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U.G.Examination Regulations, 2020: I. General

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5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

U.G.Examination Regulations, 2020

I. General

1. Examination Committee shall be formed by Vice Chancellor and the

recommendations made shall be placed before Academic Council and Executive
Council for approval.

2. A student admitted to the B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) Degree Course shall have to pass all
the prescribed and optional courses within the maximum period of Seven Years
from and including the year of admission in order to be eligible for the award of the
Degree. However, if the student fails to pass the required courses in 7 year, the
Executive Council on the recommendation of Academic Council may give extension
of one more year to clear all the requisite papers.

3. The Examination Committee shall be headed by a chairperson and shall comprise

of four other faculty members.

4. The Committee shall conduct examinations, moderate question papers and publish

5. The Examination Committee shall be responsible for conduct of all examinations,

moderation of all the question papers and publication of results and discipline
during examinations.

6. The Examination Committee shall, in addition to the various disciplinary issues

referred to it, inquire into any cases of malpractice or unfair means adopted by the
students in any examination and submit its report along with recommendations to
the Dean/HOD/Registrar/Vice Chancellor for necessary action.

7. An appeal or review against any decision taken by a committee shall lie with the
Vice Chancellor, who may, after giving specific reasons or grounds in writing, modify
the decisions taken by any of these committees.

8. Examination Committee shall have a convenor, who shall take steps to convene
meetings and coordinate exam related matters in consultation with chairman,
Examination Committee.


1. Every student of undergraduate degree course has to secure a minimum of 75%

attendance in each course.

2. The attendance of a newly admitted candidate shall be counted from the date of his/
her admission, or date of beginning of classes whichever is later, while in the case
of promoted candidates, attendance shall be counted from the date on which
respective class begins.

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

3. Relaxation up to 67% may be granted on medical grounds. Student seeking

relaxation on medical grounds has to furnish medical Certificate.

4. Any case of Medical ailment which leads to loosing of classes shall be report to the

5. Students are required to submit Medical Leave Forms along with medical record
within two days of the student returning from the leave. No medical leave will be
considered subsequently.

6. Every student has to secure a minimum of 75% attendance in each course.

However, in exceptional cases the attendance requirement may be relaxed, but not
below the minimum of 67%, in the following cases only:

a) Students who have participated in University approved activities necessary

attendance will be given for the days of absence (i.e., number of classes) and
the attendance calculated accordingly. However no student can obtain more
than 09 days Academic Leave in each Semester.

b) Students are required to submit approved Academic Leave Forms along with
copy of invitation, copy of full paper/article before going for the activity for which
leave is applied for. No Academic Leave will be considered subsequently.

7. In cases where the student falls short of 75% attendance but secures more than
70% in a particular course, she/he will be allowed to take the exam in the course
provided she/he has secured more than 75% attendance on the average in all the
courses put together but excluding the course(s) in which she/he secured less than
70% attendance. There shall be no marks for attendance in such cases.

8. There shall be an Attendance Monitoring Committee (a sub-committee Examination

Committee) in the University under the Chairmanship of the Dean/Head of the



b. Projects

1. In every course 50% component of marks shall be for continuous assessment

comprise of Projects (25), Mid Term (25), attendance (05) and remaining 50 %
of End Term Examination and assessment on written examination unless
otherwise specified.

2. Twenty (25) marks shall be assigned for project work, fifteen (20) marks for
written project and five (5) marks for presentation, in each course within the
classroom wherein attendance shall be compulsory for all the students

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

3. The following shall be the general rules for submission and presentation of the

i. Students shall be assigned with project titles on the first day of the
commencement of the Semester by the respective (Course faculty). The
teachers shall also guide the students in methodology of data collection,
research and writing of the projects.

ii. Within fifteen days of the start of the Semester the student shall submit the
synopsis of their projects and get approval of the concerned Teacher-in-

iii. Once the topic and synopsis is approved by the Teacher-in-Charge, no

change will be permissible.

iv. The Teacher-in-Charge of the Project Work shall continuously evaluate the
Project Work of the students during the available time. The concerned
Faculty will insist and emphasize upon adherence to a uniform methodology
as far as practicable.

v. The written assignment(s) and oral presentation shall be submitted by the

students to the faculty concerned, by a date fixed by the Dean/ Head of the
Department, which shall normally be 45 days, to be calculated from the date
following the date of assignment of the topic. After evaluation of the above,
the teacher concerned shall submit the result to the Head of the Department
who shall forward the same to the (Board of Examination). (In special cases
of Project Submission as recommended by respective Course Faculty/Dean/
H.O.D the Vice Chancellor may permit different scheme and the same shall
be placed before Academic Council for approval).

vi. Hard copies of the final submission of the projects shall be submitted to the
concerned faculty on the prescribed date and a soft copy shall also be e-
mailed immediately thereafter to an e-mail id specified by the concerned
Course faculty/s.

vii. No plagiarism, in any form, will be allowed and necessary action will be
taken under the order of the Vice-Chancellor if any student is involved in
such activity.

viii. Efforts will be made by the Faculty-in-Charge of the Project Work to hold
orientation classes for at least 1st and 2nd Semester students.

ix. The hard copy of projects is to be handed over to the examination section
along with the marks within stipulated date by the concerned faculty.

x. The student is required to secure a minimum of 10 marks against the

prescribed 20 marks in the project writing (script).

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

xi. The student is required to secure minimum 2.5 marks in the Presentation
component of the project. If the student fails to secure the minimum 2.5
marks in the presentation she/he has to again give the presentation.

xii. Student who fails to secure the minimum of 12.5 marks out of 25 marks in
the project writing is required to re-submit his / her project report after
revision for evaluation before the commencement of the next Semester. If
he / she fail to secure a minimum of 12.5 marks in written portion after re-
submission also, he / she shall be treated as failed in the course and shall be
required to re-register for the course subsequently in the Semester when the
course is offered and will be required to submit afresh draft and do the
presentation accordingly.

xiii. For a student who has been promoted to the next higher class, as per the
promotion regulations, the marks obtained in the other segments will be
taken for declaration of the result after submission of the project on a new

xiv. After submitting the revised project and securing the minimum prescribed
pass marks in project, if the student fails to secure a minimum of 50 marks
out of the total marks (100) he / she can take the repeat examination.

4. Examination Committee shall notify dates for completion of presentation/viva.

5. Plagiarism in projects submitted by the students shall constitute a serious

academic malpractice and shall carry mandatory punishment of forfeiture of all
marks in the concerned subject and / or suspension from the University for a
Maximum of one academic year.

B. Elective Courses

(1) Elective Courses may be of one to four credits.

(2) Elective Course shall comprise of 100 marks, of which, there will be an end term
examination component of 50 marks. The written projects/ presentation / viva
voce/article etc. and other components shall comprise rest of the marks. In order
to successfully complete and pass the course, a student shall secure a minimum
of 50 marks in all the components put together.

(3) Mode of evaluation and assessment shall be determined by Course instructor

after approval from the Board of Studies and Research is sought for the same.

(4) No additional fees may be charged for any elective course.

(5) A student who fails to secure the requisite marks in the elective course or fails to
complete the various components of the course, during the semester, shall be
treated as failed and will be deregistered in that elective course. Such a student
shall have to choose an additional elective course in the following semester.

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(6) Plagiarism in papers/assignments/projects submitted by the students shall

constitute a serious academic malpractice and shall carry the same
consequences as for projects, as prescribed above.

C. Seminar Courses

1. In Seminar Courses, the course teacher shall provide the content of the course in
about 35 to 40 class hours and allow the students to spend the rest of the time in
carrying out research on the assigned topic.

2. Attendance shall be compulsory for all the students during the presentations of
seminar papers.

3. A Seminar Course shall comprise of 100 marks, of which, there will preferably be an
examination component of 30 marks. The written projects, presentation / viva voce,
and other components shall comprise rest of the marks.

4. In seminar courses, in order to successfully complete and pass the course, a

student shall secure a minimum of 50 marks in all the components put together. If
any student fails in the seminar course, a repeat examination (of the examination
component) or resubmission of the seminar paper, or fresh presentation, or
resubmission of the seminar paper and fresh presentation may be administered by
the Faculty – in – Charge, within reasonable time, in consultation with the
Undergraduate Council/Examination Committee. The prescribed fee (Rs. 500 per
subject) for resubmission and/or repeat examination shall be paid by the student
prior to such repeat examination/resubmission. A student is allowed to take
maximum of two repeat exams.

5. Plagiarism in seminar papers submitted by the students shall constitute a serious

academic malpractice and shall carry the same consequences as for projects, as
prescribed above.

6. A student who fails to secure the requisite marks in the seminar course despite the
facility for repeat examination or fails to complete the various components of the
course, during the semester, shall be treated as failed in that seminar course. Such
a student shall choose an additional seminar course in the following semester.

7. Class Coordinator shall be appointed by the Dean/HOD, in consultation with Vice-

Chancellor, every year to assist the Undergraduate Council in the co-ordination and
supervision of all seminar courses in accordance with these Regulations.

8. The [Class Coordinator/Dean/HOD] so appointed shall submit a detailed report at

the end of the year in the conduct of the seminar courses and may also recommend
ways and means to improve the quality of teaching, research and project writing in
the seminar courses.

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

C. Clinical Courses

1. All clinical courses shall generally be taught by a team, consisting of a faculty

member, and a senior practitioner/subject expert, if available. Such senior
practitioner/subject expert shall be identified by the coordinator of clinical courses,
in consultation with the concerned faculty member, with the approval of the Vice

2. In Clinical Courses, the course faculty shall provide the content of the course in
about 20 to 30 hours and allow the students to spend the rest of the time in
carrying out research on the assigned topic and defending his/her clinical paper/
report in the rest of the classes assigned for the clinical courses. The scheduling of
clinical courses shall be done in consultation with the practitioners or subject

3. Attendance shall be compulsory for all the students during the presentations of the
clinical papers / field visits and other exercises as may be designated by the faculty.

4. The evaluation method for each clinical course shall be designed by the teacher/s
teaching the course, in consultation with the Examination Committee.

5. To successfully complete and pass a clinical course, a student shall secure a

minimum of 50 marks in all the components put together.

6. If any student fails in the clinical course, a repeat test or resubmission of projects or
fresh presentation or resubmission of reports and fresh presentation or
resubmission of any component of the student evaluation shall be administered by
the teacher within reasonable time, in consultation with the Undergraduate Council/
Examination Committee after the student has paid the prescribed fees. A student is
allowed to take maximum of two repeat exams.

7. Plagiarism or false statements/accounts in reports or projects or records submitted

by the students in a clinical course shall constitute a serious academic malpractice
and shall lead to the same consequences as prescribed.

8. If a student fails to secure the requisite marks in the clinical course or fails to
complete all the components of the clinical course during the semester

for any reason, he/she shall be treated as having failed in that clinical course. Such
students shall re-register for the clinical course when it is again offered.

9. A Class Co-ordinator for every class shall be appointed by Dean/ HOD in

consultation with the Vice Chancellor every semester to coordinate and supervise
the clinical courses in accordance with these Regulations. The Class Coordinator
so appointed shall submit a detailed report at the end of the semester on the
conduct of the clinical courses and may also recommend ways and means to
improve the clinical courses.

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

D. Extension of Submission deadline:

1. The projects submitted after the given date shall be accepted with marks
deducted for late submission.

2. When either deadline conflict with a co-curricular activity such as a moot court
competition, an academic seminar or conference and so on, the Committee
may grant an extension up to seven days involved in such activity. If the conflict
is with moot court competition, then the Committee may grant extension only in
consultation with Faculty In-charge of the Moot Court Association.

3. No projects shall be accepted after the expiry of final deadline.

E. Exemption from Projects:

1. The Committee may in select cases, as its discretion, exempt students participating
at the international level in moot court competitions, academic activities and other
co-curricular activities, from submitting not more than three project in a year.

2. The subjects in whom projects may be exempted are to be decided by the

Committee. Normally, preference is to be given to the choice of student concerned,
but if the Committee feels otherwise, it may overrule the student’s preference.

3. Students availing of these exemptions shall not be exempted from any other
evaluation component, and the marks scored in components shall be extrapolated
into a proportion of the total marks (including marks for projects) allocated for that


A. Mid-term and End Term Examination

1. The Mid-Term and End Term examinations shall ordinarily be conducted in as

per the academic calendar approved by competent authority from time to time.
In the absence of the above calendar, the Mid-Term examinations will be
ordinarily conducted in the last week of August/February and End-Term
examinations would be October/April respectively.

2. The Mid-Term examination (for 25 marks) shall generally be of 90 minutes and

the end-semester exam (for 50 marks) shall generally be of 150 minutes.

3. The above scheme of evaluation, shall not apply to the Seminar and Clinical
courses and the distribution of marks in the seminar and clinical courses shall be
notified by the Undergraduate Council / Examination Committee before the
commencement of every semester.

4. All the candidates who have put in the minimum of 75% of attendance for
appearing at the Examination and have filled in the examination form in time for
appearing at the End Semester Examination shall be allowed to appear at the
respective examinations.
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5. It shall be mandatory for students to appear for the examination conducted by

the University. No student shall be allowed to remain absent himself/herself from
any examination except with the prior written permission of the Vice Chancellor
on a written request made by the student, stating the reasons for possible

6. A student who absents himself/herself for the examination without permission

shall be declared “Failed” in that course. He/she shall appear in the Repeat
Examination for that course. If he/she passes the course in the Repeat
Examination, the grade obtained shall have ® mentioned against it in the
transcript. It is further clarified that no exemption of any kind in any examination
during an academic year shall be provided on medical grounds. A student is
allowed to take maximum of two repeat exams.

7. The Examination Committee may organize repeat examination for those

students who failed in any of the courses in the previous semester, as well as
those students who have not appeared for the End Term examination for any
valid reasons.

8. The student is required to have minimum 65% attendance to appear for the
Repeat/ Re-repeat examination in the previous semester.

9. The students falling short of the minimum requisite i.e. 67% attendance in a
particular course shall have to take the repeat exam for that particular course
when the same is offered in the following academic year after complying with the
attendance requirements of the concerned course. Exam of such students shall
be conducted along with the repeat examination scheduled for other candidates.

10. The Examination Committee/In charge of Examination Department shall

maintain a record of students who have not appeared for an examination on any
ground. The dates for the repeat examination shall generally be notified at the
beginning of the semester. If the dates are changed, such change shall duly be
notified by the Controller of Examinations/ In Charge, Examination Department/
Faculty In charge, Examinations, at least one week before commencement of
the repeat examination both on the Notice Board / website of the University. The
calendar for schemes of the examination viz mid-term, end term, repeat and viva
voce examination shall be notified within the academic calendar.

11. The Repeat Examination as above may be organized either immediately after
the completion of the end semester examinations or just week before the
commencement of the following semester or within 10 days of its
commencement. The Grades obtained in the Repeat Examinations, unless duly
approved, shall be indicated with R-1, R-2 at the top of the Grade. It is further
clarified that repeat examinations shall be for 50 marks, 05 marks for attendance
and marks awarded for sessional component projects and the viva/
presentation, attendance etc. will remain as originally awarded.

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

12. Students cannot seek improvement on the part related to continuous/ sessional
assessment at any stage of the programme.

13. Hall tickets when applicable shall be issued to each student by the Examination
Section prior to the commencement of the examinations. No student shall be
permitted to enter the Examination Hall without the Hall Ticket. The Students will
be permitted to appear only in those examinations indicated in her / his Hall
ticket. It is further clarified that the issuance of a Hall ticket is not an
acknowledgement by the University that the student has fulfilled all the
requirements which would entitle him/her to appear for the examination, such
as, minimum attendance.

B. Unfair means and Malpractices in Examinations:

(1) Unfair means and other malpractices in relation to the examination shall include:

i) Possession or use of material having potential to be used for unfair means,

including cell phones.

ii) Writing on any part of the body/furniture/walls.

iii) Plagiarism in projects/seminar/assignments submitted for evaluation.

iv) Seeking or extending help in the exam, in relation to the questions asked.

v) Any boycott of exam

vi) Disclosure of identity in the answer sheet in any form

vii) Any threat/use of abusive language in exam or in the answer sheets

viii) Refusal to surrender unfair means material or attempt to destroy.

ix) Refusing to obey instructions of the Invigilator.

x) Smuggling an answer book/additional answer book into or out of the

Examination Hall.

xi) Inserting/substituting or removing any page from the answer book/additional

answer book.

xii) Impersonation in examination including interchanging of Roll Numbers and/or

answer sheets.

xiii) Any other similar malpractice, which in the opinion of the Board of Examination
amounts to a use of unfair means.

(2.) Use of Unfair Means shall be inquired into by a committee constituted for the
purpose by the Examination Committee. The Examination Committee shall submit a
report to the Registrar who shall impose the penalty with reasons in writing. An
5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

appeal can be made to the Vice-Chancellor who shall either uphold or reduce the
penalty, or condone the same.

C. Evaluation and Submission of Marks

1. All the course coordinator and other faculty members shall correct the answer
scripts and submit the marks along with the answer script to the Examination
Section within one week of the date of the last paper.

2. There shall be no provision of grace marks.

D. Moderation

1. If the Vice-Chancellor feels that the result of any particular course contains too may
discrepancies, she/he may submit the results before a committee appointed for the

2. The committee may increase or decrease the marks, either all around or selectively
but on the basis of the pre-determined formula, with the specific objective of
ameliorating the discrepancies.

E. Re-Evaluation

1. A student may apply to the Examination Section in the prescribed form,

requesting re-evaluation of an answer script.

2. Applications may be made within five (05) days from the re-opening of the
University after each semester break.

3. The fee for re-evaluation should be Rs.500 per paper.

4. Upon re-evaluation of an answer book the result will be computed as under:

(a) If there is an increase/decrease up to 10% marks (marks given in the first

evaluation) by the First Re-evaluator, the marks given shall be taken as final.

(b) If there is an increase/decrease of more than 10% marks given by the First
Re-evaluator then the answer book shall be evaluated by the Second Re-

IIf there is an increase/decrease of more than 10% marks given by the Second
Re-evaluator then the answer book shall be evaluated by the Third Re-

5. The result of re-evaluation will be communicated to the candidate(s) soon after it

is declared. Fresh detail marks card will be issued to the candidates only in case
of a change in the overall result, but not in the case of those who are failed or
the result remained the same.

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

F. Repeat/Re-repeat Examination

1. In case of any failure, in written papers the repeat examinations will be

conducted for 80 marks.

2. The question paper will be divided into two parts i.e. 25 marks and 50 marks.

3. The students who fail to appear for the Mid Term shall answer the 25 marks
paper and the student who fails to appear or failed in the End term is required to
answer the 50 marks paper.

4. The student who has not appeared for both Mid Term and End Term shall
answer total 75 marks paper

5. Repeat examination of odd semester will happen in the forthcoming even

semester and vice-versa. University shall charge Rs.500/- per subject as the fee
for appearing in re-examination

6. In the official grade-transcript of each student, the grade secured in a repeat

examination shall be suffixed with letter “R” to indicate that the grade was
obtained through a repeat examination.

G. Improvement Examinations

1. Students who have passed a given course but desire to improve their performance
shall be permitted to sit for the Repeat Examination of that course.

2. For such students, the repeat Examination shall be treated as an Improvement


3. The fee for appearing in the Improvement examination shall be Rs. 500 per subject.

4. In the official marks statement, the grade secured in a repeat examination shall be
suffixed with the letter “I” to indicate that the grade was obtained through an
Improvement Examination.

5. If the grade obtained in the Improvement Examination is lower than the grade
secured by the student in her/his first attempt, then the original score shall stand
and the grade secured in the Improvement Examination shall be discarded.

H. Photo copy of answer script:

The issue of photo copy of answer scripts on demand will be issued to students my
making payment of Rs.200/- per subject

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021


1. No candidate shall be promoted to the next higher class unless he/she has
completed all the courses in a given year. However, a candidate who has failed
in not more than three courses out of ten in a year may be promoted to the next
higher class. Under such circumstance, the candidate has to re-register for the
courses failed separately.

2. No Candidate will be promoted to the Third Year without passing all the First
Year courses. Similarly, this rule shall apply to all other promotions to next higher

3. In compliance with the promotional scheme of the academic regulation, the

following detailed rules shall be followed by the Examination Committee.

a. A student, who has failed in more than three courses of odd Semester i.e. 1 st,
3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th Semester even after the Repeat End Semester Examination
for the concerned odd Semester, will in no case be promoted to the next
higher classes.

b. A student, who has failed in more than three courses in a given year, shall be
promoted to the next higher Semester in anticipation of his/her clearing the
said courses in the Repeat End Semester Examination for the even
Semester of the given year.

c. Till the aforesaid Repeat Examination is conducted, he/she will be

conditionally promoted to the next higher level. His/her admission will be
entirely conditional.

d. In no case a student will be promoted to the Third Year without passing all the
courses of First Year. Similarly a student of Third Year shall not be promoted
to Fourth Year without passing all the Courses of Second Year. These rules
shall apply to all other promotions to next higher classes as well.

e. Those students who have failed in not more than two courses in a given year
will be promoted to next higher class.


1. The internship is compulsory for each Semester.

2. The Internship Report shall be of 75 Marks and 25 Marks are for Internship
Report Viva.

3. Students, who fail to undertake internship during any of the months, would
have to undergo the same after completion of their 5 year course.

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VII. Grading System

 Cumulative Grading Point Average (CGPA) is deduced at by dividing the sum of
Grade Vales and the Course Credits in each course by the total number of credits in
all the courses as per following table:

Division Percentage Grade CGPA

Outstanding 80 and above O 8
Distinction 75 -79 D 7.5
Very Good 70 – 74 A++ 7
Good 65 – 69 A+ 6
Fair 60 – 64 A 5
Average 55 – 59 B+ 4
Pass 50 -54 B 3
Failed Below 50 F 0

Illustration of Computation of SGPA and CGPA and Format for Transcripts

b. Computation of SGPA and CGPA Illustration of SGPA Course Credit Grade

Letter Grade Point Credit Point

Course Name Credits Grade Value Grade Point Credit Point

Course Name Credits Grade Value Grade Point Credit Point
Course I 4 O 8 32
Course II 4 A++ 7 28
Course III 3 D 7.5 22.5
Course IV 3 A+ 6 18
Course V 3 A 5 15

Thus, SGPA= 105.5/17= 6.20

Similarly for Semester II SGPA=104/17=6.11

CGPA= (6.20x17 + 6.11x17+. ............... )/ Total Credits

The following letters would be used in the grade-sheet:

Ab - Absent
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(Student on Exchange program, Moot Court participation, absence on Medical

grounds and on compassionate grounds)

NA _ Not Allowed (Attendance Shortage)

R – Repeat

(Clearing the exam in Repeat/Re-registration/detention/ Students who are not

allowed due to attendance shortage)

F – Failed

(Failing in securing minimum aggregate marks including non submission, failure in

project / seminar, failure to appear End-Semester)

W – Withheld (disciplinary action, fee dues, library dues)

I – Improvement


Sr.No Rule Existing Rule Amended Rule

1 III (C) (9) No word limit for Seminar paper is In the III I (9) The
mentioned. word limit for
Seminar paper shall
be 5,000 to 8000
2 IV (B) (2) The Examination Committee shall The Chairperson of
submit a report to the Registrar who Examination
shall impose the penalty with Committee shall
reasons in writing impose the penalty.
3. IV I (2) There shall be no provision of grace 1) A maximum of 3
marks. grace marks to be
awarded to the
2) The 3 grace marks
may be distributed
across the subjects.
4 V (1) A candidate who has failed in not A candidate who has
more than three courses out of ten failed in not more
in a year may be promoted to the than five (05) courses
next higher class. out of twelve (12) in a
year may be
promoted to the next
higher class w.e.f
2020-2025 batch.

5th Academic Council Meeting MNLU-A 14-04-2021

5 IV (I) Repeat examination as First (I) Repeat

Attempt (Addition) Examination as First
(1) On selected
grounds, the students
who have not been
able to appear for the
Mid Term or End
Term examination on
the valid grounds
shall be allowed to sit
for the repeat
examinations, and the
same shall be treated
as their first attempt.
(2) for the purpose of
Sub-Rule (1), valid
grounds shall be
a) Medical grounds,
provided the student
is able to furnish
proper medical
certificate from the
reputed doctors or
government hospitals;
b) Participation in
moot court
competition including
the journey period
provided the student
has taken formal
permission from the
Committee and Vice
Chancellor of the
6 III (C) (1) In Seminar Courses, the course In Seminar Courses,
teacher shall provide the content of the course teacher
the course in about 35 to 40 class shall provide the
hours and allow the students to content of the course
spend the rest of the time in in about10 class hours
carrying out research on the and allow the students
assigned topic to spend the rest of
the time in carrying
out research on the
assigned topic


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