Accomplished. Also, Indicate The Machines, Equipment, Tools and Materials Used, If Any. Practice Safety
Accomplished. Also, Indicate The Machines, Equipment, Tools and Materials Used, If Any. Practice Safety
Accomplished. Also, Indicate The Machines, Equipment, Tools and Materials Used, If Any. Practice Safety
Note: The trainee should give a brief but clear report on the task performed, its purpose and how it is
accomplished. Also, indicate the machines, equipment, tools and materials used, if any. Practice Safety.
Date: September 26, 2022 For this day, due to the super typhoon Karding all classes, face-to-face and
Time In: 8am online were suspended. Si Umali did not assign me any task for this day due to
Time Out: 5pm it. Typhoon Noru, also referred to as Super Typhoon Karding in the Philippines,
Hour Spent: 9 was a powerful tropical cyclone that affected both those countries as well as
Vietnam. Noru, the eighth typhoon and sixteenth named storm of the 2022
Certified Correct by:
Professor Pacific typhoon season, developed from a disturbance over the Philippine Sea
Edward B.O. Ang and moved slowly eastward until becoming a tropical depression and turning
westward. As Noru reached Luzon, its 10-minute maximum sustained winds
Supervisor/Trainer :
accelerated quickly, increasing by 45 knots (83 km/h; 52 mph) in just one day.
On September 26 at 15:30 PHT (09:30 UTC), as a PAGASA super typhoon, Noru
Professor Ricky D. Umali
struck its first landfall over the Polillo Islands. Five hours later, as a high-end
typhoon, it made its second landfall over Central Luzon. During its passage
across Luzon, it significantly weakened before making landfall nine hours later
in the South China Sea.
With no task assigned to me for this day, I proceeded to monitor the forms and
monitor any student concerns that may pop up for today. Responses in the poll
I made that indicated whether a student is either in ME or MFGE in the Thesis
group chats remained few responses. This is likely due to most of the currently
enrolled students are not intending to do or finish their thesis this term and are
only enrolled to this course for renewing their thesis registry. I then checked the
excel document I made recording all formed groups in the thesis and the class
list. I noticed that majority of the groups (including my own thesis group) are still
in thesis 1. I can guess this is due to most students having other major subjects
to handle and the groups’ limited chance to meet and work in their thesis. One
disadvantage of online classes is the limitation of the students in meeting with
each other, even now with the covid pandemic having less impact on society
majority of students grew accustomed to the Online classes implemented which
resulted in lessening their social interactions with their classmates and batch
mates. This resulting in trouble in forming thesis groups and not having
correlation of ideas due to minor and major communication barriers that would
have not been present if they were students in Mapua before the pandemic.
Date: September 27, 2022 For this day, I was tasked in reviewing the Review of related literature about
Time In: 8am smart cities that I made. I was asked by Sir Umali whether I was able to save all
Time Out: 5pm sources, checked all grammatical errors and spelling, and check all citations and
Hour Spent: 9 references properly. A review of related literature is intended to help readers
understand the current research and discussions that are pertinent to a
Certified Correct by:
Edward B.O. Ang particular subject or field of study and to communicate that understanding in
the form of a written report. Any literature review should try to synthesize and
summarize the theories and arguments of previously published research in a
Supervisor/Trainer certain topic without making any original contributions. They aid the researcher
in even turning the wheels of the research topic because they are built on
Professor Ricky D. Umali
existing information. Only thorough understanding of the specific flaws in the
existing findings makes it possible to overcome them. The literature review
identifies the route that other studies should take to be successful.
Date: September 28, 2022 For this day, I was tasked in doing an introduction about smart cities. Sir Umali
Time In: 8am gave me eight (8) online published papers as source materials for doing the
Time Out: 5pm introduction. I proceeded into reading all of this documents and sorting it in a
Hour Spent: 9 file in my laptop. A smart city is one that is capable of securely integrating a
variety of technological solutions to manage its resources, which may include
Certified Correct by:
Edward B.O. Ang but are not limited to local government information systems, schools, libraries,
transportation networks, hospitals, power plants, law enforcement, and other
community services. Building a smart city is intended to enhance quality of life
Supervisor/Trainer by utilizing technology to increase service efficiency and cater to resident
demands. Large-scale urbanization and business both fuel innovation and new
Professor Ricky D. Umali
technologies. The way city authorities engage with the public and the city's
infrastructure is being driven by technology.
I then proceeded into reading and sorting all the literature review in an outline
where I can categorize the papers into its topic/title, file name, and idea of the
paper for my convenience. This allowed me to have a more comprehensive
understanding of the concepts behind a smart city. From reading these materials
I understood what I think is an important part in doing a thesis paper and that is
it doing the research. In order for a researcher to put his or her gut instinct into
practice to rationalize the work and create a stronger foundation for supporters
in the career field and so they could take the right decision at the right time
without facing obstacles, research generates novel concepts, builds legitimacy,
and develops understanding and analytical skills.
After reading all materials given to me by Sir Umali, I also did some minor
research through the internet regarding the things I do not understand about
the concept of smart cities and also missing information that I did not find in any
of the research paper. No further task was given to me at this day, so I continued
focusing in doing this introduction. I also made an outline as to how I will
construct the ideas I had in making the introduction.
Date: September 29, 2022 For this day I proceeded in starting the introduction about smart cities. I used
Time In: 8am some parts of the sources given to me by Sir Umali to construct some parts of
Time Out: 5pm the introduction and used some of them as an example. I also took into
Hour Spent: 9 consideration to use proper citations as a standard in writing research papers.
The idea of smart cities ICTs (Information and Communications Technology) are
Certified Correct by:
Edward B.O. Ang now widely recognized for their significance in supporting a range of urban
services that benefit citizens, businesses, and governmental entities. The idea of
Supervisor/Trainer "smart" cities has evolved, where local innovation systems, heavily backed by
digital networks and associated applications, are assisting with intelligence
Professor Ricky D. Umali collecting, knowledge dissemination, network cooperation, and efficient
interaction among various actors.
The literature that is now accessible treats the ideas of "smart" and "intelligent"
cities as being extremely relative. In contrast, embedded technologies, sensors,
and interactive media that facilitate knowledge exchange and interaction are
given increased importance in "smart" cities. Contrarily, "intelligent" cities
appear to rely more on innovation systems, web-based collaboration spaces,
and collective/collaborative intelligence. The integration of the physical,
institutional, and digital components of urban space is the key concern in both
Date: September 30, 2022 For this day, I was able to receive Sir Umali’s input in the introduction part of
Time In: 8am smart cities that I did yesterday. Sir Umali’s asked me regarding the research
Time Out: 5pm materials I used and asked whether I saved some of the papers under my files
Hour Spent: 9 that were from my own research about smart cities. I told him that I was not
able to access and download some of those papers due to them requiring fees
Certified Correct by:
Edward B.O. Ang for downloading. He then instructed me to access some of those paper through
the Mapua library and log-in to the sites of the papers I researched so that I
could download the papers free of charge.
Using the Mapua Library I was able to get five (5) out of the seven (7) research
papers I got on my own from various scholar websites due. Some scholar
websites containing e-journals and articles are not included in the free access in
the Mapua library but were free for download in their respective websites. I
then sent Sir Umali all papers I was able to download and waited further
instructions. While waiting I surfed around the Mapua Library to look and
understand all of its features. I also looked for all free to access scholar websites
available in the Mapua library that I may be able to use in the future for my
groups’ thesis.
Lastly, I was instructed to compile all the research papers that Sir Umali gave me
and the related research papers that I was able to find, I was instructed to
compile them into the Mendeley software for proper citation and
categorization. Mendeley is a reference management and social network for
academics that may be used to manage references, collaborate online, and find
the most recent research. Create bibliographies automatically using Mendeley.
I was able to complete all these tasks today and no further tasks was assigned
to me so I called it a day.
Time In: 8am
Time Out: 5pm
Hour Spent: 9
Professor Ricky D. Umali