Reduced Ug-I - Syllabus-Anthropoplogy 2022-23
Reduced Ug-I - Syllabus-Anthropoplogy 2022-23
Reduced Ug-I - Syllabus-Anthropoplogy 2022-23
University of Allahabad
B.A. /B.Sc. PART- I
Books Recommended
Campbell, B. : Human Evolution & Humankind Evolving
Montague Ashley : Concept of Race
Bodmer and Cavalli Sforza : Genetics, Evolution of Man
Buettner-Janusch : Origins of Man
Das, B.M. : An outline of Physical Anthropology
Nelson &Jurmain : Physical Anthropology
Jha &Baranwal : Manav Vigyan (Part-2)
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Kinship Terminology (Murdock’s classification),
Categories. Kin Groups: Lineage, Clan, Phratry, and Moiety.
Unit 4 Economic Anthropology: Economics and economic anthropology, Differences
between modern and primitive economy, Formalist’s and substantives’ approaches to
economic anthropology, Exchange: reciprocal, Redistribution and market.
Unit 5 Religion and Magic: Definition, Functions, and Theories of origin of Religion,
religious. Comparative study of magic, religion, and science. Religion in the
contemporary world.
Unit 6 Political Anthropology: Meaning and Scope. Political organizations-State and
Stateless Societies, law, and politics. Differences between Primitive and Modern
Books Recommended
1. Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 1951. Social anthropology. London: Cohen and West.
2. Mair Lucy. 1965. An Introduction to Social Anthropology. Oxford. Clarendon Press.
3. Beattie, J. (1964). Other Cultures: Aims, methods and achievements in social
anthropology. Routledge. London
4. Majumdar, D.N. & Madan T.N. (1956). An introduction to social anthropology.
National Publishing House. New Delhi.
5. Eriksen, T.H. (2004). What is anthropology? London. Pluto Press.
6. Fox, R. (1967). Kinship and Marriage: An Anthropological Perspective. Cambridge.
Cambridge University Press.
7. Carrier J.G. (ed.). 2005. A Handbook of Economic Anthropology. UK. Edward Elgar
8. Lewellen T.C. 2003. Political Anthropology: An Introduction. Westport. Prager
9. Eller J.D. 2007. Introducing Anthropology of Religion. New York. Routledge.
Unit 6 Prehistory & Proto-history of India: Palaeolithic cultures, Mesolithic & Neolithic
cultures, brief mention of important sites.
Books Recommended
Burkitt, M.C. : Old Stone Age
Child, V.G. : Man Makes Himself
Verma, R.K. : Pragaietahasik Manavvigyan
Bhattacharya, D.K. : European Prehistory
Banerjee, H.N. : Introduction to Social Anthropology
Bhattacharya, D.K : Outlines of Indian Prehistory (in Hindi also)
Sankalia, H.D. : Pre and Protohistory in India and Pakistan
Sankalia, H.D. : Stone Age Tools: Their Techniques, Names and