2017-Justicia Adhatoda Midgut
2017-Justicia Adhatoda Midgut
2017-Justicia Adhatoda Midgut
Aedes aegypti Linn is a vector of deadly pathogens, including yellow fever, dengue, and, most recently, the Zika virus
(Thanigaivel et al., 2012). Overuse of chemical insecticides leads to insecticide resistance, issues related to human
health, and reduced water quality (Pimentel, 2009; Revathi, Chandrasekaran, Thanigaivel, Kirubakaran, & Senthil-
Nathan, 2013). Almost 40 years ago Djerassi, Shih-Coleman, & Diekman (1974) recognized the need to develop new
insect pest management technologies, such as plant extracts having insecticidal properties that degrade fairly quickly
(Pradeepa, Sathish-Narayanan, Kirubakaran, & Senthil-Nathan, 2014; Pradeepa, Sathish-Narayanan, Kirubakaran,
Thanigaivel, & Senthil-Nathan, 2015; Senthil-Nathan, 2013, 2015). Use of plant extracts as larvicides and insect growth
regulators against A. aegypti have been reviewed by Pontual, Napoleao, Assis, & Ranilson (2012).
Justicia adhatoda L. is part of the Acanthaceae plant family, commonly known as adhatoda, pavettai, or vasaka (Adha-
toda vasica). The plant is a small evergreen, subherbaceous bush that grows commonly in open plains of India, Sri Lanka,
Burma, and Malaysia, especially in the lower Himalayas (up to 1,300 m above sea level). Adhatoda leaves have been
used extensively in ayurvedic medicine for over 2,000 years primarily for respiratory disorders (Jain et al., 2014). The
leaf extract is safe for human consumption and the oil has low mammalian toxicity. Leaf extracts have been used to
treat malaria, dysentery, and diarrhea (Chakraborty & Brantner, 2001). Mulla et al. (2010) showed that extracts have
potent anti-inflammatory activity, and A. vasica was traditionally used by midwives at the time of delivery because of
its uterotonic activity. The plant is suggested for first-aid medicine in primary health care in most developing countries
where it grows and has been used to treat adults and children over long periods of time (weeks to months) without
restriction (Chakraborty & Brantner, 2001).
Because of its potent biological activity, we posed the hypothesis that J. adhatoda leaf extracts exert strong negative
influences on several aspects of A. aegypti biology, including survival, oviposition, enzyme inhibition, and adult repel-
lency under laboratory conditions. Here, we report on the outcomes of experiments designed to test our hypothesis.
TP0l00, Sigma–Aldrich). The activity of GST was expressed as micromolar per milligram protein per minute substrate
Nt − Ns
ODI = × 100, (1)
Nt + Ns
where Nt is the total number of eggs in test solutions and Ns is the total number of eggs in control.
2.10 Fecundity
Adults were used in fecundity experiments, which developed from the control and experimental larvae exposed to indi-
cated concentrations of leaf extract. Sets of females (five females/set) were mated in cages of 30 × 30 × 30 cm3 at each
concentration. Three days post blood meal, eggs were collected daily from the water in small plastic containers (ovit-
raps) in the cages. The fecundity was calculated by the number of the eggs laid in the ovitraps divided by the number of
mated females. Adult mortality was also recorded.
concentration by inserting the treated and control arm into the cages at the same time for one full minute, every 5 min.
The mosquitoes that landed on the hand were recorded and then shaken off before blood imbibition. The percentage
of repellency was calculated by the following formula (2).
[ ]
% Repellency = (Ta − Tb) ∕Ta × 100, (2)
where Ta is the number of mosquitoes in the control group and Tb is the number of mosquitoes in the treated group.
β -Carboxylestrase (mM/min/mg/protein)
α-Carboxylestrase (mM/min/mg/protein)
0.0 0.0 0 0.0
a b c d
5 ppm
20 10 ppm
25 ppm
50 ppm
15 a
10 bc
F I G U R E 1 (a) 𝛼, (b) 𝛽 Carboxylestrase, (c) SOD, (d) GST (e) CYP450 enzyme activity of fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti after treatment with methanolic leaf extract of Justicia
adhatoda; the data were fitted on polynomial (regression) model, whereas vertical bars indicate standard error (±SEM)
160 160
F I G U R E 2 Oviposition deterrence index and number of eggs laid by the female Aedes aegypti after treatment with
Justicia adhatoda; mean (±SEM) followed by the same letter in the above bars indicate no significant difference (P<0.05)
in a Tukey’s test
Survival (%)
10 20 30 40
Time (Days)
F I G U R E 3 Survival rate of Aedes aegypti treated with Justicia adhatoda; survivorship curves differ at the 𝛼 = 0.05
confidence interval according to log-rank statistics
25 ppm
100 50 ppm
75 ppm
FIGURE 4 Repellency of methanolic leaf extract of Justicia adhatoda against Aedes aegypti
F I G U R E 5 Cross-section through midgut of fourth instar Aedes aegypti treated with Justicia adhatoda leaf extract
(a) treated compared with (b) control; (epi) vacuolated gut epithelium, (lu) gut lumen, (pm) peritrophic matrix
The data presented in this article strongly support our hypothesis that J. adhatoda leaf extracts exert strong nega-
tive influences on several aspects of A. aegypti biology. There are five elements of relevant data. First, dietary expo-
sure to the leaf extracts led to dose-dependent decreases in activities of 𝛼- and 𝛽-carboxyesterases and of SOD and
increases in GST and CYP450 activities. Second, exposure to the leaf extracts led to dose-dependent increases in
oviposition deterrence and to similar decreases in fecundity. Third, exposure to the extracts led to sharply decreased
survival, which approached zero within 15 days compared to about 30 days in control insects. Fourth, the presence
of leaf extracts on human arms repelled fasted adult females, with optimal repellency at about 50 ppm. Finally, larvae
exposed to dietary leaf extracts suffered substantial damage, including midgut epithelial cells and peritrophic matrix.
Taken together, these elements amount to very strong support of our hypothesis.
Many botanical insecticides and extracts affect insect metabolism by inhibiting or stimulating the activity of diges-
tive enzymes (Napoleao et al., 2012; Senthil-Nathan, 2007, 2013; Senthil-Nathan, Kalaivani, Choi, & Paik, 2009;
Senthil-Nathan, Kalaivani, Murugan, & Chung, 2005; Senthil-Nathan et al., 2006). Our results show the leaf extracts
have antifeedant and toxic effects on Spodoptera littoralis larvae (Sadek, 2003). Saxena, Tikku, Atal, & Koul (1986)
reported that J. adhatoda leaf extracts had five alkaloids with bioactivity against four major insect pests. We infer that
one or more of these alkaloids exert the negative effects reported here on mosquito larvae.
Detoxifying enzymes are involved in the development of insecticide resistance (Jagadeshwaran & Vijayan, 2009;
Lumjuan et al., 2011). The activities of some detoxifying enzymes, 𝛼- and 𝛽- carboxylesterase and SOD were reduced,
while GST and CYP450 activity were increased in test larvae. SOD, which is expressed in many tissues, including
mosquito anal gills (Nivsarkar, Kumar, Laloraya, & Laloraya, 1991), catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide radical into
hydrogen peroxide. We found the leaf extract treatments led to reduced SOD activity, which may expose larvae to the
sequelae of increased oxidative damage to cells and cell components. We infer the J. adhatoda extract may operate at
several points in mosquito larvae, including reduced responses to cellular oxidative reactions. Among their other roles,
GSTs are detoxification enzymes in insects, acting in survival of insects exposed to xenobiotics and in metabolic resis-
tance to insecticides (Clark, 1990). GST and CYP450 activities decreased after leaf extract treatments. Although activ-
ities of some CYP450s are upregulated after exposure to plant allelochemicals (Caballero, López-Olguín, Ruiz, Ortego,
& Castañera, 2008), we interpret our data to show the leaf extracts exert differing influences on mosquito biochemical
defense mechanisms.
In the light of our findings that the leaf extracts influenced enzyme activities, oviposition, and repellency, it is not
surprising to see the extracts were strongly deleterious to larval survival. The idea that plant extracts may be devel-
oped into new mosquito management technologies heavily depends on increased mortality following exposure to the
extracts. We note the kinetics of larval mortality show survival decreased to less than 50% within 10 days’ exposure.
Seen from the perspective of crop protection, surviving more than 10 days of exposure would not indicate reasonable
outcomes. The situation is otherwise for mosquitoes because adult, rather than larval, mosquitoes are responsible for
disease transmission. We infer that severe reductions in larval survivorship are needed for a necessary basis for con-
tinued research into the influence of plant products on mosquito larvae.
The leaf extract acted as an oviposition repellent and/or deterrent and as a repellent on human skin. The efficacy of
the ovicide to act on the embryo inside the egg shell depends on its penetration and exposure period (Broadbent & Pree
1984; Grosscurt, 1977; Kuppusamy & Murugan, 2012). The oviposition deterrent properties against adult mosquitos
have been observed for various plant extracts (Autran et al., 2009) including Pelargonium citrosa, (Jeyabalan, Arul, &
Thangamathi, 2003) and Melia azedarach (Senthil-Nathan et al., 2006). Extracts of many plants have been studied as
mosquito repellents including Zanthoxylum limonella and Citrus aurantifolia (Das, Baruah, Talukdar, & Das, 2003; Katz,
Miller, & Hebert, 2008). We infer that insects sense and avoid chemicals with potentially harmful effects, as seen in
most organisms, including bacteria (Topp & Gallivan, 2007).
This research was supported by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India (grant no.
45/32/2013/BMS/TRM). Also authors would thank Dr. W. B. Hunter for his thorough review of the manuscript.
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How to cite this article: Thanigaivel A, Senthil-Nathan S, Vasantha-Srinivasan P, et al. Chemicals isolated
from Justicia adhatoda Linn reduce fitness of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti L Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol.
2017;00:e21384. https://doi.org/10.1002/arch.21384