Week 4 Learning Journal Rivera, Troy Phillippe C
Week 4 Learning Journal Rivera, Troy Phillippe C
Week 4 Learning Journal Rivera, Troy Phillippe C
Note: The trainee should give a brief but clear report on the task performed, its purpose and how it is
accomplished. Also, indicate the machines, equipment, tools and materials used, if any. Practice Safety.
Date: September 5, 2022 For this day I am instructed by Sir Umali to attend the meeting that was set by him to
Time In: 8am address student concerns regarding the submission of forms and approaches in the
Time Out: 5pm thesis topics and defense. Not more than half have attended the meeting so there
Hour Spent: 9 were still unknown concerns that were not addressed by Sir Umali nor forwarded to
either him or me. Sir Umali then announced that the mme grouping forms to be done
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Professor by the students for convinience so at that time, as I was listening to Sir Umali’s zoom
Edward B.O. Ang meeting the spontanious forms that were filled that I received was being transferred
to my excel file. Other students that were not able to attend the zoom meeting were
Supervisor/Trainer :
at the same time, asking me what was being relayed by Sir Umali. I then imperatively
instructed them to attend the meeting even if they are late because I am handling
Professor Ricky D. Umali
prior tasks assigned by Sir Umali so I might miss some important details.
During the zoom meeting there were students that was consulting Sir Umali about
what topic to choose, this session to longer time due to that but I was able to see Sir
Umali’s expertise in handling the students. While those particular group of students
were presenting their thesis ideas, I was recording all responses that were suddenly
done by the students and additionally, there were groups that merged and individuals
that were able to join groups. I was informed of that through personal chat in teams
and I had to personally look into these chats to manually update my excel file. Sir
Umali was also presenting my file to the zoom so the students that were attending
the zoom were seeing real time updates that I was adding in the excel file. After the
zoom meeting due to the typhoon, Sir Umali had no further task for the day for me,
so I continued to monitor the forms and check my excel files.
Date: September 6, 2022 For this day, I was instructed to collect all forms that were on the MME thesis forms
Time In: 8am website and sort them by which those that needed to be re-edited and those that
Time Out: 5pm were to be left as is, and also to review the processes to be taken in the respective
Hour Spent: 9 thesis courses.
Certified Correct by:
Edward B.O. Ang
While sorting these following forms I found that some documents were repeated and
needed to be filled up again for the other thesis courses, so I then proceeded to
consult Sir Umali as to what to do. He was then instructed to download and also sort
these forms and documents following the process flow of the respective thesis
courses even if some of these processes and documents were redundant. After this
task I then ask Sir Umali whether he has other tasks for me, he then asks whether I
am familiar with creating a google site or am familiar with editing videos. I admittedly
said that I was not familiar with doing any of these tasks, so he then asks me to make
a lecture about the basics of energy a related topic of introduction to
After our discussion I then double-checked the files that I had sorted, as I was not
instructed to proceed in re-editing the files that needed revision, I just continued
preparing to make the PowerPoint lecture in thermodynamics. First, I researched
some previous power points from my files and then proceeded into finding some links,
power points, and pdf files regarding the introduction to thermodynamics that were
more comprehensive and easier to present in the PowerPoint. I bookmarked these
links and videos I found and then proceeded to organize the files in the MME thesis
forms website into specific subfiles following the detailed contents of the process flow
required to be taken in the respective thesis courses.
Date: September 7, 2022 For this day, as the majority of the students currently and newly enrolled in the thesis
Time In: 8am courses were able to fill up the MME thesis grouping forms, less than half of the
Time Out: 5pm students were left unmarked in my record, this means to me that their status is
Hour Spent: 9 unknown whether they already have a group or not. As I was personally close to some
of these students, I easily just messaged them to answer the forms or the poll I set up
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Edward B.O. Ang in the Thesis group chat. Some students though were either from the lower batch or
higher batch so I was not able to contact some of them, but some gave me a private
message so I then proceeded to assist them in finding groups that they can join.
I was able to find credible and easy-to-understand materials for the lecture, so I
bookmarked those links and started the power point presentation but only arranged
the topics and sub-topics to be discussed.
For this day I started making the power point presentation lecture through Canva so
Date: September 8, 2022 I would be able to access a variety of designs and suggested output for visual aids in
Time In: 8am the presentation. I am more comfortable using Canva than Microsoft power point
Time Out: 5pm because it allows more friendly and ready-made suggested designs compared to
Hour Spent: 9 Microsoft power point. Also, some tools of Canva are already compressed functions
derived from Microsoft power point thus making my progress faster in finishing the
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power point.
Edward B.O. Ang
Following the outline I had made the other day I was able to fill in the details and
necessary information in the sub topics of the power point, also I was able to expand
the basic concepts with samples and other information to be able to provide a
detailed description of the key elements in the lecture. I am honestly surprised as to
how some professors are able to make concise and easy to understand power point
lectures when there is so much information in the internet available that has differing
ideas and “branching” concepts that make it harder for choosing what particular
information to pick. I guess as professors it helps that they have more than deeper
understanding to the subject compared to us students.
I am not able to finish the power point lecture for today because I have to update my
excel file again. As it is the 4th week more students were able to join other groups,
finalize their groupings, topics, and chosen advisers, and were updating their forms, I
had to keep real-time updates in my excel file to avoid the revisions that were needed,
to pile up. I also watched some videos that may help me in doing the power point
presentation, I then asked Sir Umali for some clarifications regarding the power point
lecture and showed him my progress. I was able to get his approval in continuing my
progress so I just skimmed my power point for the day to check some missing points
I may have left out and checked some possible grammatical errors.
Date: September 9, 2022 For this day I was able to finish my power point presentation lecture titled
Time In: 8am “Thermodynamics: Basics of Energy” which covers the basics terms used in
Time Out: 5pm Thermodynamics, then the Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics and Energy
Hour Spent: 9 relation, and the units used in Thermodynamics. Through hours of research and
watching related videos, I was able to make this power point presentation passing Sir
Certified Correct by:
Edward B.O. Ang Umali’s criteria.
As Canva would only allow the power point presentation to be downloaded through
premium subscription, I can only download this presentation as a PDF file so I
searched online for a PDF to PowerPoint converter and luckily I was able to find one
but it only allows one free trial conversion so I had to double checked my presentation
before converting to avoid mistakes.
I then checked my power point presentation, and I was happy with the results, I am a
bit of a minimalist in design, so I kept my power point as simple and something that I
think an interesting lecture. I then proceeded to show Sir Umali my final output and I
was happy to get his approval. He then instructed me to separate the topics in the
power point that I made so I went back to the link in Canva where I originally made
the power point presentation, and I also used my previous bookmarked links to
expand the topics in my power point. At this time some students were messaging me
regarding whether we will have another zoom meeting in the coming weekend with
Sir Umali and whether how they should approach their respective advisers in
consultation. I had no instructions or heads up given to me by Sir Umali so I just replied
that I am not sure to those asking about a possible zoom meeting and then I answered
those that want to have a consultation with their adviser that it is not my task to
message their advisers but theirs’ as it is their groups’ responsibility to reach out with
their advisers. No further tasks were given to me at this day so I continued to check
all the messages to me and further researched the topics I have to expand in the
power point presentation.
Time In: 8am
Time Out: 5pm
Hour Spent: 9
Professor Ricky D. Umali