship is a predator-prey relationship or a host-parasite relationship.
Response: False
Question 59
Which among the ecological pyramids is always in upright position or appear as typical pyramid?
Response: energy
Question 60
The environment is everything that affects an organism during its lifetime.
Response: True
Question 61
All the options comprise the several broad yet interrelated categories of abiotic factors except:
Question 62
Even the simplest food webs are complex.
Response: True
Question 63
An ecosystem occupies an important hierarchy in the level of organization in nature.
Response: True
Question 64
It is always easy to tell whether a relationship is a predator-prey relationship or a host-parasite relationship.
Response: False
Question 65
The relationship between organisms where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected, it is called _____
Response: commensalism
Question 66
Below are examples of important ecological processes involving interactions of matter and energy except:
Response: habitat
Question 67
For plants, the sun directly provides the energy in order to sustain themselves.
Response: True
Question 68
The climate reflects the prevailing weather patterns in an area covering a certain duration of time is an ecological process involving solar
energy interacting with matter that makes up the Earth
Response: True
Question 69
The word ethics usually refers to the conditions around which affects people and other organisms
Response: False
Question 70
_____ refers to relationship between organisms where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected
Response: commensalism