Topic 7: Facilities Location and Layout
Topic 7: Facilities Location and Layout
Topic 7: Facilities Location and Layout
Facility location decision is the systematic process of determining a geographic site for a
firm’s operations. Managers of both service and manufacturing organizations should consider
the desirability of a particular site, including proximity to customers and suppliers, labour costs,
and transportation costs. Location conditions are difficult to measure. Tangible cost-based
factors such as wages and products costs can be quantified easily. On the other hand, non-
tangible features, which refer to such characteristics as reliability, availability and security,
cannot be measured exactly in quantitative forms.
Steps in site Selection
The following are the different stages involved in the site selection process:
1. Selection of the region in which the plant is to be established
2. After selecting the region, the next step is to select a locality with in the region.
3. Selection of site for plant construction
4. Final investment decision
There are mainly two sets of factors affecting the location decision:
1. General locational factors, which include controllable and uncontrollable factors for all type
of organizations.
2. Specific locational factors specifically required for manufacturing and service organizations.
Following are the general factors required for location of plant in case of all types of
1. Proximity to markets
2. Supply of materials
3. Transportation facilities
4. Infrastructure availability
5. Labor and wages
6. External economies
7. Capital.
8. Government policy
9. Climate conditions
10. Supporting industries and services
11. Community and labour attitudes
12. Community Infrastructure.
Controllable factors
1. Proximity to markets
Every company is expected to serve its customers by providing goods and services at the
reasonable price and time. Organizations may choose to locate facilities near to the market.
When the buyers are concentrated, it is advisable to locate the facilities close to the market.
Nearness to the market ensures a consistent supply of goods to customers and it reduces the
cost of transportation.
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Availability of various external economies of scale is major factor in deciding the project
location. Tax incentives, facility of industrial estates, special economic zone are some of the
factors to be considered at the time of taking location decision. Location economies of scale in
the manufacturing sector have evolved over time and have mainly increased competition due to
production facilities and lower production costs as a result of lower transportation and logistical
7. Availability of Capital
Another important factor deciding the choice of location is the availability of capital.
Fixed capital is required for the construction of building and acquisition of land. But on the
other hand, buildings can also be rented and existing plants can be expanded. The availability
of such factors is also affecting the decision on site selection. A careful study on financial
strength and weaknesses of the proposed project should be undertaken.
8. Policies of the Government
The policies of the Central, state governments and local bodies concerning labour laws,
building codes, safety, tax etc. are the major factors which affect the choice location for the
industries. Government provides various kinds of incentives to entrepreneurs for industrial
development in special economic zone. The incentive package may be in the form of
exemption from a sales tax and excise duties for a specific period, soft loan from financial
institutions and investment subsidy. Some of these incentives may tempt to locate the plant to
avail these facilities offered.
9. Climatic conditions
The natural condition of the geographical area needs to be considered together with climatic
conditions. Climates greatly influence human efficiency and behaviour and reflect the
same in the labour productivity. Some industries require specific climatic conditions e.g.,
textile mill requires humidity. Therefore, such special climatic factors have to be
carefully examined in the choice of project site
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This is concerned with the minimum movement of man and materials. The facilities should
be arranged such a way that, the total distance travelled by the men and materials should be
minimum. As far as possible straight line movement should be preferred.
3. Principle of cubic space utilisation
The good layout is one that utilise both horizontal and vertical space. It is not only enough if
only the floor space is utilised optimally but the third dimension, i.e., the height is also to be
utilised effectively.
4. Principle of flow
A good layout is one that makes the materials to move in forward direction towards the
completion stage. This means there should not be any backtracking.
5. Principle of maximum flexibility
The good layout is one that can be altered without much cost and time. The future
requirements should be taken into account while designing the present layout of the plant.
6. Principle of safety, security and satisfaction
A good layout is one that gives due consideration to workers safety and satisfaction and
safeguards the plant and machinery against fire, theft, etc.
7. Principle of minimum handling
A good layout is one that reduces the material handling.
In the case of process lay out all the machines performing similar type of operations are
grouped at one location. In process layout the arrangement of facilities is grouped together
according to their functions and operations. The flow of material through the facilities from
one functional area to another functional area varies from product to product. Process layout
is suggested for batch production. Usually the paths are long and there will be possibility of
backtracking.Process layout is normally used when the production volume is not sufficient to
justify a product layout.
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2. Lighting
3. Climatic conditions
4. Ventilation
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2. Multi-storey buildings.
Choosing a suitable type of building for a particular firm depends on the manufacturing
process and the area of land and the cost of construction.
If land is available, an organization can construct single storey building. Single-storey
buildings offer several operating advantages. A single-story construction is preferable when
materials handling is difficult because the product is big or heavy, natural lighting is desired
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3. High cost of transportation for moving men and materials to the factory
Multi-storey buildings are useful in manufacture of light products, when the acquisition
of land becomes difficult and expensive.
1. Maximum operating floor space. This is best suited in areas where land is very costly.
2. Lower cost of heating and ventilation.
3. Reduced cost of materials handling because the advantage of the use of gravity for the flow
of materials.
Following are the disadvantages of multi-storey building:
1. Materials handling becomes very complicated. A lot of time is wasted in moving them
between floors.
2. A lot of floor space is wasted on elevators, stairways and fire escapes.
3. Floor load-bearing capacity is limited.
4. Natural lighting is poor in the centers of the shop.
5. Layout changes cannot be affected easily and quickly.
Generally speaking, textile mills, food industries, detergent plants, chemical industries
and software industry use these types of buildings.
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Good visibility of the equipment, the product and the data involved in the work process is an
unavoidable factor in accelerating production, reducing the number of defective products and
reducing waste. The use of natural light should be encouraged. Regular cleaning of lighting
fixture is obviously essential. Excessive contrasts in lighting levels between the worker’s task
and the general surroundings should also be avoided. Artificial lighting will enable people to
maintain proper vision.
Control of the climatic conditions at the workplace is important to ensure the workers’ health
and comfort. With excess heat or cold, workers may feel very uncomfortable, and their
efficiency drops. This can also lead to accidents. This human body functions in such a way as
to keep the central nervous system and the internal organs at a constant temperature. It is
essential to avoid excessive heat or cold, and wherever possible to keep the climatic
conditions under control within the organization.
Ventilation is an integral part of the good building system. Ventilation differs from air
circulation. Ventilation replaces contaminated air by fresh air, whereas as the air-circulation
merely moves the air without renewing it. Where the air temperature and humidity are high,
merely to circulate the air is not only ineffective but also increases heat. Therefore, proper
steps have to be taken to ensure the ventilation facility.
Work-related welfare facilities include basically drinking-water and toilets facilities. Others
may seem less necessary, but usually have an importance to workers. The planners of the
factory building have to see that the organization has enough work- r e l a t e d facilities for
its employees. It is al made mandatory in the Factories Act.
Safe, cool drinking water is essential for all types of work, especially in a hot
environment. Without it fatigue increases rapidly and productivity falls. Adequate drinking
water should be provided to employees.
Hygienic sanitary facilities should exist in all workplaces. They are particularly important
where chemicals or other dangerous substances are used. Sufficient toilet facilities, with
separate facilities for men and women workers, should be ensured.
essential. First-aid boxes should be clearly marked and conveniently located. They should
contain only first-aid requisites absorption.
Rest facilities help workers to recover from fatigue and to get away from a noisy, polluted or
isolated workstation. A sufficient number of suitable chairs or benches should be provided.
Rest-rooms enable workers to recover during meal and rest breaks.
Organization should arrange food facilities for its employees. A snack bar, buffet or mobile
trolleys can provide tea, coffee and soft drinks, as well as light refreshments. Canteens or a
restaurant can allow workers to purchase a cheap, well-cooked and nutritious meal for a
reasonable price.
Recreational facilities offer workers the opportunity to spend their leisure time in activities
likely to increase physical and mental well-being. They may also help to improve social
relations within the enterprise. Such facilities can include halls for sports, reading-rooms,
libraries, clubs for hobbies and cinemas.
Objective of a good layout
1. To reduce material handling cost
2. To provide enough production facility
3. To utilize labour efficiency
4. To provide ease of supervision.
5. To improve productivity
6. To provide safety to employees
7. To reduce the number of accidents
Material requirement planning MRP
Material requirement planning is an inventory system that is computer based and used to
manage the manufacturing process. It is designed to assist in the scheduling and filling of
orders for raw materials that are manufactured in to finished goods.
The following are the objectives of MRP:
1. Reduction in inventory cost
2. Meeting delivery schedule
3. Improve the performance of production
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Material handling
The material handling involves the movement of material form one section to another for
the purpose of processing. They can be moved either manually or mechanically. For this
purpose different types material handling equipment are used. The material handling system
in any manufacturing setting plays an important role in the performance of the entire
manufacturing system.
Material handling can be defined as the art and science involving the movement, packing
and storing of substances in any form.
Assignment Models
Alf 25 18 23 14
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Bill 38 15 53 23
Charlie 15 17 41 30
Dave 26 28 36 29
Step 1. Reduce each column by the smallest figure in that column. The smallest figures are 15,
15, 23 and 14 and deducting these values from each element in the columns produces the
following table.
Table 2
A 10 3 0 0
B 23 0 30 9
C 0 2 18 16
D 11 13 13 15
The smallest figures are 0, 0, 0 and 11 and deducting these values gives the following table.
Table 3
A 10 3 0 0
B 23 0 30 9
C 0 2 18 16
D 0 2 2 4
Note: Where the smallest value in a row is zero (i.e. as in rows A, B and C above) the rows is, of
course, unchanged.
Step 3 Cover all the zero in the table 3 by the minimum possible number of lines. The lines may
be horizontal or vertical.
Table 4
A 10 3 0 0
B 23 0 30 9
C 0 2 18 16
D 0 2 2 4
Note: Line 3, covering Row B, could equally well have been drawn covering column X.
Step 4.Compare the number of lines with the number of assignments to be made (in this example
there are 3 lines and 4 assignments).If the number of line equals the number of assignments to be
made go to step 6.
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If the number of lines is less than the number of assignments to be made (i.e. as in this example
which has three lines and four assignments) then
a) Find the smallest uncovered element from step 3, called X (in Table 4 this value is 2).
b) Subtract X to every element in the matrix.
c) Add back to every element covered by a line. If an element is covered by two lines, for
example, cell A: W in Table 4, X is added twice.
Note: The effect of these steps is that X is subtracted from all uncovered elements, elements
covered by one line remains unchanged, and elements covered by two lines are increased by
A 12 3 0 0
B 25 0 30 9
C 0 0 16 14
D 0 0 0 2
Note: It will be seen that cells A: W and B: W have been increased by 2; cells A : X, A : Y,A :Z,
B :X,B:Y, B:Z, C:W and D:W are unchanged, and all other cells have been reduced by 2.
Step 5. Repeat steps 3 and step 4 until the number of lines covering the zero equals the number
of assignments without any further repetition, thus:
Table 6
A 12 3 0 0 Line 1
B 25 0 30 9 Line 2
C 0 0 16 14 Line 3
D 0 0 0 2 Line 4
Step 6 when the number of lines equals the number of assignments to be made use the following
to make assignments:
a) Assign to any zero which is unique to both a column and a row.
b) Assign to any zero which is unique to a column or a row.
c) Ignoring assignments already made repeat rule (b) until all assignments are made.
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Carrying out this procedure for our example results in the following:
a) (Zero unique to both a column and a row). None in this example.
b) (Zero unique column or row). Assign B to X and A to Z. The position is now
as follows.
Table 7
Maximising example
Example 2
The previous example No.1 will be used with the changed assumptions that the figures
relate to contribution and not mileage and that it is required to maximise
contribution .The solution would be reached as follows.(In each case the step number
corresponds to the solution given for Example No 1.)
Original data
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Table 8
A 25 18 23 14 Contributions
B 38 15 53 23 to be gained
C 15 17 41 30
D 26 28 36 29
Step 1: Reduce each column by the largest figure in that column and ignore the resulting signs.
Table 9
A 13 10 30 16
B 0 13 0 7
C 23 11 12 0
D 12 0 17 1
Table 10
A 13 0 20 16
B 0 13 0 7
C 23 11 12 0
D 12 0 17 1
Table 11
A 13 0 20 6
B 0 13 0 7
C 23 11 12 0
D 12 0 17 1
Step 4. I
f a number of lines equals the number of assignments to be made go to step 6.If less, (as in this
example), carry out the ‘uncovered element’ procedure previously described. This results in the
following table:
Table 12
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A 0 0 17 6
B 0 16 0 10
C 20 11 9 0
D 9 0 14 1
Table 13
A 0 0 17 6
B 0 16 0 10
C 20 11 9 0
D 9 0 14 1
Step 6. Make assignment in accordance with the rules previously described which result in the
following assignment:
C to Z
D to X
A to W
B to Y
Step 7.Calculate contribution to gained from the assignments.
C to Z 30
D to X 28
A to W 25
B to Y 53
a) It will be apparent that maximising assignment problems can be solved in virtually the
same manner as minimising problems.
b) The solution methods given are suitable for any size of matrix. If a problem is as small as
the illustration used in this chapter, it can probably be solved merely by inspection.
Solution method
Having made the sources equal the destinations, the solutions method will be as normal, treating
the fictitious elements as though they were real. The solution method will automatically assign a
source or destination to the fictitious row or column and the resulting assignment will incur zero
cost or gain zero contribution.
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Points to note
a) The assignment technique can be used for repairing type of problems, e.g. taxis to
customers, jobs to personnel.
b) Most practical problems of size illustrated could be solved fairly readily using
nothing more than commonsense. However, the technique illustrated can be used to
solve much larger problems.
Job 1 6 12 20 12
Job 2 22 18 15 20
Job 3 12 16 18 15
Job 4 16 8 12 20
Job 5 18 14 10 17
Allocate the men to the jobs so as to minimise the total time taken and identify the job which will
not be dealt with.
2. A company has four salesmen who have to visit four clients. The profits records from
previous visits are shown in the table and it is required to maximise profits by the best
Customer 1 6 12 20 12 22
18 15 20 12 16
18 15 16 8 12
Answers to exercises
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0 4 10 0 0
16 10 5 8 0
6 8 8 3 0
10 0 2 8 0
12 6 0 5 0
0 4 10 0 3
13 7 2 5 0
3 5 5 0 0
10 0 2 8 3
12 6 0 5 3
5 Lines so optimum.
B to 4
C to 5
A to 1
Dummy to 2
The model assumes a homogeneous commodity, one type of commodity
Total supply is equal to total demand
Example 1
64 chambers, computer support firm has three branches at different parts of the city, it receives
orders for a total of 15 desktop computers from four customers. In total in the three branches
there are 15 machines available. the management wish to minimise delivery costs by dispatching
the computers from the appropriate branch for each customer.
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Details of the availabilities, 'requirements, and transport costs per filing computer are given in
the following table.
Table 1
Customer Customer Customer Customer Total
Computers 3 3 4 5 15
Branch X. 2 Sh.13 11 15 20 transportation
Available Branch Y 6 Sh.17 14 12 13 cost
Branch Z 7 Sh.18 18 15 12 per unit
Total 15
Step 1 Make an initial feasible allocation of deliveries by selecting the cheapest route first, and
allocate as many as possible then the next cheapest and so on. The result of such an
allocation is as follows.
Table 2
3 3 4 5
X 2 Units 2(1)
Available Y 6 Units 1(4) 1(3) 4(2)
Z 7 Units 2(5) 5(2)
Note: the number in the table represent deliveries of cabinets and the number in the brackets (1),
(2), etc represent the sequence in which they are inserted, lowest cost first i.e.
1. 2 units X → B sh.11/unit Total cost 22
2. 4 units Y → C sh.12/unit Total cost 48
5 units Z → D sh.12/unit Totals cost 60
3. The next lowest cost move which is feasible i.e. doesn’t exceed row or column totals is 1
unit Y → B sh.14/unit 14
4. similarly the next lowest feasible allocation 1 unit Y→ A
sh.17/unit 17
5. finally to fulfill the row /column totals 2 units Z → A sh.18/unit __36
Step 2. Check solution obtained to see if it represents the minimum cost possible. This is done by
calculating ‘shadow costs’ (i.e. an imputed cost of not using a particular route) and
comparing these with the real transport costs to see whether a change of allocation is
D(X) + R(B) = 11
D(Y) + R(A) = 17
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D(y) + R(B) = 14
D(Y) + R(C) = 12
DZ) + R(A) = 18
D(Z) + R(D) = 12
Where D(X), D(Y) and D(Z) represent Dispatch cost from depots X, Y and Z, and R(A) R(B),
R(C) and R(D) represent Reception costs at customers A, B, C, D.
By convention the first depot is assigned the value of zero i.e. D(X) = 0 and this value is
substituted in the first equation and then all the other values can be obtained thus
R(A) = 14 D(X) = 0
R(B) = 11 D(Y) = 3
R(C) = 9 D(Z) = 4
R(D) = 8
Using these values the shadow costs of the unoccupied cells can be calculated. The unoccupied
cells are X : A, X : C, X : D, Y : D, Z : B, Z : C.
:. D(X) + R(A) = 0 + 14 = 14
D(X) + R(C) = 0 + 9 = 9
D(X) + R(D) = 0 + 8 = 8
D(Y) + R(D) = 3 + 8 = 11
D(Z) + R(B) = 4 + 11 = 15
D(Z) + R(C) = 4 + 9 = 13
These computed 'shadow costs' are compared with the actual transport costs (from Tab- I),
Where the actual costs are less than shadow costs, overall costs can be reduced by allocating
units into that cell.
The meaning of this is that total costs could be reduced by sh.1 for every unit that can be
transferred into cell X : A. As there is a cost reduction that can be made the solution , Table 2 is
not optimum.
Step 3: Make the maximum possible allocation of deliveries into the cell where actual costs are
less than shadow costs using occupied cells i.e.
Cell X : A from Step 2, The number that can be allocated is governed by the need to keep within
the row and column totals. This is done as follows:
Table 3
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3 3 4 5
X 2 Units + 2-
Available Y 6 Units 1- 1+ 4
Z 7 Units 2 5
Table 3 is a reproduction of Table 2 with a number of + and - inserted. These were inserted for
the following reasons.
Cell X : A + indicates a transfer in as indicated in Step 2
Cell X : B - indicates a transfer out to maintain Row X total.
Cell Y : B + indicates a transfer in to maintain Column B total
Cell Y : A - indicates a transfer out to maintain Row Y and Column A totals.
The maximum number than can be transferred into Cell X : A is the lowest number in the
Minus cells i.e. cells Y : A, and X : B which is 1 unit.
Therefore 1 unit is transferred in the + and - sequence described above resulting in the following
Table 4
3 3 4 5
X 2 Units 1 1
Available Y 6 Units 2 4
Z 7 Units 2 5
Cell X:A 1 unit @ sh.13 = 13
Cell X:B 1 Unit @ sh.11 = 11
Cell Y:B 2 Units @ sh.14 = 28
Cell Y:C 4 Units @ sh.12 = 48
Cell Z:A 2 Units @ sh.18 = 36
Cell Z:D 5 Units @ sh.12 = 60
The new total cost is sh.1 less than the total cost established in Step 1. This is the result expected
because it was calculated in Step 2 that sh.1 would be saved for every unit we were able to
transfer to Cell X : A and we were able to" transfer 1 unit only.
Notes: Always commence the + and - sequence with a + in the cell indicated by the (actual cost -
shadow cost) calculation. Then put a - in the occupied cell in the same row which has an
occupied cell in its column. Proceed until a - appears in the same column as the original +.
Step 4. Repeat Step 2 i.e. check that solution represents minimum cost. Each of the processes in
Step 2 are repeated using the latest solution (Table 4) as a basis, thus: Nominal dispatch
and reception costs for each occupied cell.
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D(X) + R(A) = 13
D(X) + R(B) = 11
D(y) + R(B) = 14
D(Y) + R(C) = 12
DZ) + R(A) = 18
D(Z) + R(D) = 12
R(A) = 13 D(X) = 0
R(B) = 11 D(Y) = 3
R(C) = 9 D(Z) = 5
R(D) = 7
Using these values the shadow costs of the unoccupied cells are calculated. The unoccupied cells
are X:C , X:D, Y:A, Y:D, Z:B, and Z:C
D(X) + R(C) = 9
D(X) + R(D) = 7
D(Y) + R(A) = 16
D(Y) + R(D) = 10
D(Z) + R(B) = 16
D(Z) + R(C) = 14
The computed shadow costs are compared with actual costs to see if any reduction in cost is
+ Cost
Actual Shadow
cost - cost - Cost reduction
Cell X :C 15 - 9= +6
X:D 20 - 7= +13
Y:A 17 - 16 = +1
Y:D 13 - 10 = +3
Z:B 18 - 16 = +2
Z:C 15 - 14 = +1
It will be seen that all the answers are positive, therefore no further cost reduction is possible and
optimum has been reached.
thus the optimal solution is represented by table 4
Example 2
Wanjiru books supplies is a firm dealing with import of books and it has three stores strategically
situated around the country. Yesterday the company received orders to supply 100 books from 4
schools, of the books ordered the firm has 110 books in stock. The firm wishes to minimize cost
and its seeking your advice, advise.
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Sch. A Sch. B Sch. C Sch. D Total
Books 25 25 42 8 100
Store I 40 Sh.3 16 9 transport
Store II 20 Sh.1 9 3 8 costs per
Available Store III 50 Sh.4 5 2 5 Book
Total 110
Step 1: add a dummy destination to table 5 with zero transport costs and requirements equal to
the surplus availability.
Sch. A Sch. B Sch. C Sch. D Dummy Total
Books 25 25 42 8 10 100
Store I 40 Sh.3 16 9 0 transport
Store II 20 Sh.1 9 3 8 0 costs per
Available Store III 50 Sh.4 5 2 5 0 Book
Total 110
Step 2. Now that the quantity available equals the quantity required (because of insertion of the
dummy) the solution can proceed in exactly the same manner described in the first
example. First set up an initial feasible solution
A B C D Dummy
25 25 42 8 10
I 40 5(4) 17(6) 8(3) 10(7)
Available II 20 20(1)
III 50 8(5) 42(2)
The numbers in the table represent the allocations made and the numbers in brackets represent
the sequence they were inserted based on lowest cost and the necessity to maintain row/column
totals. The residue of 10 was allocated to the dummy. The cost of this allocation is
Sh. Sh.
I→A 5 units @ 3 15
I→B 17 units @ 16 272
I→D 8units @ 2 16
I→Dummy 10 units @ zero cost
II→A 20 units @ 1 20
III→B 8 units @ 5 40
III→C 42 units @ 2 84
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Step 3. Check solution to see if it represents the minimum cost possible in the same manner as
previously described i.e.
Dispatch & Reception Costs of used routes:
D(I) + R(A) =3
D(I) + R(B) = 16
D(I) + R(D) =2
D(I) + R(Dummy) = 12
D(II) + R(A) =1
D(III) + R(B) =5
D(III) + R(C) =2
R(A) =3 D(I) =0
R(B) =16 D(I) =-2
R(C) =13 D(III) =-11
R(D) =2
R(Dummy) =0
Using these values the shadow costs of the unused routes can be calculated .The unused routes
are I:C,II:B,II:C,II:D,II:Dummy,III:D,and Dummy
D (I) + R(C) = 0+13 =13
D (II). + R (B) = -2+16 =14
D (II). + R(C) = -2+13 =11
D (II) + R (D) = -2+ 2 =0
D (II) + R (Dummy) = -2+0 =-2
D (III) + R (A) = -11+3 =-8
D (III) + R (D) = -11+2 =-9
D (III) + R (Dummy) = -11+0 =-11
It will be seen that total cost can be reduced by £8 per unit for every unit that can be transferred
into Cell II:C
Step4.Make the maximum possible allocation of deliveries into Cell II:C.This is done by
inserting a sequence of +and -,maintaining row and column totals.
A B C D Dummy
25 25- 42 8 10
I 40 5+ 17- 8 10
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Available II 20 20-
III 50 8+ 42-
The maximum transferable number is the lowest number in the minus cell, i.e. 17. after the
transfer is made we get;
A B C D Dummy
25 25- 42 8 10
I 40 22 0 8 10
Available II 20 3 17
III 50 25 25
Step 3 is repeated again to check if the cost is minimum after setting D(I) = 0.
In our case after deducting shadow costs from actual costs we find that there are no more
negative numbers thus we deduce from the last table that the minimum transportation cost is,
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