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AE ~ 000127 Annex-IL Master of Planning (Urban and Regional Planning) Course Structure and Syllabus for ‘Two Year Masters Degree Programme in Planning (ds approved by the Academie Council of SPAV om its V Mestng hold om June 18, 2015, ont Board of Suds in Planning om Mestng held on November 18,2014 ‘and ratified om March 07,2015 at SPAV Nidamanura campus) (Effective rom Academic Year 2014-19) others e. Yat 2elbe I Schoo! of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada ‘An Institute of National Importance, MHRO, Govt. of INDIA. Sy [San + 000128 Introduction ‘Maser of Plannine (Urban and Relonal Planning) ‘Master of Planaing (Urban & Regional Planing), abbreviated ae MPlan (URE, i « mates degree ‘ourse in planing offered by School of Planing ané Architect, Vijsyawad, I er speciation i ‘Usban& Regional Faning ‘The ky objective ofthe cou i to eau the stdents with adequate skills eqired to compel wba and regional asus and to ale phic, soci-coonri, eu, polite and eecogial dimensions ofthe luman selemenis. The couse is designed wo provide neesary expose to varios planning process, maging tenis anc other related udvanod tecnica knowhow. It inten to cnt ‘wars the eration ofprofessioas inthe eld and hence to cats tothe spec needs ofthe nd nd academies, Dring te cour, the students wl be povided wih ample opportunities to trict with ‘he subject experts, relent rpanisations, et. The couse enables the dents fo gn real Gime ‘experience trough he ivolvenent in the ongoing or Live projet ‘M.Plan (URE) is two-year couse consisting of four somes The course stu ad syllabus is |» | 3 | 2 Saas MPISIO$ | Quantiative Metiods a J vais [Fences Tso so[ - [roo] a | 0 | 3 Tare [Fg eo ed weisior [Secoemnonevinemmor™ | sof so] -[uofs | o | > | 3 Sas [oe Par sar] fae on {asta wo eT ase] 30 ud Semester Distribution of Maris | Distribution of cate oun Tine sparen | cram meee pe | SETaS | pee oa eaecsme [2st a GE TTS | Gap [ww] = foots pops | ROR Ca Ba a q Tad bows x» fo] - v2 cass | aa sme TI ee oe lal eel nce ee ee ar oNT ToT oe ae ef Toes eat UI | Bete Depp j ; Bear? so[%|- |i} a | o 3 TANG [eer eee —— fae ee toa [Renee band — arse ros est vais BSE Fro a Heiwxrensiete= Toys - [mls | o| > | > OTN: soe [a a fre esa eset ero te-sareang H-tepestes ortngeteoee Bae Palen Aetet~ Paint MUD st beret joes = a ee ag = Phe a, te Comply ee onl ang kip ou wes) tr son ee MPa tia 20% # ~ 000330 ‘oman it ntti la ‘Third Semester vane | PR Code Distrbation of Maris | periods per meek | Credits a Dae De eo ae FREE ope pa tot MURS Eee TaraRaoe =[»|-fwl> [els] > runes »|-fwlsfelals PURI »[=|-[mls }els[o ‘ronan [Rexom!Paningswto [an] [wo] | 0 [a fa |e ANYONE HORST | Bees rates Poe eT eset verona [Beeiez treaties T fo | fm] 3 [| [>] > Eee S iemataiooos sro | Bee aes »[o|-fwl> [els]. MUR Beste Toe T [so] [wo a Po Po | a SEE | som hace [| | eet | SOP [OS ora e050 Tom] be ane | ea Code ‘Course Title Dhirtbaton of Mars | period per meck | Credits ee ee TORI | Beta Fe soi ail ra esa era ells PORES | Panga ar asl eT eye aes ‘arunan | anges «wo | - [of wo [0 faefae | ae OTK ar} Tso} Fa Pe a PhS Penn batten Te Tah MP=MPoming R= on & Raion) Som, sD ~Seba 30S) = 3 Sune ‘MUR ina be a MP-Mrninc =U gad be Bs 207 n= PS Note: Cred for each je are hs ah amber 0 tr / pre hwsper weck, whichever igh ‘enon sn Slot Pearl Recs “000331 a Sc ih af i tna aia First Semester (Integrated) [MPIS{02 Introduction to Information Systems Numer of Crete 3 sbjet Category La Teste Pas Week ° Tatra Avert 0 Prasale/LaWoreop FeotsWeck 3 Era Dy EY Toul ede 3 ‘otal Mar 100 iid Fol ek eee So a ‘Object: To make ware ef eran stan nd develo a computing ss een plang Units Information System Concepts and Components Denon of information Systems, fictions of an information sytem, components, hrc, YP, ‘os, loop; ntoduton to DEMS. uni Information Stems for lanang Systems approach to planning, we of information systems or planing relevant software for CAD, GIS, Remote Sensing. ‘Unie: Data Sourees ‘Nationa Uebn infomation System (NUS), Nation! Spatial Data Tfastuctre, Natural Reaves Dat ‘Management Stem, Biodiversity infonnaion Syren; Inan Bi resource infrmation Network, Water ‘Resoree Information Sytem (WRIS),EtvironmentilLfoemation System; Bhuvan; Nainal Remote Sensing Cente Indin Space Resarch Organization (ISRO); Cosus of nda, National Sample Survey ‘Organisation (NSO), Ditestoate of Economic and Sttsis, University Consortium for Geograptic Taformaton System (UCC), standarization of sofware, Open Geospiti Consortnm (OCC), GIS tiie; GDAUOGR, Cena Statistical Office (CSO), Arcteclogial Survey of India (ASN, National Family Health Survey (NFHS) Polution Cont! Boards, Meteorlon. ‘Unled:——_tnfrma snd Communications Technologies Introduction to compute rdvate and software; Communications technologies and Network; Severs and is types: data storage systems, files and dalabases; Operating software; aplicaions packages snd ter wien programs; Ope source and propery GIS software; Wed GIS and Location Based Services, Usit tare Information Systems tout compuing; Charles and components, 3D visualization; Big data management; Onfne ‘Amyieal ocening Date yarshotsing and at ming, Daa charng a acy ‘Suggested Readings 1. Ria Gand Mtani #(2010, Gea! Dat Isaumcnre Con, Cuts a Con pre, Ont (veya Or 2 Gonchar sf nl 200, YD! cto nda AMEN Serr, Depatne o Spc in 5 Ser tisete gpg eng Aa on men iy anton Lad TART a on Gi Moca foto Sen 13 Sate ive: Proc fl pions, ay "0001322 ‘sme ca Pin eta ‘MPISIO3 Evolution of Human Setdements and Pl a amber of Cres 3 Subject Category Theay eet PeousWer, 2 Intl Arent ‘* Pratl LakWorksopPeiddWerk 0 End Evalunon Ey ‘eal PeoleWesk i ‘Toa Nsria 100 Tea re es Se Objective: Toei the set wh the repre nog of conventional and contemporary plang touga ‘lai nat of vt ine profesion, planing approaches and mls Po would bon Pera ‘recede and ibn emenf planner an fur lamin pres Unitt: Planning Conepts Setlement stems, Clasifcaion of setemens, primate city, cena place concep, concepts of compemesaty te, central pods and services range tresholi es iy-rpion relations each of ‘ity repions, area of influence, cominane; rau ngs; plsh and pl fates maton ned for Planing; Scalar arengenens i Planning (eral, meas, et eons, city ad lca ae plas), Unie2: Rational Plannag Approaches and Models ‘Systems approach to planing Comprehensive development plan; Palin in planing, Static Planning; Strctre plans; Inerenena planning; Bquity based planning: Inclusive pinning, Feat Planning theory; Parcgeory planing ~ Collaborative and eommnieatve planing; lea res pln, ‘hasng of plan integration wif ive year plan, atual pn, ee. Models = Gravity mode: Interven pportiity models; Poli eesomy model; New economie prgrapy odes & plobaliation model Units: Teetmiques of Pan Preparation Survee, Techniques of canducing surveys fr lind wt, building se, density, structural condition of twilding, hehe of bung, tnd tanta and phyicalfestres of land, Techniques of mappings ‘methodologies, physical survey land we clasfeaton, base mp pepaaton fr various evel ata Data requirement for vviowt types of plans, Planing standrde and regulations ~ Spatial sands, ‘esforaace standards and stands or lilies, URDPEI gains, evelopment onl regulations, Unité: Methods and Ts Analytical methods toes pramming, heshold analysis, simustion, tank sioe rule, sealopar, sociogram, luster and fstor aus, delinetonteiaigues, SWOT ange; denmpraphic analy, location models, gravity model Units: merging and Future Trends ering schoo! of thoughts a doctrines; Recent and contmnporuy conibutions to the changing lana pares; Planing fe future and in ft vision developmen, stateising,Inplementaon ‘of planning polities and developmen plans, ‘Suggested Readings: 4 al MUO, San eto Sate Ping Pre i Thre Ur Rin, Fin Thy sl 2 Fa (79) Pia Tho Paani hn een UK 3. etna J Te Mis Pf Big ory Coy Pa Sas dG pin, NY. 4 Lm ACB. G00, a nao Mngt i Hay Auton Gog S69) 5-2. » 000133 ‘Gmina irr oi ina MEISIO€ Planning Techaiques and Quantitative Methods Number of Ces 3 Subject Category ‘Theory {este Paden 3 Ineral Aseasment 2 Prscal/latWrisopPeodsVeek 0 Eni Bvhaion Ey ‘oll Ped Week 3 ‘Toul Nas 100 Objective: To age profile instal ange and ale cond compra es employing est mpre niet: Introduction te Statistical Methods Statistical data ~ Types of dat sonia, orl, interval and aio; Discrete versus continous dats; ‘Nomercl data properies and snesores Sundard notation; Dats collection, coding and decoding, ) methods, tabulation and gape presentation of dita; Trequenoy distribution; Mearurcs of ental Tendeney met, actin, nde; Measures of sperson ~ ange, variance, standard deviation, skewed tisibuten, kus lttoducn to spend shot and satstcal software, ‘Unit 2: Probabiity Semping dstibutons and Testing of Hypothesis fnroduetion to probability; Discrete random variables and probably distibuins Ssmpting ‘Snibcons-T a F dtrbatin; Tests of iypothesis- ype I & enor, one tailed and we ted ex, ‘hisquae tes stdetT tes Unies: Correlation aud Regression CConetton~ seater plot dignns, comlaon coefficients, simple comelation, paris comeation: Lest Squire mod; Assumpons of regression sali, Linear reaession, multiple regression; Dummy ‘ables Functional ferns; Bary dependent variables astument variables; Tne sexes analysis ‘Units: Appleton of Vita Statstes in Spain Planning. lementty assocition models and decison making; Index number, weighted and un-weighted index umber; Applian f dex mbes in spatial lansing; calculation teengoes of vital events ‘Units: Demography Methods of demography and prpulatin tues —popslaton potions, ntodution to Census data and sample surveys. Suggested Readings: ‘ire eect, Gm neon Sr Rees cde Gore Gap 201, rot Sar aon Che nd ots Da ‘Wg loc’ Eamon Neer pach Tana Pr No ay ~ 000124 ‘Sms Ao iii ‘MEISUOS Habitat and Environment Planning Number of Ces 3 Stet Category Theay etre Preaek 3 Tiel Assement 3 Pts LabWosstopPesodsWeck 0 En Fralanon a ‘onl PeodaWose ; ‘oa Ma 10 Se ee ec Objective: To sve igh on lb end cal sof icone concen and inrac fani ‘oma and pli lated hing, itt: ‘Meaning and componcats of mutt; Dac concepts of ecology, process of flow of material, wate, neray invasion, sucesso, pion reultry forces, adaption, topic level foot cai, fod we loge pyramids; Belogy and thee relevance to plaoning: Modifications in natal environnen ‘cases and consoqueacs, Unlt2: Global & Lacal Concer for Environment voltion of human selemens Civilizations and impact on environment; Contemporary exvrwamcnal scours; Green agen and bevn agenda; Global envionment movement Eavroument snd povery, vines! management an envicounesal planning; Global warming, cliate change, Eilon! ‘ives; Brut land's Commisson's Repr; Agenda 71; Chub of Rome Reports UNEP charter. Unit3: Environmental Resources: Consumption, Conservation and Recycling Environmental resources and ecosystem seevies; Concepts of nara reserves; Consumptico, conservation and reeyeting of sources, Inia's eaveoamentl programs; Government of Inn's ois relating to forest, wii hil, waterrsources, wastelands hls, conslines, oceans, ce, Unité: ing and Bait Environment Sigifcance of housing inmaticnal develope goals; Housing a abasic eattlement - cone iss of owing, fist affecting residential fcaion, theoretical knowledge of eclogcal, neo-cnscl, Inituionl appretc ohowsng estimating housing shorts, busing Ned, curent methods of demand assessment, typologies of Howing, housing noens; Densities aid stars; Urban spew. and ‘vironmental damages; Gener bse placing of neighbours and huran settee, ‘Unit: Housing Sectors Acts and Policies Affordable Hossng Housing forte low income groups ~ hans abd sguniter semen, investment ia housing in pubic and privat sso Cooperative howing, objectives and principles, management ad Snsncing ofhousng projects; Acs, plies and programmes; Compara pote aaa Suggested Reading: ‘Se & conan 20 Se of ns nmol Ci Rayo, CSE, Nor D ‘i Cane G0 Howmg a Ube Tames on New ek ‘lent Ba, Hust ney Te Maca Comps, Yo ou. X90 Lol Ba nF thn ER Nor Be Deena Png Santo Pay cae go Dy ~ 000135 costes Nr oi iP [MPISI06 —Infrastructare Planning Naber of Ces 3 Stet Category Thea {Usstige Pea Wack 3 Tier Ase 2 rca LabWovkabop PeodsNeck 0 Eaton Sa ‘oa eWeek 3 ‘Toul Macs 100 “Otectie T prove exponents and bso relat to physical plone in ploming and ‘leg whan and rein jrecracre ni Introduction te ofrastractare Planaing Inmprtnoe of infastucnr,cjoctves of the Ulli, services planning and implications on public heath an enviroment, Boome introduction to policies and programmes in infastucteplaming: Ioues and concerns of muintnng the wits and series, cod ard importance of service level ‘enchnats of water supply, sation, ewertge, sold waste nid vansparalo ‘Unit2: ——Phystal Infrastructure Role of physical planner in planning of wiles and services; Water supply dusibution system, sto ‘waar detindge te, sewerpe syst, solid waste anageent, elect ditbution system Units: Socal Tafrastucture “Type of svial infarcts; Health eure - essential service, availability, access and uilistin, Manduds, public and privat ito, polices, Natonal Rural Heltiare Mision, hierarchy of health ‘ae etablshmests;Edocation primary aud secondary efuctionalisitons, standart, policies, sght tw edition (RTE) Public snd community spaces ~reeaona, afey and secs. Unitas Trans portation Tntodustion to tasport and tavel; Understanding wavel from the mobility, economie, scil- pojcbologit, tinctpace perpestiv;, Transporation planning proces; Tntoducon t four stage frodeling, Lan we snd tnnsportaon integration; Demand sad supply of transport, Congestion pricing. ‘ces oren development: Trasprt Pricing, Basic transport economic mad! Units: Emerging and Futur Infrastructure Spal das infstocres Topco ecaolog on infact; Other cones, componcats nd arnewert, Suggested Readings: 1. Bln ome Mish Mil 209, od Sofa nd Chater Oparis. vey of ‘cen Tete atin inp eet DN UnATRLDO] ) 2 Sort a il 010, Sebo ton taser ten Dvd ‘vinta nt inpoameSeiee le Siietbttonme ts vines Wig pnt Reng Sie Ful tong Ce Can Br Sa 06), Th Grp of Trp Ss ate. ~ 000136 ‘Stason Us an Pe MEISIO2 —Socio-Feonomic Dimensions in Planning uber of Credits 3 Sabet Category ‘Theory {eared ok 3 Inter Ase o PratelsaWedstopPeoseWeck 0 End rauton EY ‘ToalPeiedaWes 3 ‘ot Na 100 jv: To provide epost conc hoy ond nes rang to s0a-enaneapets towed planing often dn proc mrtg ofthe ony nt com of nao an sip pt oe Units: Introduction te Sosiology Definion and scope of socidbgy; Concepts of socolgy-scity, sxisl sytems, social since, insttion and organization; Coxe of sacs and peopl; Sociology a planing ‘Unit2: Social Groups, Such Iasues, Rural and Urban Sosilogy CConempoary sccologial thes; Social structre and soial change; staifcaton and social pally; Introduction to arr, industrial and morn society and spatial fraton, Linking soil strove and physical sructie of village and urban stlement; magia, roca, soa insion and exelisio;Inqoaiyand eqs Chilérenyowh and gende cet lang. ‘Unit3: Applied Economics Goods and Services Definition of economics - terms used in exonomisrelted our an eon planning (URE); central problems of ezonomiss Basis of mire and macroeconomics; eof econ in planing, Deaton ‘faced demand and soppy Lew of demand and soppy, types of dandy Theory of Seman and uly, esti of demand and spply- suse in planing Typet of coos sod tht application a spt planning. Unité: Land Reonomies eonomic concept of lnd,ojetves and scope of ln economist relevance for spat planing, eonomie principles of land utes, Beonomic ren abd use end and vale, matt tneclansn and land tse pate Units: Eronomies of ecstion and Panning. ‘Anlyis of locaton of specifi ses ke resides, industrial commer and inttin in the ight of location theories in intra-eponal an inks-reoral conten; Tecnigues f cot beef nalyss of bas Aevelopmen rogaine Suggested Readings: 1 ein (20, Gsspeny Uni: len Pat nt my nd Py wl Progeny, Senna stan an aga evan Yl 253, Sapte 9.9, 2 Beer aT Cid Gap hay sn Nl Ais, Val 4 3. DESmtaM QDI Pi gh Mh Cn Defoe aia Sra Ch ei Ve 0 8, 315 4 de, Cespe M202, Men Soy Rnd Ret Lndn ~ 000137 cnn MPs si Pai) MPISIOL Area PlanningStuto Number of Ceits 2 Sabet Cargo sudo etre Pod Weck 0 Total Aenea! 0 Protea Lab Wodstop PeodaWeck 12 era ry 20 ‘Tos Pit Wek 2 ‘eal ‘0 ‘jen: To anal he tds west the racio-economl ad pole conte along with the ln ‘nomi of tesa rca in relation tothe village and the ey. The fos of hs tuto wl be develop he ‘dole in ar appreciation and map clue. ‘Aro eppecision stadia he vile, neighborhood and sub-ity levels to gin exposure on te socio- ‘Sonos sptorulturl covinnmentl charserisie and related sus. The emphasis would be onthe ‘parton of plan rug comprehensive surveys, obseration studies, interviews and oasis, The end foul would be 1 plan for ronal physical and soclneconomic inerventions for susan aad Hancnious development of tefutue Literature and Documentary Review (Two weeks): Search and review of relevant ite. ‘Village Planning (Iwo mes: Preparation of plans forthe deat villages by studying the sia, Deciocconomicy savumetal and qovernanoe spect. Understanding how development impacts Wilagen tnd fhe commits. Apeedting the need foe balancing development with sustaining the Tivelboods of rari communi an raw plan for oggstdintervetions forthe emmy [Neighbourhood Planning (Fin weeks) Preparation of neighbourhood plan considering diet wer Ipoupe Tis may leo inveve he preparation of esideatil site plans (Io and high densi) preferably ‘caeas whare new developments recom up. ‘Area Appreciation atthe subity level (Two weeks): Undentanding the inkages Detween ilfent ‘pets of socioeconomic ein relation the lnd-e in the cies, Preparation of aren pole inthe ‘Sb, ruc av retdential, commercial, reat, indus, slum area and instal aes, Studying {npest of lands, enol aud sci-cultal aeties on the physical envionment ofthe ares Students need to understand the need fora balmoed development with incorporation of elements Tike Sitainbiliy,livetion) envronmmesial protest, inelsine growth end institutional engagement. fa ‘din, emphasis wl be pe or ebuncing the commonication sills of te tudes ‘Suggested Readings: 1. Govrmat of ni 201), ron ond Rail Doone Plane Fora Inpnenon(URDPFD ‘ase vl 1s td Cnty Main iat Hy fbr Dap, Now Deh Set eeeasacnd Att ad Cy of Wee's Pang oper nl Dasma Derm of Pog ‘hdd Une Drone 4 Cue fr Deli Nobo Pl {Thoms ax 00 rng on Dan Hobo rw i Politics ‘SRI B00 kr eet nis Plr and Nowe ap Pesos Pot Lal No DB Se noe eS ~ 000128 ‘Sse natn Ui ai) Second Semester MPUR202 Applications of Geo-Informaties ‘Name of Cte 3 Sue Cngoy Le [tre Pod Week a Intra Astent o PracieslaWodtstopPsodiesk 3 Extn ry 3 ‘Toul Pree 3 Tots 109 Objective: Toei with he conc of enor and comping sls inte levent sofware, acd ‘lofi ol ond three sd piel ban nd ei plan Unit ts Introduction toGeo-nformat Deiiniions - Gooinoemstic, emote Sensing, Geopaphic Information Sytem (GIS), Spatial Data Infastuctr; the conept of euth suiceproectons and geld; iiations of DBMS, egincrng eawings and GADD packages = the need for GIS, Spat and non-sptlda raster and yetor daly ‘povalthematis model, Unlt2: Remote Sensing emote Sensing (RS) -Types ofRS: passive and ative, lettres petra pltfrms — sce ait ‘nd ground; data capuring exneepls (uli retum conoep), dig images - stelle and seal photography, reolton, geomferencing, projections, nage procesingeahancesnn, rectification, ‘rnsfbcnation; image clastifcxion and andj, digit! elevation models, photogrammetric methods integration pplication, stereo de anny, teescopy an ingaleton, Unit3: Geographic Infrmation Systems Components ofa GIS; spatial and abate dats np an ouput spt data entry data stuctre for Gis, vector data stuctres, Cootinste systems; Geode dats - point positioning. problem, ‘measurements, sail nays wing ab module, et; Relevt Spal amas Sofware, Dats ceaton and query, Map prepurtion ~ Ceozeferecing dptantcn, sales, lye, yout, foplony creation, ‘spatial date ani = baler, ovlay, 3D amlyss and sodeling, Einering ab wdvanecdlehnology websennbed GIS, GPS tacking and monitoring, model ble, tanpurncy though CS, come ‘stcipation rough OI, monitoring and managemeat, mobile geoeptl data collection sei ma rapping, emerseey respon planing Unit 4: Concepts of Spatial Data Infeastrut (SD) Framework of geospatial data, Interacively connected wert and tol Agreements on geo-aptal ‘anda, Policies to faite acess to geo-spaal dat by aes, lastunal arengemeats, ie of SDL ‘0 communicate spatial dts, iss, guidance and services for wan sid elon planing, Units: Applications in Urn and Regional Planning ‘Preparation of ase map, ind ws maps, uly and nfs maps arn delieatin eta mae tes ‘Area delineation, inentoy preparation of clases Condon atesment of specifi tes, (Quinte measizemeat of landscape sures; Vulesbiliy mapping end Monitering Suggested Readings: ‘aK el 200, Rating nd I ada Pros, De inti CoD, iodo anon, oar Fic Lond San Vn i ab tae Cora Se En CR Pra 3 Ein, NY, Richt Al XX 200 oot Song ie eet etme Buhne, Lon » 000139 um eas Sali Sto Pie enti [MPUR2I3 City and Metropolitan Planning Number of Crete 3 [stu Peds Weske : Priel LaWoshop Paiot/Wesk 0 ‘Tole Wesk ‘jens: To aware of th pet ch at wrbon growth tem, ages beeen ly and reo, roland ‘toes metro end mea cites on ln fr he meroplon res. Unies: Tatrodution Concept and approaches to meropoltn planning; Theozing the clye Chicago school, Postmodem ‘schoo, Poet struct school Cra urtan theory Unit2: Metropolitan Areas Delineation techniques of metmpolitan ara; Primate ety; Mevo and mega cesses, procases and ‘ead; urton elt Unit 3: Urban Spraw ‘Unban sat end suburbniztion Core piers Transit rented development loa city and City regions; ban a aa fenton, ba al continau; wan spn projetins Unité: Urban Heonomy ian economies City as growth engine; Eoonomic restructuring: The Post 1973 World; Neocbe ‘ie Gentifeaton andthe Revanchist Cy, Public space and righ othe cy. ‘units: Governance Collsortve goverance in ees; Decentralization and Mevopettan Planing Commites, iin policies 73" and 7" Consituion| Amendments) and programs related to metropoltn planning; itr- ectraliy, ‘Suggested Re 1. rot Ne Mace Petr Mas; Magi), efor Ppl Mfr rl Cri Ut Tho a se ‘pio, ota 2 mann, aber 05) Spt Coup Har, ie of hcg ros Bo 4 Roney ott ntl ter nd iy anor oa opis Une Pr {Sino Soi 2012) Cs Word Eonar el, ex Ons, CA Perper, Ln cats 000140 ‘umes Saline ert Pa tena) ‘MPUR20$ Land Economics and Management Number of Cres 3 sajertCagoy ‘Theory ete Prods Weck 3 Intra vest ‘* Paco labWosksbopPeodsNeck End Evaunion 0 ‘Toa eras : ‘oul Mat 109 jes: To provide sens wit an ner of he land connie tsa plang nd as Units: Land as Reseurce ‘and smth, sonomic finite and productive resource; Concern fr land; Conepts of nd esouce ‘management Unit2: Land Vane Capture {Changing land valucs in wbsnizd and rbnizng aes; Land value capture tes; Land matkets—tegal ‘nd legal inthe cre and fringe eu of mtropoita cies, Property markets Unit3; Land asa isa Tot ‘east rented development and town planing schemes; Concepts of land reat, welfare economics, ‘ini, and yale, rents development charges, etlennent fees, pope taxation and mire ‘mechmisms which intencelelte the ura land we Unit4: Valuation o Property & Development Charges ‘Valuation of property — Principle and practices Private ownership and soca control of ends Disposal of land, lind development charges and betterment levy; Land we regulation, compensation a resrsiton texaton of capital gin on land vers public ownership, economic aspects of Ind plies at vou level of decison making. Units: Cost Benet Anayse & Cate Stuay ‘Process -Cost/ Beef clement Discount ate, et preset value, snsivity assis, valuta ik and seer, Suggested Readings: 1 Goma ft 08 Cina or aan of mre Pope, itn ano, iyo creme Ca i rs Pal Tn oy Phin On er 2 lea a tr ge Sd = Pr Pen Mtn Appa sl Bl thar bcs a aan Rage, te cna Unto Pea 4 Wie rk QD, ed Ae Pi! al Pref Coin ton! Pane er Mai of Uo Devaspe GOI & ee Wal ak. beara poten nv0ranaod Resa {BET 2A a ~ 000141 cu Sri Mattie a ai MPUR20§ Advanced Infrastructure Planning Number of Crete 3 sj Cates ‘ean 2 Inter Assent o Pres iLabWorisbopFesodsWeck 0 Eni Evaluation EY 3 ‘oul Mars ‘ToalPeowrweek 7 3 Toa Mnis_ito_ ‘tiene: To expose ule o sort dmension of ofasrucre ato gv a if a on stig pace ee snc Te seats to mous shomes an programmes eae nfranrucre denon! ‘a component for elsive deepen Unit: Introduction, Basle Concepts and Theotes ‘Role of psi plane in planing of ilies and services; objectives of ities and services panning tn plots for pace and enviromental potecion;rten wate este; food equesis, foo potion. Unit2: Water and Waste Water Water supply disuibton sytem, Source of water supply, Quanity & quality, tansmision and Prcical/labWortabep PeodWeek 0 End Evhaton 2 ‘ot eiodsWeak 3 oll Mars 10 (bjs: To provide arc concept undertone of herp an coueration ses and provide xpnure {oe cnenporary consraon proach Unie: Appreciation oftndian Art and Architectre Evolution of Indian at and arcu - de of sheer ad is tsfornin; Reflections of soety in tncitctr; Peedi shits na istry, Dtsorton, conservation, peseraton nd msivinacs [Unie Heritage: Defiatons and Theory Heritage definition and clusion; Theoretical approach to heritage; Conservation method and typi, cte tues fom world berg sites and ces; sore Selemens - Sent Ceres, cn! laeape abet sal dal rounding, UUsie2: Planning for Conservation ‘Need for conservation ication and heritage, plies of eonseevation,paiciatry beritge planning Unité: likes and Future Plans Policies related to conserva, nittionl framework for heritage conservation; project planing Tmtfcation of hettage site potent alts for eomervation; acneration of revense ~ enourging tauren, evarens, earch an development. ‘Unies: Urban Renewal shan cenenal at 2 pct of etopoian plan, techniques of identfiation of whan renewal areas, ‘Conservation, rehabilitation ard reevelopment, management of urban renewal res, incentive 20ing ‘snd TDR. Soggsted Readings: 1, nt (094 of cre, Rota SA 1} MBtM Smee 3 dacs fier Soha Perc, Wl abi Lon 3 Ret teen ir Pratt mC Wey 4 Ha (19200, esti te altro Merge Manse ninety Pe 000148 ‘Shao oF i he ‘Third Semester MPUR302 Advanced Research Methods Naber of Credits 2 Sujet Cason te Lecture Poe ° Intl Aserent 3 Pratl latWorstopPeoWek 3 Esti! ny » ‘Toul Pil Weck 3 ‘Tout Marke 109 ‘Die Te ve ig yng a Ha Ea ens OT aT ST ‘ten prong en whe nr er neo ee sit: needing Research ‘Wint is research? types of research, basis of academic and appli reser Different approaches to ‘eozach Revenchpilosphis~pestist and phesomenclogialpilosoptisItoduction fo clement ofresestch: epistemology, thontcal peapetve, methods, metiodolgy;Jusifcton of choice ad we of methods and mebodloey, Pandas in esearch, unica: Developing There Research methodology: Quuntiaive ~ survey, expen, lngitatnal, ros-secton sts; ‘ulitative— casestudies, action research, ethnography, participative enquired teary. Content development - Developing contual background; Reach Sesign: enfcaton of research problems, ‘Revsarsh questions; Formulation of hypothesis; Weng sins, objectives, scope and limiatins; Review ofrelenat iterate; Henican of stable research metho echequ! nstunets Data collection ~ suestoonaies, sampling tecniqus, observation interviews; Analysis = qulative and qaatative uly, dita ysis; Research encome esearch findings, nea: ResenrehEthes Prior pemisson and intimation conduct of interview, sekng right question, confidentiality, elimination of ia and suspicion; Roles and vocal respousibiies ofthe esearsbe, Tie nanagenent fe eserch nied led Work Plan ‘Sucve format preparation, sty are detain and np reaction; Work plan shed Unit Research Communication Research vocabulary, Reading ~ nots taking, mate organist, iadering, Technical wring — tent synthesising, parphrising, cation and referencing, Academic wring — research propa / synopsis, absbact wing, report weg sad mapping: Pesetaton effec oral Communication — ‘tae structuring, voice modulo, body language, autora ads, handouts Suggested Renlings: 1. Kai ec 013. tiv el ech: Qantin on uae yprans Sage ens 2% Gey nn. nme: Te ea Ps ie Fm fe Rc Megan Pepe ne 3. mk Niche, & Rac D 20, Reset Mod nt Sil ees New Yo: Wer 4 Nei Gta 0) dn ets ee a eee that Ee Lng Ss ea of 000149 emai icon ean (PURO Planning Legsation and Professional Practice umberof Cres 3 set Category ‘Theary Teor Peak 3 Intl Asean 2 Prete Lary PeodsWeek 0 ‘End Evaaon 50 ‘ot Perna 3 ‘ot Mass 100 ‘bein: To make avae ofthe inpotnce of planing ow, legato, 0, relation and prefesonal ‘rat Plaine voit ase Tera les “he meting, sgiemce ad ebjesives of ning liao; Evolution of plang estin an oer view, ‘Concept af Cave Some fla nnn ote fn ofa, lepon rou lt repltns wd ye lew ct of separa of poe tc, eat ond execaive ral of = sien aw nd ‘slong ) eas Lahti Rett Use and Conta of Lan Indan Conta ttcton olandAcgistion Act 184 betement hres and compsnson provision in ‘clog tans Teal pcsedeme Loiason conraling use of tin, ULC Tons of Sevlopent cota ‘in ven rgalann, bldg egissns, mode bul yews overeat Ore od pat ‘pasion illness TDA. scommodnion Reserva eat Const Ast Apes Ownctip Es ona Aa Teter fpr Te ete ay At Enon A, Sh nprveens Unies: Uta 5 Regina Pamiag Acts Manic! Acts tmproveneat Trt Acts; Develops Asory Act: Model town and county planting Acs aici oa cence 19 ad 1 Conta Amdt Act ef id, Cape eee cic Sptel Paps epee i Spec Eronom Zanes (SEZ), Spal nvexineat exon (Git) Nation De Steet ecouby Palsy 003 (NDSAP-2012) pul Detalnfascte (2D) Ae Unit 4; RavroumentlLghatons voution of eave ia; La of Tos he fs enionenal aw; National vironmental icy ‘als sot are neve ptcon set Forest an wae at her imgoa jet cavemen ey Hzardoas wate manera sd hang es Util s/h wae ‘Setanta crvgomet rb rcuslogal see apd realy of tla importa: Cosenation ‘rani sources nlg inne a fern MOEF peli a sens, nies: Profsont Pract ole ef Paes: rtionhip witht, developer, insttons contactors ant exer Roe ae peso amin coon pokes ci cata opts vy, let FicaiSlncy grape Fomulton cf ijt propo an ouiac cosy apeeneny, cones 208 matte ect Ria of enagemnss artnet nepars, compan ab copa: Aiwa Noes Us ata de Des testes od conson Ac The onan A Suggested Readings: 1 Som ml mo Pn: mine Prec Pi Peo 2 on on 8 op ak orn rnin At i Dvn on he 2 Klee ee eto fr rf Prt SA 4 ‘sa Pa nF & eure nn Perc - 000150 mata Pn ae) MUR304 Raral Planning and Development Namba of eis + Subject category ‘Teay eof Peek 3 Tier Ase ‘ Prete tyWorkshopPeotok 0 nd Evhation oO “Toa eae 3 Toul Mat 100 Objective: To provie esis toe cone, itv, tana and rend ofl paving onl dclopment Unie Introduction Concept village as an expan entity physical, soci, eeouonic, sministaive stucere of village ‘Land we in rural ares cui land, wate lad, habitable ates. Seca, economic and eclogca ‘soatans fr run developmen Inn ural society, case clas and gender structures ‘Unit2: ral SeementStrudure and Development ‘Hierarchy of stlemen in unl Indi, Rural devlopeen concep, heathy and atte, approche, Land reform system, Gramin tear, Survedaye ioveret, Five Yeu Pans end Rural Devcpmca Planning proos at National, Sat, Regional and Dit levels Planing. devetopra, implementing, monitoring ogpsizaions and apenies; Urban ad rial netic ~intessed apron aad oc Plans; Deelopinent intstives and thi convergence; Speci componeat pan ae sbeplan ar the weaker, Database for loc planing: Need for decentralized planing Sttaineble url develope sd "ur! tansormaton, Unit 9: Raval osituionl Systems: PRs and Partcpatry Planing Bed Comtitation (Amendneal) Act — XI schofule, Devotion, Decentalzatcn, Process of mpowerment and conseuoseentation, Panchayat Ra) iastatons~oranzatinal linkages; Various ‘ommitee and their mgsstion for PR Dsriet Administaton ~ Evolution of Distt Admtataion, ‘votue and functions acourabity of Distt level development Departs ~ Role of Distal MagisuateDisct coer visd-via various Depatnents” hchies, Dist pamaing an el planning. ‘Unit 4: Resource Hated Rural Development ‘Apicultunt Policy and Food Seourty, inigaion and Watenhed. Management, agr-based induc, ‘oursm development: go and «o-ourams Climate change a it effects onthe rral economy, etree ofrural-artan migaton; Disa and silence in url areas. ‘Unit merging tends Rute Development Insituonalization; Resource mapping, resource mobilization inching social mbiliaion; Infomation “eehnotogy a ral planing arginalized sections andra planing. rral mating wal few Suggested Readings: ‘os, Sc KP Gain Ene. Cand ein New eh Nocve Ma age) Sri" indy a Mec an i 3. Moi, Mac 01), tr enopan Prima nd Pre SAGE Lemon ‘Sah 00%, ral eigen Psp Pau on Mans SAGE Pues PE New ah MPUR30S ‘Project Planning and Management ‘Number of Cede 3 sujet Category ‘Theony {etre Pl Weck 3 Total Asesent Ey Praca LtvWorksbop PeodyWerk 0 Eni Eaton EY ‘oul enoseWeek 3 ‘out Marts 100 ‘ToalPensweek 7 3 Tot arks_100_ ‘jen: To expe to vrs caps of projet lamng, management, inlemenaton, monitoring ent ‘pasa Unit 1; Inreuetion to Project Panning Indaton to Proje, ae of plaig proj, pret ie le mtodsogy frp ieneaton ant rr deed pjet yr aod fxibty sxc, pyar prod, eral ae fret (IRR), DCE, et Pare OPV) co beac eo (CBR), nil et bene mali economics Dene ay UUnit2:Projst Formulation and Appraisal Projects an plasing ies incaing ton policy at oa, Sia, nd Nona Ys pet, Prat Fee Sapp = Worl Bask sod Asan Development Dank methods techcal, Csi sol, ‘Soonincvionment astm ppcackes, SCBA, UNIDO apace Unie2¢ Project Management oj characteristics, techiqes of management, poranee of projet mangement; PERT & CPM; new ‘Contes of mange by tne BO) Unit 4: PresimplementationPluning Phase Work trek dows; tor sas; CPM, PERT; reeuce leveling ad allocation nett de off Units: Projet Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation -rojet plement, age of mplemetatn; ota jet iplementaticn oes monitoring mening eo ergata morioregtcniors egnedrepaing, miles, sine a ct owt 2 ae re laiqucs proj erdanon Tecnu of poet eatin, spt alas, Cownit rei hmgns sito nett rales Cae ue fn Uta snd Reioal laniag Poe, Suggested Readings: 1. Ate Lar 207, Mgmt, Planing ad Cont Buewen neon Ping Hs Une Kino 2 MODE ene 015, Pret Mansy 4 Sou drach Paving Seagal Contig, hn Wy Sn New Deh 4. ech Boor ue 2013, Pre Manaamon Ase Biers Guide Bok Revie, QUE oii ‘ie Nee. 4. Rolin G10 el of Pret Mange Publi we, New Di 000152 ‘Su nt anal Pi in Pe) MEUR306 Disaster Preparedness and Management Namberof Cris Sbjet Cotgoy They Ltr Per esk Intl Avesren 0 Practical Lao PesiodWeck End Evatuaion Fy ‘eal Pasilaesk ‘Toul aie 0 Terie tet jecine To prove an overview to de, crite! imran of he process en seth rer mold i cig the Impact oats om veoments To eae soe toned dene ‘orks ela seer mar end a loreaee some nh cotert of pel pinoe een 0 4 Unie: Calais and Disasters trodtion (Seer an dts of dane, haar alan, i, vlaenbilty, ene nd adaption; Type of Dinas enn dst, pandemics, complex emesey stations, Types of impacts eons of ee outs, casts, ls, grade, a lcton,dibiliy, Gul tends in deere Dass sod Toss eo eooonis apes antes. Unit2: Cycle of Disuter Management Sages of Disuter; immediate Response, Rescue nd Relief; Common les with Recontuetion and Rebabititon, Safey, preventn, and pepredoes estes; Mitigation metres, estat! and no ‘test meanee; Role of flea agencies in diner mmmagenat ~ Goverumen, INGOs, NOOs ad (680s, roleafeonany cology a scl tori deteriningrercace Unit3: Ris, Vlnerabtty and Coping Methods Disaster inthe Context of Development otertanding Rsk though Livehoods Analysis; Factors sfectng Vulnerabilities; Dif! Impacts of sates; Abiity to recone, coping methods, allematve adjustment proses, Reevanee of indigenous knowledge, appropri technology and los! resources, Hazal and walnerbility poie of lng; Diststew inthe context of development projects, Landuse change sad adapstion fe Cline Changs, Unit: Role of SDI and Communities in Disaster Management Information and data inthe coctest of emergency stations: Role of gespail tots inthe eld of ‘sastr management; Communi an disses, Units: Planing for Diaster Management Steps fr formulating disaster rection plan; Preparation of sate and dirt dsster management ans; DM Act and Policy, Reloaat policy, plas, pogammies al legiaton. Mar plans, dower Pefureiness and post disaster mangement. Suggested Renaings: "Aber. & Muni 200 Comunity ae Ds ik ayant el Pract’ Henk: ADEC, 2 Aleta atop xe Unive hs, Loe 4, Goverment ina)" Moen 300 ce Beat ‘Goverment ins (20), Neto ne Ror Pa NDP Rr. My of He As, New Dei 000153 exis fc Ml on Pa [MPURSOL Regional Planning Stnaio Namerof Crete B Sijet Cate Sug {esrePersWeek < etl Assent 20 Prost lavWolabop Pesiodaeck 12 eal Jy = “Tot Ped Week 2 ‘ota 0 “Oj Tit eso ts dons wth required olde ol sls and preparing a eioal ‘flee n er to acheve petinae ond harmonious development in the aur; through © comprehensive rdrstoding oft sting, contet Ine, framers and Heres “The studio focuses on the regional planang, which dels wit diferent component, sale, contents of ‘eglons nuh seme region, route pen special eegion and dsc planing, The exercise enables ‘Senso comprehend th ate rlted Lo he idetifed regions the inks wit higher and Lower ode Plana Ic ivolves a conpretcaive review of relevant Ueraur, polices, famewers, eld statics, ovumeniation stags tnd proposed intervenor. These may Inchide the preparation of sstaiable ‘regional plas, and farmuation statis. Swrgested Readings 1 pmo ir tae on at oi lf enh lt ar Gide an Repo! Dosipmat Plu Foon ant Inlenotin (ROPE (Gein elms Gvny taming Orion a fon Desopnent, Non Dei > Se nn mos Pes oe nt en nee 4, SEG a1, cena ry on Dein ae dna of Stel natn Tek Sas Picton, Bet Ye 000154 ‘Suu cot i Rei ‘MPURSI1 Future Setlenents (Elective-1) umber of ris 3 Sjet Cao ‘Theoy Leste Pasa ek 3 Intel Ameren 2 Pratl LabWodsbop PeiolReck Ed Flanion 0 Taal Periods Wes 3 00, ‘Toa Mats \ Serenata stot Mas co ject: To mak stale evar and epost chaning cea nthe spa order of tc and gion wo ‘wl asthe erg of tal ts ihe Wein enahle he aden wersond een ‘ef emerzng new echoes endo neers anon canner crs ci en ae nob ee {fopoatig shit nthe spat planing sok and goremancnee Unit: Planning and Technology ‘Train setlement fo modem, spl planning and technology inure, socio-economic planing ‘nd technology interic, panning cies and loca shoologies, technologie ianovatons a reponse ‘planning, plaming responsive technology versus ecology responsive planing, Unit2:——_Cies-Teehnolgy-atrastrcture ‘Teansoration and technology, wat, sntton and technology, energy fet technology for home, rcs, neighbouroods and ci, telecommanication, hah and eduction, security and safety for buildings nd poop in es. Unita: Teena Cites Digit cts, virtual cites, tectology parks, smart planning and infill development Pasig, design ‘snd commanicaton system, soci-economic and evicamental impact of Tesi Ces Unies: Governance Role of Inv an tshtology,udninitton and eranzaion, nt eel corporate, communes and rope in uiding smart cies an smart commute, partipaory planing Units: Care Studies ‘Best Practice ia Inn and arcu the woe Suggested Readings Blow MB 200, Plein efits ge: Orin Cages omg, COR, 2% ‘ttt Communty, Foe (2a end opment teh Cn tip tate 0 Ga Ar tC Mela Cg ewe COM, Cpt owing No Morten ed Cmrnenoe Teche Uke w,, ‘apse Pog Sele Page hon Vera 00155 Sct csi a Ra id MPURI2. special Area ansing (Blestive2) Namberof Cree 3 sje Category ‘Teary {sre Periot/ec Bi Tatra Ase = Praca WrksbopFeiody/Weck 0 Ent Evehaton 5a ‘oul ola Weae i "owl Mars 10, ‘ToalpeiogsWeek 3 Tout Merts_100_ “jen: To equp the aes wh he xonadg of adrening es of wget conc, The slabs fees ‘preraton fel ere pln wih om ephat on he coat pot ares Unita: Introduction ‘Concepts und component of spsil ast planning; Composition of land uses of special fen pln vers ‘Sorvedtonl lend se thor Te practice rete ote ects of goverment, NG. and related to Joe ea paming. ‘Unit 2 Urbanization snd Grow ibaniation tends, development and redevelopmeat activites; ilstative framework to guide end regulate the development foseang economic grow; growth factors and compatible land uses, Corridor ‘evelopment industrial costal coders ‘Unit 3: Special Area Key challenges, design considaton, site characterises and fnctionaity of a space which become Aer ede ate pansng si land use regulations and development contol rues; Hil aren plas, ‘Gono puny, Spe avestment region ad special economic zones, costal area panning, Por area Planning nd logic abs. Unies ‘Land use pins aud development control segatons to ensure comprehensive development, Improving agutt afte snd socosconoic growth of speiid area, Changes in the policies, land w= ‘meery nd emergence of growth factors result in significant change in he land se and growth patens. nies: Case Studies socioMmomiccavronmentd, prole-muiple sgenies and complex, boundaries review of SPelopeat projets und its socrcconomlc-envirommental impacts; Conta srelprt is, planing fu governance aly urban planning aa eat cies. Suggested Readings: 1 ann 0h Red Pig nt Peri Ps SAE a, BSUS ene aD of cl sonic Ze IIc and ios "ora met Pain Company Pt tal, New De 3. WES Capron tet 1? feo Pa Sen of Spel dre New Dei chloe eatspecncOkaPSORe RSH ete Se 0 Cauta Poming on Mazen. on Fanci ube Tapa Peng ho Pet Ac, yore Qp— oontss ‘Sem hating Ln al Ph MPURSI3_ Human Settlements and Climate Change (Elective-3) Number of Crs 3 Stet Cag Teor ‘ste Peo Week 3 Touma Aetnet 3° Paces tab WerstepPeobesk 9 End Enlorion % Tot Pease Tol Mata 109 Fave stents 00 Objective: To prove nowt cx uname climat change perspective and ndeand segs fr epaion and atl pong th for mitigation of ORS cman Unit: Introduction to Climate Change Concer, hua stems 3 mor souce of emissions, vlncabily to impact of climate change, ‘aitson paths, sttese, locaton of setlenens, socio-economic character, cla paciars a govermnos stctu, suluble interventions; Exteme weither creas, ozone depletion, Eneny consunptions Unle2: Climate Risk and Vulnerability In the City ‘Rls de to climate change, risk sessment, imps de to lotingcylones an Indes, impacts on infaseuctare ibn goveaneesnd prtispaion; Resilience in cs Unit3: Urban GHG Essisions ‘Sectoral emission residential, aust anpot, waste apo, cedicng emission and urban carbon footens,cabon nding and ote lleraives Unitd: Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Cite "acy oficint approaches, Utun climate governance, typtaton and energy systems fo th futur, lands planing and compact sc, tread ast ce, vlcing the urban ea lds, protecting urban water systema rom climate change isk. UnltS: Adaptation Towards Climate Resent Cities Cine chang adaption, migation as adaption, climate change experinents and alteatves, Cate shane, vulnerable regons and pours opie, fre, gender, children, poor tnd tig ‘Suggested Readings: 1 aba 20, Ceo le Chg at erect and Ci, 2 Lm 0.9 ow Caron Cs Fring Sate Pasion NewYork 3 Ria ean nc seo a Se a geo 000157 omen Se fase en Pi MPURS14 Tourism Planning and Development (Bective) Number of Ces 3 Subject Category Theory {ese Pera Week 5) Tier Assent 0 ‘Price LabWorkabop Peale Werk 9 Eni Evlanton 0 ‘ot eWeek 5 ‘Tot Mats 100 “Oke: To provide cpanre students on the concepts, lag, deelpment tes related 0 trom ri Jacopo nd ot pl then wih ero owed on pater on progranme concent Tova deropmen Unit: Introduction fo Tourism Definions,sope ature, types, key deternans, chistes of tour ow be orm a & Dustne sow of touram ie developed and developing wee problems and isues of tourism: Sodologyof Toulon les, creation, travel and oon; gender and ow development Unie2: Tous Sector—Impacts Relationship beeen Touram and Ufban Development; Tourism and enviroment; Tourism multiple td frecating methods; capac building and carrying capacity; lamin fr tourism projets Tourism Sd cultural an ea spe ec-ouriam and loca social and economie development Unltd; Planning for Tourn -Toariam Plans: plan somporests;scial adept planning of rigin-trnsit-etination planing; Role ‘fille Goverment authors and agencies nvalved in ouism development; Role of private sector {tora development; Toure eet planning and development of eons. Unit 4; Tourim Enfrstructure ‘Ned for infrastructure suporplaaing such as accommodation transportation, wate supply, slid waste ‘Sapo, Healy safety and inferiation stems Tour guides, ntrpreaton and signagesImpset oo (ee Hf tye; Revenue scans el esc; Package tourism ad png; Touism and howptaiy. ‘Units: Tourim Pots and prog “Tous pois at stste and national levels; Goverment and comunity itervetions to develop tourism eto; ¢goverance tourism development. Soggested Readings: 1. Cae Aun), Tore Plan: Basic Cp, Cons Tyr & Fe Gow. Lan 1 GRIME ag Set) Mogi ect orn Lear he Pa, Haver Pr. 5, Jn 5), ar af Eon Vesa es eno Gg ancy 198, Poa Saale ho Ooms Pri? nd re. pene Fog on Pg Ae ere Oy “000153 (MPURA2 Development Fi Nomber of Cais 3 Sujet Cacguy ‘Teary etre Peto Week 3 Inter Assent o Prctals/LaWorktop Peek 0 En Elen 30 ‘Tal Pash zy “Tol Mars uo Object: Texas student he various cone mechan a ale of elope fiona aeance ‘th verou hierar of snore sen Uniti: Overview of Development Finance Conesptof development Haas, Appraches, Development sdminitration a Nation, Sate and Lace level and the proces of formistion, implemenation and msagement, Stuctue of impleeatin, tuthots: Improvement trust, Developnet aurtien Metrpaitan Develop Auer sod the latonstp with lca govemments. Financial insta: cone, ypoley ma le Unit2: Manipal sce Tnsttatons inane Commissions, fea agead of developmeatschomes and Sources of evens eit; loans; eh fancing; Pooled Snance development fund, nana whan infastveture Tun, mel bonds, iselaneous Sources. Unit Financial Mangement & Resources Stctre of finance, fal rbloms and issues of anil mansyemet, cdi ctng, nglicatons of ‘Hh Ameedment for musiipalfnunce, expentie peter, baer and mul lar! eng ition mobilizing rsoucas fora projet ~ fiaasal resources, lan revues, projet sources ad other ‘Unied: Investment Panning Link with spatial plans, proces, components, ivertment need, busting, Sania iovetnents in infastuche and service. UsitS: Financing Mechanism Financing of urban developmen, infastuctre and services — mechanisms and estrumens, subsidy ‘eduction, cost recovery, public pve partnerships; Mico finance, Tinencil spr, investiner sora; Final sis ~ sours, mensures and perspectives on isk sensitivity sla oper to aniniaton, rit contest Suggested Readings 1. At id Hoong ony 20,7 nr Hao Pale Pec! Moment ote nl ne 5 Geeta ramon ager ees coe athen, yY Spex Sat 200), Dogme Fan Ee, Sega ond Dan. Reel abn 007 009159 sic ib Moi ie ei Pi ‘MPURGO3 Planning and Folties Naber Cet a st Caso Thea Tec Pack ; Intra Asean % Prasat /La/WertsopPeodsWerk 0 End Een 50 “ot PeogeWese By ‘oll ars 10 ‘jen: To provide pola eovoml pepsin of planing pial cone the ees of world and oto ‘sus on thang cites igh elon of por Tre ees il fs more on cae ties cas the won niet: Introduction ‘asi concep; Siac Adjusment and ces; Comes ces. unk: fer and Sodety Posumodem Ubaisa; Critical urban theory; Civil Society and Political sot; Collaborative {overmnce al czen priate, Unit 3: Spat Plies ‘Spal politi: Paits of plc space; Polis of environment Unita: Paitin Movements “Teoxiam and survelance, Polis of radical movements, Social movement; Cse studies om: Cipko ‘movernent Necmada movement, wall set poet, Cochabamba wate: Units: alles and Petey ‘Urban policy and the polics of pls andtompora scale; Power aad whan hegemony; Capacity and ‘cial capt, Polis of ale and netwerks of aaociaton in public participation GIS, Mega projects and polite of ity development. Suggested Reading 1 Gh tn 205, The Cntr ine Purp rah Catrave Govan. ean Poli suivetas. 5. Sh lan, Re nal, Nor Un Ga feo ax Gl! an Sry Ose Uist Fre Non Yor 4, Thome nd Tp 64) G01), Chump Sia neem Pepe tal ot: Zr = Tormers Pnnag EhetoPemaer oe Ane Vp ag ~ 000160 ‘oman n scrote ae (MPURIOI Planning Thesis amber f Ces ™ Sujet Catgey Thats {este Peso Week 3 Inetal Anetest ‘a0 Pras /LabWerstopPeoeWesk 24 Esta Jry 0 PendeWose M ‘etl sie wo (bjeine: ‘To nce the stn to deta origin! ad indent sy recrch athe forme tral ‘Nels projet om tpl hr ie aproed nce prions sense ach dent hall rpaethes's on atopic aprave by the deparineat unr the guidance of th lott sopervsor. The thesis wil pode an opportunity othe stant osythesse and apply the knowledge and sil uoquired through helearsng of varios feos andpscties daring the ours ‘The students ae expzted to workin various stages. Each siden sal be required to preset the work ia (he fomat as suggsted by te department‘, orl, graphically, writen, et. The thesis shall be ‘montored ontinioily and pode through iter marke reviews to check the casistency of ‘work, the relevance of the analsis with respect to the data collected an projet sop a the progress ‘owas lgial proposals Each tge sal be evaluated by «panel, These tages nay broadly be ted Unitt: Thesis Propost Unit2: Development of Suitable Methodology / Framework Unit3: Literature Seareh and Review ‘Unité: Data Caletion, Analysis and Synths Unies: Finding / Prone ‘The ial ouput sal be in he Frm ofa dra ep, which onze approved bythe depatnent wil be flowed by the submission of deed veport and drawings fr exter jry members ive xa. The tess shall lobe preseted aly external ary by each sds in the Frm of visuals srawing ab peesary foreach pi. Suggested Rendngs: lata A Wa 201 How Das, Pe Secs nea Propo ee Potions ‘Bi 201) Sea w ow SerDcrnia p Se ooeiveny rsk Mery, Rota (HI) How Te i Thea, ie Pr ‘aj (05) Ror ahd od Wing orc Pera Hecy Hh an, Cn Dan oP Nala a re

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