Cat.No: MBS029209
Store the kit at 2°C-8°C !
Valid Period: Six Months (2°C-8°C)!
Specification: 48 well kit or 96 well kit
1. Introductions
This Quantitative Sandwich ELISA kit is for lab reagent/research use only, not for drug, household, therapeutic or
diagnostic applications! This kit is intended to be used for determine the level of CHE (hereafter termed "analyte") in
undiluted original Human serum, plasma or tissue homogenates samples. For other sample types please contact tech
support to determine compatibility with this assay. This kit is not suitable for assaying non-biological sources of substances.
2. Performances
Sensitivity: The sensitivity of this kit is 5.0ng/ml.
Detection Range: The detection range of this kit is 31.2ng/ml-1000ng/ml.
Standard Concentration Gradients (S6 to S1) : 1000,500,250,125,62.5,31.2ng/ml.
Reproducibility: Both Intra-assay CV (%) and Inter-assay CV (%) is less than 15%. [CV(%) = SD/mean ×100]. All
CV% should be compared by concentration, not compared by OD values.
3. Precautions
3.1) We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of any change without prior notice in this manual.
3.2) Limited by current skill and knowledge, it is impossible for us to complete the cross-reactivity detection between
this analyte and all its analogues; therefore, cross reaction to other targets may potentially exist. Furthermore, cross-reactivity
could vary between sample type or species.
3.3) Influenced by factors including cell viability, cell number and sampling time, samples from cell culture
supernatant/extract or cell lysates are not suitable for detection by this kit.
3.4) Pure buffer controls are not suitable for this one step assay because they do not reflect the contribution of the
biological matrix of an endogenous sample to reducing the background of the assay. If a pure buffer blank is required then
please do not add the HRP-Conjugate Reagent to the pure buffer blank reaction mixture.
3.5) The reagents and the plate of the kit and its technical parameters are matched and designed for optimal performance
only when they are together as a whole kit, so please do not substitute reagents from one kit to other kits and use only the
reagents supplied by manufacturer. Due to the possibility of mismatching between antigen/antibody from other
manufacturers and antibody/antigen used in this kit (such as differences in conformational epitopes caused by chemical
environments or differences in linear epitopes, and so on), some synthetic peptides, recombinant proteins and extracted
proteins can not be detected out by this kit. Additionally, we will not be responsible for using this kit or any part of this kit
to do any other experiments (such as western blot, immunohistochemistry, spike/recovery and so on) arbitrarily.
3.6) Results from end users might be inconsistent with our in house data due to some unexpected transportation or
storage conditions, or different ambient temperature, lab equipment, operation, pipetting, washing, incubation temperature
or time, and kit age. Assay variance among wells or kits might arise from these factors, too.
3.7) The Stop Solution is an acid solution, please avoid contact it, it may cause skin irritations and burns. so please pay
enough attention to safety when use it. Samples should be handled as potentially hazardous and capable of transmitting
disease. Disposable gloves must be worn during the assay procedure, since no known test method can offer complete
assurance that products derived from body will not transmit infectious agents. Therefore, all blood derivatives should be
considered potentially infectious and good laboratory practices should be followed.
4. Materials Required but Not Supplied
4.1) Distilled water.
4.2) Absorbent paper or paper towels.
9 Closure Plate Membrane 2×pieces 2×pieces
10 Manual --- 1×paper 1×paper
Although we have listed most of possible sample types, it does not mean the analyte exists in all of these listed
samples, because some analytes only exist in specific body fluids, organelles, cells or tissues. End users have the
responsibility to judge whether their samples contain the analyte.
Collect and centrifuge serum at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant
carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Collect plasma using EDTA or heparin as an anticoagulant. Centrifuge the plasma at 1000×g (or 3000rpm)
Plasma: for approximately 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C
or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Collect whole blood using EDTA or heparin as an anticoagulant, and using ultrasonication or two freeze-thaw
Whole cycles to break the cell membranes. Centrifuge the whole blood at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately
Blood: 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid
repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Other Collect and centrifuge fluid at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant
Fluid: carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
The preparation of tissue homogenates will vary depending upon tissue type. Collect and weigh tissue before
homogenization, mince the tissue to small pieces and homogenize the tissue with a certain amount of PBS
Tissue: (usually 10mg tissue to 100μl PBS.). Centrifuge the homogenate at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately
20 minutes. Collect the supernatant carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid
repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Collect and centrifuge saliva at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant
carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Collect and centrifuge urine at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant
carefully. Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Collect and fully shake feces with a certain amount of PBS (usually 10mg feces to 100μl PBS.). Centrifuge
Feces: the homogenate at 1000×g (or 3000rpm) for approximately 20 minutes. Collect the supernatant carefully.
Assay immediately or store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Important Notes:
6.1) We are only responsible for the kit itself, but not for the samples consumed during the assay. The user should
calculate the possible amounts of samples needed for the entire assay. Please make sure that sufficient samples are available.
6.2) Fresh samples without long time storage are recommended for the assay. Otherwise, protein degradation and
denaturation may occur in the samples and lead to wrong results. Samples to be used within a week can be stored at 2°C-
2 Version 12.0 January 16, 2020
up to six months at 2°C-8°C.
7.3) When the kit is opened, please use up the plate as soon as possible after removing the plate from the foil pouch,
because the plate easily become damp after repeatedly removed it from the foil pouch. The Plate is detachable, so please
return the unused wells to the foil pouch containing the desiccant pack, and reseal along the entire edge of the zip-seal for
preventing moisture. The remaining reagents also need to be stored at 2°C-8°C. The valid period of opened kits may vary
depending on various factors and for best results the kit should be used up as soon as possible.
8. Assay Procedures
Steps ↓ Operations
Check the Plate and equipment before your experiments and make sure they are no problem.
Step 1
Check the labels and the color of the covers of the vials/bottles and make sure they are matched and no mistake.
Allow the Plate, all reagents and samples to come to room temperature (18°C-25°C) naturally before starting assay
Step 2
procedures. Do NOT use hot water baths to heat the Plate, reagents or samples.
Step 5 Add 50 μl Standard (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6) to corresponding Standard wells;
Add 50 μl Sample to every Sample well.
Step 6 Add 100 μl HRP-Conjugate Reagent to every well except blank wells;
Step 7 Cover the Plate with a Closure Plate Membrane and incubate for 60 minutes at 37°C.
Step 8 Wash all wells (including all Blank wells) 4 times.
Step 9 Add 50 μl Chromogen Solution A to every well.
Step 10 Add 50 μl Chromogen Solution B to every well. (Protect Chromogen Solution B from light.)
Step 11 Mix gently and incubate the Plate for 15 minutes at 37°C. (Protect the Plate from light.)
Step 12 Add 50 μl Stop Solution to every well.
Read the Optical Density (O.D.) at 450 nm using an ELISA reader within 15 minutes after adding Stop Solution (around
Step 13
5 minutes is usually the best time).
Important Notes:
8.1) Protect all reagents from strong light during storage and incubation. All the bottle caps of reagents should be
covered tightly to prevent evaporation and contamination with microorganisms.
8.2) Do not remove the Plate from the foil pouch until needed. There may be some foggy substance in the wells when
the Plate is opened the first time. This will not have any effect on the final assay results.
pipette or squirt bottle, fill each well completely with Wash Solution (1×), leave the Wash Solution in the wells for about
one minute and then invert and hit the Plate onto absorbent papers or paper towels until no moisture appears. Repeat this
procedure four times. Note: Hold the sides of the Plate frame firmly when washing the Plate to assure that all strips remain
securely in Plate frame.
Automated Washing - Aspirate all wells, then wash the Plate four times using Wash Buffer (1×). Always adjust
your washer to aspirate as much liquid as possible and set fill volume at 350μl/well/wash. After the final wash, invert the
Plate, and blot the Plate dry by hitting the Plate onto absorbent paper or paper towels until no moisture appears.
8.7) Controlling Reaction Time: Observe the change of color after adding Substrates (e.g. observation once every 10
minutes). Substrates should change from colorless or light blue to gradations of blue. The color developed in the wells will
turn from blue to yellow after adding the Stop Solution.
8.8) Chromogen Solution B is 3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), and it is easily degraded by sunlight and by
fluorescent lights, so please protect it from light.
9. Calculation of Results
9.1) Average the duplicate readings for each standard and sample to subtract average optical density of the Blank (OD0).
Concentration: Blank S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
9.2) Use the professional curve fitting software to make the standard curve (usually the standard curve is linear,
quadratic and cubic curve) and calculate the level of the analyte.
9.3) If the highest OD value of the samples are higher than the highest OD value of the standards, please dilute the
samples with equal or double volume of Sample Diluent and repeat the assay again.
Note: Any variation in ambient temperature, equipment, operation, pipetting, washing, incubation temperature or time,
and kit age can cause variations in results. Every user should obtain their own standard curve.