Joint Affidavit

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We, the UNDERSIGNED Fire Officers, both members of the Bureau of

Fire Protection, presently assigned at the Dasmariñas City Fire Station,
Dasmariñas City Cavite, do hereby depose and state THAT:

01. We are the first responder who conducted Fire Fighting

Operation to the unreported Grass Fire Incident located at Vineyard
Village, Brgy San Agustin 1, Dasmariñas City, Cavite dated 25 March

02. That at around 1041H, while we are conducting our safety

patrol and fire truck visibility traversing Aguinaldo Highway going to the
Pala-pala, we noticed thick smoke coming from the area of Vineyard
Village. Considering that there was an adjacent Phoenix Petroleum
Gasoline station at the area, this prompted us to verify the situation.

03. Upon arrival thereat, we immediately conducted size-up and

subsequently conducted fire figthing operations. Also present at the
scene are the volunteer fire brigade of San Agustin 1 and the Rescue unit
of Dasmariñas City. With the support of the vounteer fire brigade, we
were able to extinguished the fire. Fire Out was declared at about 1104H,
Same date.

04. That during and after the above mentioned fire incident, we
does not receive any report coming from the residents and the duty
roving guards of vineyard village that there were any person being
trapped at the area. Considering that the involved was an open area, and
no reported missing person, we thereby left the scene and went to the
nearest fire hydrant to refill our tanks. Right after refilling the water
tank, we resumed our safety patrol.

05. We were only in formed by the city rescue unit of the alleged
casualty arising from the subject grass fire incident at about 1146H,
while we are on our way back to the fire station.

We executed this joint affidavit to attest the truthfulness of the foregoing

facts to provide information for any subsequent reports that may arise from
this fire incident.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto affixed our signature this ___day

of ____________ at ____________, _______________.

_FO2 Apollos-Paul Bruce_ FO1 Ronel Romero

Affiant Affiant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of _______ at

_______________. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally examined the
herein affiants and I am satisfied that they voluntarily executed and
understood their given affidavit.

Administering Officer

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