COMP90038 Algorithms and Complexity: Recursion

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COMP90038 Algorithms and Complexity


Michael Kirley

Lecture 6

Semester 1, 2017

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We have already seen a few examples of recursion. Now let us cover

recursion in some more detail.

Recursion is a very natural approach when we have to process data

structures that are defined recursively, such as trees.

But there are also examples of, say, array-processing algorithms that
are naturally recursive.

Next week we shall express depth-first graph traversal recursively

(that’s the natural way), and later we’ll meet other examples of

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Example: Factorial Numbers

To compute n!, we can use recursion (left algorithm) or iteration

(right algorithm):

function Fac(n) function Fac(n)

if n = 0 then result ← 1
return 1 while n > 0 do
return Fac(n − 1) ∗ n result ← result ∗ n
return result

Here the iterative solution would normally be preferred.

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Example: Fibonacci Numbers
To generate the nth number of sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 . . .

function Fib(n)
if n = 0 then
return 1
if n = 1 then
return 1
return Fib(n − 1) + Fib(n − 2)

This algorithm follows the definition of Fibonacci numbers closely, so

it is very easy to understand.

Unfortunately it performs a lot of redundant computation. Why?

In fact, this algorithm is exponential in n. ✎

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Fibonacci Again
The following solution makes use of the fact that we only ever need
to remember the two latest numbers in the sequence (recursive
version on the left, iterative on the right).
function Fib(n, a, b) function Fib(n)
if n = 0 then a←1
return a b←0
return Fib(n − 1, a + b, a) while n > 0 do
b ← a−b
Initial call: Fib(n, 1, 0) n←n−1
return a
In either case, we have a simple, linear-time solution.

(There is a cleverer, still recursive, way which is O(log n).)

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The Tower of Hanoi
Assume n disks need to be moved from peg init to peg fin.

Of course we can only move some top-most disk to the top of some
pile. Nevertheless the solutions is conveniently expressed recursively,
saying how to solve the task for n desks, assuming we first solve the
problem for n − 1:

function Hanoi(n, init, aux, fin)

if n > 0 then
Hanoi(n − 1, init, fin, aux)
Move one disk from init to fin
Hanoi(n − 1, aux, init, fin)

This is an elegant formulation which relieves of us the headache of

deciding which peg to target in the first move.
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A Challenge: The Coin Change Problem

There are six different kinds of Australian coin.

In cents, their values are: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200.

In how many different ways can I produce a handful of coins adding

up to $4?

This is not an easy problem!

A key to solving it is to find a way of breaking it down to simpler


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Recursion as a Problem Solving Technique

The number of ways to make $4 is:

the number of ways to make $2

the number of ways to make $4 using 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 only

The reason is that a given $4 handful either makes use of a $2 coin

(200) or it does not.

Now we have two sub-problems to solve, but each is smaller than the
original problem!

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The Recursive Case

The number of ways to make $4 is 2728:

the number of ways to make $2: 293

the number of ways to make $4 using 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 only: 2435

We will express this as an algorithm shortly.

But what are the base cases?

Usually that’s the easy part, but here they are harder to determine
than what the recursive case looks like!

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The Base Cases

If we are asked to produce coins for the amount 0 then we can do

that, in exactly one way: by using none of the allowed coins. At the
end of a chain of recursive calls, this situation indicates that we
found a successful combination of coins.

If we are asked to produce a negative amount then we must

renege—it can be done in zero ways.

If we are asked to produce a positive amount, but none of the six

kinds of coins are allowed to be used, then again that is not
possible—it can be done in zero ways.

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The Recursive Algorithm

function Ways(amount, denominations)

if amount = 0 then
return 1
if amount < 0 then
return 0
if denominations = ∅ then
return 0
d ← selectFrom(denominations)
return Ways(amount − d , denominations) +
Ways(amount, denominations \ {d })

Initial call: Ways(amount, {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200}).

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The Recursive Solution and Complexity

Although our recursive algorithm is short and elegant, it is not the

most efficient way of solving the problem.

Its running time grows exponentially as you grow the input amount.

More efficient solutions can be developed using memoing or dynamic

programming—more about that later.

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Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You

Graphs, trees, graph traversal and allied algorithms.

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