Platts Pricing Methodology
Platts Pricing Methodology
Platts Pricing Methodology
WHAT IS PLATTS’ ROLE IN OIL PRICING? The extent of the usage of Platts prices in spot and term
deals, and in derivatives settlements, is very large and a
Platts is a publisher of specialized information on energy multiple of the world’s daily crude oil and refined product
and other commodity markets, and helps those markets output.
function with greater transparency and efficiency.
Platts observes market activity and assesses the value Where the price of physical oil is based on Platts
of commodities based on strict and publicly available assessments, almost invariably the related swaps are also
methodologies. With a century of experience and more priced out against Platts assessments of the underlying
than 250 experienced market editors positioned in locations spot market. This is because of the need for convergence
in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Platts between the physical market value and the value at which
has earned a reputation as the industry’s most reliable the swap is settled. Without this linkage, a hedger faces
source of pricing benchmarks, market news and analytical basis risk. If a commodity is sold on a basis other than
information. The prices published by Platts are respected Platts prices, the related derivative instrument would
by the market and referenced globally as benchmarks for typically use that basis rather than a Platts assessment.
contract settlement in both physical and financial markets,
including crude oil, refined products, petrochemicals and WHAT IS PLATTS’ ROLE IN RELATION TO THE PRICING OF
related derivatives. CRUDE OIL?
As a publisher owned by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Since the switch to market-related pricing in the mid
Platts conducts its editorial and market assessment 1980s, crude oil pricing has been focused around three
activities with complete independence and impartiality. key benchmark grades: Dubai for oil moving from the
Platts has no financial interest in the price of the Middle East into Asia; North Sea Brent crude oil for a wide
commodities on which it reports. Platts price-assessment swath of oil from Europe or bound for Europe; and West
systems have been developed over many decades, are Texas Intermediate (WTI), for deliveries into and within the
fully open to public view and are overseen by a compliance Americas. Platts’ Dated Brent assessment is believed to
group independent of the editorial staff. Platts takes very be the most widely used international physical oil pricing
seriously its efforts to maintain the integrity of its pricing benchmark. Crude oil produced in Canada, Africa, the
methods and to publish price data that reflect market North Sea, the Middle East, Russia, central Asia and oils
values. delivered to China, Japan and Korea all reference the
Platts Dated Brent assessment. According to industry
HOW ARE PLATTS’ OIL PRICES USED? estimates, Platts’ Dated Brent assessment is used to price
up to 70% of the crude oil produced worldwide.
Platts daily spot price assessments are used in a variety
of ways: (1) for the settlement of floating price deals; (2) Platts recognizes the important role it plays in the
under long-term contracts; (3) on a spot basis; (4) for the marketplace and has continued to evolve and fine-tune
settlement of derivatives contracts such as swaps; and (5) its assessment methodologies to reflect changes in
by futures exchanges. Platts assessments also are used the marketplace. Over the years, Platts has made well
to monitor trader performance, to quantify financially the publicized changes to its assessment methodologies
value of oils transferred from the upstream production for the key global benchmark crudes, including allowing
departments to the refinery side of the business and then alternative delivery of other crudes as production volumes
for the transfer to the traders supplying the marketplace. of the core benchmarks have declined. For instance, Platts
The assessments also are used in decision-making by in 2001 introduced Oman and in 2006 added Upper Zakum
refiners, for instance in deciding whether to maximize jet as alternative delivery grades for Dubai. Separately, in
fuel production or to minimize diesel fuel, or whether to 2002 Platts broadened its definition of Brent crude oil to
shut down a refinery altogether. include Forties and Oseberg as alternative delivery grades,
and Ekofisk was added in 2007. The need for alternative
Platts assessments also are used in long-term financing delivery grades resulted from declining production of the
deals to provide the basis to determine profitability and core benchmark grades.
cost in multi-year projects, including drilling and pipeline
HOW DOES MOC ACTUALLY WORK IN REAL LIFE? • I t is important to note that Platts has very strict
systems and disregards market gapping activity in its
The MOC process is designed so that the published price assessments If, for instance, a market participant were
reflects the market value. Below is a sample of how this to want to overpay or undersell, by lifting high and
process works: unreasonable offers or selling into low and unreasonable
• I n a real-life example, a gasoline seller might believe the bids, such activity would be disregarded. In these cases,
market value of gasoline to be high and a buyer might the transactions would be ignored and the assessment
believe it to be low. Let’s call the seller X and the buyer Y. would take into account the last relevant bid and offer,
with an editorial assessment made of value, but the last
• Platts seeks to gauge the true value of gasoline. trade would not be considered to be of value.
• X
and Y can change the price at which they are bidding Some observers think erroneously that Platts only
and offering by small reasonable increments, and each of assesses the market in the “window.” Some also think
these price changes is published on the real-time screen that Platts only processes new bids and offers in the
as a price alert headline. window. In fact, the opposite is the case. The “window”
represents the period of time when new bids and offers
• As offers and bids become sharper, as in any negotiation, are no longer accepted in the assessment process. Bids,
the strength of each party will determine who acts offers and transactions may be reported at any time and
first, both knowing that other market participants could are reported before the window. The “window” is just a
intervene with a bid or an offer. part of the larger “assessment process” that Platts uses to
track markets through the day. Platts surveys the market
• X
may gradually move its offer down to 153.00 cts/gal
throughout the trading day, including during the last half
while Y does not budge, and X may eventually sell at
hour of trading activity, to arrive at its price assessment.
152.75 cts/gal.
Full details of the editorial processes relating to Platts
• T his process gives a very detailed information trail to Market on Close assessment are available on the Platts
Platts, and the assessment derived from it is not an website,
opinion that X is right or that Y is right, but a reflection of
Platts time stamps the assessment because prices and
the fact that either party would be expected to complete
the value relationships among commodities change
a transaction if its counterparty or another market
constantly with time. If Platts were to assess different
participant met a bid or an offer.
commodities at different points in the day, the result would
• It is possible that both parties may not trade at all but be skewed relationships between commodities. This is
only remain bidding 152.75 cts/gal and offering at 153.00 also the problem with trade-weighted averages, as these
cts/gal, in which case the assessment will consider can be skewed if trade in different commodities is spread
the bid and offer in its assessment process and an unevenly over the day. This results in erroneous data such
assessment will be made based on the factual market as inverted product values, incorrect product-to-crude
data. spreads and staleprice arbitrage.
Platts is not alone in providing information and this window time period, as well as market activity that
transparency to markets. Large news agencies as well takes place over the entire trading day. A key weakness in
as specialist price reporting services exist that compete all tradeweighted average assessments is that they will lag
with Platts in delivering timely and high-quality market the market price. They always reflect a price that “was”
information to subscribers. Brokers also play a role in rather than the price that “is.” To use an analogy, a person
disseminating such information as they bring buyers and purchasing shares of stock would be very unhappy with
sellers together, although brokers rely on deal commissions an information provider who could only supply the price
for revenue rather than subscriptions. These competitors that was or the average price traded rather than the actual
also provide price assessments. price of the shares.
Alternative oil pricing methodologies range from reflecting
an informed opinion of market value, to approaches such DOES THE LAST BID, OFFER OR TRANSACTION
as reflecting the range of deals over a day, the average REPRESENT THE ASSESSMENT?
of deals over a day, the bid/offer spread at the close of The assessment under an MOC process is the
business, or the last deal done. All these methodologies, representative market value prevailing at the close of the
some of which have been tried by Platts in the past, market. The system is highly structured with price editors
have weaknesses. Averages and high-low ranges can monitoring all market activity and publishing only those
be distorted by outlier deals, a bid/offer spread can be bids and offers that are representative and in line with
distorted by market participants withdrawing to the side market practices and published guidelines. In a market, the
of the ring, last deal done can be impacted by gapping value is determined by the activity of market participants
and is vulnerable to stale-price arbitrage, and an informed via a bidding and offering process where the bid and the
opinion lacking a clearly stated methodology is simply too offer narrow and eventually converge. Hence the published
subjective to qualify as a valid approach to pricing. market assessment is in the space between the bid and
the offer, but careful monitoring of market processes
HOW DIFFERENT IS AN ALL-DAY TRADE-WEIGHTED will determine exactly where in the space. Last-minute
ASSESSMENT FROM A PLATTS MOC ASSESSMENT? transactions, whether they are acts of market gapping or
occur when traders hit or lift bids/offers without narrowing
An MOC assessment is based on the fundamental principle the bid/offer range, are routinely excluded from the
that price is a function of time. This principle is critical in assessment process.
today’s markets where intra-day volatility may be high. In
the crude oil and refined product markets, for example,
prices can and do change by in excess of $1.00/barrel HOW DOES PLATTS MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE
in a matter of minutes. By aligning prices for individual MOC PROCESS?
commodities at the market close, Platts’ assessments Platts’ only currency is the quality of the information it
reflect their outright value as well as the price relationships publishes and it spares no effort in designing and applying
between commodities. rigorous procedures for participation by market principals
A trade-weighted average assessment may result in an in price formation. Platts makes every effort to detect
index that is out of step and not reflective of the actual anomalous market behaviors and act swiftly to ensure
market price prevailing at the close of the day. This would these do not undermine the integrity of its assessments. As
especially be the case on days with high volatility. Trade- a responsible publisher, Platts will only publish information
weighted averages may also be distorted by the pattern it believes to be reflective of the market. Platts maintains
of trading liquidity over the day. To appropriately reflect and exercises the right to exclude companies from the
end-of-day prices, Platts MOC assessments take place in price assessment process when they do not adhere to
a “window” period of time toward the end of each trading Platts’ editorial protocols and guidelines laid out in Platts’
day. These assessments incorporate data gathered during price assessment methodologies.
For more information, please contact the Platts sales office nearest you.