The Nature and Nurture Debate
The Nature and Nurture Debate
The Nature and Nurture Debate
aspects of the human mind, have been put up over the course of time. It is
essential to keep in mind that there is not a single theory that, on its own, can
and the ways in which those factors have an impact on individual behavior
and the experiences that people have. The issue at hand in the discussion
they are today in comparison to the degree to which their experiences as they
were growing up have had an impact on who they are today in terms of their
nurture" is one that has been refined throughout the course of psychology's
long and illustrious history. It is the response that has stayed constant to the
personality, the most of which can be placed into one of four fundamental
orientations. Each of these ways of looking at personality attempts to define a
The study of the ways in which one's genes can have an effect on their
upbringing can shape certain aspects of their personality, such as their level
agreeableness are set characteristics that are entrenched in their DNA and
when considering the concept of nurturing, on the other hand, the concept of
motivation, self-concept, attitude, interests, and learning styles. [3] The family,
the home environment, the neighborhood, the community, and the peer group
which we are aware of both the stimuli coming from within and those coming
from without. Pain, hunger, thirst, tiredness, and awareness of our thoughts
and emotions are all examples of internal sensations that are part of our
conscious experience.
The debate over whether nature or nurture is more influential is
development, the current debate commonly centers on the impact that genes
beings. [4] This aspect of human behavior continues to pique the interest of
both the general public and social theorists, as seen by heated discussions
like "Nature vs. Nurture" and studies like "The Bouchard Twin Study." Social
personalities are formed by our DNA, then we begin to form them while we
are very young and continue to hold onto them throughout our entire lives. If,
on the other hand, our personalities are the product of our upbringing, then
they are subject to change over the course of our lives, and the things we go
even when we are unaware (unconscious) of the ways in which our actions
are influenced, the thoughts and feelings that are buried deep within us
continue to exert their power. The unconscious may contain things like
Studies have shown that both genetics and environmental factors contribute
upbringing or the experiences they have had throughout their life (particularly
contest between two camps: those who believe that one type of influence is
more important than the other. In spite of this, modern researchers have come
to the conclusion that both "nature" and "nurture" have a role in the formation
There has never been an explanation for the idea of personality that
century. Even if it is true that both nature and nurture have played a significant
role in the formation of each person's personality, it is also true that these two
factors are not the only ones that have contributed to the creation of each
person's unique characteristics. This is because nature and nurture are not
the only factors that have played a significant role in the formation of each
between a person and their natural and social surroundings is what shapes
and reshapes a person's personality over the course of their entire existence.
beings, there has never been a definitive answer to the question of what
1. Plomin, R., Reiss, D., Hetherington, E. M., & Howe, G. W. (1994). Nature
3. McCrae, R. R., Costa Jr, P. T., Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A., Hřebíčková,
M., Avia, M. D., ... & Smith, P. B. (2000). Nature over nurture: