Ber Performance Analysis of Linear Block Code

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Channel coding is an important step in the process of transmission
and reception of a digitally modulated signal.

To ensure that the communication of information is reliable and free

of errors, a channel encoder and decoder is incorporated at the
transmitter and receiver respectively, in a digital communication
system. One such channel coding technique called Linear Block
Coding is discussed in this project.

The performance of three different sub-types of Linear Block codes,

namely, (3,1) repetition code, (5,1) repetition code and (7,4)
Hamming code is analyzed for BPSK digital modulation scheme and
under AWGN channel noise conditions.

The algorithm is simulated in MATLAB tool and the results are

obtained in the form of BER curves and are compared individually
for different cases of decoding techniques and uncoded technique.
In this project, a comparative analysis of the Bit Error Rate performance
is done on different types of linear block codes.

BER is used as an important parameter in characterizing the

performance of data channels. When data is transmitted over a data
link, there is a possibility of errors being introduced into the system. If
errors are introduced into the data, then the integrity of the system may
be compromised. As a result, it is necessary to assess the performance
of the system. A Bit Error Rate is defined as the rate at which errors
occur in a transmission system. This can be directly translated into the
number of errors that occur in a string of a stated number of bits.
The definition of bit error rate can be translated into a simple formula:

BER = Errors / Total Number of Bits

S.Karagol and D.Yildiz [2], “Linear Block Coding and Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Audio Signal Transmission over AWGN
and Rician Fading Channel”, inferred that, the LBC method is a suitable method which can be used for channel coding for both
AWGN and Rician fading channels. For the channels and coding method considered, BER performance of BPSK modulation is the
best obtained from these modulations. The BER performance curve is obtained inversely proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio.
The coding of the channel by the LBC method reduces the error effect of the channels in the transmitted signal. The coding types
in the Rician fading channel converge on the AWGN channel with different K-factor values.

A. K. Singh [3], "Error detection and correction by hamming code," inferred that, In the process of communication the information
gets corrupted. Therefore, the signals received by the receiver are different from the actual information signal. This paper stated
how receivers detect the errors in received signals and how receivers rectify that error by using hamming code method. It
illustrated with the help of examples how the receiver identified which bit is corrupted and how it is corrected by them. This paper
helps students and research scholars to understand the shortcut method of hamming code by which we can easily correct the
single bit error.
1.Give input bits [m-message bits]
2.Passing the message bit to Repetition Encoder [r=k/n]
3.Apply BPSK modulation and add AWGN noise.
4.Estimate code vector by Decision decoding.
5.Estimate message vector by Hard and Soft Decision decoding.
6.Analyze the BER performance by comparing estimated message vector with the input message
1.Generator Matrix G = [ Ik | P ] ; P = Parity Matrix
2.Parity Check Matrix H = [ PT | In-k ]
3.Codeword C = D*G ; D = Message vector
4.Syndrome S = R*HT ; R = Received symbols vector
5.If S = 0 , then No error
Else If S = i, then error at ithbit
1.Fix single bit error according to Syndrome.

It is observed that the BER of Hard Decision

Decoded (3,1) repetition coded data is
rather poor than the Uncoded data. Also,
the Hard Decision Decoded data has almost
the same performance as theoretically
coded data. The Soft Decision Decoded data
has slightly better performance than the
Uncoded data.

It is observed that the BER of Hard Decision Decoded

(5,1) repetition coded data is also poor than the
Uncoded data. But the Hard Decision Decoded data
has better performance than theoretically coded data.
The Soft Decision Decoded data has slightly better
performance than the Uncoded data and large
improvement over Hard Decision Decoded data.

On comparing the BER

performance of (3,1)
repetition code with (5,1)
repetition code, it is
observed that (3,1) code has
better performance than
(5,1) code for the case of
Hard Decision Decoding
(HDD). However (5,1) code is
slightly better than (3,1)
code for the case of Soft
Decision Decoding (SDD).

(The (7,4) Hamming code has an overall

better performance than an uncoded
BPSK transmission system. The Soft
Decision Decoded (SDD) data has less
errors compared to the Hard Decision
Decoded (HDD) data, hence it has a
better error correcting performance.
On plotting the BER curves for all coding techniques, i.e. (7,4) Hamming code, (3,1) Repetition code and (5,1)
Repetition code, for the case of Hard decision decoding, we observe that (3,1) Repetition code performs best
while (7,4) Hamming code performs worst.
For the case of Soft Decision Decoding, the performance of (7,4) Hamming code is again the worst but as
the Signal to Noise ratio increases, all the coding techniques converge to a have approximately the same
BER performance.
Kaur, Amandeep & Kaur, Gagandeep & Singh, Navdeep. (2017). A Review: BER Performance
Analysis of Linear Block codes used in FEC over AWGN channel.

P. R. Kamala and R. V. S. Satyanarayana, "Optimal linear block code modeling and

performance analysis over various channels for use in wireless communications," 2016
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology and Science
(ICETETS), 2016, pp. 1- 6, doi: 10.1109/ICETETS.2016.7603038.

A. K. Singh, "Error detection and correction by hamming code," 2016 International

Conference on Global Trends in Signal Processing, Information Computing and
Communication (ICGTSPICC), 2016, pp. 35- 37, doi: 10.1109/ICGTSPICC.2016.7955265.

A. A. Ali and I. A. Al-Kadi, "On the use of repetition coding with binary digital modulations on
mobile channels," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 14-18,
Feb. 1989, doi: 10.1109/25.31130.

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