Virtual Mouse Control Using Colored Finger Tips and Hand Gesture Recognition
Virtual Mouse Control Using Colored Finger Tips and Hand Gesture Recognition
Virtual Mouse Control Using Colored Finger Tips and Hand Gesture Recognition
Abstract— In human-computer interaction, virtual mouse This paper is organized as follows: Section II describes
implemented with finger tip recognition and hand gesture the overall system description, color identification, gesture
tracking based on image in a live video is one of the studies. In identification in detail. Section III shows the experimental
this paper, virtual mouse control using finger tip identification results and how the system works. Finally, this paper leads
and hand gesture recognition is proposed. This study consists to a conclusion in Section IV.
of two methods for tracking the fingers, one is by using colored
caps and other is by hand gesture detection. This includes three II. METHODOLOGY
main steps that are finger detection using color identification,
hand gesture tracking and implementation on on-screen In this paper, we design an algorithm to detect the
cursor. In this study, hand gesture tracking is generated fingers, identify the gestures and to control the operations of
through the detection of the contour and formation of a convex a mouse. This paper consists of three sub-sections namely
hull around it. Features of hands are extracted with the area color identification, gesture identification and virtual mouse
ratio of contour and hull formed. Detailed tests are performed control along with the overall system description.
to check this algorithm in real world scenarios. In this paper, we use the Python language for the
Keywords—color identification, finger tracking, hand gesture
implementation of algorithm. We use the OpenCV library
recognition, image processing, virtual mouse. for image processing and pyautogui library for mouse
control. The algorithm use two types of methods for
I. INTRODUCTION implementation of mouse control. One includes the usage of
color caps and other uses the recognition of bare hand
Image processing, a division of signal processing, can
gesture recognition.
consists of an image or a video as input and output as an
image or various parameters of it. Gesture recognition and A. Overall System Description
tracking is a kind of image processing process.In recent The overall diagram of the system is depicted in Fig. 1.
times, a number of gesture recognition techniques have been It is divided into two methods; ‘fingertip detection’ using
proposed. Hand tracking has several applications including colored caps and ‘gesture recognition’. It involves the
motion capture, human-computer interaction and human interfacing of the video, processing the images by
behavior analysis [1][2]. Several types of sensors and background subtraction. Background subtraction helps in
detection gloves are used for hand motion detection and neglecting the steady objects considering only foreground
tracking [3][4]. Instead of using more expensive sensors objects. Fingertip detection involves the color identification,
simple web cams can identify the gesture and track the circle identification and guessing the fingers. Gesture
motion. recognition involves skin color identification, contour
The main objective is to find the solution for the finger detection and convex hull formation and then guessing the
tracking in the real world and the control of cursor of a gesture. Respective mouse operation can be done
computer is still performed physically. There may be some accordingly.
difficulty in most of the applications to control the mouse
physically. We can make use of web cam and with the help
of some algorithms, we can control the cursor operations
without touching the mouse physically [5]. This work
presents the implementation and analysis of real time
tracking of fingers which involves in making a gesture so
that gestures can be used in various applications of mouse
like movement, single click, double click, right click,
scrolling [6].
Basically it can be done in two methods of identifying
fingers. One is by using colored fingertips, other is by using
bare fingers and hand gestures [7][8]. We can identify
gestures using neural networks [9]. Color identification and
tracking is simpler than using algorithms like neural
networks [10]. We use some color tip on fingers to identify
and then detect the motion of the color by background
subtraction and improving this for bare finger gesture
tracking without any use of colored tips [11]. This involves Fig 1. Overall system block diagram
processing of a running video using image processing
algorithms and then track the fingers [12]. B. Color Caps
This includes four stages to get the finger gesture from
This work was equally contributed by the first three authors and was the real time fed live video. They are namely video
supervised by Dr. Satish Maheshwaram.
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extraction, background subtraction, color identification and Using the ‘in range’ function in OpenCV library, a
circle identification. greyscale image with only the objects of the required color
1) Video Extraction: Initially, the video taken by web cam is are extracted. Bit-wise ‘and’ of this greyscale image with
taken using the Video Capture function in OpenCV library. the background subtracted frame image gives the image
The extracted video has a size of 512x512 pixel. Then, from with only the objects of required color as shown in Fig. 4 for
the video, a frame is extracted which is used for further red color identification, Fig. 5 for blue color identification
processing of the image. The optimum number of frames and Fig. 6 for green color identification from a group of
that are extracted per second are 12. The extracted frame colored circles. This is used to identify the color cap of
image is in BGR(Blue, Green, Red) format. This image is required color among different colored caps.
converted to HSV(Hue, Saturation, value) format using
4) Circle Identification: After the objects of a particular
BGR to HSV conversion function of OpenCV.
color that are in motion are identified, the shape of the
2) Background Subtraction: The frame image extracted objects that coincides with the color caps is identified. The
contains multiple objects in it. But only the foreground that color caps that are taken in the project are in circular shape.
contains the hand with color caps is required for processing. Hence, the objects that are circular in shape are identified.
Hence, the background has to be neglected. So, background The Hough Circles function in OpenCV is used to identify
subtraction algorithm from OpenCV is required for the the circular color caps. The radius of the circle is specified
extraction of foreground objects. In background subtraction in a particular range so that color caps placed at optimum
algorithm, the present frame image is compared with a 21st distance from the camera are identified. The range values lie
prior frame image in the past. The objects that had no between 50 to 200 pixels which corresponds to a distance of
motion in 20 or higher frames are considered to be the
0.5 m to 1 m. The Hough circle function gives the result in a
background objects and hence neglected. Since, the motion
two dimensional list that contains the radius and centers of
of the color caps is always present while performing the
mouse operations, they are considered as the foreground all the colored circles present in the image and can be drawn
objects. The shadows of the hand in the frame image are according to the co-ordinates as shown in Fig. 7.
neglected using the command word detect shadows in C. Gesture Recognition
background subtraction algorithm. After background
Identification of fingers can be done through
subtraction algorithm, we get a masked greyscale image
smoothening of frames using bilateral filter function, then
containing the foreground objects. The bit-wise ‘and’ of this
subtracting the background of images. Each frame is then
greyscale image with the original frame image gives the
checked with the color range and there contours function is
background subtracted image. This phenomenon can be seen
used to obtain bounding shape of the palm and convex hull
in Fig. 2 where there is no motion of hand and result for the
is formed using convex hull function.
motion of hand is as shown in Fig. 3.
3) Color Identification: The background subtracted image is
scanned to get the color caps of a required color. The lower
and upper ranges of a particular color in HSV(Hue,
Saturation, Value) format are given as
Blue: Lower limit = [80, 70, 70]
Upper limit = [120, 255, 255] Fig. 4 Red color extracted image
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Contours function is used to get the outline along the In case of hand gesture mouse control, various hand
palm of a hand. It can be done by checking the color of the gestures that includes all five fingers of the bare hand are
palm with the mentioned color range and then an used for mouse control operations.
approximate boundary of palm is detected and drawn
accordingly which gives an outline of the palm as contour. 1) Cursor Control: In case of color caps, blue color alone is
Convex envelope of a set A of points is the smallest convex used for the movement of cursor. Green and red caps are
that contains A. Convex hull technique is used to get the closed. While using hand gesture recognition technique,
hull of the entire contour formed. In this, the points on the index finger is used for cursor control.
contour are checked such that all the points are inside the 2) left Click: Green color cap is used for left click operation
hull with the extreme, outer most points as some of the with remaining color caps closed. In hand gesture
points on the hull. recognition technique, index and middle fingers are used for
Fig. 8(a) represents the normal image of a palm. Fig. single left click.
8(b) represents HSV image formed from the normal image. 3) Double Click: Blue and Green color caps together
Fig. 8(c) represents the image for finger detection where perform the double click operation. In hand gesture
green lines are contours along the palm and red lines are recognition technique, index, middle finger, ring finger and
obtained after convex hull technique. little finger together gives left click operation.
Different hand gestures are identified with the help of 4) Right Click: Red color cap performs right click operation.
contour area and convex hull area formed by the palm. The Index, middle finger and ring finger together gives right
area ratio gives an idea of a particular gesture. Number of click operation in hand gesture recognition technique.
fingers can be identified by the number of peaks formed in
the contour.This represents the number of fingers opened 5) Up-Scroll: Red and blue colors identified together gives
freely. up scroll function. In hand gesture recognition technique,
middle finger, ring finger and little finger together gives
The areacnt is the area of the hand which is palm and down scroll operation.
areahull is the area of the hull formed by the palm.
6) Down-Scroll: Red and green colors together gives down
arearatio = ((areahull - areacnt) / areacnt) * 100 scroll function. In hand gesture recognition technique,
The above statement provides the percentage of area that middle finger and little finger together gives down scroll
is not covered by hand in convex hull. So gesture can be operation.
identified by checking the number of fingers and the area
ratio which gives the name of finger that is used as shown in III. RESULTS
the TABLE 1. We have applied the above discussed algorithms for
‘l’ is the number of fingers identified. three different color caps and acquired the results for
various mouse functionalities. The experimental figures are
D. Mouse Control given in figures below for each mouse operation. A series of
Mouse Control is performed with the help of pyautogui five result images are given for each mouse operation as
library. The fuctionalities of mouse that are performed in the shown in the following group of figures where Fig. 9
project are cursor control, left click, left double click, right represents the set of images for cursor movement operation,
click, up scrolling and down scrolling. Fig. 10 represents the group of images for left click
operation, Fig. 11 shows the set of images for double click
Three fingers are used for the mouse control operations operation, Fig. 12 represents the series of images for right
in case of color caps. Those three fingers are index, middle click operation and Fig. 13 represents the group of images
finger and ring finger. Blue colored cap is inserted on index for scrolling operation of a mouse.
finger. Green color cap is inserted on middle finger and red
color cap is inserted on ring finger.
Fig. 8 (a) normal image (b)Skin mask image (c)Contour and hull formed.
- area < No hand 1 a>18 3 a>27 OK sign
12<a< 3 middle
1 Thumb 3 a<=27 5 - palm
=18 fingers
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90 Red
80 blue
70 green
Fig. 12 Flow for Right Click Operation 50
Brightness (lux)
Fig. 14 Variation of accuracy with brightness
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