History of Zanzibar Part 3-Nationalism in Zanzibar

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Ethnic Associations
Before the rise of political parties, nationalist movement in
Zanzibar was organized along and expressed through ethnic
notably arabs, mainlanders, shirazy and Asians (Indians) each
had a semi- cultural and semi-political association.
Arab association
Arab association was originally formed by Arabs to fight for
compensation for Arab ex-slave owners affected by abolition of
slave trade. However, with the time, the association widened its
scope to protect the interest of Arabs in general.
African association:
The African association was established in 1934. Most of its
supports were mainlanders and was associated with TAA till the
mid 1940s.
Shiraz association:
The Shirazi association was formed in 1939 in Pemba but later
spread its activities to the rest of the protectorate. The
motivation behind its formation was to safeguard the interest of
indigenous Zanzibar population (Wahamidu, watumabtu and
Party Politics
Party politics in Zanzibar, as in the rest of East Africa came
rather late compared say to the most West Africa. Zanzibar party
politics was mainly dominated by Zanzibar Nationalist Party
(ZNP) and Afro-Shiraz Party (ASP). Other parties were
Zanzibar and Pemba People’s Party (ZPPP) and Umma Party.
Zanzibar Nationalist Party (ZNP)
One of the most influential organized sources of opposition to
colonial rule in Zanzibar was ZNP. Unlike most political parties
in colonial Africa, it originated from a backward rural areas
where systematic articulation of political issues was a rare
The origin of ZNP goes back to the middle of 1955 when a
group of peasant in the village Kiembe Samaki established a
political party called the Nationalist Party of the Subject of
Sultan of Zanzibar (NPSS). The party was then renamed
Zanzibar Nationalist Party.
Afro-Shiraz Party (ASP)
Early in 1957, apparently as response to the formation of ZNP,
leaders of Africa and Shirazy Association met to discuss the
possibility of forming joint political party which would compete
with ZNP. Finally they agreed to form Afro-Shirazy Union
(ASU) which was later renamed Afro Shirazy Party (ASP).
The Zanzibar And Pemba Peoples Party (ZPPP)
Toward the middle of 1959 there was misunderstanding with top
leadership of ASP. This misunderstanding led to expulsion and
resign of some party top leaders including Ameir Tajo,
Mohamed Shamte and Othamn Sharif. Toward the end of 1959
these three formed the new party Zanzibar and Pemba Peoples
Party (ZPPP). The party was open to members of all races but it
was especially meant to the shirazy who wanted to avoid arab
domination in ZNP and the African control in ASP.
Umma Party
Shortly before July, 1963 election the conflict occurred in the
ZNP that led to the split of the party. The defector led by
Abdurahman Babu who was still general secretary of the party
formed their own party called Umma Party.
Nature of Zanzibar politics
The pre independence party politics and campaign in Zanzibar
was one of cut-throught political rivalry and racial bitterness.
Political campaign especially from June 1961 were accompanied
by instance of violence between supporters of rival parties. Party
conflict was easily transformed into racial conflict. Lofchie has
cogently summarized the background of this state of affairs.
The root of the trouble lay in the very nature of Zanzibar politics
particularly in the fact that the party membership is either based
or regarded as being based on racial divisions with result that for
Zanzibaris party conflict is barely distinguished from racial
conflict. In 1961 two bitter election campeings with in a six
month period fraught with anxieties about the possible enormity
of the consequences of victory or defeat produced an
atmosphere bordering on hysteria.
Zanzibar towards independence
Between 1961 and 1963 three general elections were made. The
parties contested seats for legislative councils. Almost all these
election there was a stiff competition between two major parties
namely ZNP and ASP. Between January 1961 to July 1963,
three general election were held. In all these elections ASP won
the number of votes but without clear majority to legislature.
Votes % No Votes % Seat Votes % Seat
. s s
Jan. 36,69 40. 10 32,72 35. 9 19,45 17. 3
1961 8 2 4 8 1 0
June, 45,17 49. 10 31,72 35. 10 12,41 13. 3
1961 2 9 4 0 1 7
July, 87,08 54. 13 47,95 20. 12 25,60 15. 6
1961 5 3 0 8 9 9

January 1961 election

As seen in the above table, the result of January 1961 election
show the win of 10 seats for ASP, for ZNP 9 and 3 for ZPPP.
After this election two major parties sought cooperation of the
ZPPP for coalition. This demonstrated political instability in
ZPPP. One member joined ASP and the two members joined
ASP. The split gave each of the major parties eleven seats in the
legislature thereby causing political stalemate.
June 1961 election
The next election in Zanzibar held in June 1961. To avoid
another tie in this election, one more constituency was added. In
this election ZNP and ZPPP fought as a partnership and formed
coalition government.
July 1963 election
The poll were given last chance in July, 1963 to decide the fate
of Zanzibar. The winning party in this election would lead
Zanzibar to independence. In this election as the above table
indicate ASP won more votes than other parties, yet they won
only 13 seats out of thirty one. The ZNP and ZPPP jointly won
18 seats. On 10th December, 1963 British granted independence
to the people of Zanzibar under ZNP and ZPPP coalition
government. Mohd Shamte from ZPPP became the Prime
minister and Ali Muhsin from ZNP became minister for internal
affair. With this independence ZNP in alliance with ZPPP
became ruling party while ASP became the main opposition
party in legislative council. Umma party had no representative in
the LEGCO worked closely with ASP.
Zanzibar revolution
1963 independence and therefore ZNP and ZPPP coalition
government was not positively welcome by ASP as the main
opposition party and her ally Umma party. ASP held its position
that it had majority supports as manifested in all elections
therefore it the the one deserve to rule the country. The party
condemned British colonial government for making techniques
and handing over Zanzibar independence to ZNP/ZPPP alliance.
Having failed to acquire power through constitutional means
(election) ASP in collaboration with Umma party opted to
revolution. Accordingly, ASP in collaboration with Umma Party
carried out a bloody revolution on January, 1964. With a month
or so, the ZNP-ZPPP coalition government was overthrown. The
ex-ministers were imprisoned, but Sultan Jamshed bin Abdalla,
fled to Britain.
Why ZNP-ZPPP Government was easily overthrown?
Reasons for Revolution
 ASP dissatisfaction on 1963 electoral result and
subsequently ZNP-ZPPP independent coalition government
 Failure of ASP to acquire power through peaceful
constitutional means.
 Long term historical racial and political enmity between
 Umma-Party hatred against ZNP.
 Weakness of newly ZNP-ZPPP government. Government
was still young not yet consolidated itself militarily. (One
month old).
 Government failure to restore justice and democratic rule
which were among the primary objectives of the people
anti-colonial struggle.
 Government repressive majors against opposition
especially Umma party. For example banning of the party
on 6 December, as well as party’s newspaper and
confiscation of all party’s as assets. There was also plan
for treason charges against umma party leaders. A charge
which carried mandatory death penalty.
 The government issued instruction to the effect that all
police officers of mainland origin were to be identified with
the view to retrench them from the service as soon as
possible. These police not only lost confidence to the
government but also turned into potential enemy.

What were the objectives of Zanzibar Revolution?

 Eradicate racial discrimination
 Restoration of justice.
 Restoration of unity among Zanzibar people.
 Improve economic condition of people of Zanzibar
 Improve social condition/services (education, water, health
 Bring about majority rule
 Bringing social-economic equality among the people of
 To bring about democratic rule in Zanzibar.
UNION between Tanganyika and Zanzibar
The unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in April 1964 was
the first political union between independent countries ever to
take place on the African continent in the post-colonial era. And
it continues to be a subject of interest among many people more
than 40 years after its consummation.
It was preceded by the Zanzibar revolution which took place on
12 January 1964. Three months later, the new nation of
Tanzania was formed after the two former independent states of
Tanganyika and Zanzibar surrendered their sovereignties to a
supra-national entity which came to be officially known as the
United Republic of Tanzania.

The union was a milestone in the history of post-colonial Africa

and in the continent's quest for unity and had an impact that is
still felt today, decades after it was formed.

There are some people in Tanzania including some leaders who

think the union was a mistake. Some people say it was formed in
hurry without seriously considering all the issues involved. And
there are those who say the union should not have been formed
at all and that the two countries of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
should have remained separate entities with full sovereign status
they attained when they won independence from Britain on
separate dates.
Reasons for Union?
 The proximity of the Islands to the Mainland
 A common language
 Friendship between TANU and the ASP
 Common cultural tradition
 Blood relationship.

Benefit and challenges of union

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