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Best Practices

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Dagupan City, Pangasinan




DIRECTION: List down and explain ten (10) BEST PRACTICES you do in the
laboratory or in your respective school.



1. Wear protective lab attire: Make sure you use PPE at all The students will know that
times inside the laboratory. Put they should have an extra
on a lab coat with full sleeves, protection while doing their
closed-toe shoes, and safety activities and to ensure their
goggles before entering the lab. safety.
If you have long hair, it’s better
to keep it tied and out of the
way when working in the lab.
Find out if the work you are
currently doing needs you to
wear any other protective gear
or remove accessories such as
metal watches, rings, etc.
Protective attire not only
reduces the risk of damage to
the skin and eyes, but also
minimizes possibilities of

2. Not allowing anyone bring It may be tempting to sip on a It makes the students more
food or drink into the lab: cup of coffee or some water focus on their works and avoid
when working at your any harm to the students like
experiments, but steer clear of food poisoning
this. Food and drink in the lab
can not only get messy, but can
also be a source of distraction.
Moreover, there is a possibility
of contamination as chemical
residues may be present on
tables and on your hand when
you are working in the lab. Also,
make sure you wash your hands
well before leaving the lab.
Traces of harmful chemicals,
tissue, bacteria, etc. can lead to
contamination of other spaces
such as the lunch table or your
work station, causing illness or
other problems.

3. Disposing of lab waste When disposing chemicals, do The students will have their
safely: not pour them down the sink; awareness on safety precaution
use designated disposal bins or and how to dispose laboratory
containers instead. Never pour in a proper way.
back unused reagents into the
bottle; dispose of them safely.
Do not pour plant waste down
the sink as it may clog up the
drains; make sure you use
disposal bins to dispose plant

4. Using caution when handling Injuries from chemicals in The students will have their
chemicals laboratories are fairly common, awareness on safety precaution
but at times, they can be fatal. and how to handle the different
Karen Wetterhahn, a renowned chemicals in laboratory
American chemist, died as a properly.
result of mercury poisoning in
1997. A few drops of a
compound containing mercury
fell on her hand, penetrated the
gloves and entered her body. A
few months later, she started
exhibiting symptoms mercury
poisoning, such as loss of
balance and impaired vision,
speech, and hearing ability, and
ultimately succumbed to the

5. Handle lab equipment Apart from chemicals, We need to teach students how
carefully laboratory equipment can also to take care and maintenance
cause accidents if mishandled. of laboratory equipment and
Use razor blades with caution, explain to them that these are
unplug hot plates, and switch an integral part of quality
off Bunsen burners. If you see assurance in the lab
any electrical cords that are
frayed or damaged, do not
touch them and report it to the
relevant authorities
immediately. Handle broken
glassware carefully; do not use
your hands to pick up the pieces
– a broom and dustpan work
best. Remember to put back all
equipment in its proper place
after use.

6. Work with a lab partner as Try to work with someone else Teamwork is utilized and the
far as possible in the lab. While this may not students are learning to each
always be possible, having a other ideas and they work more
second pair of eyes increases efficient.
chances of mistakes and slip-
ups getting detected on time,
preventing major damage.
Additionally, with two people,
response is always quicker in
case of accidents. Even for a
minor injury, like a cut from
broken glass, it helps to have
someone around to get the first
aid kit or help with cleaning the

7. Act responsibly in the lab While the lab is meant for The students will have their
experiments, they should be awareness on safety precaution
planned and researched well in and how to handle the different
advance. Don’t conduct random chemicals in laboratory
experiments just for fun, like properly.
this group of students (in the
anecdote “Fire oops”) who
drew on the lab table using
alcohol and setting it on fire to
see the pretty blue flame trace
out the doodle. You should have
the right attitude when you
come to the lab and make sure
you’re fully focused. A little
distraction can often cause
irreversible damage, and in
extreme situations, even loss of
lives. Alert others in the lab to
maintain a safe distance when
mixing chemicals or dealing
with potentially hazardous
substances. Make sure you
double-check everything before
use and clean up after.

8. Explaining the Standard SOPs are the guidelines that The students will learn that
Operating Procedures inspectors and laboratories they need to follow the SOPs in
should follow. The procedures laboratory to ensure the result
should be clearly written and of their experiments.
easily accessible to all students.
In addition to the guidelines, a
set of forms or documents
should be available to record
data. These should be
consistent, easy to understand,
and complete. The SOPs ensure
standards are measured and
being met. This establishes the
efficient production and reliable
research results.

9. Explaining the importance of Data recording includes what The student will learn the
Data Recording the test was, how it was standard laboratory notebooks
performed, when it was carried should be used, and data
out, and who did it. All data should be entered into
must be recorded correctly computers in the correct
when it is produced to avoid format. Data should be clear
errors. Staff should never rely and concise and readable for
on memory as the wrong data other staff. The laboratory’s
could be recorded and have generic terms should be used
serious consequences. This for clarity.
practice ensures traceability
and correct record-keeping,
whether paper-based or

10. Good environment All testing should be carried out It makes the students more
in a laboratory designated for comfortable and focus on their
the purpose. The atmosphere works.
should be at the correct
temperature, there should be
enough space to work, sites
should be clean before and
after the test and cross-
contamination protocols should
be observed.

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