1 8 GHZ Gallium Nitride Distributed Power Amplifier Mmic Utilizing Trifilar Transformer
1 8 GHZ Gallium Nitride Distributed Power Amplifier Mmic Utilizing Trifilar Transformer
1 8 GHZ Gallium Nitride Distributed Power Amplifier Mmic Utilizing Trifilar Transformer
Abstract—This paper describes the design and measured performance transistor cell layouts with individual source
performance of a 1-8GHz power amplifier MMIC fabricated grounds.
with a 0.15um Gallium Nitride (GaN) process technology. The
process features a 100um thick Silicon Carbide (SiC) substrate
and compact transistor layouts with individual source grounding
vias (ISV). The design utilizes a non-uniform distributed power Design goals for the power amplifier MMIC are as follows;
amplifier (NDPA) topology with a novel trifilar connected output 1-8GHz bandwidth, greater than 25dB small signal gain, 10W
transformer. The 2-stage amplifier demonstrates 9.3-13.1W of saturated output power and power added efficiency (PAE)
output power over a 1-8GHz bandwidth with greater than 29% exceeding 30%. A small signal gain goal in excess of 25dB
associated power added efficiency (PAE). will require at least 2 amplification stages. To meet the
bandwidth requirement, the non-uniform distributed power
Keywords— MMIC; distributed amplifier; power amplifier; amplifier (NDPA) topology was adopted [4,5]. The output
Gallium Nitride; trifilar transformer power realized with the NDPA approach is proportional to
Vd2/RL where Vd is the power supply voltage and RL is the load
I. INTRODUCTION impedance that the amplifier is driving. Output power may be
Many modern microwave electronic systems specify increased by designing the amplifier to operate with a higher
amplifiers with high output power, wide bandwidth and high power supply voltage and/or a lower load impedance.
efficiency. Until recently most wideband high power amplifier Increasing the supply voltage can be problematic as the
solutions have relied on vacuum electronics based transistor technology may not be able to operate reliably at
technologies. Recent publications however show steady higher voltage and the drain transmission line impedances can
progress in realizing high power, high frequency, wideband become unrealizably high. Therefore to increase output power
amplifiers utilizing Gallium Nitride (GaN) MMIC technology a novel monolithic trifilar coupled line transformer design
that operate from near DC up to 7GHz [1-3]. In [1] 1-6GHz (patent pending) was used to reduce the 50Ω load impedance to
10W and 1-7GHz 20W fully monolithic amplifiers are around 25Ω. An idealized schematic for the transformer
reported. A 25W 0.02-6GHz power amplifier is advertised in connected in the “bootstrap” configuration is shown in Fig.1.
[2]; the amplifier core is monolithic however off chip bias tees
are required to operate the part. Another design requiring Higher Lower
external biasing is described in [3] demonstrating 10W output 50Ω
power from 0.03-2.7GHz. In this paper a fully monolithic 2- 50Ω To
stage 1-8GHz GaN power amplifier MMIC utilizing a novel
trifilar output transformer is described. 22.3Ω
In-Fixture S-Parameter Data: 5 Samples In-Fixture CW Power Data
Lot 1528634, +25C, VD=28V, IDQ=650mA Lot 1528634, +25C, VD=28V, IDQ=650mA
35 30
30 20
0 Simulation 10
-20 0 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-40 -10
Frequency (GHz)
-60 -20
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Fig. 9. CW power added efficiency data measured in-fixture
Frequency (GHz)
In-Fixture CW Power Data Over Temperature
Fig. 7. S-parameter data over temperature measured in-fixture.
Lot 1528634, VD=28V, IDQ=650mA
Large signal characterization of the amplifier was
performed under the same conditions as the s-parameter
Output P7dB (dBm)
blocks off chip at both the input and output ports of the MMIC.
In-Fixture CW Power Data Over Temperature Comparing the output power, PAE and die size for parts that
Lot 1528634, VD=28V, IDQ=650mA utilize off chip versus on chip bias circuitry, it becomes clear
50 how significantly these components impact the performance
and size of the amplifier. Monolithically integrating the bias
choke on chip while maintaining a reasonable die size is clearly
% PAE at P7dB