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Fire Spitter
Prerequisite: become companion
“It has some pretty savage burns...”

Regeneration I Bright I
Prerequisite: — Prerequisite: —
“Wax off?...” “It’s a flashy little guy...”

Multiattack Growth Wax Breath I

Prerequisite: — Prerequisite: — Prerequisite: Flame Spitter
“More fire is always a good thing!... Right?” “From waxolotl to maxolotl.” “... but they can be slow burns...”

Slippery Bright II
Prerequisite: — Prerequisite: Bright I 9
“Unpleasantly viscous.” “...It makes for a fantastic night light....”

Regeneration II Wax Breath II

Prerequisite: Regeneration I Prerequisite: Wax Breath I 13
“...Wax back on.” “...ah well. You’re not going anywhere anyway.”

Waxolotl Bright III

Prerequisite: Bright II 17
“... and is all around a brilliant companion!”

“If you plan on keeping von of zese little buggers,

make shure you don’t store your flammable tar
right next to ze bottles of ethanöl. Ein entire
laboratory kan burn down in only five minutes! It’s
ein gut thing I took precautions…” shadow puppet plays using their innate light
sources. Wonderfully supportive compan-
Humperdink, Insurance Recipient ions, they look out for their allies with their
regenerative abilities and also ward off foes
Type: Elemental with protective light, as well as a lot of sup-
Creature Component: Any wax elemental pressive fire.
Bonus Tamer Improvement: Fire Spitter and +2 If any of the waxolotl’s traits or actions
Hit Dice require a saving throw, it is always against
Sociable and docile, unlike their primordial coun- the waxolotl’s save DC, as calculated below.
terparts, waxolotls are loyal and excitable creatures.
Their favourite pastimes include snoozing next Save DC = 8 + the tamer’s proficiency bonus
to open fires, taking hot wax baths, and making + the waxolotl’s Constitution modifier

Monster Trainer Multiattack
Prerequisite: 5th-level tamer
In addition to the improvements you can normally
Type: Active (action)
give your companions, you can choose to grant the
waxolotl the following improvements using your As an action, the waxolotl can make two attacks.
Monster Trainer feature:

Fire Spitter Waxolotl

Prerequisite: become a tamer’s companion Tiny elemental, unaligned
Type: Passive (companion)
Armour Class 13 (natural armour)
The damage die of the waxolotl’s Ember attack Hit Points 4 (1d4 + 2)
increases to a d6, and its range increases to 30 feet. Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Bright I 10 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Prerequisite: 3rd-level tamer Damage Immunities poison
Type: Passive (companion), Active (reaction) Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralysed, petrified,
The bright light of the waxolotl’s Illumination trait Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 11
increases to a 10-foot radius, and the dim light to Languages —
an additional 10 feet. The candles can’t be put out Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
by liquids or wind. Accidental Arsonist. The waxolotl tends to be a little careless
when excited. While its candles are lit, it may occasionally and
In addition, as a reaction when a creature within unintentionally set small flammable objects on fire.
the radius of the waxolotl’s bright light makes an
Hardened Wax. Whenever the waxolotl takes cold damage, its
attack roll, the waxolotl can briefly intensify the speed is halved and it can’t take reactions until the start of its
brightness of its candles, dazzling the creature and next turn.
giving it disadvantage on its attack roll. Creatures Heated Weapons. Whenever the waxolotl takes fire damage, its
immune to the blinded condition are unaffected by attacks deal extra fire damage equal to one roll of its Hit Die
this feature. until the end of its next turn.

Regeneration I Actions
Prerequisite: 3rd-level tamer Ember. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
10 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) fire damage.
Type: Active (bonus action)
Illumination. The waxolotl can use its action to light or extin-
As a bonus action, the waxolotl can activate a surge guish the candles on its body. While the candles are lit, the
of regenerative energy that courses through its waxolotl sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for
an additional 5 feet. The candles can also be extinguished if
body. For 1 minute, the waxolotl regains 2 (1d4)
doused, by winds of moderate speed, or if the waxolotl drops
hit points at the start of each of its turns. to 0 hit points.
After the waxolotl uses this bonus action, it can’t
do so again until its tamer finishes a long rest.
When the waxolotl’s tamer reaches 9th level in
the tamer class, the hit points regained increase to 3

Prerequisite: 5th-level tamer
Type: Passive (companion)
Opposite: Aleksa Drageljevic

The waxolotl’s size increases to Small, its Hit Die

size increases to a d6 (its hit point maximum conse-
quently increases by 1 for each of its Hit Dice), and
the damage die of its Ember attack increases to a d8.

Familiars 2
Wax Breath I Wax Breath II
Prerequisite: 5th-level tamer, Flame Spitter Prerequisite: 13th-level tamer
Type: Active (action) Type: Passive (companion)
As an action, the waxolotl can spit out a deluge of The damage that a creature restrained by the wax-
molten wax in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the olotl’s Wax Breath takes at the start of each of its
area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or turns increases to 2d6. In addition, the waxolotl’s
become restrained by the rapidly hardening wax breath weapon leaves an even larger mess of hot,
for 1 minute. A creature restrained by the wax can sticky wax in its wake. Until the end of the waxo-
use its action to make a Strength check against the lotl’s next turn, surfaces within the area of the cone
waxolotl’s save DC, freeing itself on a success. are difficult terrain, and a creature that enters it for
the first time on its turn or ends its turn there takes
After the waxolotl uses this action, it can’t do so
2d6 fire damage.
again until its tamer finishes a short or long rest.
When the waxolotl’s tamer reaches 17th lev-
When the waxolotl’s tamer reaches 9th level in
el in the tamer class, the damage that a creature
the tamer class, a creature restrained by the wax
restrained by the wax takes at the start of each of
takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
its turns and the damage that a creature takes by
Bright II entering the area of the cone both increase to 3d6.
Prerequisite: 9th-level tamer, Bright I Bright III
Type: Passive (companion & tamer)
Prerequisite: 17th-level tamer, Bright II
The bright light of the waxolotl’s Illumination trait Type: Passive (companion), Active (reaction)
increases to a 20-foot radius, and the dim light to
The bright light of the waxolotl’s Illumination trait
an additional 20 feet. While within the area of the
increases to a 30-foot radius, and the dim light to
waxolotl’s bright light, both it and its tamer have
an additional 30 feet. When the waxolotl uses its
advantage on saving throws against being fright-
Bright I reaction, the affected creature must suc-
ceed on a Constitution saving throw or be blind-
Slippery ed until the end of the waxolotl’s next turn.
Prerequisite: 9th-level tamer
Type: Passive (companion), Active (bonus action)
The waxolotl can take the Disengage action as a
bonus action. In addition, it has advantage on abili-
ty checks made to avoid or escape being grappled.

Regeneration II
Prerequisite: 13th-level tamer, Regeneration I
Type: Active (bonus action)
The hit points regained by the waxolotl’s Regen-
eration I increase to 4 (1d8). When the waxolotl
regains hit points with that feature, it can choose to
regain only half the amount. If it does so, its tamer
regains the same amount of hit points.
When the waxolotl’s tamer reaches 17th level in
the tamer class, the hit points regained increase to 5

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