Organelle and Cells
Organelle and Cells
Organelle and Cells
cell theory. The cell theory states that cells are the smallest unit of life, all living things are made of one
or more cells and that cells come from pre-existing cells. Technological advancements such as the
manufacturing of lenses and magnifying devices have had a large impact on the cell theory. In 1665, cells
were observed for the first time by Robert Hooke.Robert Brown due to the microscope was able to
identify the nucleus as a large body inside cells. The development of the light and electron microscope
has had a large impact on the cell theory. It has improved the magnification and resolution when
viewing a cell. The light microscope has enabled scientists to quickly view living cells, where as the
electron has a high magnification and has allowed small objects such as molecules to be viewed. This has
allowed scientists to accurately view cells. Improved sectioning and staining of slides has impacted upon
the cell theory. Improved staining and sectioning has enabled more accurate and clear examinations of
cells to occur. In the 1800s with better microscope lenses and the improved techniques of staining (with
dyes), sectioning (now with wax) and use of fixatives, which could now preserve cellular structure, cells
could be seen even more clearly. These clearer images showed cells formed from other cells and that
living matter was made of cells. These discoveries developed the cell theory so that it stated that cells
came from pre-existing cells and that all living matter was composed of cells. In 1933 with the
development of the electron microscope, cells could be seen at a greater magnification. This revealed
that there were both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells. Although technology has head a great impact on
the development of the cell theory its negatives are that it has raised exceptions such as viruses. It has
also taken over two hundred years after the creation of the microscope for scientists to come up with
the cell theory.
Contains the Kreb cycle
and electron transport
Involved with
cellular “self destruct”
called Apoptosis
Mitochondrion Powerplant
Smooth production - makes
Endoplasmic Lipid production; decorations for the
Reticulum (SER) Detoxification toy, etc.
Protein production;
in particular for
Rough Endoplasmic export out of the Primary production
Reticulum (RER) cell line - makes the toys
Protein modification Shipping
Golgi apparatus and export department
Lipid Destruction;
contains oxidative Security and waste
Peroxisome enzymes removal
Lysosome Protein destruction Recycling and
Contains digestive
enzymes that break up
proteins, lipids, and
nucleic acids
Responsible for
synthesizing protein
The outer lining of a eukaryotic cell is called the plasma membrane. This membrane serves to separate
and protect a cell from its surrounding environment and is made mostly from a double layer of proteins
and lipids, fat-like molecules. Embedded within this membrane are a variety of other molecules that act
as channels and pumps, moving different molecules into and out of the cell.
What is the benefit of having some of the cellular organelles enclosed by a membrane similar to the
plasma membrane?
The isolation of the internal contents of membrane-bound organelles allows them to manufacture or
store secrations, enzymes, or toxins that could adversely affect the cytoplasm in general. Another
benefit is the increased efficiency of having specialized enzyme systems concentrated in one place. For
example, the concentration of enzymes necessary for energy production in the mitochondrion increases
the efficiency of cellular respiration.
Membrane-bound organelles offer several advantages to eukaryotic cells. First, cells can concentrate and isolate enzymes
and reactants in a smaller volume, thereby increasing the rate and efficiency of chemical reactions. Second, cells can
confine potentially harmful proteins and molecules in membrane-bound organelles, protecting the rest of the cells from
their harmful effects. For example, the lysosome, which is a membrane-bound organelle, contains many enzymes that
digest protein, nucleic acids and lipids. If these enzymes were released in the cytosol, they could chew up the cell's
proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, leading to cell death. The membrane surrounding the lysosome keeps those digestive
enzymes away from the rest of the cell.
Non-membrane bound organelles have a more solid make-up than the membrane-bound ones.
They each have their own unique structure, function, and location within the cell.
Ribosomes are present in every type of cell, from the simplest bacteria to the most complex
animal cell. They are bundles of genetic material and protein that are the centers for protein
production in the cell. Ribosomes can be found either free-floating in the cell or attached to the
endoplasmic reticulum.
Membranous organelles are organelles that are enclosed in membranes similar to plasma membrane.
These include the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Golgi vesicles, secretory vesicles,
lysosomes, peroxisomes, phagosomes, pinocytotic vesicles, and mitochondria.
Nonmembranous organelles are those cytoplasmic structures that (like membranous organelles)
perform vital physiological functions for the cell but are not enclosed in membranes. These include
ribosomes, centrioles, and proteasomes.
The isolation of the internal contents of membrane-bound organelles allows them to manufacture or
store secretions, enzymes or toxins that could adversely affect cytoplasm in general.
Increased surface area of membranes increase the surfaces on which processes can take
place. This is important because membranes are very good at organizing functionally related
proteins, especially enzyme systems.
About half in the average cell is in membrane-bound organelles, varying a bit from cell-to-
cell. Mitochondria are about 20% of the volume of a liver cell. The endoplasmic reticulum and
the Golgi apparatus take up about 15% each. And the nucleus is about 6%. The rest are tiny
Other membrane-enclosed organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, are
bound by single-layer membranes. In the case of both single- and double-layer membrane-bound
organelles, phospholipids provide a clear separation between the organelle interior and the cytoplasm.
The main types of stable organelles present in all eukaryotic cells are the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, endosomes, and peroxisomes.
Additionally, the high density of weakly interacting macromolecules causes the physical environment
within non-membrane bound organelles to be far more viscous that typical membrane-bound organelle
Evidence suggests non-membrane-bound organelles play similar roles. For example, the nucleolus
serves as the location of ribosomal RNA transcription, pre-ribosomal RNA processing and post-
transcriptional modification, and ribosomal subunit assembly (Olson et al., 2002).
The emerging view of non-membrane-bound organelle structure and functions, in which a network of
scaffolding proteins localizes and facilitates client molecule interactions, differs from the
compartmentalization of membrane-bound organelles in a fundamental way: membranes concentrate
client molecules by placing a barrier at the periphery, whereas non-membrane-bound organelles
concentrate by means of a system of tethers holding molecules from the middle. A useful analogy might
be that of keeping a herd of horses from running away.
Membrane-bound organelles are cellular structures that are bound by biological membrane. The
membrane may be a single layer or a double layer of lipids and typically with interspersed
proteins. Examples of membrane-bound organelles are nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, mitochondria, plastids, lysosomes and vacuoles.
Many organelles are also filled with a fluid. These fluid-filled organelles are surrounded by a plasma
membrane to separate their insides from the rest of the cytoplasm. These are the so-called membrane
bound organelles, such as the lysosomes, Golgi complex, and mitochondria. By the way, the similarities
between the terms cytoplasm and plasma membrane can help you remember and understand their
meanings: the plasma membrane serves to create boundaries between objects in the cytoplasm.
Organelles that are not fluid-filled don't need to be separated from the rest of the cell in the same way,
so they don't have a membrane. These are the non-membrane bound organelles.
Non-membrane bound organelles have a more solid make-up than the membrane-bound ones. They
each have their own unique structure, function, and location within the cell.
Membranous organelles are organelles that are enclosed in membranes similar to plasma membrane.
These include the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Golgi vesicles, secretory vesicles,
lysosomes, peroxisomes, phagosomes, pinocytotic vesicles, and mitochondria.
Nonmembranous organelles are those cytoplasmic structures that (like membranous organelles)
perform vital physiological functions for the cell but are not enclosed in membranes. These include
ribosomes, centrioles, and proteasomes.
Non-Membrane Bound Organelles: are organized structures which are not bound by a membrane.
Members of Non-Membrane Bound Organelles are Centrosome, Cytoskelaton, Ribosomes and
Other membrane-enclosed organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, are
bound by single-layer membranes. In the case of both single- and double-layer membrane-bound
organelles, phospholipids provide a clear separation between the organelle interior and the cytoplasm.
Additionally, the high density of weakly interacting macromolecules causes the physical environment
within non-membrane bound organelles to be far more viscous that typical membrane-bound organelle
The emerging view of non-membrane-bound organelle structure and functions, in which a network of
scaffolding proteins localizes and facilitates client molecule interactions, differs from the
compartmentalization of membrane-bound organelles in a fundamental way: membranes concentrate
client molecules by placing a barrier at the periphery, whereas non-membrane-bound organelles
concentrate by means of a system of tethers holding molecules from the middle. A useful analogy might
be that of keeping a herd of horses from running away.