Transcript From The Pre-Trial Conference
Transcript From The Pre-Trial Conference
Transcript From The Pre-Trial Conference
4 As noted.
5 - - - - -
10 the 26th. Now some people get so nervous when they read
18 Even I can get that one. And so that's how you come up
3 feel for that. But the reason I've never done a nature
8 time you get to the end of the case, what you thought
18 you of.
22 judgment, I will stop you and I will tell the jury that
3 noticed the filing that was filed late last night where
2 that are being said, I'm like, why did I even take the
10 preclude you from doing it, but you better get it into
15 careful of that.
8 Okay?
23 just wanted you to know why I did it, and we'll talk
1 about it later when you have time and want to talk about
2 it.
8 Honor --
20 the jury and say, I'm Eric Davis and I'm the attorney
6 what my case was about and I went from there. But you
9 it, too.
19 was sitting there going, what are you guys doing. I was
23 Right? And then you sit down. That worked for me.
1 Whatever you do -- I'm saying this to both sides because
7 tell the jury, No, that is not publication, or, No, that
9 Right?
17 going to argue.
12 out. Right? And have you ever had the witness who
13 hears the judge rules something out and then thinks that
18 the car now? And the answer is yes, now that the
21 but back in, have fun. But that's a great -- I'd rather
22 you do that then, like you say, get up there and start
2 that's the best way with me is, I'm not really sure
6 it. Have fun with it, you know, that type of stuff.
15 issue.
19 What's been ruled on the case has been ruled on the case
5 and you can test them for their fact background and what
2 on, I will not second guess ever once that some of these
20 against law of the case, but to just make the point that
11 it, Your Honor. That's how I'm going to use it, just so
23 been ruled on. You can -- like I said, you can talk
1 about why I brought the person on, but I went and ruled
11 then I will turn to the jury and I will say, Mr. Webb is
17 not what's true in this case. The fact that Mr. Dobbs
23 but --
1 MR. WEBB: No, actually I'm not, Your Honor,
2 and that's why I filed the offer of proof, and I'm not
13 mean? You put a person on, you didn't know whether it's
16 just let them go and talk? Did you follow up and find
6 that.
21 Mr. Webb just said, which is this trial is, with respect
23 the trial.
1 THE COURT: Right.
3 the publication.
22 situation.
8 argue.
15 and tell them not to use the word "news." I mean, this
21 actual malice?
10 your show?
14 issue.
4 issue.
6 conceded.
15 can --
20 cross-examine them.
13 opportunity.
17 in limine, so...
2 do that.
22 crystal clear.
2 so you know. I've never put all caps unless I'm yelling
11 is undisputed that.
15 false."
22 person, so...
8 They're great.
11 Election.
10 but that's not how the system works. Once the Safe
18 legitimate.
13 these problems.
7 whether it's true, and you put somebody on. Did you
9 to do this?
10 No.
11 Why not?
13 that.
3 go even to damages.
11 were thinking?
5 deal with these issues, when the issue comes up, we can
7 introducing them.
6 differently.
16 Actual malice is, did you allow this person to make this
23 either the notion that they were false, or the idea that
1 they were false, or they recklessly disregarded the
2 truth.
21 yet, but I'll need some help on that one because I think
22 the case -- there are cases that go all over the place
14 on that.
17 came on --
18 Objection.
22 question.
9 President.
10 Right?
17 period.
19 team.
6 statement on the front page, and you say, Hey, put them
11 on it, but --
10 New York law, that still doesn't get you out. You've
4 it was a total lie. Did you know that it would open you
7 Nope.
21 will do.
4 get the argument, but it's clear under New York law that
5 what you would have is, you would have the ability --
10 page.
13 the assault.
11 different.
17 point is.
2 Same thing with who you sue and who you don't
8 record.
19 five.
4 Counsel?
10 are the truth. Why would Dominion sue anybody over the
11 truth?
10 to what's being --
21 and they then decide to use something, then you can have
23 who hears that the car stop is out and then they testify
1 they were never in the car? Well, I'll reexamine it.
15 causation specifically.
3 know that?
6 in limine.
10 comes in.
15 in. And I'll say that you can use that merely for
17 defamatory statement.
2 from the Sun Printing case from the 2nd Circuit was
8 There's much more modern case law that makes clear that
13 one of the ones where I have to see how it's being used
23 Counsel.
1 What was the advice?
2 Objection.
22 privilege.
23 Yes?
1 MR. NELSON: Justin Nelson.
8 use it as a sword.
14 case.
16 reporter privilege?
12 You just can't say I went into battle this way, and then
13 when the person says, Well, did you know that they
15 I had a source.
3 appealed every single ruling, and it's how it's come up.
8 saying --
15 we'll have to see how it goes, but I'm not going to let
7 again, Fox is --
2 Second Amendment?
4 that says, but they may know the principle, but they may
10 that. So I'll deny No. nine, but I've talked about the
11 basis.
3 was from a very large law firm and I saw very large
11 that's different.
13 heard?
23 they had a success fee and they didn't earn the success
1 fee or something, that's something that would go to
4 the whole point about the falsity that some people miss.
14 evidence.
16 are not going to do. We are not going to argue that Fox
10 him the document. But what I'm saying is, ask him, just
12 issue?
13 Yes.
23 January 6th.
1 THE COURT: You can ask those same questions
11 ago.
13 care less about the fact that it was January 6th and
8 that told you these allegations were such and such. And
13 recollection?
18 Yes.
21 away?
22 Okay?
13 for clarity?
9 closing.
5 saying --
2 relevant.
6 some --
13 breaks.
21 different.
22 Mr. Webb.
8 thank you.
17 the ones that I was looking for were more like the
13 Honor.
16 on this point.
8 this one.
9 Go ahead.
11 Your Honor.
15 foundation.
22 process.
17 desk and they think the whole thing is baloney and they
15 published.
21 actual malice.
19 me it wasn't true.
14 people who are asking the questions and the people who
22 Your Honor.
9 over what's going on, but it's not just Fox Corporation
18 hammer.
20 not. I haven't heard from you yet, so I'll let you go.
22 for Dominion.
8 days before.
10 notion and say, well, how did you know it was related to
13 control over what the person said. You see what I'm
14 saying?
19 So you could say, well, how did you know it was related
20 to Fox?
22 Fox.
2 employee.
4 to the terror --
2 open the door, well, it wasn't a big deal, was it, then
23 was false and they knew about it, but say, I don't care
1 about that because this is evil. Right? That's not
16 at issue.
19 Honor.
7 how bad they were. But if the notion was, we didn't get
9 get killed and they said that it was because of what Fox
15 more.
5 serious, then I'll let you put in how serious they were.
18 threats.
7 irrelevant. It is relevant.
14 know how you could say it's not. I mean, I don't know
17 Yes.
7 so come on up.
14 fully modelled out our cross for Mr. Hatfield yet, but
18 door. Right?
5 say, I'm not allowing lay opinion. The Rule allows for
12 front of the car and the car swerves and hits a tree,
16 thing.
17 Objection. Opinion.
5 voir dire so that the jury can say whether they know or
19 that. You shook your head. You may not want it. So my
11 their notebook that they can use; and we also tell the
23 was that if that is something that you want for the voir
1 dire, we've got a draft for it.
13 version.
21 proof set me over the edge. Okay? And you can tell.
2 tell me that -- I can give you three right off the bat
13 this and really, I can give you lots of facts. Who are
21 section?
16 admitted facts.
21 those, though?
6 Right?
10 them.
15 think the admitted facts are, and the other side says, I
15 pretrial.
19 double-sided.
20 (Pause)
7 was my aluminum.
12 hearing.
20 it.
13 (Pause)
22 question.
12 important, but what I'm trying to find out is, are you
8 243 jurors and just ask that one question, that's the
10 question. Right?
13 Mr. Farnan?
14 He's my neighbor.
3 Why?
7 is probably guilty.
14 personally?
15 No.
5 office?
15 (Pause.)
17 closest.
2 did you award for the plaintiff, did you award for the
10 have had a bad experience, and they may not care what
6 knocked out 34, 35, 36, 37. I ruled January 6th is not
10 that out.
2 do the trial.
15 Honor.
12 bias issue is, can you -- Your Honor has decided, and
23 great guy and Fox supports him, so I'm going to rule for
1 Fox. And Mike Lindell is a bad guy, therefore, I'm
3 Fox. I'll give you the three, but I'm going to strike
4 the others.
16 Nelson again.
23 to it.
1 THE COURT: Okay.
3 point.
7 media.
8 (Pause.)
10 to ferret out people who are biased for Fox, but I think
13 other side.
2 intentional.
19 that -- but I think it's just the flip side and I don't
5 (Pause.)
8 appreciate it.
3 the --
15 didn't get you the second time, we didn't get you the
6 do that.
20 the jury than the other side, then it's not a question
14 made at the end of the case with the way it goes. And I
3 the ones I've had, they've all been -- I've had three,
5 punitive.
13 can change the wording, not do you agree with, but would
5 If they say yes, then they can stay. If they say no,
3 instruction.
15 this question.
22 ultimate question.
4 and affirm because they want to get on the jury and skew
11 the jury and they don't say yes to any question because
18 the election --
2 actually thought that and lied their way on the jury and
4 send it out and you can look at it and say -- also, you
9 discovery and then you may want to knock them off the
5 you had a concern that that was a little bit too broad.
6 Now that we've looked at it, that was one that Fox had
19 Right?
13 few questions.
17 down and hand out the voir dire. I'd come back and on
18 zoom I'd read the voir dire. That didn't work great.
20 voir dire and read it and had the people raise their
21 hands, and then we would split the group up. People who
8 the number, you need to seat. Then you would sit them
18 one way or the other, and we'll maybe put them in the
2 people who didn't raise their hands, and I'll ask, you
8 jury, the ones would raise their hands will come up,
16 respond yes to, and we'll go through each one and we'll
13 gets sick over the weekend and have to pick out the
23 Honor. When they come up, you said once the yeses are
1 brought up to the courtroom, the question will not be --
3 public.
5 are controlling the voir dire and the judge and the
6 clerk.
21 as you ask the question in this day and age, they're not
4 people that you may want to know but you don't have a
2 conference room or --
14 it's like no. These are the people who have engaged
18 situation.
22 designated, one for Dominion and one from Fox for the
23 voir dire.
1 I mean, I've never had that as a problem. In
6 not one of the two people, you may lose -- again, I have
15 And I won't let you do it. It's different with me. But
20 juror.
2 older.
10 allows me to do that.
20 in.
21 You don't get to just say everybody who said a yes. Why
4 Johnson. She just has her name and she doesn't have any
12 ability to stay the six weeks. Why waste the time doing
17 her this.
19 time.
22 follow-ups.
5 the same COVID protocols that you have and the judge did
10 had mentioned this morning that there had been from the
12 could get the names of the three groups, the 80, 80, and
13 80.
10 they're all in there and you've given them the voir dire
18 in my own mind. You call 12 into the box and then we're
16 He will leave. And then we'll call you a new number and
17 sit him in. And you will have the ability to strike all
18 12, one, and that person may be same No. 1. I've had
5 people on a list.
9 standing.
17 of people.
22 group.
9 excusing until when we final sit the 12. That's the one
13 the person.
8 they are there, not on this case, but they are there as
20 the law firm and I can't be away for three days. Good
4 just like I'm too busy for this, they stay. And if I
21 have them up. Maybe you can add one extra chair. But
3 I'm not going to have a recess where you leave the room,
4 consult and come back. But you can, and there's no time
8 Thank you.
11 And then later you talk to the jury and they say I
15 good.
15 so that I don't --
20 ruled on.
5 you right now, I'm not even going to come close on that
10 proof for the reason for the reason you told me this
22 Sidney Powell doesn't work for Fox, you can't hold Fox
21 time because they said, Trump and his lawyers said they
23 prove it. The hosts will say that during that time
1 period, 15, 20 days, whatever it is, they were careful
12 malice.
22 have --
15 tomorrow.
5 good luck with that, and then the Court will address it
6 first thing for the day after. That's fine if it's one
9 mind.
3 paper record.
10 with them.
12 why, while the default is the five days for the adverse
19 you will be five days before that day, you know. But we
7 day would be five days. They might not get that person
14 understanding.
2 need to make sure you figure out some system to let them
13 testify.
15 two witnesses.
16 had where the lawyers are unable for some reason to make
21 words, this is the sword shield. And it's done all the
13 about.
20 really, the issue had boiled down to just these five who
15 on. And they would just ask the questions until they
21 me because I've been his lawyer the whole time and I'd
23 could to the biggest cross that you want when you get
1 him, but I want to have 15 minutes with him to get him
9 recess --
8 on that.
22 cross-examine them.
4 the stand next week and they pull out an exhibit to use
14 and they're not all worked out yet. And I don't want
16 many times where we've got too many exhibits that are
3 don't want them in our case, then that's it, they are
12 closed.
15 start saying we've already kept this jury here too long
2 it.
8 mean they may not show. In other words, we had 243 that
11 their jury slips the day of. I'm going to see if I can
18 send in their things, and then you put them on the list.
2 are not on the list. That's why it's so big. I'll find
13 Because what will happen is you had the first shot you
14 had to object and you didn't cut down that number. Then
11 just says, oh, come on down, won't talk to you, just pop
16 front of the jury. I don't like the idea that you would
6 lawyer talk to you about, what did they tell you to say?
6 Mr. Webb.
11 have an agreement.
20 Doe or Jane Doe and say, yes, that's a really bad thing.
21 And, again, I'm not saying that any lawyer would ever
5 and they would say something that you don't really want
12 say about the document because then they may not testify
8 use --
11 about that.
13 concerned about.
13 me know tomorrow.
11 fall apart if you don't get them ahead, but I get your
4 both in the Fox News line and the Fox Corporation line,
13 and they gave us names. And the three names that they
21 questions.
7 attorneys.
12 MR. CARTER: I --
22 anything. Right?
5 joint pretrial?
10 there was simply to play the video clips, just the clip
11 version.
16 You can use your time. I was going to say, that's why I
2 have to get them in. And with you, you're risking more
13 Thank you.
19 about...
3 with our brief, Your Honor. Fox also at the same time
8 will do so.
12 one.
15 clarity.
21 tomorrow.
7 each side --
15 agree with it. That's not what I'm not concerned about.
8 that.
21 get the blinders on and you don't see it. Somebody asks
3 judgment record that are now not being objected to, then
13 Page 16.
22 documents.
4 all the way to the last page, page 34. You have a
10 what our proposal is for that and then our proposal for
15 Ms. Brook.
17 which --
19 Honor.
23 picture anymore.
1 MS. BROOK: We previously provided this to Fox,
23 names like that. If the Court likes the idea but wants
1 to strip it down to just the names of the individuals on
5 jury. It's just their title and whether they work for
7 suggested --
2 (Pause.)
16 think --
18 back.
2 not the same thing as a depo video. We'll see how that
12 parties, the party, Fox would get to pick the photos for
18 page.
22 jury --
4 trial.
5 half after.
10 thing I say, Now that you have heard all the evidence
20 juror confusion.
5 into the evidence and the Court can't give you anything
11 Honor.
13 have to give you voir dire fixed so that you can, if you
8 instructions but --
23 stretch and we'll go back and make sure that they are
1 focused. I might consider that. I don't see why not.
2 actual malice is, and they hear from the judge and they
19 consider splitting.
5 said, and you said, Now that you've heard the evidence
11 Your Honor to provide the law right before the jury goes
10 tomorrow.
7 the screen and have the witness testify off the screen,
10 copy they don't have to wait until you find it and bring
2 testify on this but you draw the next exhibits, you hand
23 each time for me. I'm fine going off the electronic
1 version and writing it down. So I'm not requiring you
7 things.
9 tomorrow?
14 Your Honor.
13 to rule on?
17 we filed.
18 The they said, well, when you recess that means you're
23 p.m.)