(With Respect To FMCG Industry) : in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Award of The Degree of
(With Respect To FMCG Industry) : in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Award of The Degree of
(With Respect To FMCG Industry) : in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Award of The Degree of
K.Mohan Mahendra
Karthikeyan V
Assistant Professor
(K.Mohan Mahendra)
Karthikeyan V
Project Guide Dr.Srimanth Basu Ph.D - IIT
Kharagpur, Dean- Administration
& International Relations, Head -
Department of Management Studies
I would like to thank all those persons who have contributed towards the successful
completion of the project work, I am glad to say that working on this project has been both
illuminating and enjoyable for me.
I have deep sense of gratitude to project guide .KarthikeyanV Assistant Professor, MITS
school of Business, for his encouragement, guidance and valuable suggestions throughout
the project.
I express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.Srimanth Basu Ph.D - IIT Kharagpur, Dean-
Administration & International Relations, Head - Department of Management Studies for
his co-operation and suggestions.
I take this opportunity to thank our respected chairmanSri. N. Krishna Kumar garu,
Correspondent Sri. N. Vijay Bhaskar Chowdary garu and our beloved principal Dr. C.
YUVARAJ garu, MITS for their generosity and kindness to embrace us in Madanapalle
Institute of Technology & Science Madanapalle.
My heartfelt thanks to my parents and friends for going out of their way to see that I
successfully implement and complete this project. Their words of wisdom and patience
were much more than a blessing.
I would like to thank all the faculty members of M.B.A, Department, MITS and friends who
directly and indirectly helped me to complete this project.
(K.Mohan Mahendra)
S.NO Content Page NO
Title Sheet 1
Declaration 2
Certificate 3
Acknowledgement 4
Content Page 5
1 Chapter 6
Introduction 7
2 Chapter 11
conclusion 30
Products which have a quick turnover, and relatively low cost are known as Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products are those that get replaced within a year.
Examples of FMCG generally include a wide range of frequently purchased consumer
products such as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving products
and detergents, as well
as other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic
goods. FMCG may also include pharmaceuticals,consumer electronics,packaged food
products, soft drinks, tissue paper, and chocolate bars.
India's FMCG sector is the fourth largest sector in the economy and creates
employment for more than three million people in downstream activities. Its principal
constituents are Household Care, Personal Care and Food & Beverages. The total FMCG
market is in excess of Rs. 85,000 Crores. It is currently growing at double digit growth
rate and is expected to maintain a high growth rate. FMCG Industry is characterized by a
well established distribution network, low penetration levels, low operating cost, lower
per capita consumption and intense competition between the organized and
unorganized segments.
Customer satisfaction survey has been conducted on Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
industry; considering two significant product categories in that industry; namely, oral care
and personal wash (soaps) segments. Such a survey is very important as customer
satisfaction can impact every aspect of the business from earnings to stock profits. The
survey was conducted to encourage clients and customers to give vital feedback on issues
that can affect customer retention, including:
● Overall satisfaction
● Product-specific satisfaction
● Brand perception
● Pricing
● Timeliness of delivery
It would help the companies involved in FMCG industry to optimize the relationship with
their clients/ customers.
The purpose of the study is to measure customer perceptions of how well the FMCG
industry as a whole delivers on the critical success factors and dimensions of the business.
These usually include factors like service promptness, staff responsiveness, and
understanding of the customer's problem. Customer loyalty and satisfaction levels can be
determined by analyzing the data gathered from our survey questions.
● Understand customer issues and relationships of industry with the consumers.
This study on customer satisfaction in FMCG industry can assist decision-makers of FMCG
companies in developing strategies to achieve the all-important goal of gaining and
retaining customers. Results can play a key role in identifying areas of the business that
require corrective action and improvement. It also identifies areas that can be leveraged to
achieve business growth and expansion.
1. Importance for Small Business: Small and new businesses can gain repeat customers.
2. Importance for Medium to Large Businesses: Larger businesses can monitor customer
satisfaction levels. Larger businesses have levels of managers and executives who usually
don't have direct, one-on-one contact with customers. Survey provides data and feedback
to monitor customer satisfaction levels and assess employee performance in fulfilling
management objectives and goals. Survey targets specific customers by demographics, by
geography, marketplace needs and more.
3. Importance to Customers: Results can provide insights to increase business--in good and
bad times. Most customers actually desire a long-term relationship with a brand, product or
service provider. Customer satisfaction survey provides a platform for them to do so. Their
responses, whether good or bad, provide a wealth of information and feedback to utilize in
developing, retooling and improving the customer experience with brands, products and
Some business decision-makers hold the opinion that surveys only attract disgruntled
customers. That attitude could prove risky. It opts to rely on gut and intuition without
actual, quantitative and qualitative information directly from customers. The result could
mean unrealized growth, missed opportunities and loss of customers to competitors.
It would help in understanding the extent of satisfaction of consumers with the FMCG
industry and its multitude of segments. It can build a foundation on which customer
relationships can be built upon. The study would be covering mostly the area of southern
India and customer satisfaction and loyalty of south Indians over FMCG products. The study
would concern the opinions of customers over a minimum period of 1 month.
Since the FMCG industry is a big industry harboring numerous segments and thousands of
products, it is not possible to conduct survey on the whole FMCG industry within a limited
period of time. 2-3 product categories may be taken. Limited time and lack of awareness of
other efficient data gathering techniques and tools for analysis have limited the accuracy of
our findings in this survey.
Research have been carried out by collecting data directly, i.e; from the primary sources
of data because data collected in this manner is unique and original. While collecting the
primary data, we have used the questionnaire method which is a popular means of
collecting data. We have used the questionnaire in its own right as well as a basis for
interviewing and telephone survey. This method was adopted as it was relatively
cheaper, covers a wider geographical area and respondent can consider his/her
responses before answering.
Probability method of sampling has been used. Numbers of the collected samples
are 50.We have considered the oral care category & personal wash (soap) category
while studying the FMCG industry. For this purpose we have collected 25 samples from
oral care & 25 from personal wash (soaps) category. Samples have been collected from
diverse areas around South India (Andhra Pradesh & Kerala) & from different age
groups & from housewife, daily workers, retailers, professional workers, retired people,
students & so on.
Data analysis
The data is collected from a small sample of population. We collected the data from 40
people from different areas. Based on these data we could able to find the following
things. The data below shows the findings of personal wash soaps
2. Level of Education
Senior Secondary 8
Graduation 11
Post Graduation 8
Professional Course 6
3. Employment status
Govt Service 10
Private Service 13
Business 4
Self Employed 3
Retired 2
Student 8
Household Income Per Month No.
Below 5000 5
5000-10,000 18
10,000-50,000 14
50,000-1,00,000 2
Brand Percentage
Lux 37.5
Lifeboy 15
Dove 15
Pears 17.5
Medimix 5
Santoor 2.5
Other 7.5
How Came to Know About the Product No.
Friends/Relative 4
Television 26
News Paper 5
Magazine 2
Internet/ Websites 3
Other 0
Lux 14 1 0 0 0
Lifeboy 5 1 0 0 0
Dove 6 0 0 0 0
Pears 7 0 0 0 0
Medimix 1 1 0 0 0
Santoor 1 0 0 0 0
Other 2 0 1 0 0
Order of Importance When Buying Soap No.
Quality 21
Price 7
Quantity 5
Brand Name 3
Familiarity 4
1. Age of Respondents
18-24 15
25-34 7
35-44 8
45-54 9
55-64 1
2. Level of Education
Level of education of respondents No.
Senior secondary 5
Graduation 16
Post graduation 9
Professional course 8
3. Employment Status
Employment status No.
Govt service 7
Private service 12
Business 4
Self empioyed 3
Retired 1
Student 13
Household income per month No.
Below 5000 5
5000-10000 21
10000-50000 10
50000-100000 4
How did they came to know No
Friends/relative 6
Television 29
Newspaper 3
Magazine 1
Internet/Website 1
Other 0
6.Satisfaction Level
satisfaction Very Satisfie Dissatisfie Very
level Satisfied d Neutral d Dissatisfied
Colgate 18 0 0 0 0
Pepsodent 5 1 0 0 0
Close-up 11 0 1 0 0
Dabur 1 0 1 0 0
Babool 0 1 0 0 0
Other 0 0 1 0 0
Users No.
Colgate 18
Pepsodent 6
Close-up 12
Dabur 2
Babool 1
Other 1
From the above Survey we found that most of the customers are quality oriented. Their first
importance in any product is quality, after that price and third importance is quantity, fourth
one is brand name, and last one is familiarity. It means customers are more aware of about
quality not to the brand name and they are also price conscious.
The main source of awareness is television. Most of the people are getting familiar to the
product through television.
We find that more than 37% peoples are using LUX, 15%- Lifebuoy, and Dov-15%, Madimix-
5%, Santoor-2.5, and other brand-7.5%. It means LUX is very famous brand in middle
(10000-50000 per month) and lower middle class (5000-10000 per month) families.
We found that overall satisfaction level of Pears and Dove is very high, 100% people are
very satisfied. And for Lux 93% people are very satisfied, and 7% satisfied. And for Lifebuoy
83% people are very satisfied, 17% are just satisfied.
We found that most of the users of Colgate are from middle and lower middle class society.
Satisfaction level of Colgate is also very high.
We find that people are more conscious about product quality and price so marketer
should maintain the quality and fix the reasonable price. They are not much aware
about brand name so marketers should don’t waste the money on brand promotion and
advertising, as we found that more than 70% people know about product b
Television so they invest in telemarketing.
So many consumers have commented on packaging, variety and taste of Colgate so they
should work on it. Some peoples are not satisfied with color and flavor of Pepsodent
After collecting this sample survey we found that most of the people are more aware
about quality of product this is a very good symbol for healthy competition in market.
After that they look on price of the product, it means if product quality is good they
ready to pay more money but we found that they are not much worry about brand
name, that’s bad for marketers who didn’t made brand loyalty in customers.
We found that most of the people know about product by Television. It means in rural
area where electricity is not available people are not much aware about these products.