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Chronic hypoparathyroidism (HypoPT) is a common complication after total thyroidectomy and it impacts affected patients’ quality
of life (QoL). This study aimed to assess the QoL in patients with chronic HypoPT independently from their concurrent hypothyroidism
and other comorbidities. For this purpose a follow-up study was performed, including 14 patients who developed chronic HypoPT
after total thyroidectomy and 28 age- and sex-matched patients who had intact parathyroid function after total thyroidectomy.
We used the RAND Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) to compare the QoL between patients with or without chronic HypoPT.
Chronic HypoPT patients had lower QoL scores in all domains of the RAND-SF-36 questionnaire and significant impairment in six
of eight domains after adjustment for relevant confounders. They were more often operated because of a toxic diagnosis (p = .01),
often being Graves disease. Additionally adjusting for surgical indications resulted in three of eight domains being significant
affected. Chronic HypoPT is associated with significantly impairment of QoL, independently of the concurrent disease of hypothy-
roidism, comorbidities, and prospective values of TSH and serum (se)-ionized-Ca++. There is a need for more focus and better treat-
ment of patients experiencing chronic HypoPT after surgery. © 2021 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on
behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Received in original form October 27, 2020; revised form February 2, 2021; accepted February 13, 2021. Accepted manuscript online February 18, 2021.
Address correspondence to: Camilla Uhre, Jørgensen, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, ZUH, Køge, Nyvej 14, 1850, Copenhagen,
Denmark. E-mail: [email protected]
JBMR® Plus (WOA), Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2021, e10479.
DOI: 10.1002/jbm4.10479
© 2021 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
1 of 6 n
Patients and Methods Outcome measures and data collection
Study subjects All included patients were invited to clinical evaluations at the
department of Medical Endocrinology ZUH Køge, where pro-
For this follow-up study, we identified all patients who under- spective data collection took place. Two patients completed
went TT due to a benign thyroid disorder at Zealand University the data collection from home.
Hospital (ZUH), Køge (Denmark) from 2013 to 2018.(6) Data on
year and type of surgery was drawn from the national Thykir Primary outcome
database, which contains information regarding all thyroid pro-
cedures in Denmark since 2001, and supplemented by proce- QoL
dure codes (KBAA60 and KBAA60A). In our department, this We used the RAND Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36)(14) to
also included completion thyroidectomy. measure and compare QoL in patients with and without chronic
We invited all patients identified with postoperative chronic HypoPT. The RAND SF-36 consists of 36 questions and covers
HypoPT at 6 months after TT, and of the 25 patients invited, eight concepts of physical and mental health: physical function-
14 (56%) accepted the invitation to participate in this study. ing (PF), role physical (RP), bodily pain (BP), general health (GH),
Those who declined to participate were more often males vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role emotional (RE), and men-
(54%), but did not differ in either geographical living area, year tal health (MH). By the RAND algorithm, the scores were recalcu-
of surgery, or preoperative health status from the participants lated and expressed into a 0 to 100 scale. Higher score indicates
included in the study. For each patient with chronic HypoPT, more favorable QoL. The validated Danish version of the RAND
we invited two age- and gender-matched patients from the SF-36 is a self-reported questionnaire to be completed
same study population, but without any postoperative distur- electronically.
bances in calcium homeostasis (without chronic HypoPT).
Median duration since surgery was 41.5 months (range, 12–70).
In accordance with the European Society of Endocrinology
Secondary outcomes
Clinical Guideline,(1) HypoPT was defined as hypocalcemia and Prospective biochemistry
inappropriately low serum (se)-PTH due to insufficient produc-
tion of PTH. Chronic HypoPT was confirmed if the condition per- Se-ionized-Ca++, PTH, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, phosphate, thyroid
sisted ≥6 months and/or if the patient needed continuous status (TSH, T4, T3), renal status (creatinine, eGFR), and liver sta-
treatment with an active vitamin D to maintain normocalcemia. tus (alanine aminotransferase [ALAT], bilirubin, lactate dehydro-
Hypocalcemia was defined as se-ionized-Ca++ <1.16 mmol/L in genase [LDH], basic phosphatase) were measured by standard
two consecutive measurements, in accordance with the lower hospital assays. All biochemical samples were taken after patient
limit of the local hospital laboratory. inclusion and measured from May 1, 2019 to September 1, 2019.
Se-ionized-Ca++ was measured at latest the first day postoper-
atively after TT and then three times daily until stabilization or Medicine
normal values were obtained. Patients in continuous need of All patients informed us of their daily medication consumption,
treatment with an active vitamin D were followed up by endocri- which was verified in the individual patient health records.
nologists. Attempts to reduce doses or stop treatment were stan-
dard procedure.
We further retrieved preoperative and postoperative se-TSH,
medical prescriptions for active vitamin D analogues, and data Age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index (ACCI) score was cal-
on the indication for surgery (toxic vs nontoxic diagnosis) from culated to account for competing concurrent diseases, aside
the patient health records. Surgical indications were most often from the primary disease of interest. ACCI is a method of catego-
pressure symptoms (including globus and respiratory com- rizing comorbidities based on a patient interview and the Inter-
plaints), and dysphagia due to either a toxic or nontoxic disease. national Classification of Diseases (ICD). Each comorbidity was
Some patients being hyperthyroid preoperatively had surgery scored from 1 to 6 and for each decade >50 years, a score of
due to multiple relapse of toxicity and few were non-tolerant 1 was added. In case of cancer or metastasis, points were only
to medicine. assigned if present ≤5 years.
Ethical statement
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
We performed the study in accordance with the Declaration of
Patients with and without chronic HypoPT met the same inclu- Helsinki II. All participants provided written informed consent
sion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria: patients before any procedures took place. The study was approved by
(i) undergoing TT or completion thyroidectomy for a benign dis- The Danish Data Protection Agency (REG-015-2019) and The Eth-
order performed at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and ical Committee of Central Denmark (No. 66792).
Maxillofacial Surgery, ZUH Køge in the period June 1, 2013 to
September 30; 2018, (ii) ≥18 years at the time of inclusion; and
(iii) able to provide written informed consent to the study invita-
tion. Exclusion criteria: patients with (i) a diagnosis of thyroid Statistical analyses were conducted using R-studio v. 1.2.1335
cancer; (ii) prior parathyroid disease; (iii) prior disturbances in cal- (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria;
cium homeostasis, for example, hypocalcemia or estimated glo- https://www.r-project.org/). The level of significance was
merular filtration rate (eGFR) <30 mL/min, or plasma creatinine defined as p < .05. Results are reported as n (%) or as median
>200 μmol/L; (vi) sarcoidosis; or (v) transient HypoPT distur- with range, as indicated. Comparison of groups was assessed
bances lasting <6 months (transient HypoPT). by chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables,
Table 2. Biochemical Characteristics of Patients With Chronic Hypoparathyroidism After Total Thyroidectomy
Characteristic No chronic HypoPT (n = 28) Chronic HypoPT (n = 14) p
TSH (mIU/L) 0.77 (0.005–6.2) 0.58 (0.005–2.0) .83
Calcium, ionized (mmol/L) 1.28 (1.17–1.35) 1.27 (0.89–1.40) .18
PTH (pmol/L) 5.3 (2.3–9.6) 1.6 (0.50–3.4) <.001
25-Hydroxyvitamin D (nmol/L) 62 (29–125) 101 (34–146) <.01
Phosphate (mmol/L) 1.06 (0.70–1.36) 1.13 (0.79–1.60) <.05
Magnesium (mmol/L) 0.90 (0.79–0.99) 0.93 (0.73–1.00) .68
eGFR (mL/min) 90 (65->90) 90 (55 to >90) .70
TSH (mIU/L) 0.70 (0.005–19) 0.55 (0.005–17) .94
Values are median (range). Bold values are significant at p < .05. Values of p by two-sample t test or Mann-Whitney U test. Prospective values were taken
from May 1, 2019 to September 1, 2019.Abbreviations: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HypoPT, hypoparathyroidism; PTH, parathyroid hor-
mone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
and two-sample t test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous consumption were significantly higher among patients with
variables. chronic HypoPT. In addition, all of them, except one, received
When assessing QoL score, we adjusted for age, ACCI, se-TSH, daily supplementation with an active vitamin D analogue in
se-ionized-Ca++, and/or indication for surgery using the analysis terms of Alfacalcidol (mean 1.7 μg/day) and all patients in both
of covariance (ANCOVA). ACCI was transformed into a categorical groups received standard levothyroxine for their hypothyroid-
variable consisting of integers (0 to ≥2). ism except one group who received desiccated thyroid
ACCI was higher among patients without chronic
Results HypoPT (p = .01).
Patients with chronic HypoPT had significantly lower serum
PTH level, higher levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and serum
All 42 patients included were women (Table 1). Patients with phosphate (Table 2). Some patients with chronic HypoPT were
chronic HypoPT had more often a toxic indication for surgery seen to have a minor residual parathyroid function (s-PTH 1.6
when compared to patients without chronic HypoPT (p = .01). pmol/L [range, 0.50–3.4 pmol/L]). These patients also presented
Among patients with a toxic indication for surgery, 87.5% had with more irregular levels of se-ionized-Ca++, as indicated by
Graves disease (data not shown). the lower minimum value, as compared with patients without
Patients with chronic HypoPT used more often daily calcium chronic HypoPT (range, 0.89–1.40 mmol/L vs. 1.17–1.35 mmol/
(100% vs 50%) and vitamin D3 supplements (93% vs. 64%) L, lower limit of reference interval = 1.16 mmol/L).
compared with patients without chronic HypoPT (Table 1). Preoperative TSH was significantly lower (p < .01) in patients
The median doses of daily calcium and vitamin D3 with a toxic surgical indication, compared with nontoxic (median
Table 3. Adjusted QoL Scores by RAND-SF-36 Questionnaire in Patients With Chronic HypoPT
SF-36 variables No chronic HypoPT (n = 28) Chronic HypoPT (n = 14) Adjusted model 1a
Physical functioning 81.9 3.7 66.7 5.5 0.03
Role physical 80.8 6.0 48.2 12.1 0.02
Bodily pain 77.3 5.0 54.9 9.0 0.04
General health 46.9 2.4 33.2 3.3 <0.01
Role emotional 85.8 5.9 61.9 12.4 0.11
Vitality 58.2 3.6 31.7 7.4 <0.01
Social functioning 85.8 3.6 70.9 7.2 0.08
Mental health 77.3 2.8 63.1 4.4 0.02
Values are mean SD. Differences in QoL score were assessed using ANCOVA.Abbreviations: ACCI, age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index; ANCOVA,
analysis of covariance; HypoPT, hypoparathyroidism; QoL, quality of life; SD, standard deviation; SF-36, Short Form 36 Health Survey; TSH, thyroid-
stimulating hormone.
Adjusted for age, ACCI, TSH, and ionized calcium.
0.045 mIU/L [range, 0.005–2.00 mIU/L] vs. 0.87 mIU/L [range, not shown). Comparing chronic HypoPT patients with a minor
0.02–6.2 mIU/L]). Results not shown in table 2. residual parathyroid function (s-PTH >0.5 pmol/L; n = 9) to
chronic HypoPT with no residual function (n = 4), 3 of 8 QoL
domains were significantly affected in both groups, when com-
QoL paring with patients without chronic HypoPT (Supplementary
The scores for the eight QoL RAND-SF-36 measures were higher Table S1.)
in patients with chronic HypoPT compared with patients without
chronic HypoPT although not all comparisons reached statistical Discussion
significance (Figure 1). After adjustment for age, comorbidities
(ACCI), TSH and se-ionized-Ca++ patients with chronic HypoPT Patients with postsurgical HypoPT have an inappropriately low
had significantly lower scores in the QoL domains: physical func- level of circulating parathyroid hormone (PTH). The chronic con-
tioning (PF), role physical (RP), bodily pain (BP), general health dition results in disturbances in calcium-phosphate homeostasis,
(GH), vitality (VT), and mental health (MH) (Table 3). After addi- where patients often experience severe long-term complica-
tionally adjusting for surgical indications, chronic HypoPT tions, including lower QoL. This study is one of the few to high-
patients were significantly affected in three of eight domains: light the impact of chronic HypoPT on QoL, taking the surgical
role physical (RP), general health (GH), and vitality (VT) (data indication and comorbidities into account, in patients receiving