Step-By-Step Design Guide For Digital Peak Current Mode Control - A Single-Chip Solution 2

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10/10/2016 Biricha Digital Power Ltd

Step-by-Step Design Guide for Digital

Peak Current Mode Control: A Single-
Chip Solution
tags: digital, peak current mode, slope compensation

Dr. Ali Shirsavar, Dr. Michael Hallworth

This application note investigates the implementation of peak current mode control with slope
compensation using an single TMS320F28027 (Piccolo A) MCU from Texas Instruments. This MCU
is ideal for peak current mode implementation due to its dedicated internal circuitry which
enables a fully digital slope compensation scheme. The theory of operation, mathematical
modeling and all relevant equations are presented along with a detailed step-by-step design
procedure in both analog and digital domains.

A design example and associated experimental results are also presented with two methods of
implementation; one using TI’s ControlSUITE  and one using Biricha’s Chip Support Library (CSL).

Further information with regards to the CSL and digital power design workshops can be found at ( 1/24
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Figure 1. Analog Peak Current Mode Buck Converter

Figure 2. Digital Peak Current Mode Buck Converter

The operation of a digital peak current mode converter is similar to its analog counterpart as
shown in Figure 1. However, the compensation network, error ampli er, slope compensation and
PWM generator are all replaced by a single microprocessor in the digital converter shown in
Figure 2. This application note describes the processes involved in setting up a Piccolo MCU for
use within a digital peak current mode power supply.

A complete design example and two complete implementations are given; the rst method uses
TI’s ControlSUITE  whilst the second method uses Biricha’s Chip Support Library (CSL). 2/24
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The Biricha Digital Chip Support Library provides a fast and simple method of con guring Texas
Instruments C2000 MCUs for use in digital power applications. In-depth knowledge of the MCU’s
internal registers and associated con guration bits are not required; in place of this, simple
function calls are used.

The Biricha Digital CSL documentation contains full descriptions and examples of all of the
functions used in the implementation presented here. The user guides and an evaluation copy of
CSL can be downloaded from (

Referring to Figure 2, the operation of the peak current mode controlled power supply is as
follows. Initially, the duty is set to 100% and the PWM is driven high. The output voltage of the
converter is applied to a sampling divider network which is connected to the Piccolo’s ADC. The
voltage is sampled and converted to a digital value. A digital reference (REF) is subtracted from the
digital value and the resulting error value is used as an input to the digital controller (2p2z
Controller). This represents the error ampli er and compensation network of the analog
equivalent. A full design procedure for this controller will be given later on in this paper.

The output of the controller is then multiplied by a gain term K. This gain scales the output of the
controller to a digital value that is suitable for use with the DAC of the comparator module,
counteracting the e ects of the various gains within the closed loop system. The value of this gain
term can be calculated to obtain the correct crossover frequency; details are given in the design

This scaled output is then used as an input to the DAC connected to the comparator’s inverting
input. The non-inverting input is connected to the current sense transformer; the gain of this is
represented by the Ri block. The current spike associated with turning the MOSFET switch on is
ignored through the use of leading edge blanking within the Piccolo’s blanking block. The output
of the comparator will change state when the inductor current reaches the level of the voltage on
the DAC output. This causes a cycle-by-cycle trip event to occur within the digital compare sub-
module of the PWM module. The PWM signal will be low for the remainder of the switching
period. Therefore, as with the analog equivalent, the duty is determined by the peak of the
inductor current in the power stage of the converter. The digital implementation of peak current
mode control achieves the desirable cycle-by-cycle peak current limiting e ect of the analog
equivalent. Full experimental results will be given shortly.

Peak Current Mode Model

The Buck converter in Figure 3 is used to describe the peak current mode model used in this
application note. However the same procedure can be applied to other topologies.

Figure 3 - A typical Buck converter

In order to design a stable compensator, we rst need a mathematical model of the Buck
converter plant. According to [3], this can be described by three terms:

1. FH(s), a high frequency transfer function.

2. HDC, a DC gain.
3. HE(s), a power stage small signal model. 3/24
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The complete control-to-output transfer function for a Buck converter under peak current mode
control, as described in [1], is a combination of these three terms:

VO (s)
HCO (s) = = FH (s) . HE (s) . HDC
VI N (s)

Equation 1

High Frequency Transfer Function

The high frequency transfer function, FH(s), has a double pole at half the switching frequency, FS/2.
Inevitably this will result in a resonant peak occurring at this frequency. Therefore this peak needs
to be damped in order to avoid the gain Bode plot crossing the 0dB axis at resonance and causing

A compensating ramp is added to the system to e ectively damp resonant peak; this called “slope
compensation”. This is achieved by setting the Q of this double pole system to 1. A low Q forces a
damped this resonant peak and reduces the gain at FS/2.

For a Buck converter, the required peak-to-peak value of the external compensation ramp has
been calculated in [2] and is given in Equation 2. This compensating ramp reduces the Q of the
high frequency transfer function to 1.

(0.18 − D) R T VI N

i S

Equation 2


Current-sense transformer gain: Ri

Switching period: TS

Input voltage: VIN

Output inductor: L0

The duty, D, is: D=VO/VIN

Where VO is the output voltage.

With Q set to 1 FH(s) simpli es to that given in Equation 3.

FH (s) =
s s2
1 + +
ω N ω2

Equation 3


ω N = πFS  in rad/s, i.e.  FS  in H z

DC Gain 4/24
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DC Gain
Using Ridley’s model in [1] and critically damping the resonance peak by setting it’s Q to 1, the DC
gain of the system simpli es to:

RO 1
HDC = .
1 +
πL 0

Where the load resistance is RO.

Power Stage Small Signal Model

With current mode control, the inductor of the Buck converter in Figure 3 becomes a current
controlled source. In [3] the small-signal model of the Buck power stage is given as:

1 +
HE (s) =
1 +
ω OP

Equation 4

The pole, ωOP, is formed from the output capacitance and load resistance. With Q set to 1, this
pole can be calculated in Equation 5.

1 TS
ω = +
RO C0 πL 0 C0

Equation 5

Furthermore, the zero, ωESR, formed from the output capacitance and its equivalent series
resistance is:

ω ESR =

Equation 6

Please note that these are in rad/s and not Hz.

Compensator Poles and Zeros

The poles and zeros of the compensation network can now be placed according to the analysis of
the control-to-output transfer function in order to set the desired crossover frequency and phase
margin of the closed loop system. A Type II compensator is used to control the Buck converter
under peak current mode. The transfer function of a Type II compensation network is: 5/24
(1 + )
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(1 + ω CZ1
HC (s) = .
( ) s
(1 + ω CP1

Equation 7

The pole, ωCP1, of the compensator is set to the frequency of the ESR zero in the control-to-output
transfer function in order to approximately cancel out its e ects.

ω CP1

Equation 8

The zero, ωCZ1, is set to achieve a suitable phase margin and the pole at origin, ωCP0, is set to
achieve the desired crossover frequency. The frequency of the compensator zero should be set to
20% of the required crossover frequency. Under most circumstances this will give a reasonable
phase margin.

ω CZ 1 = .2 πf X

Equation 9

Where fX is the crossover frequency in Hertz.

Finally, the pole at origin (or gain of the compensator) is calculated. This is the frequency at which
the gain solely due to the pole at origin would be unity. This value sets the desired crossover
frequency, fX. After analyzing the Buck converter’s control-to-output transfer function, Equation 10
has been derived for directly calculating ωCP0 of the compensator [2].

1.23f X Ri (L0 + 0.32RO TS ) R1 R2

ω CP0 =

Equation 10


R1 =

1 − 4f
‾ 2
+ 16f

R2 = 1 +
√ (L0 + 0.32RO TS )

Please note that these values are calculated in rad/s and not Hz. 6/24
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A complete design example using these equations will be given later in this application note.

Please be aware that in this application note only an approximate solution is given. Both the zero
and pole at the origin can be calculated analytically and full details of the analytical method is
taught in the Biricha Digital workshops.

See ( for more information.

Digital Controller Design

The poles and zeros of the analog compensation network have been calculated based on the
model given in Section 3. These poles and zeros must be converted in to the digital domain. This
involves converting from the continuous time s-domain to the discrete time z-domain. There are
various methods to achieve this. The Bilinear or Tustin transform is a relatively simple and
e ective method.

There is no need for this transform to be calculated by hand as an automated tool exists on the
Biricha Digital website to convert from s-domain poles and zeros to the coe cients required by
the discrete time digital controller.

Please visit ( to access these tools

free of charge.

However, the process is described in detail here for completeness. The transfer function of a Type
II compensation network can be converted in to the z-domain by replacing the ‘s’ terms with the

2 z −1
s ≈
TS z + 1

Equation 11

Where TS is the sampling period which is equal to the switching period. Equation 11 is then
substituted in to the Type II controller transfer function given in Equation 7. The result is given in
Equation 12.

2 z−1
T z+1
1 +
( )
HC [z] = .
( 2 z −1 ) 2 z−1
TS T z+1
z+1 S
1 +
ω CP1
( )

Equation 12

After simpli cation, the two-pole two-zero discrete controller transfer function is found:

Y [z] B2 z
−2 + B1 z
−1 + B0
HC [z] = =
X [z] −A z
−2 −A z
−1 + 1
2 1

Equation 13 7/24
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TS . ω CP0 . ω CP1 × (2 + TS . ω CZ 1 )
B0 =
2 × (2 + TS . ω CP1 ) × ω CZ 1

. ω CP0 . ω CP1
B1 =
2 + TS .ω CP1

TS . ω CP0 . ω CP1 × ( −2 + T . ω S CZ 1 )
B2 =
2 × (2 + TS . ω CP1 ) × ω CZ 1

A1 =
2 + TS . ω CP1

−2 + T . ω S CP1
A2 =
2 + TS . ω CP1

Equation 13 can now be rearranged to nd the linear di erence equation (LDE):

y [n] = B2 x [n − 2] + B x [n − 1] + B 1 0 x [n]

+ A2 y [n − 2] + A y [n − 1] 1

Equation 14

Where x[n] is the error input to the controller for this sampling period and y[n] is the controller
output for this sampling period. [n­1] denotes the previous sampling period and [n­2] is two
sampling periods in the past.

The coe cients of the discrete time controller are used with this linear di erence equation.

Please note that it is now possible to calculate all of these controller coe cients analytically as all the
variables within the coe cients are known; we will give a design example shortly.

Digital Slope Compensation

As mentioned earlier, su cient ramp needs to be added such that no subharmonic oscillations
occur; this is called slope compensation. The oscillations are caused by the current feedback loop
which has a double pole in the high frequency term, FH(s), in the control-to-output transfer
function. The resonant peak of the double pole (at half the switching frequency) was damped by
setting the Q to 1 through calculating the compensation ramp in Equation 2. Now we will discuss
the digital implementation of this compensation ramp. 8/24
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The Piccolo range of MCUs from TI are ideally suited for this purpose due to the presence of
dedicated ramp generating modules.

The DAC module of the Piccolo includes a ramp sub-module which is used to implement slope
compensation. This slope compensation method uses a digital staircase to remove the
subharmonic oscillations [6].

Figure 4. Slope compensation using a digital staircase

In Figure 4, the DAC is initially loaded with the output of the controller after being scaled by K. This
sets the initial value of our demand current reference signal before slope compensation. The
sensed current is compared to this reference current. The counter sub-module then decrements
the DAC by a set value at each system clock tick. This generates a negative ramp on the current
reference signal, just as slope compensation would in analog, and e ectively damps the

The required compensation ramp height must rst be converted to a digital value using the gain
of the DAC:

DigitalRampHeight = VPP . .64

Equation 15

The value to be decremented at each system clock tick can therefore be found using the digital
ramp height, switching frequency and system clock frequency:

DigitalRampHeight. FS
DecVal =

Equation 16

If using the CotnrolSuite these equations can be used to set up the correct values in the relevant
registers; please see the appendix. However, if using the CSL dedicated CSL functions can be
called within the initialization in order to automatically set these values.

A selection of Biricha CSL functions needed for slope compensation are described below. Further
practical examples as well as hands-on exercises are provided during the workshops run by
Biricha. 9/24
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The ramp sub-module is rst con gured using the function CMP_rampConfig(). This connects the
speci ed ramp sub-module with a PWM module. The PWM module synchronization pulse is used
to reset the ramp back to the initial value at the beginning of every period.

CMP_rampConfig( CMP_MOD_2,
PWM_MOD_1 );

The value DECVAL is decremented from the DAC at each system clock tick. This value is set using
CMP_setRampDec() after the ramp module has been con gured. The peak-to-peak value of the
analog compensation ramp was calculated in Equation 2. The Biricha CSL function
CMP_calcRampDec() takes this analog voltage value and returns the correct digital decrement

This function requires the digital equivalent of the ramp height along with the period of the PWM
output. The digital equivalent of the ramp height is calculated using CMP_mVtoRampValue(). For
example, if a 1500mV ramp is required to compensate a 200kHz PWM output the following
functions would be called during initialization:

period = PWM_freqToTicks(200000);
decval = CMP_calcRampDec( CMP_mVtoRampValue(1500),
period );
CMP_setRampDec( CMP_MOD_2, decval );

The controller output, or reference current, is set as the initial value of the ramp at the beginning
of the period using the function CMP_setRampMax(). This is called in the ADC interrupt routine
after the controller output has been calculated.

Leading Edge Blanking

Figure 5. The required amount of leading edge blanking

The sensed inductor current signal contains switching noise. During turn on there is a large spike
which would potentially cause the comparator to trigger and a trip event to occur. To prevent this,
a leading edge blanking block is provided within the Piccolo’s comparator module. For a speci ed
window period the comparator’s output is ignored by the digital compare sub-module within the

The designer must specify the number of nanoseconds required for the duration of the blanking
window. This can either be set using the TI’s ControlSUITE or by calling CLS’s
PWM_setBlankingWindow() function. An initial value should be set and its suitability can be
con rmed using an oscilloscope. In the example shown in Figure 5 a window of 420ns is shown.
This can be set up using the functions described below. 10/24
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PWM_configBlanking( PWM_MOD_1,
true );

PWM_setBlankingWindow( PWM_MOD_1,
PWM_nsToTicks(420) );

The PWM_configBlanking() function con gures the digital compare sub-module of the PWM
module to use the output of the comparator as an event trigger.

Design Example
In this example a 12V to 3.3V digital peak current mode Buck converter is designed, however, the
design principles used here can be applied to most other topologies with slight modi cations.

The converter speci cation is as follows:

Parameter Value
VO 3.3V
RL 1.65Ω
L0 22µH
C0 440µF
Ri 0.48
D 0.275
fs 200kHz
fx 10kHz

The switching frequency is chosen as FS = 200kHz and the desired crossover frequency is fX =

Step 1: Calculate the size of the compensating ramp

Calculate the peak-to-peak value of the external compensation ramp required to achieve QC =
1 using Equation 2:

(0.18 − D) R T VI N

i S

(0.18 − 0.275) × 0.48 × 5μs × 12

VPP = −
22 μH

VPP = 0.124V 11/24
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Equation 17

Step 2: Calculate the positions the poles and zeros of our “analog” compensator

In the case of our Buck converter a Type II compensator is used. The transfer function is given in
Equation 7. The pole, ωCP1, is used to cancel out the ESR zero of the output capacitor and
equivalent series resistance:

ω CP1 = ω ESR

ω CP1 = 73, 314rads

(11, 668H z)

The zero of the compensator is used to set the phase margin of the open loop system at the
crossover frequency. An approximate solution which gives reasonable results is to set the zero to
one fth of the crossover frequency.

ω CZ 1 = 12, 566rads

(2, 000H z)

Finally, the pole at the origin (or gain of the compensator) is calculated to achieve the desired
crossover frequency using Equation 10:

ω CP0 = 162, 464rads

(25, 857H z)

Figure 6 shows the frequency response of the plant (i.e. control-to-output transfer function). This
clearly shows the double-pole at half the switching frequency. The choice of compensation ramp
has e ectively damped the resonant peak of this double pole. 12/24
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Figure 6. Bode plot of the plant (control-to-output transfer function)

The frequency response of the compensator is represented by the dotted trace in Figure 7 whilst
the solid trace on this plot represents the combined plant and controller transfer function; this is
the open loop frequency response of our system. The gain and phase margins of our system and
hence its relative stability are determined from this trace.

The controller has been designed to achieve large phase margin at the crossover frequency of
10kHz. The Bode diagram of the open loop system indicates that the poles and zeros of the
controller achieve a phase margin of 74.5° at the crossover frequency. 13/24
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Figure 7. Bode plots of Controller and Open-loop system (GM = 20.1dB,  PM=74.5°)

Step 3: Convert the analog compensator to digital

In the previous step we designed an analog compensator to stabilize our power supply. We now
convert this into its digital equivalent.

We use the bilinear transform for this purpose using the automated tool available at ( .

The following information is entered into the online form:

Crossover frequency of analog pole at origin: fCP0 =
= 25857H z

Frequency of rst pole: fCP1 =
= 11668H z

Frequency of rst zero: fCZ 1 =
= 2000H z

Switching frequency: FS = 200kH z

The result is automatically calculated as:

U [z] B2 z
−2 + B1 z
−1 + B0
H [z] = =
E [z] −A z
−2 −A z
−1 + 1
2 1

Equation 18

Where: 14/24
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A1 = 1.6902106568
A2 = -0.6902106568
B0 = 2.065467832
B1 = 0.1258242849
B2 = -1.9396435478

These are the coe cients that the designer should use with the two-pole two-zero controller
equation. The CSL of course provides a dedicated function of this type of controller.

Step 4: Initialize the controller

When using either the Biricha CSL or controlSUITE the digital current mode controller parameters
are entered at the top of the C le using #define statements.

A reference is used to calculate the digital error value by subtracting the ADC output from the
reference. The digital error value is then used as an input to the controller. Therefore the
reference value must be equal to the digital equivalent of the output voltage multiplied by the
sampling divider gain.

RB 2
REF = VO . .

Equation 19

For the 3.3V output, with a sampling divider gain of 0.5 and 12 bit ADC:

REF = 3.3 × 0.5 ×

REF = 2048

Equation 20

The 2p2z controller can now be con gured by de ning the following constants at the top of the
main C le.

/* Set up the coefficients for the 2p2z controller */

#define REF (_IQ15toF(2048))
#define MIN_DUTY 0
#define MAX_DUTY 65535
#define A1  +1.6902106568
#define A2  -0.6902106568
#define B0  +2.0654678327
#define B1  +0.1258242849
#define B2  -1.9396435478
#define PERIOD_NS  5000 /* Period in ns for fs = 200kHz */

The nal term to be calculated is that of the scaling factor K. This is used to negate the e ects of
the gains within the microcontroller and thus achieve the correct crossover frequency. The value
of K can be calculated accurately; however this is beyond the scope of this text and is discussed in
detail in Biricha’s digital power design workshops.

For the purpose of this application note we start with an initial value of K of say 10, implement the
software and then measure the loop using a Bode 100 network analyzer from OMICRON Lab. K is
then adjusted in software to achieve the correct cross over frequency. In Section 9 we describe
how the code is implemented, we measure the loop and adjust K for a perfect crossover.

Real Life Implementation 15/24
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Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10 represent the owcharts for our system. Both ControlSUITE  and
CSL implementations follow the same software structure and hence the owcharts are valid for
both. Complete listings for both implementations are given in the appendix.

Figure 8.  Main function program ow 16/24
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Figure 9. Main function initialization routine 17/24
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Figure 10. ADC and CLA interrupts

An analysis of the code within the main() function will now be presented. First of all, the system
and peripherals must be initialized before they can be used.

/* Initialize the MCU and ADC */


The PWM module is con gured to operate at the switching frequency of 200kHz. Channel A is
connected to the MOSFET Driver IC and controls the switching of the MOSFET in the Buck power

The duty of channel A is set to 100% duty as with peak current mode control the e ective duty is
determined when the current through the switch reaches the output of the controller. At this
point the PWM signal goes low and the MOSFET turns o .

The counter register resetting to zero is used to trigger the sampling and conversion of the output
voltage. At the end of conversion an ADC interrupt is automatically triggered and the 2p2z
algorithm is executed.

The initialization code within the main() function is discussed below. 18/24
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/* Setup PWM_MOD_1 for fs = 200kHz. PWM1 Ch A is used for switching

* the MOSFET.
PWM_config( PWM_MOD_1, PWM_nsToTicks(PERIOD_NS), PWM_COUNT_UP );
/* Set the maximum duty to 100%. The trip zones (configured later)
* will end the high output of the PWM when the current reaches
* the slope level.
PWM_setDutyA( PWM_MOD_1, PWM_nsToTicks(PERIOD_NS) );

/* Sets the PWM1 Ch B such that the calculations are complete

* just before the rising edge PWM A.
PWM_setDutyB( PWM_MOD_1, PWM_nsToTicks( PERIOD_NS-2450+0 ) );
/* This sets up the PWM Mod1 to start the ADC conversion whenever
* PWM1 Channel B timebase counter matches Ch B’s duty.
/* This sets up PWM Mod1 to generate an interrupt every PWM
* cycle whenever timebase counter = 0.
PWM_setCallback( PWM_MOD_1, 0, PWM_INT_ZERO, PWM_INT_PRD_1 );

The following functions set up the cycle-by-cycle trip of the PWM output triggered by the
comparator output. The PWM_configBlanking() function e ectively connects the comparator
output to the PWM module using the digital compare sub-module. The blanking window size is set
within the digital compare sub-module and the digital compare event is used for the trip zones
con gured within PWM module.

/* This effectively feeds the output of comparator Mod2 into

* PWM Mod1 and activates the blanking by setting the digital
* compare event PWM_DCEVT at the correct time.
  true );
/* Sets the size of the blanking window to 420ns */
PWM_setBlankingWindow( PWM_MOD_1, PWM_nsToTicks(420) );
/* Sets the relevant trip zones: i.e. when PWM_DCEVT occurs clear
* PWM1 Ch A on a cycle by cycle basis but takes no action on
* PWM1 Ch B
PWM_setTripState( PWM_MOD_1, PWM_CH_A,  GPIO_CLR );

The ADC Module 1 is con gured to read and convert the output voltage from Channel B2. The
conversion is triggered from the start of conversion event of PWM module 1. When the conversion
is complete an interrupt is called and the interrupt service routine IsrAdc() is entered. This
interrupt service routine is included in the appendix.

/* Configures ADC to sample Vo when triggered by PWM1 Ch B's

* falling edge
/* When conversion is finished, cause interrupt and jump to IsrAdc
ADC_setCallback( ADC_MOD_1, IsrAdc, ADC_INT_1 );

The control structure is initialized with the values determined from the bilinear transform of the
compensator transfer function. A soft start can also be con gured. 19/24
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/* Initalise the 2p2z control structure */

/* Set up a 500ms soft-start */   
CNTRL_2p2zSoftStartConfig(&MyCntrl, 500, PERIOD_NS );   

The comparator is con gured in asynchronous mode with a non-inverted output. The inverting
input of the comparator is tied to the internal DAC. The DAC value is set by the control algorithm.

/* Configures the comparator Mod2 */


Slope compensation is achieved using the ramp sub-module of the comparator. First, the sub-
module must be synchronized with the PWM period using CMP_rampConfig(). The required ramp
height must be converted to a digital value before being passed as an argument to

CMP_rampConfig( CMP_MOD_2,  PWM_MOD_1 );

decval = CMP_calcRampDec( CMP_mVtoRampValue(124), PWM_freqToTicks(200000) );
CMP_setRampDec( CMP_MOD_2, decval );

Global interrupts must be enabled before any of the interrupts can be serviced. After this, the
execution waits in an idle loop as all of the events will now occur using interrupts.

/* Enables global interrupts and wait in idle loop */

while(1) {}

The complete code listing, including the interrupt functions, can be found in the appendix.

The code entry is now complete. The nal value to be determined is that of the gain term, K, which
determines the correct crossover. This scales the output of the controller to a digital value that is
suitable for use with the DAC of the comparator module and negates the e ects of the gains
within the system. Initially this scaling factor was set to 10. The most e ective way to determine
the correct scaling factor is to measure the frequency response of the complete system using a
network analyzer.

The Bode 100 Vector Network Analyzer from OMICRON Lab is used to measure the frequency
response of the converter by injecting a small-signal perturbation on to the output voltage and
measuring the response of the system.

The code is compiled and downloaded to the microcontroller. The working converter is connected
to the Bode 100 by means of a small injection resistor (9.1&) in the output voltage feedback path
to the ADC of the microcontroller. 20/24
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Figure 11. Frequency response of open loop system. Measured using Bode 100 from

The correct value for K can be determined from the frequency response data shown in Figure 11
as follows. Record the gain, in decibels, at the desired crossover frequency. Using Equation 21 the
required value of K can be calculated using the initial value for K, KINIT.

K = KI N I T ×

10 20

Equation 21

In this case, at the required crossover frequency of 10kHz, the magnitude response of the open
loop system is recorded as -12.47dB. Therefore, for this system, K is calculated in Equation 22.

K = 10 × = 42.0243
10 20

Equation 22 21/24
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Figure 12. Frequency response of open loop system. Measured using Bode 100 from

The code is updated with the new calculated value for K. After recompiling and updating the
microcontroller the frequency response sweep is performed again to con rm the correct
crossover frequency. The result in Figure 12 shows a crossover of 10kHz with 70.5 degrees of
phase margin. The system is stable and has a fast transient response.

An accurate analytical method for calculating the scaling gain K is taught in the workshops
presented by Biricha Digital. Visit
( for more information.

In Figure 12 the simulated open loop model (dashed line) is compared with the measured results
(solid line). The low frequency discontinuities are to be expected.

The top magnitude plot of Figure 12 shows a particular characteristic of digital converters that is
apparent at low frequencies. The gain is less than the simulated model. This is due to a
combination of the quantization e ects of the ADC and the precision of the xed point arithmetic.
This result draws parallels to the gain-bandwidth-product limitation of analog operational
ampli ers and a similar result also found in the analog domain [6].

The lower phase plot of Figure 12 shows good agreement with the predicted model around the
crossover frequency. Phase roll-o becomes apparent as the perturbation frequency approaches
the switching frequency. At lower frequencies the quantization and xed point arithmetic again
mask the e ects of the pole at origin. 22/24
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Overall the measured results show a good correlation to the results of the model. The measured
open loop gain crosses the 0dB axis at the desired crossover frequency with approximately 70.5
degrees of phase margin and a 10dB gain margin.

This application note has described a method for designing a digital peak current mode power
supply. An example of a Buck converter is used to illustrate this process. The measured small-
signal frequency response of the digital power supply matches with the predicted response from
the current mode model.

The digital power supply o ers advantages over the analog equivalent. This is a software solution
which can easily be modi ed to meet end user requirements. One Piccolo can be used to control
multiple power supplies and advanced or non-linear control methods are possible. The designer
can use the remaining microprocessor bandwidth to perform other tasks such as predicting
possible failures.

This application note has explained one possible implementation of a digital power supply.
Further applications of digital power are explored from a hardware designer’s perspective in the
Digital Power Workshops available from Biricha Digital. Visit
( for more information.

[1] Ridley, R.B., A new, continuous-time model for current-mode control [power convertors],
Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on (1991), pp. 271-280

[2] Biricha Digital Power Ltd. Digital Power Multi-Day Workshop (2010), pp. 168

[3] Ridley, R.B., A New Small-Signal Model for Current-Mode Control, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, PhD. Thesis (1990)

[4] Cooke, P., Modeling average current mode control [of power convertors] (2000), pp. 256-262

[5] Tang, W. and Lee, F.C. and Ridley, R.B., Small-signal modeling of average current-mode control
(1992), pp. 747-755

[6] Hallworth, M. and Shirsavar, S.A., Microcontroller Based Peak Current Mode Control Using
Digital Slope Compensation, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on (2012)

Click here to download the article and appendix in PDF format.

Important Notice
All material presented in this application note, associated software, exercises, appendices and any
oral presentations made by or on behalf of Biricha Digital Power Ltd are for educational purposes
only, are not intended for production or commercial applications and may contain irregularities
and defects or errors. Furthermore, none of the material has been tested or certi ed by any
government agency or industry regulatory organization or any other third party organization.

Biricha Digital Power Ltd makes no warranties or representations, express, implied or statutory,
including any implied warranties of merchantability, tness for a particular purpose, lack of
viruses, lack of patent infringements, accuracy or completeness of responses and lack of 23/24
10/10/2016 Biricha Digital Power Ltd

negligence. Prior to using, incorporating or distributing any of the material that has been included
in this application note in any commercial product, you must thoroughly test the product and the
functionality in that product and be solely responsible for any problems or failures.

In no event shall Biricha Digital Power Ltd, or any applicable licensor, be liable for any special,
indirect, incidental, or punitive damages, however caused, arising in any way out of your use of the
material presented in the DPS Workshop. These excluded damages include, but are not limited to,
cost of removal or reinstallation, procurement of substitute goods or services, outside computer
time, labour costs, loss of data, loss of goodwill, loss of pro ts, loss of savings, loss of use or
interruption of business or other economic loss. 24/24

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