Case Study - CHEN ONE
Case Study - CHEN ONE
Case Study - CHEN ONE
There are many competitors both inside and outside the mall.
In men's wear, its major challengers are Cotton and Cotton,
Cambridge and Hang Ten. For home fashions and
accessories, it competes against Ideas and Habitt and in the
children's section, its rivals are Zubaida's Mother Shop,
Bumble & Bumble, and Mushroom's. But Chen One has an
edge over all these because of its huge assortment in the
above areas.
Stuffed toys displayed in glass shelves
Home Fashion
The first floor uses coordinated method of presentation, for
instance, a dinning table has related accessories like
crockery, napkins, and mats. Lamps, bed covers and inviting
quilts compliment a bed. This increases cross merchandising.
This floor has two major types of shop displays including
A wide range of designs of bed linen available at Chen One window displays, and counter displays.
b) Fixture Type and Density
All the bed sets are arranged along the sides of the Men’s & Women’s Wear
semicircular layout of the floor. They are properly set with The apparel section mainly uses mannequins and fixtures to
all the related accessories like lamps and bed covers to display clothes. The displays in the women's wear section
focuses on the new collection. However, in men's wear there
was no emphasis on theme presentation except for the
The signage of the store including the slogan "Changing
Lifestyles" is written in black. The word "CHEN ONE" is c) Kids Section
written in red and blue. Initially, they had a logo of a penguin, The selling space is 60% including the counter and shelf
but due to their expansion in other countries and in order to displays. The circulation area is 30% while the back area
adjust into various cultures, it has been removed is 10% including the changing rooms and the office of the
branch manager.
Chen One covers an area of 12,000 square feet. It has
divided its total area into three main divisions, which are
further subdivided. The outlet is leased, which is why a lot of
investment has been done on the interior.
Warm Spots
Women's wear section has comparatively lower sales and low
customer traffic as compared to men's and kid’s wear. This
makes women's apparel section a warm spot.
a) Merchandise Hierarchy
The merchandise hierarchy is divided under the following
n Home Fashion
n Garments
Direct Mail
Chen One sends pamphlets to its customers usually telling
them about arrival of new collection or sales. These are
sent firstly to its loyal customers and then to others.
According to the general manager sales, they are about to
launch a catalogue. This would have all the relevant
information about their product range, prices and offers.
Telemarketing is only done during promotional periods. But
in some rare cases, according to the manager, "we can POS advertising of new arrivals
take orders, depending on the type and size of the order". b) Sales Promotion
This individual treatment can be given in areas like Chen One's sales promotions are mainly on the basis of
furnishings. new product offerings. These promotions are done within
the outlet. A separate shelf is allotted for "new arrivals" in
apparel section. They have signs boards within the outlet
If a retailer who carries best assortment of merchandise and to direct customers to different sub-sections. Sales
provides best possible service, doesn't advertise what it promotions are according to the theme of the entire outlet.
provides, all its efforts are useless. Because, what is the use of The themes are different in summers and winters.
having the best products when customers don't know about it?
c) Publicity
Chen One's advertising efforts include both above the line and A lot of articles and issues are printed about Chen One in
below the line advertising: magazines. It's considered a good step towards the
concept of one stop shopping due to wide product range.
Below the line advertising includes print media, shows and A lot of publicity is done by the interviews of Chen One's
other events under Chen One's name. Recently, its print officials in the print and electronic media.
media advertising cost was around Rs. 1.5 million.
d) Personal Selling
Above the line advertising has mixed forms which are listed Personal selling includes the sales people's efforts to
below: communicate the product offerings and contribute towards
sales. Sales people at Chen One contribute to sales by
a) Point of Sales Advertising giving information to customers about which products
Chen One uses both point of sales materials and activities. would suit their needs. They have a lot of knowledge
POS materials are used according to the type of about the merchandise type and how it is supposed to be
merchandise. In apparel section the pillars have posters of used. This helps them to increase multiple purchases. A
models displaying the outfits. In kids section, merchandise good thing is that they give personal space to customers
like toys are playing the role of decorative items. POS
Online selling facility is not offered on the website; however, Visualizing a customer involves looking at the eye movements,
Chenab Groups are looking forward to it in the near future. the way he touches merchandise, what attracts him/her the
most, and the body language. The employee usually gives the
OPERATING SYSTEMS customer a gentle smile or a greeting to inform them that he is
there to assist them if they need help. They give their customers
The information system used by Chen One is named as
enough time to set their mind and feel easy in the store. The
"Chen One Point of Sale". The Information system is present
employees do not stick around with the customer, they only
in all outlets in Pakistan and is linked with the main Head
answer their queries. When someone is interested in buying a
Office of Chen One in Faisalabad.
product and asks questions regarding the price, colour and
range, only then the employee gives them the information and
The features of Point of Sale include:
suggest alternatives. All the employees are trained to behave
according to the customer. Some people take shopping as a
a) Sales
leisure activity, where as some don't have enough time, some
All the information related to sales is stored in this
people prefer frankness and jokes where as others are only
section. The sales transaction of a particular day can be
interested in buying. They serve them accordingly. Excessive
retrieved easily.
sales techniques are not used in Chen One. Increased
awareness in customers have made these techniques fake. It
b) Stock gives a dishonest impression of the store. "We do not want our
Stocking holdings at the store are fed in this section. customers to feel as if they've been fooled by the store by a low
Merchandise related to each category is listed in this quality product." The employees inform the pros and cons of the
particular section of the information system. The product . For example, a customer looking for a bed sheet might
merchandise are re-furnished on a day to day basis. want a bordered one, the employees tells them clearly the range
he is looking for. If its not available, the customer is informed
c) Returns right away.
The returns are automatically debited from the stocks
received and stored in a separate section.
Some customers visit Chen One so often that the sales people
are familiar with their faces. The employee who served them
d) Attendance
previously repeats his job.
The attendance of all the workers and employees are fed
in this area which assists in calculating working hours.
Customer Loyalty Cards
Customer Loyalty Cards are also offered by Chen One. The
e) Prestige Card Holder's Details
membership promises an array of benefits for the customers. As
The details of the prestige card holders like the personal
a member of prestige cards, the customers are entitled to the
information, address, phone number, number of
following privileges:
transactions etc are recorded here.
n 10% discount on all products at all outlets of Chen One all
Considering Chen One's current progress in the retail industry, it
is forced to expand its business. Chen One is making many
new strategic plans.