Yulia AF

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Identity Mrs.

Yulia Sulistina/ 26 YO / 1326807 / OKI /GIA-DPR-DEV/ AF

Chief complain Preterm pregnancy with vaginal bleeding
History Patient came with vaginal bleeding since 2 hours before admission, red color, with amount
1-2 changing pad/day. History of abdominal contraction radiates to waist (-). History of
Admission Time
watery discharge (-). History of leukorrhea (-). History of post coital (+) last night, history
of trauma and massage (-). History of hypertension before pregnancy (-), history of
08.00 AM
hypertension in prior pregnancy (-), history of hypertension in this pregnancy (-). Patient
admitted has preterm pregnancy with fetal movement still felt.
Past Illnes history -
Antenatal Care midwife every month, only 1x came to Obstetrician
Marital status Married 1x for 11 years
Reproduction status Menarche 14 years old, regular cycle, 28 days, length: 5-6 days LMP : 08/08/2022
Obstetric history
1. 2013/ Male/ 3600 g/ aterm/ LSCS oi severe eclampsia/ doctor/RS Bangka/ healthy
2. 2018/ Male/ 3100 g/ aterm/ LSCS oi previous CS 1x/ doctor/RS Bangka / healthy
3. 2019/ Abortion / 10 weeks / didn’t curretage
4. Current pregnancy
Physical Examinatio BP: 121/70 mmHg, Pulse: 88 x/m, T: 36.6C, RR: 19 x/m
n BW : 73 kg ; BH 158 cm ; BMI : 29,2 kg/m2
Head: normocephaly, pale conjunctiva (-/-), icteric sclera (-/-)
Neck : JVP (5-2) cmH2O, lymph nodes enlargement (-)
Cor: heart sound I-II normal, murmur (-), gallop (-)
Lungs: normal vesicular sound (+/+), rales (-), wheezing (-/-)
Extremities: pretibial edema (-/-)
Obstetrical examinat External examination
ion Abdomen : Fundal height 1 fingers above umbilical (27 cm), longitudinal lie, right fetal
spine, cephalic presentation, U 5/5 abdominal contraction (-), FHR: 151 x/m, EFW : 2170
Speculum examination
Livide portio, Dilatation OUE (+), fluor (-), fluxus (+) bleeding active, E/L/P (-)
Vaginal toucher:
didn’t performed

Laboratory examinat Hb 11,1 g/dL; WBC 9.95x103/mm3; Ht 32%; PLT 337x103 /uL; MCV 82,8; MCH 29;
ion MCHC 35; RBC 3,89x103 mm; OT/PT 21/20 U/L ; HBsAg non reactive; TPHA non
reactive; VDRL non reactive; Anti HIV non reactive; Urinalysis = protein (-) ; leukocyte 0-
1 ; LEA (-) ; bacteria (+2)
US Examination  Single life fetus cephalic presentation
Fetal Biometry
 BPD: 8,96 AC: 30.14 EFW: 2455 g
 HC: 32,03 Fl : 6,64 cm
 TCD : 4,35 cm ~ 34w1d
Amniotic fluid sufficient, AFI = 11,57 CM
Placenta at corpus uteri anterior expanding to OUI ~ Complete Placenta Previa

PAI Score : Prior CS 2x = 3 ; Lacuna grade 2 = 1 ; Complete Placenta Previa = 1,

myometrial thickness <1mm = 1 ; Bridging vessel (+) = 0,5
Total score : 6,5 ~ 83%

 34 weeks gestational age single life fetus cephalic presentation
 Complete Placenta Previa
 PASD (PAI Score 6,5 ~ Probability 83%) was suspected
CTG (09.04.23)
Variability : Normal
variability (6-25
Deceleration (-)
Acceleration (-)
Contraction (-)
Category 1
Diagnosis  G3P2A0 34 weeks gestational age not in labor (Z34.30)
 Antepartum Haemorrhage cb Complete Placenta Previa (O46.9)
 Prior CS 2x o.i eclampsia (O34.21)
 PASD (PAI Score 6,5 ~ Probability 83%) was suspected (O43.13)
 SLF cephalic presentation (O32.2)
Management  Observation of vital sign, contraction and FHR
 Laboratory examination
 Tranexamic acid 500 mg/8h
 Tocolytic
 US Confirmation
 Expectative management
US Confirmation  Single life fetus cephalic presentation
(10.04.2023)  Fetal Biometry
dr. Abarham  BPD : 8.71cm FL : 6,02 cm
Martadiansyah, Sp.OG,  HC : 31.62 cm AC : 28,91 cm
Subsp. KFm  EFW : 2317 gram
 Amniotic fluid sufficient
 Cervical Length 2.32 cm ~ cervical shortening
 placental bulge (+)
 PAI Score
 prior CS 2x : 3
 complete placenta previa : 1
 grade II lacunae : 1
 clear zone + : 1
 bridging vessel : 0.5
 PAI scrore 6.5 ( probability 83%)
 34 weeks single life fetus cephalic presentation
 complete placenta previa, PASD was suspected, PAI score 6.5 ~ probability 83%,
urinanry bladder invasion was suspected
 cervical shortening
Operative Report 16.30 PM Operation started
11.04.2023 - Patient on supine position under spinal anesthesia .
- Aseptic and antiseptic procedure on surgical site and its surrounding area was
- Corporal incision was performed above old wound. Abdominal wall was incised
further until the peritoneal cavity were exposed.
- LSCS was performed  semilunar incision on lower uterine segment was
performed. Amniotic fluid (+), clear colour, smell (-)
- The baby was delivered by foot extraction
16.40 PM Life neonates was born, male, weight 3500 gram, length 50 cm, HC 35 cm, A/S
8/9 FT AGA
- Total hysterectomy was performed

18.30 PM Operation completed
Ballard score

Recent Diagnosis • P3A1 post LSCS + total hysterectomy oi PASD + complete placenta previa + prior
CS 2x + cervical shortening
Recent Condition Stable in ward

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