Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Improves Lung Function in Patients With The Hypermobile Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Improves Lung Function in Patients With The Hypermobile Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Improves Lung Function in Patients With The Hypermobile Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.61016
Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et
Clinique (IREC), Pôle de Pneumologie, ORL & As exertional inspiratory dyspnea is a common disabling complaint in hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos
Dermatologie, Université Catholique de syndrome (hEDS) often also known as joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS), we investigated inspira-
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
tory muscle (IM) strength in patients with hEDS, and we assessed the effects of IM training (IMT) on
Service de Pneumologie, Cliniques
IM strength, lung function, and exercise capacity. A prospective evaluation of IM strength followed
universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
by a randomized controlled trial of IMT was performed in women with hEDS. Sniff nasal inspiratory
Service de Médecine Physique et
Réadaptation, Cliniques universitaires Saint- pressure (SNIP) was used to routinely measure IM strength and IMT was carried out using a pres-
Luc, Brussels, Belgium sure threshold device. IM strength (main outcome), cardiopulmonary function, exercise capacity, and
Laboratory of Skin Bioengineering and emotional distress of both the treated and control groups were evaluated at the start and at the end
Imaging, Department of Dermatopathology, of the 6-week training period. IM strength was reduced (<80% of predicted) in 77% of patients
University of Liège, University Hospital of
Liège, Belgium
(80/104). Lung function was normal, although 24% of patients had a higher forced expiratory vital
5 capacity (FVC) than normal and 12% of patients had a higher total lung capacity (TLC) than normal.
Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics
(GEHU), de Duve Institute (DDUV), Université Both the IMT and control groups (n = 20) had similar baseline characteristics. Significant changes
catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium were noted only in the IMT group after IMT. At the end of the program, IMT improved SNIP (20%)
Department of Rheumatology, University (before: 41 17 cm H2O [28, 53] vs. after: 49 18 cm H2O [34;65]), six-minute walking distance
Hospital St Luc, Brussels, Belgium
(6MWD) (60 m) (455 107 m [379,532] vs. 515 127 m [408, 621]), and forced expiratory vol-
ume in one second (FEV1) (285 mL) (94 14% pred [84,104] vs. 103 11% pred [94, 112]). IM
Gregory Reychler, Pulmonology unit Cliniques
Universitaires St-Luc (UCL) Avenue Hippocrate strength is significantly reduced in patients with hEDS. IMT improved IM strength, lung function,
10 1200 Brussels, Belgium. and exercise capacity. Our findings suggest that IMT should be added to usual care.
Email: [email protected]
Funding information Key messages
Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et What is the key question?: Are inspiratory muscle strength and lung function normal in Ehlers–
Danlos syndrome hypermobility type (EDS-HT) patients? Can inspiratory muscle training be a
potential therapy to improve inspiratory muscle strength, lung function, functional exercise per-
formance, anxiety, and depression?
What is the bottom line?: IM strength was significantly reduced in patients with hEDS, but it
was improved by inspiratory muscle training similarly to lung function and exercise capacity.
Why read on?: This is the first description of inspiratory muscle strength and lung function in
hEDS and the first trial investigating the effect of inspiratory muscle training in hEDS.
Abbreviations: bpm, beats per minute; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EDS, Ehlers–Danlos syndrome; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second;
FVC, forced expiratory vital capacity; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; -HT, -hypermobility type; IMT, inspiratory muscle training; JHS, joint hypermobi-
lity syndrome; MCID, minimal clinically important difference; SNIP, sniff nasal inspiratory pressure; SpO2, pulsed oxygen saturation; TLC, total lung capacity; 6MWT,
six-minute walk test.
2.2 | Study design the 6-week training period. Patients in the IMT group kept a daily
diary for monitoring their adherence to the IMT protocol.
The study was divided into two parts. In the first part of the study,
the lung function and IM strength of the subjects were assessed pro-
spectively during a routine outpatient visit. 2.3 | IM strength
In the second part, a randomized controlled trial was conducted The maximal SNIP was used to assess IM strength (Stefanutti, Benoist,
according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials protocol Scheinmann, Chaussain, & Fitting, 2000) following the American Tho-
(Figure 1). When reduced IM strength (<80% of the predicted values) racic Society (ATS) and European Respiratory Society (ERS) guidelines
was detected by the physician during the first part of the study, (ATS/ERS, 2002) using a hand-held pressure meter (Micro RPM, Care
patients were eligible for the second part of the study. From this sam- Fusion, Kent, United Kingdom). Subjects were asked to perform
ple of patients, the consecutive patients who gave their consent (only 20 sniff ma
criteria for eligibility) until the required sample size was achieved neuvers with maximal inspiratory effort. The highest result was
(n = 20) were assessed for functional exercise performance, anxiety, recorded and expressed in absolute and predicted values (Uldry & Fit-
depression, and physical activity. These patients were randomized by ting, 1995) and by calculating the improvement adjusted for baseline.
a computer-generated random number list ( with To ensure data reliability, the same experienced staff member con-
an allocation ratio of 1:1 into two groups (IMT and control).
ducted all SNIP tests.
The IMT group performed five unsupervised sessions of IMT per
week for 6 weeks. While wearing a nose clip and being comfortably
seated, patients were asked to inspire through the Threshold IMT
2.4 | Spirometry
(Philips-Respironics, Murrysville, PA). Each session included six series Spirometry was performed using the Masterscreen spirometer
of 10 repetitions with progressively increasing resistance ranging from (Jaeger, Würsburg, Germany) according to the ATS/ERS guidelines
60% to 85% of the initial maximal sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (Miller et al., 2005). The reference equations established by the Global
(SNIP). The group allocation was concealed, and the assessment was Lung Function Initiative were used. The differences between initial
blinded. Patients in both groups were assessed at the start and end of and final values were calculated.
FIGURE 1 Consort flow diagram of the study [Color figure can be viewed at]
2.5 | Functional exercise capacity the frequency of performance, and the number of months per year
during which the subject performs the activity. Each domain results in
The six-minute walk test (6MWT) was performed following the
a separate score that incorporates activity duration, frequency, and an
ERS/ATS guidelines (Holland et al., 2014) except for a noncontinuous
intensity code based on energy costs. An index for the three domains
recording of the pulsed oxygen saturation (SpO2) (before and after the
was calculated. The higher the score, the more active the subject is.
test). The same investigator supervised all tests. A training test was
performed by the patient to avoid the learning effect.
Walking distance was expressed in absolute and predicted values 2.8 | Statistical analysis
(Enright & Sherrill, 1998). Dyspnea was measured by a visual analog
We calculated that 10 subjects per group were necessary to detect a
scale. Pulsed oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (HR) were mea-
difference of 15 cm H2O on SNIP after IMT (average improvement
sured by a pulse oximeter (Onyx, NONIN, MN). Variability during the
determined from results of previous studies on patients with similar
test and the rest period was calculated by the difference between ini-
PImax (Beaumont, Forget, Couturaud, & Reychler, 2018)) while
tial and final values (divided by the initial value for HR).
accepting an alpha risk of 0.05 and a beta risk of 0.2 in a two-sided
test. We assumed that 15 cm H2O is the standard deviation (SD) of
2.6 | Anxiety and depression
the difference in the response to treatment for the same patient. The
Patients completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale SPSS 24.0 program (IBM software) was used to analyze the data.
(HADS), which includes 7 items for anxiety (HADS-A) and 7 items for
depression (HADS-D). The responses and both subscales were scored TABLE 2 Age, anthropometric characteristics, hypermobility scores
from 0 to 3 (“3” indicates higher symptom frequencies) and from 0 to (Beighton: >5 [positive]), habitual physical activity scores and
subscores during work, sport and leisure (Baecke: The higher the
21 (21 indicates the most severe score). Scores are categorized as nor-
score, the more active the subject is), Hospital Anxiety and
mal (0–7), mild (8–10), moderate (11–14),, and severe (15–21). Depression Scale (HADS) scores pulmonary parameters and functional
exercise performance at baseline in patients with hEDS allocated to
either inspiratory muscle training (IMT group) or no intervention
2.7 | Physical activity
(control group)
The Baecke's questionnaire (Baecke, Burema, & Frijters, 1982) was
used to assess patients' habitual physical activity. It includes 16 ques- IMT group Control group p values
tions that relate to activities carried out at work, for sport, and for lei- Number 10 10
sure. The questionnaire gathers information about the type of activity, Age (years) 45.8 5.5 53.1 3.4 .011*
[34.9; 56.8] [50.7; 55.5]
TABLE 1 Age, anthropometric characteristics, lung function Weight (kg) 72.4 13.8 82.3 13.2 .188
parameters, and inspiratory muscle strength in patients with hEDS
[61.8; 83.0] [72.9; 91.8]
who were evaluated in a routine outpatient visit
Height (cm) 163.7 6.7 158.9 20.9 .452
Number 104
[158.5; 168.8] [144.0; 173.8]
Age (years) 40.7 14.1 [37.9; 43.4]
BMI (kg/m2) 26.9 3.8 29.6 5.1 .401
Weight (kg) 72.2 15.4
[24.0; 29.8] [25.4; 33.9]
[69.1; 75.2]
Beighton score 5.9 0.7 5.7 0.5 .482
Height (cm) 166.0 9.5
[5.5; 6.3] [5.4; 6.0]
[164.1; 167.8]
Baecke overall score 6.4 2.4 6.8 2.5 .591
BMI (kg/m ) 25.8 5.1
[4.9; 7.9] [5.3; 8.3]
[24.8; 26.8]
HADS-A 11 3 10 5 .403
FEV1/FVC (%) 79.3 8.5
[9; 13] [6; 13]
[77.7; 81.0]
HADS-D 73 74 .901
FVC (% predicted) 109.2 16.5
[5; 9] [4; 9]
[106.0; 112.4]
SNIP 41 17 41 19 .990
FEV1 (% predicted) 101.7 16.4
(cm H2O) [28;53] [27;55]
[98.6; 104.9]
FVC 115 20 110 13 .537
TLC (% predicted) 109.0 12.2
(% predicted) [100;129] [100;119]
[106.3; 111.6]
FEV1 94 14 92 21 .738
SNIP (cm H2O) 51.2 21.2
(% predicted) [84;104] [77;106]
[47.0; 57.3]
6MWD 455 107 444 128 .831
SNIP (% predicted) 65.2 30.2
(meter) [379;532] [346;542]
[59.3; 71.1]
BMI: body mass index.
Data are presented as the mean SD [95% confidence interval] Data are presented as the mean SD [95% confidence interval].
BMI: body mass index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; HADS-A and HASD-D scoring: 0–7 (normal), 8–10 (mild), 11–14 (moder-
FVC: forced expiratory vital capacity; TLC: total lung capacity; SNIP: sniff ate), and 15–21 (severe).
inspiratory pressure. *Statistically significant (p < .05).
Data were expressed as the mean SD (interquartile range) for The anthropometric features and lung function test results of
normal variables or median (min-max) for those with non-normal dis- 104 subjects are shown in Table 1. Although FVC, forced expiratory
tribution. Normality of the distribution was verified by the volume in one second (FEV1), and TLC were in the normal range, 24%
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The improvement of the different out- had a higher FVC than normal and 12% of subjects had a higher TLC
comes related to the training was calculated. Correlations between than normal. No subject demonstrated a restrictive lung disease. SNIP
SNIP and lung function parameters and changes were verified by values were lower than the lower limit of normal for 77% of the sub-
Pearson correlation coefficients. Comparison tests were either jects. SNIP values were positively but weakly correlated to all lung
unpaired Student's t-tests or Wilcoxon tests, and the value of p <.05 function parameters (FVC: r = .311; p = .003; FEV1: r = .257;
was considered significant. The analysis used an intention-to-treat p = .019; TLC: r = .338; p = .002).
approach. All these results suggest reduced IM strength despite preserved
lung function.
TABLE 3 Cardiopulmonary parameters, functional exercise performance, and emotional distress at both study entry (Week-0) and study end
(Week-7) in patients with hEDS who either were subjected to daily inspiratory muscle training (IMT group) or received no intervention (control
Week-0 Week-7 Week-7 versus Week-0
IMT group Control group IMT group Control group IMT group Control group
FVC 115 20 110 13 116 17 103 18 p = .716 p = .047*
(% predicted)
[100;129] [100;119] [102;131] [90;116]
FEV1 94 14 92 21 103 11 89 23 p = .010* p = .241
(% predicted)
[84;104] [77;106] [94;112] [73;105]
SNIP 41 17 41 19 49 18 38 20 p = .003* p = .088
(cm H2O)
[28;53] [27;55] [34;65] [24;52]
6MWD 455 107 444 128 515 127 465 131 p = .036* p = .195
[379;532] [346;542] [408;621] [371;559]
Initial SpO2 (%) 97.7 1.7 97.2 1.1 98.3 0.5 97.5 0.9a p = .968 p = .622
[97.5;99.0] [96.4;98.1] [97.9;98.6] [96.8;98.2]
Final SpO2 (%) 97.8 2.6 96.7 1.7 98.5 0.5 97.2 1.1a p = .516 p = .347
[96.0;99.6] [95.4;97.9] [98.1;99.1] [96.4;98.0]
Change in dyspnea score 2.5 2.0 2.9 1.4 2.7 1.4 2.2 1.8 p = .580 p = .088
[1.0;3.9] [1.8;3.9] [1.6;3.9] [0.9;3.5]
Initial heart rate (bpm) 93 17 80 11 82 12 78 10 p = .123 p = .346
[81;105] [72;89] [72;93] [72;93]
Final heart rate (bpm) 108 17 92 10a 106 8 92 10a p = .786 p = .784
[96;118] [84;99] [100;112] [100;113]
Delta heart rate 17 16 15 10 31 16 19 10 p = .029* p = .325
[5;29] [7;23] [18;44] [12;26]
HADS-A 11 3 10 5 74 10 4 p = .115 p = .583
[9;13] [6;13] [4;10] [7;13]
HADS-D 73 74 64 95 p = .951 p = .116
[5;9] [4;9] [3;10] [6;13]
FVC: forced expiratory vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; SNIP: sniff inspiratory pressure; 6MWD: six-minute walking distance;
SpO2: pulsed oxygen saturation; bpm: beats per minute at the beginning (initial) and end (final) of the 6MWD test; Hospital Anxiety (HADS-A) and Depres-
sion (HADS-D) Scale.
Data are expressed as the mean SD [95% confidence interval].
Significant difference between IMT and control groups (p < .05).
*p < .05 (statistically significant).
TABLE 4 Change of cardiopulmonary parameters, functional exercise group, FEV1 improved by 9%, the SNIP value increased from 41 to
performance and emotional distress in patients with hEDS who either 49 cm H2O, walking distance improved by 13%, and the 6MWT-
were subjected to daily inspiratory muscle training (IMT group) or
induced heart rate variation doubled.
received no intervention (control group)
Improvement was significantly different between both groups
Intergroup only for SNIP, FEV1, and 6MWT (Table 4). All treated patients had a
IMT group Control group p values
SNIP and 6MWD improvement that was greater than the correspond-
SNIP 13 8 −3 5 <.001*
ing minimal clinically important difference (MCID) (based on data from
(cm H2O) [6;20] [−6;1]
patients with stable heart rate failure or COPD by lack of specific
FVC 115 20 110 13 .237
data). Indeed, SNIP gain reached 20% for an MCID of 14%, and
(% predicted) [100;129] [100;119]
6MWD improved by 60 m for an MCID of 35 m (Puhan et al., 2008;
FEV1 8.5 6.9 −2.8 7.7 .009*
Tager et al., 2015). However, the IM strength remains lower than the
(% predicted) [2.7;14.3] [−8.3;2.7]
predicted values in the IMT group (58% of predicted). Moreover, the
6MWD 64 69 8 17 .003*
SNIP and 6MWD improvements were correlated (r = .535; p = .022).
(meter) [5;121] [−5;19]
The IMT also almost tripled the FEV1 target value (285 mL for an
Change in dyspnea score −0.4 1.2 0.8 1.8 .200
MCID of 100 mL [Donohue, 2005]). The SNIP improvement was nei-
[−1.9;1.2] [−0.2;1.7]
ther correlated with the FEV1 improvement (r = −0.022; p = .959)
HADS-A −2 6 34 .083
nor with the FVC improvement (r = −0.138;– p = .744).
[−7; 2] [0; 5]
There were no significant changes in SpO2, dyspnea score, or
HADS-D 06 35 .408
anxiety and depression scores between study inclusion and comple-
[−5; 5] [−1; 6]
tion. The anxiety and depression scores were normal or mild in the
FVC: forced expiratory vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in
two groups at study completion. The improvement of anxiety tended
one second; SNIP: sniff inspiratory pressure; 6MWD: six-minute walking
distance; SpO2: pulsed oxygen saturation; bpm: beats per minute at the to be different between both groups.
beginning (initial) and end (final) of the 6MWD test; Hospital Anxiety
This part of the study highlights the benefit of IMT on muscle
(HADS-A) and Depression (HADS-D) Scale.
Data are expressed as the mean SD [95% confidence interval]. function and functional exercise performance even if the IM strength
*p < .05 (statistically significant). is not completely restored.
and limb muscles that are observed in patients with chronic pulmo- et al., 2007). There is evidence that forces generated within muscle
nary diseases (Decramer, Lacquet, Fagard, & Rogiers, 1994). However, fibers are transmitted onto the intra-, inter-, and extra-muscular con-
steroids, hypoxia, and malnutrition are usually absent in EDS and were nective tissue to the skeleton, that is, via a myofascial transmission
not present in our patients. (Huijing et al., 2010). Thus, a decrease in myofascial transmission
In patients with EDS, a sedentary lifestyle may cause muscle could result in the muscle weakness as observed in patients with EDS
weakness as patients from our randomized trial had a reduced physi- (Voermans et al., 2007).
cal activity score (Hertogh, Monninkhof, Schouten, Peeters, & Schuit, Musculoskeletal pain and fatigue are frequently reported by
2008). The causes of relative inactivity might be related to pain, patients with hEDS and likely contribute to muscle weakness. As
fatigue, and hypermobility and instability of joints. IMT improved these outcomes were not quantified in the study, their relationship
respiratory and peripheral muscle strength and decreased dyspnea with our results is not possible to be discussed. Fatigue intensity mod-
perception in patients with other diseases (heart failure, COPD) ulates muscle function (Henriksen et al., 2007), correlates with a
(Bosnak-Guclu et al., 2011; Petrovic, Reiter, Zipko, Pohl, & Wanke, reduction in muscle strength (Voermans, Knoop, Bleijenberg, & van
2012) even if inconsistent results have been found, probably depend- Engelen, 2011), and presumably worsens with exercise (Rombaut
ing on the combination with pulmonary rehabilitation (Beaumont et al., 2012). As experimental muscle pain by infusions of hypertonic
et al., 2018). We found that our IMT protocol led to clinically relevant saline inhibits maximal voluntary contractions through a central
and statistically significant improvements in FEV1, functional exercise mechanism(Graven-Nielsen, Lund, Arendt-Nielsen, Danneskiold-
performance, and IM strength. The effect of IMT on SNIP impacts Samsoe, & Bliddal, 2002), the chronic and severe musculoskeletal pain
both FEV1 and absolute heart rate and would explain the observed seen in patients with hEDS (Voermans et al., 2010) possibly causes
improvement in the 6MWT (Casanova et al., 2011). The generated submaximal contraction and maintains muscle weakness.
dyspnea during the 6MWT (change in dyspnea score) was not Lung function was normal, but a large proportion of patients
improved in IMT group. However, even if there was no difference in tended to have greater lung volumes. The increased lung volume can
change of dyspnea generated by the 6MWT between both groups, also be explained by the defects in neuromuscular ECM and the
the evaluation was not performed at the same level of exertion in the hypermobility of thoracic joints in these patients.
IMT group compared to the control group. Indeed, patients from the The relatively small number of patients is a limitation of this ran-
IMT group walked a longer distance with a similar level of dyspnea at domized controlled study, even if the number of included patients cor-
the end of the training. It suggests that the dyspnea could be responds to the minimum sample size required to achieve adequate
improved at the same level of exertion due to the IMT. statistical analysis. We also studied a homogeneous population
Even if the benefit of IMT on anxiety was not significant, it was regarding age, sex, anthropometric parameters, past and ongoing lung
clinically relevant based on the MCID based on data from COPD diseases, clinical diagnosis and ultrastructural abnormalities of dermal
patients (Smid et al., 2017). As IMT nearly tripled the MCID of HADS- collagen fibers. Another study limitation is the lack of magnetic or
A (4 vs. 1.5), it could suggest that the patients felt an improvement in phrenic nerve stimulation to ensure maximal diaphragm contractility
anxiety in the training group. during SNIP measurements (Fitting, 2006). However, these
Further studies will be required to determine the optimal settings approaches are expensive, may overestimate diaphragmatic strength,
of the program. We could hypothesize that a longer training duration and might be inappropriate in patients with hEDS who barely tolerate
and supervised sessions could demonstrate a greater improvement in invasive explorations and who bleed easily. Moreover, neither quality
IM strength. Longer duration of training has been previously sug- of life nor dyspnea at a similar exertion level was evaluated in our
gested in COPD (Hill, Cecins, Eastwood, & Jenkins, 2010). The IM study. Notwithstanding such limitations, at study completion, SNIP
strength of our patients was possibly too reduced to be restored in values did not change from baseline in the untreated control group
6 weeks. Moreover, our sessions were unsupervised and lower but increased markedly in the group performing daily inspiratory train-
improvements with unsupervised compared to supervised programs ing. The use of MCID from patients with COPD is also a limitation for
were previously noted in other studies (Lacroix, Hortobagyi, Beurs- the interpretation. Indeed, it is important to mention that applying
kens, & Granacher, 2017). MCID established in another chronic respiratory disease to hEDS
The extracellular matrix (ECM) of connective tissue provides sig- could be imprecise. All forms of patient variation such as symptoms
nificant structural and biochemical support to skeletal muscles and influence the MCID of an outcome (Copay, Subach, Glassman, Polly
peripheral nerves. In rare cases of hEDS, the reduction in body levels Jr., & Schuler, 2007; Lauridsen, Hartvigsen, Manniche, Korsholm, &
of tenascin-X causes neuromuscular dysfunction (Voermans, Alten- Grunnet-Nilsson, 2006). Such variations can be expected between
burg, Hamel, de, & van Engelen, 2007), whereas in a case of more COPD and hEDS. However, MCID have never been determined in
common/prevalent EDS, muscle weakness results from alterations in patients with hEDS for theses outcomes.
the connective tissue surrounding muscle cells (Bilkey, Baxter, In conclusion, patients with hEDS have a significant IM weakness
Kottke, & Mundale, 1981). In our study, all patients had significant that can account for dyspnea and contribute to the impairment of
ultrastructural changes in their dermal collagen network, and 60% had mobility and daily activities. The IMT protocol used in this randomized
abnormal elastic fibers. Although we did not carry out biopsies of controlled trial achieved clinically significant increases in both respira-
patients' respiratory muscles, it is reasonable to assume that similar tory and exercise capacity, although the improved SNIP values
defects in the neuromuscular ECM reduce muscular contraction and remained below 80% of the reference values. Anxiety and depression
interfere with the myotendinous transmission of the force (Voermans scores did not change significantly between the treated and control
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Gregory Reychler received a grant from the Institut de Recherche Beighton, P., De, P. A., Steinmann, B., Tsipouras, P., & Wenstrup, R. J.
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have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at www.icmje. training in patients with heart failure. Respiratory Medicine, 105,
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for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organiza- connective tissues in a Chilean population: Joint hypermobility syn-
tions that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previ- drome and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatism,
ous 3 years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to 54, 515–523.
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tant intellectual content; final approval of the version to be published; females: Possible mechanisms and perspectives. American Journal of
GEP: substantial contributions to the acquisition, analysis and inter- Medical Genetics. Part A, 152A, 2406–2408.
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pretation of data for the work; drafting the work and revising it criti-
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