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The aim of the first chapter of this book is to introduce its main
protagonist: the field of p-adic numbers Qp , defined for any prime p.
Just like the field of real numbers R, the field Qp can be con-
structed from the rational numbers Q as its completion with respect
to a certain norm. This norm depends on the prime number p and
differs drastically from the standard Euclidean norm used to define
R. Nevertheless, in each of the two cases, completion yields a normed
field (R and Qp ), and this general concept is studied in detail in §1.2.
But first (§1.1), we recall the completion procedure in the more fa-
miliar case of the reals (this takes us from Q to R), and only then do
we go on to its generalization to arbitrary normed fields (§1.3).
Putting these preliminaries aside, we come to the central section
of Chapter 1 (§1.4), where the construction of Qp is actually carried
§§1.5–1.8 are devoted to the algebraic and structural properties
of the p-adic numbers. Here, as in subsequent parts, we will be con-
stantly comparing Qp and R, stressing both their similarities and their
differences. Finally, §§1.9 and 1.10 treat additional topics and are not
closely related to the rest of the book.
2 1. Arithmetic of the p-adic Numbers
The proof that can be found e.g. in [13, Theorem 76] consists
in an explicit construction of the completion M and the metric D
on it. We start with the collection {M } of all Cauchy sequences in
M , convergent or not, and turn it into a metric space. But first we
introduce an equivalence relation on {M }: two Cauchy sequences an
and bn are called equivalent, we write {an } ∼ {bn }, if d(an , bn ) → 0.
(It is easy to check that this is an equivalence relation on {M }.)
We define M to be the set of equivalence classes, M = {M }/ ∼.
The metric D between two equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences
1.1. From Q to R; the concept of completion 3
We leave it to the reader to check that the limit above always exists
and does not depend on the choice of representatives in the equiva-
lence classes (Exercise 7) and that D indeed is a metric on M (Exer-
cise 8). In §1.3 we will give the complete proof of this theorem in the
particular case of metric spaces called normed fields, which includes
The completion procedure applied to M = Q with the usual
Euclidean distance between rational numbers,
yields the real numbers R. Notice that this distance “came from” the
Euclidean norm on Q, which is the ordinary absolute value.
Another description of the completion of Q yielding R, more fa-
miliar and less sophisticated than the one above, is based on infinite
decimal fractions. Every positive real number a can be written as an
infinite decimal fraction
(1.3) a= ak 10−k ,
where the coefficients ak take values in the set {0, 1, . . . , g − 1}. Note
that the exponents −k of g are descending and tend to −∞.
The following notions can be defined in every metric space.
Exercises 1–8
Exercise 5. Prove that the following metric spaces are not complete,
and construct their completions:
(1) R with the distance d(x, y) = | arctan x − arctan y|;
(2) R with the distance d(x, y) = |ex − ey |.
. . + 1 ∈ F.
n · 1 := 1 + .
n times
(a) 1 = ± 1 · ±1 = ± 12 =⇒ ± 1 = 1.
(b) − x = (−1) · x = 1 · x.
(c) Follows from (b) and the triangle inequality for the norm
(see Exercise 10).
(d) Follows from (b) and the triangle inequality.
(e) Follows from (a) and the property (2) of the norm.
(f) Follows by induction from (a) and the triangle inequality.
i.e., for any ε > 0 there is an N such that for all n > N
an < ε;
• a Cauchy sequence if
lim an − am = 0,
i.e., for any ε > 0 there is an N such that for all n, m > N
we have an − am < ε;
• convergent to a ∈ F (we write a = limn→∞ an ) if
lim an − a = 0,
i.e., for any ε > 0 there is an N such that for all n > N
an − a < ε.
lim xn = 0,
(1.4) x2 = xα
1, ∀ x ∈ F.
The first inequality follows from to the fact that tα ≤ t for t ≥ 1, and
the second because tα ≥ t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
On the other hand, if α > 1, the triangle inequality is not satis-
fied: for example, |1 + 1|α = 2α > |1|α + |1|α = 2.
Exercises 9–16
Exercise 10. From the triangle inequality for the norm on a field F
(Definition 1.5(3)) deduce that
|x − y| ≤ x ± y ∀x, y ∈ F.
a = {a, a, a, . . . },
and the claim follows since {an } is a Cauchy sequence. Let us denote
the equivalence class of the sequence {a∗n } by A−1 . Then
{an }{a∗n } = { 0, . . . , 0 , 1, 1, 1 . . . },
N −1 zeros
where the Cauchy sequence on the right differs from 1 by the null
{−1, . . . , −1, 0, 0, 0 . . . }.
N −1 (−1)’s
Thus AA −1
1), which proves that F is a field.
= (
In order to see that this norm is well defined, we must show that
the limit exists and does not depend on the choice of the Cauchy
sequence {an } in A. We have
|an − am | ≤ an − am
by Exercise 10, which implies that the sequence of real numbers
{an } is Cauchy with respect to the absolute value. Since the set of
real numbers R is complete, the limit defining · exists. Now take
a second sequence {an } ∈ A. By the same inequality we have
0 ≤ lim |an − an | ≤ lim an − an = 0;
n→∞ n→∞
Proof. We first prove the second part. Let A ∈ F, and let {am }
be a Cauchy sequence in F representing A. For each fixed positive
integer n, we consider the constant sequence an . Then the sequence
{am − an }∞m=1 represents A − (
an ), and since {am } is Cauchy, we can
(1.9) lim A − (
an ) = lim am − an = 0.
n→∞ n,m→∞
Exercises 17–19
Exercise 17. Prove that if {an } and {bn } are Cauchy sequences,
then so are
{an + bn }, {an − bn }, and {an bn }.
Exercise 18. Prove that if {an } ∼ {an } and {bn } ∼ {bn } are two
pairs of equivalent Cauchy sequences, then {an ± bn } ∼ {an ± bn } and
{an · bn } ∼ {an · bn }.
Proof. Property (1) in Definition 1.5 is obvious, and (2) follows from
(1.12) ordp (xy) = ordp (x) + ordp (y).
Let us verify (3). If x = 0 or y = 0, (3) is trivial, so assume x, y = 0.
Let x = a/b and y = c/d. Then we have
ad + bc
x+y = ,
ordp (x + y) = ordp (ad + bc) − ordp (bd)
≥ min(ordp (ad), ordp (bc)) − ordp b − ordp d
= min(ordp a − ordp b, ordp c − ordp d)
= min(ordp x, ordp y).
|x + y|p = p− ordp (x+y) ≤ max(p− ordp x , p− ordp y )
= max(|x|p , |y|p ) ≤ |x|p + |y|p .
Observe that we have also proved that |·|p satisfies the strong triangle
inequality, i.e., it is non-Archimedean.
1.4. The field of p-adic numbers Qp 21
Remark 1.27. We shall see later that Q is not complete with respect
to the norm | · |p .
Remark 1.28. The norm | · |p1 is not equivalent to | · |p2 if p1 and p2
are different primes (indeed, for the sequence xn = (p1 /p2 )n we have
|xn |p1 → 0, but |xn |p2 → ∞).
We are now ready for the definition of the main protagonist of
these lectures. Let p be a fixed prime. We define Qp to be the
completion of Q with respect to the p-adic norm | · |p of (1.11). The
p-adic norm is extended to Qp according to Definition 1.20, and (Qp , |·
|p ) is a complete normed field. We call Qp the field of p-adic numbers.
The elements of Qp are equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences in Q
with respect to the extension of the p-adic norm. As has been pointed
out earlier, Q can be identified with the subfield of Qp consisting of
equivalence classes of constant Cauchy sequences.
For some a ∈ Qp let {an } be a Cauchy sequence of rational num-
bers representing a. Then by definition
(1.13) |a|p = lim |an |p .
Proof. Let x = a/b, where a and b are relatively prime (this is de-
noted (a, b) = 1). Since |x|p ≤ 1, it follows that p does not divide b,
and hence b and pi are relatively prime. So, we can find integers m
and n such that mb + npi = 1. Let α = am. Then
|α − x|p = |am − a/b|p = |a/b|p |mb − 1|p
≤ |mb − 1|p = |npi |p = |n|p p−i ≤ p−i .
Finally, using the strong triangle inequality, we can add a multiple
of pi to the integer α to get an integer between 0 and pi for which
|α − x|p ≤ p−i still holds.
Theorem 1.30. Every equivalence class a in Qp satisfying |a|p ≤ 1
has exactly one representative Cauchy sequence {ai } such that
(1) ai ∈ Z, 0 ≤ ai < pi for i = 1, 2, . . .,
(2) ai ≡ ai+1 (mod pi ) for i = 1, 2, . . ..
where the “p-adic digits” d0 through di−1 are all the same as for
ai . Thus a is represented by the convergent (in the p-adic norm, of
course) series
a= dn pn ,
which can be thought of as a number, written in the base p, that
extends infinitely far to the left or has infinitely many p-adic digits.
We will write
a = . . . dn . . . d2 d1 d0
and call this the canonical p-adic expansion or canonical form of a.
If |a|p > 1, then we can multiply a by a power of p (namely
by pm = |a|p ) so as to get a p-adic number a = apm that satisfies
|a |p = 1.
Then we can write
(1.15) a= dn pn ,
that |a|p = p .
1.4. The field of p-adic numbers Qp 25
Exercises 20–25
Exercise 22. Find the p-adic norm and the p-adic expansion of
(1) 15, −1, −3 in Q5 ,
(2) 6! in Q3 ,
(3) 1/3! in Q3 .
Exercise 23. Find the p-adic expansion of 1/p. What about 1/pk ?
1.5. Arithmetical operations in Qp 27
where an and bn are p-adic digits, a−m = 0, but possibly one or more
of the first digits b−m , b−m+1 , . . . are equal to 0. Then each
a±b= (an ± bn )pn
u−m−k = a−m b−k ,
u−m−k+1 = a−m+1 b−k + a−m b−k+1 ,
This series again, in general, is not in the canonical form, but the
method of Theorem 1.30 allows us to reduce it to such a form. Again,
this corresponds to the standard multiplication procedure performed
on p-adic numbers given in the canonical form (1.16).
To illustrate division, suppose we have a, b ∈ Qp and b = 0.
Without loss of generality we may assume that b ∈ Zp , b = . . . b2 b1 b0
with b0 = 0, while
a = . . . a3 a2 a1 a0 . a−1 . . . a−k
is an arbitrary p-adic number. Since b0 = 0 and since the ring of
residues Z/pZ for a prime p is a field, we can always find a c−k ∈
{0, 1, . . . , p − 1} such that c−k b0 ≡ a−k (mod p). Continuing the
usual division procedure (carrying, if necessary, 1 to the left), we
obtain the quotient a/b in the canonical form.
It follows that if a = . . . a2 a1 a0 is a p-adic integer with a0 = 0,
then its multiplicative inverse a−1 is also a p-adic integer! (This
property of p-adic integers may seem strange at first glance, but it is
admittedly a nice one to have.) On the other hand, since
p· ai pi = a0 p + a1 p2 + · · · = 1 + 0p + 0p2 + . . . ,
p = ai p | a0 = 0 .
This group is also called the group of p-adic units. By Exercise 26,
p = {x ∈ Zp | |x|p = 1}.
. . . 615
. . . 46530.25 . . . 263 . . . 153 ). . . 421
. . . 20656.41 × . . . 161
. . . 154
. . . 00516.66 . . . 445 . . . 230
. . . 46530.2 . . . 141 . . . 153
− . . . 263 . . . 400
. . . 20656.4
. . . 25540.5 ... 455 ...4
30 1. Arithmetic of the p-adic Numbers
Exercises 26–31
. . . an . . . a2 a1 a0 . a−1 . . . a−m ,
so that
1 1
pi = , = . . . 1111,
1−p 1−p
which is in Zp . Note that the p-adic expansion of this p-adic integer
is infinite! See Exercise 34 for necessary and sufficient conditions for
a p-adic expansion to terminate.
1.6. The p-adic expansion of rational numbers 31
a rn rn+1
(1.18) = An + pn = An+1 + pn+1 .
b b b
so that
which proves that not only the sequence of digits xn , but also the
sequence of numerators rn , has a period of length P for n ≥ m.
Exercises 32–34
Now let us perform the induction step, i.e., prove that S(k − 1)
implies S(k). To do this, we set ak = ak−1 + bk pk for some (as yet
unknown) digit bk satisfying 0 ≤ bk < p and expand F (ak ), ignoring
terms divisible by pk+1 :
F (ak ) = F (ak−1 + bk pk ) = ci (ak−1 + bk pk )i
= c0 + ci (aik−1 + iai−1 k
k−1 bk p + terms divisible by p
which we can easily solve provided F (ak−1 ) ≡ 0 (mod p). But this
is indeed the case because we obviously have ak−1 ≡ a0 (mod p), so
F (ak−1 ) ≡ F (a0 ) ≡ 0 (mod p).
Dividing by F (ak−1 ), we can find the required digit bk ,
bk = (mod p),
F (ak−1 )
for which we will have F (ak ) ≡ 0 (mod pk+1 ), completing the induc-
tion step.
Now, let
a = b0 + b1 p + b2 p2 + . . . .
Observe that F (a) = 0 since for all k we have
a ≡ ak (mod pk ).
(here we just use the fact that the limit of the sum is the sum of
the limits and the limit of the product is the product of limits, i.e.,
Proposition 1.23). On the other hand,
x2 ≡ a (mod p)
Exercises 35–44
Since the quotient is a field, the kernel pZp is a maximal ideal of the
ring Zp .
Corollary 1.45. The ring Zp has a unique maximal ideal, namely,
pZp = Zp \ Z×
Proposition 1.47. For any prime p and any positive integer m rel-
atively prime to p, there exists a primitive mth root of unity in Qp if
and only if m|(p − 1). In the latter case, every mth root of unity is
also a (p − 1)th root of unity. The set of (p − 1)th roots of unity is a
cyclic subgroup of Z×p of order (p − 1).
Take x0 ∈ Z×
p to be any rational integer satisfying 1 ≤ x0 ≤ p − 1.
f (x0 ) ≡ 0 (mod p) and f (x0 ) ≡ 0 (mod p)
since |f (x0 )|p = 1, and Hensel’s Lemma applies, giving exactly p − 1
solutions, which are (p − 1)th roots of 1. The first digits of these
roots are 1, 2, . . . , p − 1. Conversely, if α ∈ Qp is an mth root of 1,
αm = 1, we must have |α|p = 1, i.e., α ∈ Zp . If α0 is its first digit,
then α0m ≡ 1 (mod p); hence m divides p − 1, the order of (Z/pZ)× .
Since a polynomial with coefficients in a field can only have as many
roots as its degree ([6, Lemma 5.3.2]), the polynomial xp−1 −1 cannot
have more than p − 1 roots, and these roots must be all the roots of
unity in Qp . It is clear that the roots of unity form a group under
multiplication. Finally, since any finite subgroup of the multiplicative
group of any field is cyclic ([6, Lemma 7.1.6]), the group of (p − 1)th
roots of unity is a cyclic subgroup of Z× p of order (p − 1).
(a) sgnp (x) depends only on the first digit in the canonical p-
adic expansion of x, x0 ;
(b) sgnp (xy) = sgnp (x) · sgnp (y);
(c) sgnp (x) = 0 if x0 = 0, and it is a (p − 1)th root of 1 if
x0 = 0.
p p−1 p p−2 p p−1
= (x − x0 ) x + x α + ···+ α .
1 0 2 0 p
Since | pj xp−j
0 αj−1 |p ≤ p−1 for j ≥ 1, by the strong triangle inequal-
ity we obtain |xp − xp0 |p ≤ p−1 |x − x0 |p .
1.9. Ostrowski’s Theorem 43
Since all of the digits ai are less than n0 , by our choice of n0 , we have
ai ≤ 1, and hence
n ≤ 1 + nα 2α sα
0 + n0 + . . . + n0
−α −2α
≤ nsα
0 (1 + n0 + n0 + . . . + n−sα
0 )
1 i
≤ nα ,
Now, it is easy to show (using property (2) of the norm) that the
same formula holds with any nonzero rational number x in place of
n. In view of Proposition 1.10, we have · ∼ | · |p and this concludes
the proof of the theorem.
Proposition 1.51. (Product Formula). Let Q× = Q \ {0}. For any
x ∈ Q× we have
|x|p = 1,
where the product is taken over all primes of Q including the “prime
at infinity”.
46 1. Arithmetic of the p-adic Numbers
Exercises 45–46
a ring but not a field if g is not a prime (see Exercise 48). Of course,
if g = p is a prime, then the definition in (1.25) coincides with the
definition in (1.11).
The following theorem is due to Hensel:
Theorem 1.54. If g = p1 p2 . . . pk is a product of distinct primes,
then Qg = Qp1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Qpk , the direct sum of p-adic fields.
Exercises 47–50
Exercise 48. Prove that Q10 is not a field by displaying zero divi-