Summary Immunology

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The differentiation is under the influence of:

1-growth factors:
Stem cell factor, IL-1, 3, 4, 6, 7, GM-CSF
Hemopoitic stem 2-cell-cell interactions.

lymphoid myeloid
progenitor cell progenitor cell
B cell
T cell -Cytokines for development:
-Develops in thymus (thymulin, thymopoiten and a1 & B4 thymosin) No receptors for specific antigens, They include:
IL-7, BCGF, IL-1,2,4,6 Phagocytes
-Attracted by integrins and chemotactic factors like B2 microglobulin -Stages of development:
-Innervated by ANS, so affected by stress - By the process of Phagocytosis
Pro B cell: heavy chain - The major phagocytic cells are the monocytes, macrophages
Pre B cell: light chain, IgM, Iga, IgB and neutrophils.
Development in stages: Immature: IgM/ IgD
-Stage I: IL-1 and TNF removes CD34 and double negative -Mac-1 (CD11b-CD18) is an important CD marker for
Mature: expressing both apoptosis to self reactive mononuclear phagocytes
-Stage II: IL-7 gives T cell receptor, CD3 and double positive (4
5-15%, Act as APC and express IgM and IgG
and 8)
Cells markers: CD19,20,79 Antigen presenting cells (APC)
-Stage III:
Stimulated by following cytokines: -They process and present antigen to TH cells and Tc cells.
Positive selection, if cell binds to:
clonal proliferation: IL-2,4,13 -Examples: are dendritic cells,monocytes, macrophages, B-cells.
MHC 1 -> CD8
IgE plasma cell: IL-4,13 -Follicular dendritic cells are APC, which stores antigens and
MHC2 -> CD4
IgG plasma cell: IL-4,10,IFN gamma present them to B-cells (Important for memory).
negative selection:
IgA plasma cell: TGFB and IL-5
if high interaction with self peptide -> apoptosis
-Maturation happens in secondary follicles Eosinophils
-Primary antibody response: early IgM then IgG -They are Granular WBC ( 2-5% of leukocytes in healthy
T cells either: -Secondary antibody response: memory cells secrete IgG that individual)
T helper (CD4): reacts by binding to MHC 2 on APC response longer, better affinity -They increase in number in allergic and parasitic diseases.
Activated by IL-2
-They have receptors for IgG and IgE antibodies (Fc receptors)
Types: Innate lymphoid cells and receptors for complement.
Th1: cell mediated immunity, secrtes: IL-2, IFN gamma, TNF
-When stimulated, they release granules and toxins such as
Th2: humoral immunity (AB), secretes: IL-4,5,6,10
major basic protein and Eosinophil cationic proteins by
Th9,17, 22…
T killer (CD8): reacts by binding to MHC 1 on all cells
Activated by IL-2, IL-6 from Th cells
Basophils and Mast Cells
Actions: perforin & granzymes, fas and fas ligand, TNF & TNF-R,
-Basophils and mast cells are similar in function and
lso secretes INF gamma as antiviral agent
Function: defence, wound healing and maintenance of morphology.
epithelial integrity -Basophils are found in the circulation, whereas mast cells are
found in the mucosa and connective tissue and live longer.
Therapeutic application: -Release of mast cell granules lead to vasodilatation, increased
-Transplantation: anti-CD3, anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies vascular permeability, smooth muscle contraction and WBC
-Hypersensitivity: Monoclonal antibody therapy for allergy. chemotaxis.
- Autoimmunity: The use of anti-TNF antibodies (Humira) in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. -the symptoms of allergy and are important for immunity against
-Immunity to tumour: Blocking inhibition by CTLA-4 (using antagonistic antibodies against CTLA-4: FDA approved parasite.
for melanoma in 2011 (ipilimumab) -have receptors for IgE antibody and for complement .
-Stem cell therapy: current and future

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