Digital Marketing Communicaton - Summative Brief CW2

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Coursework Cover Sheet

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The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ______ words.

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MSc Management with Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Communication

Assessment Brief

Submission mode: Turnitin online access

1. General Assessment Guidance

• Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this Coursework submission which
accounts for 100% of the marks
• Please note late submissions will not be marked.
• You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only
submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital
form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 2,500 words. You must comply with the word count
guidelines. You may submit LESS than 2,500 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be
found on your programme home page and the coursework submission page.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your
student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the
marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve
minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which
is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of
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• BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of
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• You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without
this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
2. Assessment Brief

You are required to write a 2,500-word report on the digital marketing communication strategy for a
specific brand from one of the companies listed below. You should base your report on the analysis
of their recent (last two years) digital marketing communication in one specific country in which they
operate, which you must identify in the introduction to your report.

You should write your report for the Board of Directors of your chosen company. Within the
business report, reference should be made to relevant company research and to digital marketing
communication concepts and literature as appropriate.

You need to address the following tasks:

Introduction (Suggested word count: 140 words.) 5 marks

Briefly introduce your chosen brand, company, and country for this report. Outline the scope of your
Task 1 (Suggested word count: 820 words.) 30 marks
Map the brand’s current digital marketing activities against each of these four stages, explaining the
purpose of each stage and evaluating how well the activities achieve that purpose for the brand:
• Awareness
• Consideration
• Evaluation
• Conversion
• Loyalty

Critically evaluate the effectiveness for your brand of using a five-stage marketing funnel framework
when planning and assessing their marketing activities, in comparison to one other framework
mentioned in the first topic of the module.

Task 2 (Suggested word count: 700 words.) 25 marks

Critically analyse communication tools such as SEO and SEM for developing optimised search and
content strategies for your brand.

Task 3 (Suggested word count: 700 words.) 25 marks

Critically assess the influence of paid, owned and earned media on the content used by your brand.

Conclusion (Suggested word count: 140 words.) 5 marks

Using your key findings from each of the three tasks above assess to what extent your chosen
company is using digital marketing communication effectively.

Presentation marks 10 marks

These marks are awarded for the following:
• Clear structure and layout of your report in line with requested format
• Writing style: professional and concise
• Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources used and correct
application of Harvard referencing style throughout

Total word count of the assessment encompassing introduction, the three tasks and the
conclusion should not exceed 2,500 words. This includes headings and sub-headings, text-based
tables and in-text citations. It does not include the cover sheet, title page, any appendix, numerical
tables, reference list, in-text diagrams, contents page or list of figures.

Suggested Structure

A 2,500-word business report to the Board of Directors of the company, in the capacity of a digital
marketing communication consultant. There are many ways to construct a report and the following
is only a suggestion:

Title page: your reader’s first impression of the report. It should be succinct but still describe the
report’s contents so that it can be distinguished easily from other reports.

Comprehensive list of contents: a table of contents could help the reader to find specific
information in the report quickly. This includes page numbers and any additional sections such as
appendices and bibliography.

Report: covers your answers to tasks one to three as detailed above.

Appendices: Appendices contain additional information which would be too detailed to include in
the main body. Typical examples of information included in appendices can be glossaries (if it is a
technical report), tables with supporting statistical data, examples of research (online digital
marketing evidence) and so on.

References list: if you have consulted any source, either printed or on-line, you must include it in the
list of your references and dates of internet access where applicable. For more information on
referencing and the Harvard system access the link given in the General Assessment Guidance

Other Guidance

You must select a company (brand and country) from the list below, on which to base your report:

Company Industry Country

Amway Health & Beauty Direct Selling India
EY Professional Services Any
FirstRand Professional Services Any / South Africa / India
Fitbit Smartwatch Any
H&M Fashion Retail Any
Huawei Telecoms & Consumer Electronics Any / China
General Electric Power, Aviation, Healthcare Any
McDonalds Fast food Any
Searle Pharma Pakistan
Severe Nature Fashion Nigeria
Tata Motors Automotive Any / India
Tesla Automotive Any
Uber Eats Online Food Ordering Any

You will need to present evidence of the digital marketing communication of your chosen brand. In
addition to written sources that you find, you are also encouraged to include relevant examples of
your brand’s digital marketing communication, e.g., their website, social media profile, online ads
etc. These should be referenced using the Harvard system.

Mapping the digital marketing activities

In task 1 you may find it helpful to provide a graphic to present a succinct visual overview of the
current digital marketing activities of your chosen brand.

For all tasks, if you wish to include text-based tables as part of your answer these will be included in
your word count. Do not cut and paste in from other sources (including your own) to avoid word
count limits / similarity checks.
3. Marking Guide

The assignment is marked out of 100 and counts towards 100% of your module mark. The following table shows the tasks, marks and marking rubric:

Assignment task Distinction (70-100%) Merit (60-69%) Pass (50-59%) Fail (0-49%)

Introduction Guidelines
• Explanation of what digital marketing communication is, supported by references
(5 marks) • Identification of brand, company and country for this report
• Brief outline of what the report will include.
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (0-2 marks)
Outstanding knowledge and Good knowledge and Satisfactory knowledge and Weak knowledge and
understanding of the concept of digital understanding of the concept understanding of the concept understanding of the concept
marketing communication and its of digital marketing of digital marketing of digital marketing
importance to this brand, and/or communication. Good communication. Satisfactory communication. Limited or no
inclusion of wider business context. explanation to the contents of explanation of the links to the explanation of the contents of
Excellent and concise explanation of the report. contents of the report. the report.
the contents of the report.
Task 1: Digital Guidelines:
marketing You are required to map the brand’s current digital marketing activities against each of these stages:
communication • Awareness
framework • Consideration
• Evaluation
(30 marks, LO1) • Conversion
• Loyalty
As part of your mapping explain the purpose for your chosen brand of each stage of the funnel, giving two relevant examples of your
brand’s digital marketing. Evaluate how well the examples achieve the purpose of that stage of the funnel for your chosen brand.

If you cannot find a relevant example, you will need to explain with detail specific to your brand, what an effective digital marketing
activity would be and why.
You are also required to critically evaluate the effectiveness for your brand of using a five-stage marketing funnel framework such as
used above, when planning and assessing their marketing activities, in comparison to one other mentioned in the first topic of the
module (RACE, SOSTAC, AIDA, DRIP). To do this you will need to include a discussion of:
• The difference or similarities in the purpose of the frameworks in relation to planning and assessing digital marketing
• How well it would work in reality and why
• Advantages or benefits of this framework compared to another
• Disadvantages or limitations of this framework compared to another

(21-30 marks) (18-20 marks) (15-17 marks) (0-14 marks)

From very good to excellent, possibly Good and appropriate Adequate and appropriate Limited or no mapping of
creative mapping with excellent detail, mapping including good detail mapping, including adequate current funnel which lacks
and from very good to excellent and evidence, that cover a detail and evidence. detail and relevant evidence.
substantiation using relevant good range of digital Adequate evaluation of how Limited or weak evaluation
supporting references, that covers a marketing techniques. well the examples achieve the lacking depth and detail.
wide range of digital marketing Evaluation of how well the purpose of each stage for the
techniques. examples achieve the brand Limited or no evaluation in
Evaluation of how well the examples purpose of each stage for the comparison to another course
achieve the purpose of each stage for brand has a good depth and Evaluation of framework is framework. No or limited
the brand has a very good to excellent detail. adequate in comparison to relevant discussion linking
depth and detail. another course framework, evaluation to chosen brand.
Evaluation of framework is with adequate relevant
Evaluation of framework is very good good in comparison to discussion linking evaluation
to excellent in comparison to another another course framework, to chosen brand.
course framework, with very good to with good relevant discussion
excellent relevant discussion linking linking evaluation to chosen
evaluation to chosen brand. brand.

Answer demonstrates knowledge of a

broad range of digital marketing
concepts and understanding of wider,
commercial context.
Task 2: Guidelines:
Communication You are required to carry out the following: critically analyse communication tools such as SEO and SEM for developing optimised search
tools for search and and content strategies for your brand.
• Evaluate the role of, and the differences between, communication tools such as SEO and SEM in digital marketing
content strategies
using examples (from your brand) for developing optimised search strategies
(25 marks, LO2) • Evaluate the role of content for your brand (using examples) and its effectiveness for developing optimised search strategies

(18-20 marks) (15-17 marks) (13-14 marks) (0-12 marks)

Very good to excellent understanding Good understanding of Adequate understanding of Limited or no understanding
of relevant communication tools such relevant communication tools relevant communication tools of relevant communication
as SEO and SEM and how they can be such as SEO and SEM and such as SEO and SEM and tools such as SEO and SEM
used for developing optimised search how they can be used for how they can be used for and how they can be used for
and content strategies. developing optimised search developing optimised search developing optimised search
and content strategies. and content strategies. and content strategies.
Very good to excellent appropriate
application of wide-ranging brand Good and appropriate Adequate and appropriate Limited or no application of
research including for other relevant application of brand research application of brand research. brand research.
tools. including for other relevant
tools. Adequate evaluation of how Limited or no evaluation of
Very good to excellent evaluation of the chosen brand uses such how the chosen brand uses
how the chosen brand uses such tools Good evaluation of how the tools and content. such tools and content.
and content. chosen brand uses such tools
and content.
Compelling and convincing relevant
links made with findings from task 1. Some attempt made to create
relevant links with findings
Understanding of wider, commercial from task 1.
context demonstrated.
Task 3: Media Guidelines:
influence You are required to carry out the following: critically assess the influence of paid, owned and earned media on the content used by your
(25 marks, LO3) • Briefly explain using examples from your brand, the difference between paid, owned and earned media (these could be examples
already used in task 2)
• Assess with referenced evidence the influence of different types of paid, owned and earned media used by your brand
• To help you structure your answer you may like to assess aspects such as the selection, frequency, and balance of these different
types of media as used by your brand across the different stages of the marketing funnel
(18-20 marks) (15-17 marks) (13-14 marks) (0-12 marks)
Very good to excellent understanding Good understanding of paid, Adequate understanding of Limited or no understanding
of paid, owned and earned media, with owned and earned media, paid, owned and earned of paid, owned and earned
very good or excellent examples with good examples provided. media, with adequate media, missing any examples.
provided. examples provided.
Good assessment of the Limited or no assessment of
Very good or excellent assessment of influence of different types of Adequate assessment of the the influence of the different
the influence of different types of paid, paid, owned and earned influence of different types of types of paid, owned and
owned and earned media used by media used by chosen brand. paid, owned and earned earned media used by the
chosen brand. Very good to excellent Good evidence provided. media used by chosen brand. chosen brand.
evidence provided. Adequate evidence provided.
Good analysis of appropriate Limited or no discussion of
Very good to excellent assessment of aspects relating to the Adequate analysis of appropriate aspects relating
analysis of appropriate aspects relating different types of paid, owned appropriate aspects relating to the different types of paid,
to the different types of paid, owned and earned media used by to the different types of paid, owned and earned media
and earned media used by the chosen the chosen brand with good owned and earned media used by the chosen brand.
brand with very good to excellent evidence provided. used by the chosen brand
evidence provided. with appropriate evidence
Some attempt made to create provided.
Compelling and convincing relevant relevant links with findings
links made with findings from tasks 1 from tasks 1 and 2.
and 2.

Understanding of wider, commercial

context demonstrated.
Conclusion Guidelines:
(5 marks) • Main arguments and findings are summarised for each of the three tasks
• Includes concluding comment about the importance of effective digital marketing communication for chosen brand
(5 marks) (4 marks) (3 marks) (0-2 marks)
Excellent conclusion presented which Good conclusion presented Satisfactory conclusion Conclusion shows no or little
clearly draws on the previous tasks and which draws a coherent presented which draws on relevance to the key findings;
links insightfully to the wider context thread between the key the previous tasks. Conclusion is limited, or no
of the brand. points of the previous tasks. argument presented.

Presentation marks Guidelines:

• Clear structure and layout
(10 marks) • Writing style: professional and concise
• Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources use and correct application of Harvard referencing style
throughout report and appendices
(7-10 marks) (6 marks) (5 marks) (0-4 marks)
Very good to excellent with precise, Good with precise and Satisfactory with appropriate Weak with inappropriate
full, and appropriate references appropriate references and references (possibly limited in references.
extensively used. correct Harvard referencing quantity; largely correct Limited structure and
An exemplar of structured layout and style. Harvard referencing style). expression.
professional and accurate expression. A good example of structured Structured layout and mainly
Inclusion of broad range of relevant layout and professional and accurate expression.
sources. accurate expression.

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