1.1 Environmental Value Systems: Ib Ess

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Name: Nadeline Supryanata

Date: 5 september 2021

Class: JC1


1.1 Environmental
Value Systems
Significant Ideas:
Historical events, among other influences, affect the development of environmental value
systems and environmental movements.
There is a wide spectrum of environmental value systems each with their own premises and

What is an EVS
1. Define “Environmental Value System”.
An environmental system is a system that describes an individual on how they perceives
environmental issues perhaps influenced by culture, economic, social and political context.
Some example of EVS are anthropocentric value systems, technocentric value systems and
ecocentric value systems.

2. Define the following value systems:
An ecocentric viewpoint is nature centered. An ecocentric viewpoint has a
minimum disturbance of natural processes. Furthermore, they encourage
humans to control their behavior when it comes to nature conservation and

An anthropocentric viewpoint is people centered. An anthropocentric
viewpoint argues that we can sustainably manage global issues with the
help of humans. Such as the strong regulations and population controls set
by humankind.


A technocentric viewpoint is technology centered. An technocentric believes

that only technology can solve and provide solutions to environmental
problems. For example, the use of scientific analysis and the creation of
renewable energy.

3. Summarise the viewpoints of the following types of people:

Cornucopians believe that environmental problems does not exist or it can
be solved with the help of technological advancement. Furthermore, they
believe that the Earth has enough resources to provide for the existing
population. They fall under a technocentric viewpoint as well as an
anthropocentric viewpoint.

Environmental Managers
Environmental management believes that the exploitation of resources can
continue with the help strong regulations. Moreover, environmental
managers coordinate environmental related programs such as energy
efficiency programs. They fall under anthropocentric viewpoint.

Deep ecologists

Deep ecologists believe that humans and nature are on an equal level. They
believe that all forms of living things have intrinsic value. They don’t believe
in the use of technology in solving environmental problems.

4. Complete the table to summarise some possible viewpoints of the following types of people.
largely a consequence of human activities.
currently a lot more than it has been through most of geological time. This high extinction rate is
The rate of extinctions world-wide is currently very high; the number of species going extinct is
Ecocentrists Anthropocentrists Technocentrists

It is a major problem when Extinction is not that much of a

(This is mainly a cornucopian
species goes extinct. This is problem because animals aren’t viewpoint): It is not a major
mainly a deep ecology as superior in comparison to problem. Species are going extinct
viewpoint which believes that humans, especially when the because of pollutants,
all living things have the right deforestation etc. but these
animals that are extinct doesn’t
activities are the result of
to exist. We can start activities bring about a benefit for
Why is this economic development, and this
such as biorights which is the humankind. If the animals that is perhaps more important than
a right of endangered species to goes extinct benefits conserving some species; we can
remain unmolested, protected humankind, we can find ways fix any problems this might cause
and conserved later using human ingenuity.
in solving these cases through
scientific analysis.

By using technology, we can

Change our lifestyle: we need to
use fewer harmful chemicals, stop
Following an environmental monitor the species to prevent
burning fossil fuels etc. We need to manager practices we can harmful actions done by
accept having fewer luxuries in exploit resources sustainably. humans. Using technology to
order to stop polluting the Strong regulations such as manufacture products that does
environment and destroying
What reducing the use of plastic bags not harm animals’ habitats and
natural habitats.
should we are set. lead to further extinction.
do about

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