Avance de Proyecto Final
Avance de Proyecto Final
Avance de Proyecto Final
1-guerrero tamariz Sergio Palermo
2-Actividades para desarrollar.
1.selecionar animal o los animales para trabajar. (Sergio)
2.enlistar las actividades por desarrollar. (Sergio)
3.seleccionar los recursos audiovisuales a utilizar. (Sergio)
4.escribir el texto sobre el animal escogido. (Sergio)
5.presentar el proyecto final en blackboard en la semana 7. (Sergio)
6.grabar el audio del video. (Sergio)
7.editar audio y recursos audiovisuales en un solo video. (Sergio)
8.presentar el video final en blackboard a más tardar en la semana 15. (Sergio)
The Andean condor, also condor of the Hills, condor of the Andes, or simply condor (Vultur
gryphus), is one of the largest birds on the planet, national symbol of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador
and Bolivia, so it has a very important role in the mythology and folklore of the Andean
regions. However, this emblematic bird is in danger of extinction worldwide.
This huge bird is among the largest in the world capable of flight. Given its great weight -up to
15 kilograms-, even the enormous wingspan of its wings, which can measure up to 3 meters,
this bird needs help to stay in the air. Therefore, this species prefers to live in areas where
wind currents abound and can glide on them without much effort.
Andean condors live in mountainous areas, as the name implies, but also near the coast,
where sea breezes abound, and even in deserts with strong thermal air currents.
Characterized by its white feathered scarf around the neck and at the end of the wings, the
Andean condor is also very recognizable for lacking feathers on its reddish head, like its
relatives the California condors, and can change color depending on the state. emotional bird
In addition to this curiosity, this species also has a difference in size depending on sex, but
unlike most raptors, the male is larger than the female.
Andean condor.