Beed Generalist Draft 2

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A Classroom-Based Action Research Presented to the

College of Education and Liberal Arts

Davao Central College

Toril, Davao City

Bachelor of Elementary Education







The classroom-based action research entitled “Challenges in the Reading

Comprehension Skills of Intermediate Grade Level in Filipino Language”,

prepared and submitted by Abanes, Jomaica,Amarillo, Jerame, Bansil, Salima, Bibat,

Hannah Fe, Cabug-os, Ricah Miah, Carin, Margarette, De Leon, Lyca, Delos Santos,

Laarni Dumaguit, Stephen Emuy, Josie Fe, Enriquez, Jearrah Mae Fabiolas, Erika Mae

Ginobisa, Ivylyn, Geraldez, Art John, Gutierrez, Gladys Jimenez, Aldrin, Lacre, Lovely

Dawn Landas, SahdiaLibo, Cathlene Joy, Liza, Jianvenn Michelle Majarucon, Rachel

Dave Matucol, Michelle, Morato, Quennie Jill, Ocoy, Ana Rose Oniola, Jannah Mae,

Pabi, Jessa Marie, Pernito, Cherry Ann, Rosalita, Vincent, Sabacan, Norol-In,

Saturinas, Monique. In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Field Study 2, has been

examined and is hereby endorsed for an oral examination, approval, and acceptance.


CBAR- Adviser/ Field Study 2 Supervisor

Content Page
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Content iv
Context and Rationale 1-2
Action Research Questions 2
Proposed Innovations, Interventions Strategy 2-3
Action Research Methods 3
Participants/ Other Sources of Data 3-4
Data Gathering Method 4
Data Analysis Plan 4
Action Research Work Plan 5-6
Cost Estimates 6
Results 7-9
Plan for Dissemination and Utilizations 10-11
References 11-12
Appendix A (Interview Guide Questionnaire) 13
Appendix B (Letter for Approval) 14-15
Curriculum Vitae 16-24

Information and knowledge are crucial today. Language skills like reading and

writing are necessary for acquiring, understanding, processing, and learning the

information (Calzada Prado & Marzal Garcia, 2013). It goes without saying that

everyone's development and growth depend on their ability to grasp or interpret texts in

both spoken and written languages as well as their capacity to communicate ideas and

concepts. Through communication and comprehension, as well as by acquiring some

study habits skills and having a good outlook, one is able to acquire knowledge in a

variety of subjects. Additionally, one should develop a desire to learn new things and

get comfortable with the target language (Shippen et al., 2010), as one who is unable to

understand or comprehend something clearly is likely to be depriving themselves of the


People in the Philippines speak a variety of languages, including Cebuano,

Tagalog, Hiligaynon, Waray, and many more. Filipino and English are used as

communication languages to help people understand one another, especially those who

come from various geographical locations. Furthermore, the Filipino language is utilized

to teach some of the topics available in public and private schools, such as Filipino,

Araling Panlipunan, etc., and is regarded as the nation's official language. On the other

hand, people who reside in the Luzon region (one of the country's three main islands)

have no trouble utilizing and understanding Filipino. Living in the Visayas and

Mindanao, however, makes it harder for people to speak and comprehend the

language. The Visayas and Mindanao actually have a higher proportion of English

speakers than Filipinos. 16 percent of people in the Visayas claimed to use Filipino to its
fullest extent, and 54 percent claimed to be able to speak English, according to data

from Social Weather Surveys (SWS) obtained from the article authored by Mangahas

(2016). The survey's findings clearly show that the inhabitants of the Visayas and

Mindanao region do not often speak Filipino at home, which negatively affects their

ability to understand it.

In terms of reading comprehension proficiency among Asian nations, China

comes out on top, followed by Singapore. The Programme for International Student

Assessment (PISA, 2018) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development found that the Philippines scored the lowest among Asian nations in

reading comprehension (OECD). According to the PISA 2018 results, the Philippines'

reading comprehension issue is nothing new. According to data from the Department of

Education from 2007, 70% of kids' reading abilities are below grade level. Additionally, a

Philippine Star story from 2011 claims that Filipinos lack drive and adequate reading

skills. Additionally, it was noted in the study by Cabardo (2015) that students' poor

performance on the National Achievement Test was a sign of the nation's elementary

and secondary students' poor reading comprehension abilities.

Learning and mastering the Filipino language require the development of a

variety of macro-skills, including speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Reading is

also the most important academic skill among the macro-skills. Even while reading

plays a significant part in learning, some kids still struggle with it. Even though the pupils

or learners have sufficient linguistic knowledge, this seems real. Concerning improving

intermediate students' reading comprehension abilities through active learning methods.

Storytelling, Paired Reading, Story Maps, and Storyboard are the next strategies. Along
with approaches, the following tactics are also useful: predicting, summarizing, and


The researcher would like to conduct this research study with the Intermediate

Grade Level (4-6) of Basic Education at Davao Central College- Rasay Campus. The

researchers have experienced and witnessed the reading comprehension problems of

the intermediate grade level. Pupils have low performance in Filipino subjects due to

learners' difficulty in comprehending the medium of (Filipino language) used in the said

subject. Thus, this study intends to determine and analyze the Enhancing Filipino

Reading Comprehension Skills in Intermediate Grade Level through Hands-on Learning



1. What are the difficulties the students have encountered in comprehending the

medium of instruction (Filipino Language) used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan

and E.S.P. subjects?

Probing Question

● Can you describe these challenges?

2. What are the coping mechanisms of students in their reading comprehension

skills in the medium of instruction (Filipino Language) used in Filipino, Araling

Panlipunan and E.S.P. subjects?

Probing Question
● Can you describe their coping mechanism on how they overcome the

challenges in reading comprehension skills in the medium of instruction

(Filipino Language) that is used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan and E.S.P


3. What plan of action can be designed to address the difficulties in reading

comprehension skills of Intermediate grade level in the use of Filipino Language

as medium of instruction for Filipino, Araling Panlipunan and E.S.P. subjects?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The more you read the more your knowledge is. The ability to read and

comprehend are essential skills for students to survive and understand how society

works because most information is presented through text (Yaseen, 2013).

The researchers will create a researcher-made questionnaire that aims to

Enhance the Filipino Reading Comprehension Skills in Intermediate Grade Level

Through Hands-on Learning Techniques. This questionnaire will be employed in the

interview between the researchers and the participants. The result of the interview will

then determine the hands-on learning techniques of the difficulties of intermediate grade

level in reading comprehension specifically: The difficulties you have encountered in

comprehending the medium of (Filipino Language) used in the Filipino, Aralpan, and

E.S.P subject?; What are your coping mechanisms to enhance your Filipino Reading

Comprehension Skills? Explain; and What plan of action can be designed to address
the difficulties of Enhancing Filipino Reading Comprehension Skills in Intermediate

Grade Level through Hands-on Learning Techniques?

Furthermore, the techniques will be used as the intervention strategy for

references of teachers especially in handling hands-on learning classes in the Face - to

face set up.

IV. Method

Type of Research

In order to conduct talks that would produce rich data that could be used in

qualitative analysis, this study adopted a structured interview approach. Prior to

conducting the interview, the researchers will obtain approval from the participants in

the study as well as the OIC Principal of Basic Education of Davao Central College. The

interview process is the first step. The participants are reminded of the study's

objectives, research methods, anticipated benefits, their ability to withdraw from the

study at any time, and confidentiality protection. Additionally, the interview is audio-

recorded with the consent of the participants to guarantee a thorough transcript. All

interviews will be recorded using typed notes, allowing the researchers to keep track of

important details.

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study will be the Intermediate Grade Level (4-6) in Basic

Education of Davao Central College. The participants are chosen by using a purposive

sampling method. The researcher uses this method to select participants that can
provide detailed and relevant information about enhancing the Filipino Reading

Comprehension Skills of Intermediate Grade Level Through Hands-on Learning



The Enhancing Filipino Reading Comprehension Skills in Intermediate Grade

Level through Hands-on Learning Techniques. Will be assessed using a single data

collection tool in this research action study. A researcher- made questionnaire guide will

be the tool used to identify the difficulties of Enhancing Filipino Reading Comprehension

Skills by the Intermediate Grade Level (4-6) of Basic Education of Davao Central

College- Rasay Campus by which such will guide the researcher in making an action

research plan.


The goal of this action research project is to determine and analyze the

difficulties that intermediate grade level encountered in comprehending the medium of

(Filipino Language) used in the Filipino, Aral pan, and E.S.P subject, coping

mechanisms to enhance Intermediate Pupils Filipino Reading Comprehension Skills

and plan of action that can be assigned to address the difficulties of Enhancing Filipino

Reading Comprehension Skills in Intermediate grade level through Hands-on Learning

Techniques. Qualitative measures will be used to collect data for this action research. A

questionnaire guide will make up the qualitative data.








CHALLENGES IN To assist Utilized short Teachers the students will be

THE READING teachers in stories and and able to enhance

COMPREHENSIO enriching other literacy students their reading

N SKILLS OF students' types of comprehension

INTERMEDIATE understandin materials. skills.



LANGUAGE. language.

To help Remedial on Teachers Students will be

students in reading and able to learn more

improving Filipino students about the Filipino

their reading language. language and

comprehensi improve their

on in Filipino reading

language comprehension

To increase Create a Teachers, Students will be

the parents’ reading - rich parents and able to practice

cooperation home, model students and strengthen

in enhancing reading and their reading

the reading administer comprehension in

comprehensi parent- Filipino language

on of the teachers by the help and

students. circles support of the

parents who serves

to be their teachers

at home.

To help Employ Teachers Students will

teacher in interactive and actively participate

developing a reading students in the class, which

strategy for materials (big will help them

improving the story books, improve their

student's audio-visual reading

reading presentation, comprehension.

comprehensi card play,

on. images, and


The anticipated cost would be set at Php 500.00. The generated action research

paper's printing and soft binding would be the cause of the expense.


Presented in this section are the results of data gathered from the participants on

the Challenges in the Reading Comprehension Skills of Intermediate Grade Level in

Filipino Language. Based on the methodology the collected data from the participants

were collated and analyzed in accordance with the statement of the problem of the



Table 1.

Research Objective 1: The difficulties the pupils have encountered in comprehending the
medium of instruction (Filipino Language) used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, and E.S.P

Challenges encountered in comprehending Can you describe these challenges?

the medium of Instruction (Filipino Language)
used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, and E.S.P

A.1 “The pupils have difficulties in understanding A.1.1 “They don’t outrightly understand the
the Filipino Language” Filipino Language”

B.2 “Pupils are having a hard time understanding B.2.2 “Most of the time, teachers are completed to
the Filipino medium as they are not exposed to translate some Filipino words just to get the
message across and help them understand”
the Filipino language at home.”

C.3 “Intermediate-level students have trouble C.3.3 “They consistently received poor scores in
grasping the Filipino language. The issue here is the Filipino subjects on their exams because,
that because they are unable to read or among other things, they are unable to read or
understand Filipino, they are also unable to understand Filipino because they are not used to
correctly pronounce Filipino terms” speaking it”

D. 4 “Because of the influence of the pandemic on D.4.4 “As teachers, we found that they were very
our students, their increased exposure to struggling in terms of the subjects because they
technology, and their parents' struggles to were exposed to gadgets, which we will translate
understand their medium of instruction, most to them so they will understand it.”
learners find it difficult to understand and interpret

E. 5 “Most of the students or pupils find it hard to E. 5.5 “As teachers, we can see how students
understand and comprehend Filipino language as /pupils were struggling during these Filipino,
a medium of instruction since they are more Araling Panlipunan and ESP subjects. They were
exposed with gadgets nowadays, most of its always asking the teacher to translate it in English
content are English language. The tendency is and when a teacher fails to do that, they will just
that English will become their medium. This is the be guessing the answer. This would lead pupils to
common problem of parents with their children hate these subjects”

F. 6 “Pupils are having a hard time F. 6.6 “There are some pupils who don’t really
comprehending the subject Araling Panlipunan, know how to speak Filipino and every exam, the
since most of them don’t know how to speak and questions were translated in English for them to
understand some of the words especially in understand and they will be able answer the
Filipino.” questions.

Table 2.

Research Objective 2: Coping mechanisms of pupils in their reading comprehension skills in

the medium of instruction (Filipino Language) used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, E.S.P

Coping Mechanisms of students in their Can you describe their coping mechanism on
reading comprehension skills in the medium how they overcome the challenges in reading
of instruction (Filipino Language) comprehension skills in the medium of
instruction (Filipino Language) That is used in
Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, and E.S.P
A.1 “Asking for the English equivalent or the A. 1.1 “If students don’t understand the word, they
translation of words is the most common way that will immediately ask the teacher what is the
addresses this problem.” meaning of it.”

B.2 “Translation: Encouraging them to read B.2.2 “Some students use context clues in
Filipino books or movies; Exposing them to the reading sentences or selections for them to
Filipino language even more.” understand difficult words.”

C.3 “To meet these problems in my Filipino class, C.3.3 Students need a model or something to
I must do everything in my power as a teacher to offer in class such as images, objects, or other
inspire the students to practice reading, items, so that they can observe while also
understanding, and writing Filipino.” learning. Additionally, taking appropriate action
can actually benefit them, as it will enable them to
learn and comprehend despite their inability to
read and comprehend.”

D.4 “Their common mechanism for learning is to D.4.4 “They will ask about these words, and as a
ask the teacher, either a classmate or their teacher will translate them and answer with the
parents. If the student cannot understand, the correct word so they fully understand the content.”
parent will seek tutoring for them.”

E. 5 “The most common mechanism of pupils is to E. 5.5 “During exams they will definitely ask the
ask the teacher to translate it into English. Some teacher to translate every question in English
of them will ask for help with their classmates, whenever a teacher does that, they will just
they would also ask their parents to look for some familiarize its meaning but then not all of them will
tutor that would help them to cope with these be remembered. Even if they just know how to
subjects.” read it, they still do not understand it meaning not
until someone helps them. Not all the time the
teacher will be able to help them, so their parents
will hire a tutor to help them cope.”

A.6 “To overcome these challenges, as their F.6.6 “By asking my teacher to explain any words
teacher, I constantly translate each sentence or phrases in Filipino that I’m having trouble
word for word so that my students will both understanding. Additionally, through reading
comprehend what I discussed and be able to Filipino books like Alamat, Pabula and other
participate in my discussion. I also give them the books written in Filipino particularly in our free
opportunity to talk in Filipino so they can practice.” time. I also help myself become familiar with and
interpret each Filipino word.”

Table 3.

Research Objective 3. Plan of Action that can be designed to address the difficulties in
reading comprehension skills of Intermediate grade level in the use of Filipino Language
as medium of instruction for Filipino, Araling Panlipunan and E.S.P subjects

Plan of Action
● Provide Filipino books at the right level
● Reread to build fluency
● Remedial Reading Class
● Multisensory Activities (use of flashcards, charts, small and big books, and Story books
● Story reading
● Encourage reciprocal teaching in Filipino Language
● Game-Based Learning (Charades, Pictionary, Message relay)
● Motivate and Reward success.


A. Participant 1 C- Participant 3 E- Participant 5

B. Participant 2 D- Participant 4 F- Participant 6


The researchers will evaluate the Intermediate Grade Level in Basic Education of

Davao Central College Rasay Campus. In order to complete the researchers’ self-made

questionnaire, the researcher will approach the teacher for permission to conduct an

interview. The researcher will also request consent from the teachers to participate in

the interview conducted by the researchers.



To assist Utilized short Teachers After class the students will be

teachers in stories and and students discussion. able to enhance

enriching other literacy their reading

students' types of comprehension

understanding materials. skills.

of the Filipino


To help Remedial on Teachers After class Students will be

students in reading Filipino and students discussion able to learn more

improving their language. about the Filipino

reading language and

comprehension improve their

in Filipino reading

language comprehension


To increase the Create a Teachers, Every two Students will be

parents’ reading - rich parents and weeks. able to practice and

cooperation in home, model students strengthen their

enhancing the reading and reading

reading administer comprehension in

comprehension parent-teachers Filipino language by

of the students. circles the help and

support of the

parents who serves

to be their teachers

at home.

To help teacher Employ Teachers During and Students will

in developing a interactive and students after class actively participate

strategy for reading discussion in the class, which

improving the materials (big will help them

student's story books, improve their

reading audio-visual reading

comprehension presentation, comprehension.

. card play,

images, and



Malana, M. (2019). First Language Interference in Learning the English Language. The

Asian EFL Journal. 13(2.2), 32-46

Yahsee, A. (2013). The reading difficulties in English and how to deal with them as

perceived by teachers a student in Nablus District. An-Najah National University Faculty

of Graduate Studies.
Appendix A

Interview Guide Questionnaire

Note: Rest assured that all information will be kept confidential and the identities of the
participants who participated in this survey will not be revealed.
Name: _____________
Date: ____________
Grade Level: ________
Please answer the following:
Questions for Interview

1. What are the difficulties that pupils have encountered in comprehending the medium of
instruction (Filipino Language) used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan and E.S.P

Probing Questions
 Can you describe these challenges?

2. What are the coping mechanism of pupils in their reading comprehension skills in the
medium of instruction (Filipino Language) used in Filipino, Araling Panlipunan and
E.S.P. subjects?
Probing Questions

Can you describe their coping mechanisms on how they overcome the challenges in
reawding comprehension skills in medium of instruction (Filipino Language) that used
in Filipinos, Araling Panlipunan and E.S.P subjects?

Appendix B

Letter of Approval
Curriculum Vitae


Name: Jomaica P. Abanes

Nickname: Jomaica

Birthday: April 26, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09092818720

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Jose Rizal Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur


Elementary: Jose Rizal Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Federico Yap National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Federico Yap National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist

Name: Jerame D. Amarillo

Nickname: Jerame

Birthday: August 6, 1991

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Married

Contact Number: 09530347647

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Vission Lizada Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Piedad Central Elementary School

High School: Crossing Bayabas National High School

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Salima Bansil

Nickname: Salima

Birthday: February 24, 1996

Age: 26

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09482639314

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Pinantao Kapatagan L.D.S


Elementary: Don Pablo Hoper Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Cotabato National High School- Main Campus

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Cotabato National High School- Main Campus

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Hannah Faye E. Bibat

Nickname: Hanna

Birthday: November 22, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09122759593

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 5 Baracayo Daliaon Plantation, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Baracayo Integrated School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Saint Peter's College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Saint Peter's College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Rica Miah G. Cabug-os

Nickname: Rica

Birthday: January 23, 2001

Age: 22

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09057236247

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Sitio Saka, Bago gallera Talomo district Davao city


Elementary: Manuel A. Roxas Elementary school

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Don Enrique Bustamante national high school

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Brokenshire College Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Margarette B. Carin

Nickname: Marga

Birthday: October 17, 1998

Age: 23

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09777894832

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: 28 Narra Street Reldo Village Bago Gallera, Davao City


Elementary: Antongalon Central Elementary School

High School: Taligaman National High School

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Lyca C. De Leon

Nickname: Laling

Birthday: July 01, 2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09300909477

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: VDLR street, Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Columbos Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Buda National Highschool

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Crossing Bayabas National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Laarni H. Delo Santos

Nickname: Laarni

Birthday: October 22, 1982

Age: 39

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Married

Contact Number: 09912124973

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Block 2 Lot 7 St. Joseph Homes, Sirawan Toril Davao City


Elementary: Pindasan Elementary School

Year Graduated: 1994

High School: Nueva Estrella SDA High School

Year Graduated: 1999

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Stephen V. Dumaguit

Nickname: Stephen

Birthday: August 22,2000

Age: 22

Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09658853606

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Samantha Homes, Lizada Toril Davao City


Elementary: Sirawan Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Senior High School: Brokenshiere College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Josie Fe L. Emuy

Nickname: Josie

Birthday: July 26, 1999

Age: 23

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09488942500

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: 153 Crossing Bayabas Toril Davao City


Elementary: Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School

High School: Crossing Bayabas National High School

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Jearrah Maye T. Enriquez

Nickname: Jearrah

Birthday: May 30, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09667598294

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 5 Baracayo Daliaon Plantation, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Baracayo Integrated School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Brokenshire College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Brokenshire College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Erika Mae Fabiolas

Nickname: Ekang

Birthday: June 15, 2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09306224642

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Marapangi 1 Sto. Nino Toril Davao City.


Elementary: CB. Bangoy Sr. Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Dona Carmen Denia National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Davao Central College

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Ivylyn C. Ginobisa

Nickname: Ivy

Birthday: March 11, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number:

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Pag-asa Bankerohan Davao City


Elementary: New matina Elementary

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Sta. Ana national High school

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Rizal Memorial Colleges

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Art John G. Geraldez

Nickname: Art

Birthday: September 6,2000

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09777042914

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 5 Baracayo Daliaon Plantation, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Baracayo Integrated School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Camansi National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Brokenshire College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Gladys H. Guiterrez

Nickname: Gladys

Birthday: September 02,1999

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09065160420

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Coronon Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur


Elementary: Coronon Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Polythenic College Of Davao del sur, Inc.

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Polythenic College Of Davao del sur, Inc.

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Aldren Agad Jimenez

Nickname: Aldren

Birthday: November 08,1991

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 095184839538

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Veruela, Agusan Del Sur


Elementary: Veruela Central Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2003-2004

High School: Veruela National High School

Year Graduated: 2007-2008

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Lovely Dawn G. Lacre

Nickname: Lab

Birthday: March 20, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09361531401

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Upper Quinokol, Sta Cruz, Davao del Sur


Elementary: Olayvar Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Inawayan National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Sahdia S. Landas

Nickname: Diyang

Birthday: April 13, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09150512302

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 10, Sirawan, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Sirawan Beach Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Inawayan National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Davao Central College

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Cathlene Joy V. Libo

Nickname: Cathlene

Birthday: March 21, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09460615989

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Sanlorenzo Village puan, talomo district Davao city


Elementary: Sauyo elementary school

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Don Enrique Bustamante national high school

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Brokenshire College Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Jianvenn Michelle P. Liza

Nickname: Clangclang

Birthday: December 23,2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09121799542

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Saint Matthew, Paradise, Toril, Davao City


Elementary Piedad Central Elementary

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Crossing Bayabas National HighSchool

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Brokenshire College

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Rachel Dave E. Majarucon

Nickname: Rachel

Birthday: June 29, 1992

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Married

Contact Number: 09558876604

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 11, Bago Aplaya Davao City


Elementary: Colonsabac Elementary School

High School: Matanao National High School

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Michelle B. Matucol

Nickname: Chelle

Birthday: March 21, 2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09557960990

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok II, Sirawan Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Bantay Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Caraga National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Caraga National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Quennie Jill Morato

Nickname: Quennie

Birthday: September 23, 2001

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09389922276

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Inawayan Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur


Elementary: Tagluno Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Inawayan National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Inawayan National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Ana Rose J. Ocoy

Nickname: Rose

Birthday: August 30,1996

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Married

Contact Number: 09456633310

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Bougainvilla St., Daliao, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Demapaco Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2008-2009

High School: Sinawingan High School

Year Graduated: 2012-2013

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist

Name: Jannah Mae D. Oniola

Nickname: Nang

Birthday: September 16,2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09551834101

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 12, Sirawan, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Sirawan Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Sirawan National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Sirawan National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Jessa Marie Pabi

Nickname: Jess

Birthday: December 29, 2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09667598363

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: St. Michael Daliao, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Davao Central College

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Davao Central College

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Cherry Ann Ramas Pernito

Nickname: Ann

Birthday: December 17,1987

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Married

Contact Number: 09531824845

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: San Roque, Daliao, Toril, Davao City


Elementary: Magsaysay Elementary School

Year Graduated: 1999-2000

High School: Doña Carmen Denia National high School

Year Graduated: 2003-2004

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Vincent T. Rosalita

Nickname: Vincent

Birthday: December 10, 2000

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09076931403

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 1 Alambre, Toril Davao city


Elementary: Piedad Central Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Senior High School: Brokenshiere College of Toril

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Norol-in O. Sabacan

Nickname: Bengbeng

Birthday: October 13, 2000

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09094224860

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok Linggisan, Inawayan Beach, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur


Elementary: Inawayan Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Junior High School: Inawayan National High School

Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Senior High School: Inawayan National High School

Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist


Name: Monique Aledro Satuninas

Nickname: Monique

Birthday: March 28, 1997

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09365120760

Email Address: [email protected]

Address: Purok 6, Tungkalan Toril Davao City


Elementary: Tungkalan Elementary School

High School: Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Tertiary: Davao Central College

Course and Major: BEED-Generalist

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