Comparison of Different Gas Turbine Cycl

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Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

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Comparison of different gas turbine cycles and advanced exergy

analysis of the most effective
M. Fallah a, H. Siyahi a, R. Akbarpour Ghiasi a, S.M.S. Mahmoudi a, *, M. Yari a, M.A. Rosen b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON, L1H 7K4, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Four gas turbine systems are compared: simple gas turbine (SGT), gas turbine with evaporative inlet air
Received 11 April 2016 cooler (EVGT), steam injection gas turbine (STIG) and steam injection gas turbine with evaporative inlet
Received in revised form air cooler (ESTIG). These comparisons are done on the basis of conventional exergy analysis and the
5 September 2016
results show that the ESTIG cycle is the most advantageous for the designer. After determining the ESTIG
Accepted 2 October 2016
Available online 10 October 2016
optimum conditions from maximum net work and maximum second law efficiency perspectives using
conventional exergy analysis, advanced exergy analysis is performed for this system at its optimum
conditions to provide detailed information about the improvement potential of the system components.
Steam injection gas turbine
The analysis is carried out on the basis of the engineering method and the thermodynamic cycle method
Air cooling is used to validate the endogenous exergy destruction rates of the system components. The results show
Evaporative cooling technique that the optimization priority order for the system components is different when determined with
Exergy advanced exergy analysis compared to conventional exergy analysis.
Advanced exergy analysis © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the use of inlet air cooling techniques. This technique can improve
the efficiency of an existing gas turbine, especially during hot and
In the last few decades, ideas have been proposed for using the humid summer periods; therefore, different configurations and
generated steam from a gas turbine/heat recovery steam generator details of the method have been investigated [8]. Because the
system for electrical power output and efficiency improvement. For evaporative cooling method is considered in current study, some
example, some research has been performed on the use the steam articles which compare this method with others are reviewed in
in a combined cycle system, CHP or CCHP [1e5]. Also, an alternative this section. For example, Kakaras et al. [9] examined integration of
cost effective method has been proposed in which the generated the different air cooling methods for gas turbine based power
steam is injected into the gas turbine combustion chamber. This plants, considering evaporative cooling, refrigeration cooling and
method is economic, because the system does not require major evaporative cooling of pre-compressed air in different climate
modifications, which is a significant advantage from design point of conditions. The results of this work indicate that the evaporative
view. The steam injection technique can boost power plant specific cooling method has the lowest cost of incremental electricity
net-work and thermal efficiency by increasing the mass flow rate generation and payback period. Mohapatra et al. [10] compared
and heat recovery, respectively. In this regard, De Paepe et al. [6] evaporative cooling and vapor compression cooling methods and
point out that introducing steam injection in a gas turbine leads demonstrated that the evaporative inlet air cooling method should
to a growth of about 10 points in efficiency and 50%e70% in be utilized in regions with low relative humidity. Furthermore,
generated power. The technique was proposed by Cheng et al. [7] Carmona [11] pointed out that evaporative cooling is effective not
and the resultant cycle has been subsequently investigated and only in geographic areas with low relative humidity and high
developed further. ambient air dry bulb, but also in high temperature and relative
Another important concept for improving gas turbine cycles is humidity areas.
Note that the simultaneous use of the inlet air cooling and steam
injection techniques in gas turbines has rarely been examined by
* Corresponding author. Building No. 8, Department of Mechanical Engineering, researchers. For example, Bartolini et al. [12] used a fraction of the
University of Tabriz, 29 Bahman Avenue, Tabriz, Iran. recovered energy in an absorption unit to reduce the inlet air
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.M.S. Mahmoudi).
0360-5442/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
702 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

Nomenclature Subscripts
cc combustion chamber
cp molar specific heat at constant pressure ch chemical
cp specific heat at constant pressure comp compressor
caf cooling air fraction D destruction
e specific exergy e outlet
e0 specific exergy at the ambient condition evco evaporative cooler
e_ rate of specific exergy F fuel (input energy) for each component
E_ exergy rate f fuel
far fuel air ratio g exhaust gas
h specific enthalpy i inlet
h0 specific enthalpy at the environmental condition j component number in gaseous mixture
LHV lower heating value of fuel k cycle component number
m_ mass flow rate L loss
M molar mass m number of hydrogen atoms in fuel
N total number of the components in gaseous mixture n number of carbon atoms in fuel
n number of moles P product gases
ph physical
Q_ rate of heat transfer
pp pinch point
R gas constant
Q heat transfer
rc compressor pressure ratio
r turbine blade coolant air
s specific entropy
s isentropic
s0 specific entropy at the environmental condition
tot total
sar steam air ratio
turb turbine
T temperature
w water
T0 environment temperature
wb wet bulb
TIT turbine inlet temperature
TOT turbine outlet temperature
_ Superscripts
W power
AV avoidable
W _ net net power EN endogenous
x mass fraction EX exogenous
y exergy destruction ratio UN unavoidable
y* exergy destruction ratio ch chemical

Greek symbols Abbreviations

ε exergy efficiency ESTIG Evaporative cooled steam injection gas turbine
h energy efficiency HRSG heat recovery steam generator
h∞ polytropic efficiency RAH reversible adiabatic heater
l air-fuel equivalence ratio
u molar humidity ratio
u humidity ratio

temperature of the compressor and the remaining value of the of inlet air cooling was used with a steam injected gas turbine in
energy was used for steam injection and cogeneration purposes. research of Athari et al. [15,16]. They considered both natural gas
They showed that using these techniques can improve the power and gasified biomass fuels and compared the cycle performance
output by 8.3% and thermal efficiency by 4%. Salvi et al. [13] focused from energy, exergy and exergoeconimic points of view. Further-
on different inlet air cooling techniques such as cooling by ab- more, the exergy destructions of the cycle components were ob-
sorption, intercooling and ejection units in a steam injection gas tained and showed that the combustion chamber is responsible for
turbine (STIG). As they used absorption and intercooling methods, the maximum exergy destruction in the cycle.
they observed approximately 5.6% and 17% improvements in elec- Note that in most of the above mentioned studies, the internal
tric power generation, respectively. Also, they showed that the or external sources of irreversibilites for system components are
ejection cooling system is a suitable and effective system when not specified. Advanced exergy analysis provides this information
water is used as the primary refrigerant. Considering Refs. [12,13], for the designers by splitting the exergy destruction in each
an important point that should be noted is that the exergy analysis component into avoidable and unavoidable parts and also into
was not used. Wang et al. [14] modified an existing simple gas endogenous and exogenous parts. The idea of this method was
turbine cycle with absorption inlet air cooling and steam injection firstly proposed by Tsatsaronis et al. [17] and this research group
techniques. In this study, the authors emphasized that the applied the mentioned method to vapor-compression and ab-
maximum amount of the injected steam is limited by the available sorption refrigeration machines, gas turbine power systems, a liq-
energy recovered from the heat recovery steam generator and both uefied natural gas-based cogeneration system, and other systems
power output and efficiency can be improved by increasing the [18e23]. Also, Hepbasli et al. studied a geothermal district heat-
injection ratio of the steam. In this regard, they could achieve nearly ing system, a gas engine heat pump for food drying processes, and
70% improvement in net power output. Also, the fogging technique cogeneration and trigeneration systems with the advanced exergy
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 703

analysis method [24e29]. Furthermore, some other research - All the components work in steady state condition and also the
groups have recently investigated more industrial processes and kinetic and the potential energy terms are ignored in analyses.
cycles using this method and have enhanced their performance by - The mass flow rate of the inlet air and the efficiency of the
detecting real potential of improvement [30e32]. evaporative cooler are considered to be 140.7 kg/s and 90%,
To date, to the best of our knowledge, the steam injection gas respectively [18,33].
turbine cycle, which uses the evaporative inlet air cooling tech- - The pressure ratios of the compressor and the turbine have the
nique with turbine blade cooling, has not been assessed with same values [14,18].
advanced exergy analysis or compared comprehensively with the - The polytropic efficiency of the compressor and the turbine are
simple gas turbine (SGT), the gas turbine with evaporative inlet air considered to be 82% and 88%, respectively. Also, the mechanical
cooler (EVGT), and STIG cycles. Thus the role of each component efficiency is considered to be 98% for both devices [14,18,33].
itself and the role of component interactions on one another in - Methane is used as the fuel in the combustion chamber and its
terms of exergy destruction have not been defined yet for the steam lower heating value (LHV) and chemical exergy are taken to be
injection gas turbine with evaporative inlet air cooler (ESTIG) cycle. 802,361 kJ/kmol (50,010 kJ/kg) and 824,348 kJ/kmol (51,521.8 kJ/
The present work resolves this lack of information and reveals the kg), respectively [16]. Also, the fuel temperature and pressure
real sources of irreversibilities and the actual potential for are taken to be the ambient temperature and combustion
improvement of the ESTIG cycle. chamber pressure, respectively. In the combustion chamber, the
efficiency and pressure drop are considered to be 99% and 5%,
respectively [14].
2. Description of the power plant
- The efficiency of the HRSG is taken to be 96%, while the pinch
point and the terminal temperature differences are considered
A process flow diagram of the ESTIG system is shown in Fig. 1.
to be 20  C and 50  C, respectively [16,34].
The system is observed to consist of a compressor, a combustion
chamber, a turbine-generator, a heat recovery steam generator and
an evaporative cooler. During operation, inlet air at ambient tem-
3. Thermodynamic analysis
perature, pressure and specific humidity enters the evaporative
cooler and the saturated air, which is produced during an adiabatic
3.1. Energy and conventional exergy analyses
saturation process, leaves the cooler and is compressed by the
compressor. After extracting a fraction of the compressed air for
In thermodynamic analyses, the system designer normally uses
turbine blade cooling, the remaining compressed air enters the
mass, energy and exergy balances equations to evaluate all pro-
combustion chamber and is used to burn the fuel (CH4). The
cesses of the system accurately. These equations can be written
presence of excess air in combustion chamber leads to the low level
generally for steady-state conditions as follows:
of emissions such as HC and CO in exhaust gases and also leads to
the limited values of the turbine inlet temperature. Therefore, this X X
m_ i ¼ m_ e (1)
type of combustion is considered in the current study and the
excess air factor is represented by l. The gases exiting the com-
Q_ _ ¼
bustion chamber expand in a turbine for power generation and W m_ e he m_ i hi (2)
then enter the HRSG to produce superheated vapor, which is
injected into the combustion chamber.
E_ Q _ ¼ m_ i ei þ E_ D
W m_ e ee (3)
The configurations of the SGT, EVGT and STIG cycles are similar
to but simpler than that of the ESTIG cycle, i.e. the STIG has no
For heat transfer rate at a temperature T, the corresponding thermal
cooler, the EVGT has no HRSG and the SGT has neither a cooler nor
an HRSG. Therefore, the technical description of the ESTIG cycle exergy transfer rate E_ can be expressed as follows:
also describes the other cycles indirectly. X T0 _

The main assumptions considered in analyzing the ESTIG are as E_ Q ¼ 1 Q (4)
follows: T

Fig. 1. Schematic of a steam injection gas turbine configuration with evaporative inlet air cooling.
704 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

The specific exergy e can be calculated as the sum of specific Kelly et al. [18], is used in current study. Following the approach in
physical exergy and specific chemical exergy [16,35]: this reference, E_ D;tot can be determined using one of these
e ¼ eph þ ech (5)

where EN EX
E_ D;tot ¼ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k þ E_ D;others (16)
eph ¼ ðh T0 sÞ ðh0 T0 s0 Þ (6)

ech ¼ xjech þ T0 xj Rj ln xj j ¼ 1; 2; &…; N (7) EN
j E_ D;tot ¼ E_ D;k þ mE_ D;others (17)

The overall performance of the system considered in current where it is noted also that:
work is evaluated using first and second law efficiencies:

W_ net
hI ¼ (8) E_ D;tot ¼ E_ F;tot E_ L;tot E_ D;tot (18)
Q_ f

Considering Eqs. (16) and (17), it can be seen that if LimE_ D;others / 0,
hII ¼ _net (9) then LimE_ D;k / 0 and LimE_ D;tot /E_ D;k . Also, Eq. (17) indicates that
E f in a E_ D;tot vs. E_ diagram the relation is linear with a slope m.
In addition, the basic equations used in the conventional exergy The linear trend of the diagram has been demonstrated in two
analysis for kth component of the system can be written as follows: different way by Kelly et al. [18]. Fig. 2 provides more details about
this diagram, highlighting that the line intersects the vertical axis at
E_ D;k ¼ E_ F;k E_ P;k (10) a point and the value of the resultant intercept defines the value
EN .
E_ P;k E_ D;k Note that values of the component efficiency (εk) and the overall
εk ¼ ¼1 (11) exergy production should be kept constant when the value of
F;k E_ F;k
E_ changes.
It should be noted that, when the endogenous exergy destruc-
E_ D;k tion in each system component except combustion chamber is
yk ¼ (12)
E_ F;tot calculated, the designer should change the operating condition of
combustion chamber to the ideal condition. Due to the design re-
quirements, this change is not always possible by setting inlet and
E_ D;k
y*k ¼ (13) outlet pressures and temperatures for combustion process [33].
E_ D;tot Therefore, a hypothetical component, i.e. a reversible adiabatic
heater (RAH) (ED,RAH ¼ 0) is used with the combustion chamber.
E_ F;tot ¼ E_ P;tot þ E_ D;tot þ E_ L;tot (14) More explanation about this method can be found in Refs. [18,33].
As mentioned before, the exergy destruction rate can be split
The energy and exergy balance equations for the components of into avoidable and unavoidable parts. These parts are related to
the ESTIG cycle (Fig. 1), has more components than the other cycles system improvement potential and it should be noted that the
examined in this article, are given in Table A1 (Appendix A). unavoidable part cannot be reduced because of technical limita-
tions such as availability and cost of materials, but the avoidable
part can be reduced [35].
3.2. Advanced exergy analysis
The unavoidable and avoidable parts of the exergy destruction
rate for the kth component can be expressed as follows:
Advanced exergy analysis was introduced as a new concept in
exergy analysis and using this method leads to a considerable
improvement in the level of detail provided by the exergy analysis.
The advanced exergy analysis technique splits the exergy destruc-
tion rate into endogenous, exogenous, parts, as well as avoidable
and unavoidable parts, and also a combination of them [36].
The total rate of exergy destruction in the kth component of the
system is split into endogenous and exogenous parts as follows:

E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k (15)

This splitting allows the system designer to identify what per-

centage of the exergy destruction rate is due to the irreversibility of
the kth component and what percentage is due to the irreversibility
of the other system components. There are various methods for the
calculation of endogenous exergy destruction rate. Among these,
the thermodynamic cycle method (hybrid method) and the engi-
neering method provide acceptable levels of accuracy [18,35]. The
well-known engineering or graph approach, described in detail by Fig. 2. Diagram of E_ D;tot vs. E_ D;others for calculation of ED;k
EN [18].
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 705

!UN work and those in Ref. [10] (less than 5%) is the models used for
E_ D;k
UN 1 simulating gas turbine blade cooling.
E_ D;k ¼ E_ P;k ¼ E_ P;k 1 (19) The second stage of the validation process is related to the steam
E_ P;k εUN
injection process in the gas turbine. In this stage, results obtained
for the STIG in the current study are compared with the results of
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k E_ D;k (20) Wang et al. [14]. Fig. 5 shows that the results are in good agreement.
The negligible differences between results in this figure (less than
The designer can also use a combination of the endogenous or 4% for work and 2.5% for efficiency) can be due to the used software
exogenous part with the avoidable or unavoidable part for more and also calculation accuracy of the thermodynamic properties.
detailed assessment of the system [35]. For example, the endoge-
nous unavoidable part of the exergy destruction for kth component 4.2. Results of energy and conventional exergy analyses
D;k ) is the exergy destruction occurring within this component
when it operates at the unavoidable working condition (its The input data used in the current study are listed in Table 1.
The analyses are carried out using the energy and conventional
maximum attainable efficiency εUN
) while the other components
exergy equations, and the results are presented in two sections. In
work at the ideal condition. Thus, E_ D;k can be calculated as: the first section, the considered systems are examined and
!UN compared. In second section, the effects are investigated of the
EN E D;k main parameters on the ESTIG cycle performance.
E_ D;k ¼ E_ P;k (21)
E_ P;k
4.2.1. Comparison of ESTIG with SGT, EVGT and STIG
The remaining parts of the exergy destruction rate in the kth In this section, the STG, EVGT, STIG and ESTIG systems are
component can be obtained by the following equations: compared for different operating conditions. Also, the effects of TIT,
Tamb and RH variations on the net work (per 1 kg inlet air), the first
EN;Av EN EN;Un law efficiency and the second law efficiency are investigated. Note
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k E_ D;k (22)
that in this investigation turbine blades cooling is employed for all
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k E_ D;k (23) Figs. 6 and 7 show the variations of net work (per 1 kg inlet air),
first law efficiency and second law efficiency with pressure ratio for
EX;AV EX EX;UN the SGT, EVGT, STIG and ESTIG systems, when TIT ¼ 1200  C and
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k E_ D;k (24) 1400  C, Tamb ¼ 30  C and RH ¼ 15% and 30%. Also, Fig. 8 illustrates
the effect of ambient temperature on the mentioned parameters for
The sum of all four parts of the exergy destruction rate in the kth
component is equal to total exergy destruction rate of the compo- the defined values of TIT and RH.
As seen from Figs. 6 (a), 7 (a) and 8 (a), each net work diagram
nent, that is:
has an optimum value at a specific value of pressure ratio for pre-
EN;UN EN;AV EX;UN EX;AV defined values of Tamb and RH. This tendency can be described by
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k (25)
considering the values of turbine output work and compressor inlet
The real potential for improvement of the components and of work. For smaller values of the pressure ratio (until the optimum
the total system can be determined by the above mentioned point is reached), the turbine outlet work increases at a higher rate
combinations of the exergy destruction parts. For example, the than the compressor inlet work. The opposite is observed for higher
EN;UN values of the pressure ratio.
D;k in Eq. (25) is a part that cannot be reduced, while improving
It can be seen in Figs. 6e8 that the use of evaporative cooling or
the efficiency of the kth component leads to a reduction in E_ D;k . steam injection can improve the net work, the first law efficiency
EX;AV and the second law efficiency of the SGT cycle. Further, the simul-
Also, E_ D;k can be reduced by improving the overall system
taneous using of evaporative cooling and steam injection leads to
structure, the kth component efficiency and the efficiencies of the the best improvement in these parameters. These figures also show
remaining components. However, E_ cannot be reduced
D;k that the evaporative cooling technique has little effect on the first
because of technical limitations originating with the other system law and second law efficiencies of the SGT cycle and on the first and
components [35,37]. second law efficiencies of STIG cycle (especially at lower values of
rp), while it leads to considerable improvements in net work for the
SGT cycle (about 5% at lower values of rp to 14% at higher values of
4. Results and discussion
rp) and the STIG cycle (about 4% at lower values of rp to 12% at
higher values of rp).
In current study, engineering equation solver (EES) software is
It can also be seen in Figs. 6 and 7 that changing TIT from 1200 C
used for simulation and for calculation of the characteristic pa-
to 1400 C for a constant ambient temperature and pressure ratio
rameters of the systems.
leads to a rise in net work (and produced exergy). The main reason
for this increase can be observed by considering the value of tur-
4.1. Validation of the model bine output work, which increases due to the increments in
enthalpy difference and mass flow rate of the turbine.
Validation of the model is carried out in several stages. In the Figs. 6 and 7 also show that increasing the value of TIT causes
first stage of the validation process, the results of the EVGT simu- reductions in the energy and exergy efficiencies of the SGT and
lation in present work are compared with those presented by EVGT cycles. This reduction can be explained by considering Figs. 9
Mohapatra et al. [10]. This comparison is shown in Figs. 3 and 4, and 10. As seen from these figures, increasing TIT does not affect the
where the results for all parameters in the present work are compressor inlet work, but does lead to increments in caf and far.
observed to be in good agreement with the results of Ref. [10]. The Any increase in caf causes reductions in both turbine output work
main reason for differences between the obtained results in present and cycle performance.
706 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

Fig. 3. Validation of gas turbine with evaporative inlet air cooler (EVGT) for varying ambient temperatures.

Fig. 4. Validation of gas turbine with evaporative inlet air cooler (EVGT) for varying ambient relative humidities.

It is important to note that, if the cooling air were not applied in In the STIG and ESTIG systems, steam injection causes a
current study, the values of energy and exergy efficiencies for the considerable increase in the net work and, consequently, im-
SGT and EVGT cycles would improve with increasing TIT. provements in first and second law efficiencies are observed for

Fig. 5. Validation of steam injection gas turbine (STIG) for varying steam injection ratios.
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 707

Table 1
Input data used for calculations in current study.

Parameter Value

m_ air a,b 140.7 kg/s (for advanced exergy analyses)

hevco 90%
hcomp 82%
hccc 99%
hturba,b,c,d 88%
hHRSGc,d 96%
RHamb 0.15e0.6
rc 10e50
DTFinalc 50 K
T1 10C-50  C
TIT 1000C-1400  C
DPcce 5%

various values of the pressure ratio, when the value of TIT increases.
For evaluating effect of the ambient temperature variations on
the mentioned characteristic parameters of the cycles, the same
diagrams are plotted for TIT ¼ 1200  C and RH ¼ 40% in Fig. 8.
There, it can be observed that any increase in ambient temperature
does not affect the behavior of the diagrams and priority order of
the considered systems in the cases of net work and performance.
However, this increase leads to reductions in net work and first and
second law efficiencies for all the considered system, at the same
working conditions.
From Figs. 6e8, it can be seen generally that the trends of net
work, first law efficiency and second law efficiency for all of the
systems are nearly same, and for the range of pressure ratio
considered, the priority order for the systems (i.e. ESTIG, STIG, EVGT
and SGT) remains unchanged. This means that the ESTIG cycle is the
best choice for the considered working conditions.

4.2.2. Effects of turbine inlet temperature, ambient temperature and

relative humidity on ESTIG cycle performance
Fig. 11 shows the variations of net work per 1 kg inlet air as well
as first law and second law efficiencies with pressure ratio, for two
values of TIT, Tamb and RH. As seen from this figure, any increment in
Fig. 6. Effect of TIT variation on (a) net work (per 1 kg inlet air), (b) first law efficiency
TIT leads to an improvement in the net work and the energy and and (c) second law efficiency of the SGT, EVGT, STIG and ESTIG cycles, for RH ¼ 15% and
exergy efficiencies of the ESTIG system. This improvement can be Tamb ¼ 30 C.
explained by noting the HRSG efficiency improvement in this
process. Also, it can be seen from Fig. 11 that, for a defined value of
shown in Fig. 14 for several values of TIT. It can be seen from this
TIT, the maximum energy and exergy efficiencies occur at similar
pressure ratios and that this pressure ratio is different from the one figure that as TIT rises, E_ D;tot and E_ L both increase. However, for a
for which the maximum net work occurs. At the same value of TIT, constant value of TIT, increasing the value of pressure ratio leads to
any increase in RH and Tamb causes reductions in net work and the the reductions for both E_ D;tot and E_ L .
performance values of the ESTIG system. These reductions occur The variation of E_ D;k with pressure ratio is presented for various
because of the fading effect of evaporative cooling and the increase components of the system in Fig. 15, for values of TIT of 1200 C and
in the compressor inlet work. 1400 C. It is observed there that, for a constant value of TIT,
Figs. 12 and 13 illustrate the effects of Tamb and RH on the net increasing pressure ratio causes the exergy destruction rates of the
work and performance of the ESTIG system for a defined value of rp. combustion chamber and the HRSG to decrease rapidly, and the
There, it can be observed that any increase in RH and Tamb leads to a exergy destruction rate of the turbine to decrease gradually.
decline in net work and performance values. Furthermore, any increase in pressure ratio causes an increment in
the compressor exergy destruction, but an insignificant effect on
4.2.3. Exergy destructions in ESTIG system and its components the evaporative cooler exergy destruction rate. Therefore, one can
Commonly, the total exergy destruction rate of a cycle (E_ D;tot ) conclude that the exergy destruction rate of this component is in-
and the exergy loss rate associated with the exhaust gases (E_ L ) are dependent of variations in pressure ratio. Moreover, for all values of
two important parameters that need to be investigated by cycle pressure ratio considered, the combustion chamber has the highest
designers. Variations of these parameters with pressure ratio are value of̊exergy destruction rate, followed by the HRSG, the turbine,
708 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

Fig. 8. Effect of Tamb variation on (a) net work (per 1 kg inlet air), (b) first law efficiency
and (c) second law efficiency of the SGT, EVGT, STIG and ESTIG cycles, for RH ¼ 40% and
TIT ¼ 1200 C.

Fig. 7. Effect of TIT variation on (a) net work (per 1 kg inlet air), (b) first law efficiency
and (c) second law efficiency of the SGT, EVGT, STIG and ESTIG cycles, for RH ¼ 40% and (15%) and Tamb (25  C) and also by changing the value of rp. Results
Tamb ¼ 30 C. of this optimization are presented in Table 2. It can be seen from
this table that the maximum values of exergy efficiency and net
work occur at rp ¼ 36 and rp ¼ 15.4, respectively.
the compressor and the evaporative cooler, respectively, at lower
Tables 3 and 4 provide the results of conventional exergy
values of pressure ratio. For a constant value of TIT, the exergy
destruction rate of the HRSG decreases progressively by increasing
the pressure ratio and, therefore, the exergy efficiency of this
component increases. For a particular value of pressure ratio (i.e.
rp y18 for TIT ¼ 1400  C and rp y16 for TIT ¼ 1200  C), the exergy
destruction rate of the turbine becomes greater than the same
parameter for HRSG and, thus, the mentioned priority of these
components from an exergy destruction point of view changes.

4.2.4. Conventional exergy analysis for optimum conditions

Considering Figs. 11e13, it can be seen that an increase in the TIT
and a reduction in the ambient temperature and relative humidity
results in an increased net work and efficiency. Therefore, the op-
timum conditions for both mentioned objective functions are Fig. 9. Variation of cooling air fraction (caf) with pressure ratio for several values of
determined by selecting reasonable values for TIT (1400  C), RH TIT.
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 709

Fig. 10. Variation of cooling air fraction (caf) with pressure ratio for several values of

Fig. 12. Effect of ambient temperature on net work and first and second law effi-
analyses of the ESTIG system in terms of maximum net work and ciencies for the ESTIG cycle.
efficiency, respectively. As seen in Table 3, the combustion chamber
exhibits the maximum exergy destruction, followed by the turbine,
the HRSG, the compressor and the evaporative cooler. However
Fig. 15 demonstrates that the exergy destruction of the HRSG de-
clines at higher values of the pressure ratio and, therefore, the
priority order of turbine and HRSG at the maximum efficiency
condition (Table 4) is different from that at the maximum net work
condition (Table 3).

Fig. 13. Effect of ambient relative humidity on net work and first and second law ef-
ficiencies for the ESTIG cycle.

4.3. Results of advanced exergy analysis

Results of the advanced exergy analysis for the ESTIG system are
presented at the optimum working conditions from the net work
and exergy efficiency points of view in Tables 5 and 6, respectively.
There, values of E_ calculated with the engineering method and
the thermodynamic cycle method are compared. It is seen that the
values are nearly the same and the difference is negligible for all
components of the system. In addition, values of the exergy
destruction rate and its parts are shown in Figs. 16 and 17 for all
components of the system. Note that Fig. 16 indicates these values
for the maximum net work condition and Fig. 17 for the maximum

Fig. 11. Effect of TIT, Tamb and RH on (a) net work (per 1 kg inlet air), (b) first law Fig. 14. Exergy loss and total exergy destruction vs. pressure ratio for two values of TIT
efficiency and (c) second law efficiency of the ESTIG cycle. for the ESTIG cycle.
710 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

Fig. 15. Variation of exergy destruction rate with pressure ratio for system various components of the ESTIG cycle.

Table 2 the main part of the exergy destruction is associated with the
Operating parameters of the optimized cycles. component internal irreversibilities (i.e., the component itself).
Maximum efficiency Maximum net work From Tables 5 and 6 and Figs. 16 and 17 (and also Figs. B1 and B2
in Appendix B), it can be seen that although the combustion
TIT ( C) 1400 1400
rp 36 15.4 chamber has the highest value of exergy destruction among all the
T3 ( C) 616.9 420.2 system components at both maximum net work and efficiency
TOT ( C) 538.2 715.5 conditions, the endogenous-unavoidable part provides the main
Tstack ( C) 151.3 89.42 contribution to this exergy destruction rate (88% at maximum work
Tsteam ( C) 488.2 665.5
Tw,PP ( C) 244.2 199.7
and 75% at maximum exergy efficiency) and, in practice, it cannot
Tg,PP ( C) 264.2 219.7 be improved. Considering the maximum net work condition in
caf (kg/kg) 0.2885 0.2895 Fig. 16 and B1, it can be seen that, for both the combustion chamber
far (kg/kg) 0.02425 0.0317 EX;AV
sar (kg/kg) 0.18 0.3128 and the HRSG, the value of E_ D (5% in the combustion chamber
hcycle (%) 48.97 44.88 EX;UN
and 19% in the HRSG) is greater than the value of E_ D (4% in the
εcycle (%) 47 43.21
combustion chamber and 3% in the HRSG). Therefore, the effi-
E_P;cycle(MW) 83.6 100
ciencies of these components can be enhanced by improving the
E_ D;cycle (MW) 79 110.3
working condition of the other system components. Considering
E_ L (MW) 18 31.3
the combustion chamber and HRSG further, Fig. 17 and B2
demonstrate that, at the maximum efficiency condition, the value
efficiency condition. Also, breakdowns of the exergy destruction EX;UN
of E_D (15% in the combustion chamber and 25% in the HRSG) is
rate different parts for the ESTIG system are presented in the form EX;AV
EN;AV EN;UN greater than the value of E_ D (8% in the combustion chamber and
of pie charts of the E_ D , E_ D , E_ D ,
etc. in Figs. B1 and B2
5% in the HRSG). Thus, it can be concluded that any improvement in
(Appendix B).
other components reduces the exergy destruction rate of the
Considering Tables 5 and 6, it can be observed that, at both the
combustion chamber and the HRSG, but this effect is not significant.
maximum net work condition and the maximum efficiency con-
In addition, Figs. 16 and 17, B1 and B2 show that, by changing the
dition, the values of E_ for all components are higher than the
D system working condition from the maximum net work condition
EX to maximum efficiency condition, the effect of the component
values ofE_ D . This indicates for all components of the system that

Table 3
Results of conventional exergy analysis of ESTIG to optimize work (maximum net work ¼ 100 MW in rc ¼ 15.4) for TIT ranging from 1000  C to 1400  C.

Component ε(%) εUN

(%) Y*(%) y(%) E_ F (MW) E_ P (MW) E_ D (MW)

Evaporative cooler 91 95 0.014 0.007 0.168 0.153 0.015

Compressor 93 95 5.1 2.4 66.3 61 5.3
Combustion chamber 73 74 56.3 26.7 225 162 63
Turbine 91 98 18.8 9 184.5 164.5 20
HRSG 70 80 19.7 9.4 80 54 26

Table 4
Results of conventional exergy analysis of ESTIG to optimize efficiency (maximum efficiency ¼ 47% in rc ¼ 36) for TIT ranging from 1000  C to 1400  C.

Component ε(%) εUN

(%) Y* (%) y(%) E_ F (MW) E_ P (MW) E_ D (MW)

Evaporative cooler 91 95 0.05 0.12 0.17 0.08 0.10

Compressor 93 95 2.98 6.70 85.70 80.10 5.62
Combustion Chamber 73 74 28.03 62.92 188.40 135.60 52.80
Turbine 91 98 8.45 18.97 189.60 173.70 15.91
HRSG 70 80 5.04 11.30 44.84 35.36 9.48
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 711

Table 5
Results of advanced exergy analysis for ESTIG cycle at maximum net work condition (maximum net work ¼ 100 MW at rp ¼ 15.4).
Component E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW)

Evaporative cooler 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.00
Compressor 4.98 4.61 4.88 0.10 2.90 2.08 2.90 1.99 0.01 0.09
Combustion chamber 63.11 56.89 57.62 5.49 57.69 5.42 55.52 2.10 2.18 3.32
Turbine 19.73 17.17 17.07 2.66 3.25 16.48 1.18 15.89 2.08 0.59
HRSG 22.35 17.60 17.31 5.04 16.26 6.09 15.58 1.72 0.67 4.37
Obtained from thermodynamic cycle method.

Table 6
Results of advanced exergy analysis for ESTIG cycle at maximum exergy efficiency condition (maximum exergy efficiency ¼ 47% at rp ¼ 36).
Component E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW) E_ D (MW)

Evaporative cooler 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00
Compressor 5.62 5.50 5.53 0.09 4.22 35.08 4.21 1.32 0.01 0.08
Combustion Chamber 52.80 42.34 40.35 12.45 47.64 5.16 39.60 0.76 8.05 4.40
Turbine 15.91 14.98 15.03 0.88 3.54 12.37 3.23 11.80 0.32 0.56
HRSG 9.48 7.63 6.63 2.85 8.84 0.64 6.47 0.16 2.37 0.48

*Obtained from thermodynamic cycle method.

interactions on the HRSG is reduced and this reduction leads to a for improvement should be given to this component. Figs. 16 and
decline in the exergy destruction rate of this component. However, EN;UN
17B1 and B2 show that in the compressor the value of E_ is D;comp
the opposite is true for the combustion chamber, i.e. component EN;AV
interactions play a prominent role and, consequently, the rate of the higher than the value of E_ D;comp . However, the endogenous-
exergy destruction grows in this component. avoidable part makes a significant contribution to the exergy
A comparison of the turbine with the other system components destruction rate of this component and that a reduction of this part
demonstrates that the endogenous avoidable part of the exergy will considerably enhance the component and consequently the
destruction rate is higher than the other parts in this component. cycle performances. Also, considering maximum net work and ef-
Referring to Figs. 16 and 17, it can be seen that the turbine has the ficiency conditions, the value of exergy destruction rate in evapo-
highest value of endogenous avoidable part among the other sys- rative cooler is observed to be considerably lower than that in the
tem components. Therefore, it can be concluded that the priority other system components, and is in fact negligible.
From the conventional exergy analysis results for maximum net
work condition, the optimization priority on the basis of exergy
destruction rate should in general be given to the combustion
chamber and then to the HRSG, the turbine and the compressor.
Also, at the maximum efficiency condition, the mentioned order
remains same, except the turbine places prior to the HRSG. How-
ever, according to the results of advanced exergy analysis, the tur-
bine is the most important component for the maximum net work
condition from an optimization point of view, followed by the
combustion chamber, the compressor and the HRSG. Furthermore,
for the maximum efficiency condition in advanced exergy analysis,
the priority order changes such that the first improvement priority
should be given to the turbine and then to the compressor, the
combustion chamber and the HRSG.

Fig. 16. Values of the total exergy destruction rate and its different parts for the ESTIG
system at the maximum net work condition.

5. Conclusion

Conventional exergy analyses are successfully carried out for

several gas turbine cycles and advanced exergy analyses performed
for the most effective system, i.e., the steam injection gas turbine
cycle that uses evaporative cooling for inlet air cooling (the ESTIG
cycle). The main conclusions that can be drawn from the results and
findings are as follows:

 Comparisons among several gas turbine cycles (SGT, EVGT, STIG

and ESTIG) have been carried out from a conventional exergy
analysis point of view. In these comparisons, the parameters TIT,
RH and Tamb were chosen as the main parameters of the system
and turbine blade cooling has been considered in all systems.
Fig. 17. Values of the total exergy destruction rate and its different parts for the ESTIG The ESTIG is found to be the best option for the designer from
system at the maximum exergy efficiency condition. net work, first law efficiency and second law efficiency points of
712 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

view. Therefore, this system is chosen as the objective function of the ESTIG cycle. It is observed for maximum net work con-
of the advanced exergy analysis in current study. dition that the system components optimization priority goes to
 Determination of optimum conditions of the ESTIG cycle has the turbine (which has the maximum value of E_ D ), followed
been carried out using conventional exergy analysis and by the combustion chamber, the compressor, and the HRSG.
considering net work and second law efficiency as the objective However, at the maximum efficiency condition, this priority
functions and the results are used in the advanced exergy order changes to the turbine followed by the compressor, the
analysis section. The results show that, at the maximum net combustion chamber, and the HRSG.
work condition, the combustion chamber has the highest exergy  The optimization priorities obtained for the ESTIG components
destruction rate (and optimization priority), followed by the using advanced exergy analysis differ from those obtained with
HRSG, the turbine, and the compressor. Also, the order of opti- conventional exergy analysis.
mization priority at the maximum efficiency condition is given
to the combustion chamber, followed by the turbine, the HRSG,
and the compressor.
 An advanced exergy analysis has been carried out only at the Appendix A. Energy and exergy balance equations
maximum net work and maximum exergy efficiency conditions

Table A1
Energy and exergy balance equations, efficiencies and other expressions for ESTIG system components.

Component Associated equations

Evaporative cooler hevco ¼ T1T1 Twb;2


m_ 1 h1 þ ðm_ 2 m_ 1 Þhw ¼ m_ 2 h2
m_ 1 e1 þ ðm_ 2 m_ 1 Þew ¼ m_ 2 e2 þ E_ D;evco
m_ 2 e2
εevco ¼ m_ _2 m_ 1 Þew
1 e1 þðm

Compressor h∞;comp ¼ dhs

¼ RT:dp=p
dh Cp;air :dT
Wcomp ¼ m_ 2 ðh3 h2 Þ
_ comp þ m_ e ¼ m_ e þ E_ D;comp εcomp ¼ W_ comp
2 2 2 3 _ W comp
Coolant air used for turbine blade cooling Tr ¼ 0:8451  TIT þ 136:2 (temperatures are in Celsius)
_ _
ðm_ 2 m_ c þ m_ f þ m_ s Þh4 þ m2c h3 ¼ m_ 2 m2c þ m_ f þ m_ s hr
m T3
Combustion chamber Z  Z Z T3 Z T3
cp;Cn Hm dT þ l n þ ½ cp;O2 dT þ 3:76 cp;N2 dT þ 4:76u cp;H2 O dTŠ
298:15 4 298:15 298:15 298:15
h  m m i
þnsteam cp;H2 O dT ¼ n cp;CO2 dT þ l n þ 4:76u2 þ þ nsteam cp;H2 O dT
4 2
298:15 298:15 298:15

 m  m
þ3:76l n þ cp;N2 dT þ ðl 1Þ n þ cp;O2 dT LHV
4 4
298:15 298:15

MCn Hm
far ¼   ðm_ 2 m_ c Þ
l nþm4 4:76ð1þu2 ÞMair hcc
nsteam MH2 O
sar ¼   ðm_ 2 m_ c Þ
l nþm4 4:76ð1þu2 ÞMair
ðm_ 2 m_ c Þe3 þ m_ f :ef þ m_ s :esteam ¼ ðm_ 2 m_ c þ m_ f þ m_ s Þe4 þ E_ D;cc εcc ¼ 1 m_ f ef

Turbine dh ¼ Cp;g dT W
h∞;turb ¼ dh _ ¼ ðm_ 2 þ m_ f þ m_ s Þðh4 h5 Þ m_ c ðh4 h3 Þm_ c :e3 þ
s RTdp=p turb
m_ 2 _
m_ c þ m_ f þ m_ s e4 ¼ m_ 2 þ m_ f þ m_ s e5 þ W _
turb þ ED;turb

W_ turb
εturb ¼  100
W_ turb þE_D;turb
Heat recovery steam generator Tg;pp Tw;pp ¼ DTpp
TOT Tsteam ¼ DTF
m_ 5 ðh5 hg Þ ¼ m_ s  ðhsteam hhsaturated water Þ
ðhsaturated hfeed water Þ
m_ 5 ðhg hstack Þ ¼ m_ s  water
m_ s :efeed water þ ðm_ 2 þ m_ f þ m_ s Þe5 ¼ m_ s :esteam þ ðm_ 2 þ m_ f þ m_ s Þestack þ E_ D;HRSG
m_ s ðesteam efeed water Þ
εHRSG ¼ ðm_ _ f þm_ s Þðe5 estack Þ  100
2 þm

Overall cycle _ net ¼ ðW

W _ _ comp Þ
hcycle ¼ m_W net
f :LHV
E_ L ¼ ðm_ 2 þ m_ f þ m_ s Þestack
m_ 1 e1 þ ðm_ 2 _ net þ E_
m_ 1 Þefeed water þ m_ f :ef þ m_ s :efeed water ¼ ðm_ 2 þ m_ f þ m_ s Þestack þ W D;cycle
W_ net E_ E_D;k
εcycle ¼ m_ f ef
 100yk ¼ m_ D;k  100y*k ¼  100
e f f E_D;tot
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 713

Appendix B. Advanced exergy analysis results

Fig. B1. Percentage breakdowns of the exergy destruction rate for different parts of the ESTIG system at the maximum net work condition.
714 M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715

Fig. B2. Percentage breakdowns of the exergy destruction rate for different parts of the ESTIG system at the maximum exergy efficiency condition.2
M. Fallah et al. / Energy 116 (2016) 701e715 715

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