Of Travels in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan.: John Lloyd Stephens Fredrick Catherwood

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Maya Cycles of Time Introduction: John Lloyd Stephens and Fredrick Catherwood brought the ancient Maya to world

attention in 1841 with their illustrated volumes entitled Incidents of Travels in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan.

Figure 1: Labna from Catherwoods Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America (1844)

For some time after, though, much about this lost civilization remained shrouded in mystery. A Spanish colonial Franciscan priest, Fray Diego de Landa had come very close to annihilating the civilization in an effort to wipe out practices he viewed as relapses into paganism. He burned every Mayan book he could find. Only four of the written records of Maya heritage survived the flames of de Landas infamous 1562 auto da fe

Figure 2: de Landa, Government Palace, Merida, Mexico

To atone, de Landa published Relacion de las cosas de Yucatan in 1566, reconstructing as much as he could of the lost heritage. Ironically, that source, written in Spanish, was a key to deciphering Mayan glyphs in later years. Number system: The Maya left evidence of a highly developed understanding of arithmetic, calenderics and astronomy, which was certainly as sophisticated as contemporary civilizations elsewhere in the world. By the end of the Late Preclassic Maya time period (400BCE-100CE), they were using a positional number system which employed only three symbols: representing 0, for 1 and for five. The numbers 1 to19 inclusive appeared as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Numbers larger than 19 were written vertically, employing a vigesimal (base 20) system. 43 = 2*20 + 3 354 = 17*20 + 14 220 = 11*20 + 0

The concept of a zero placeholder first occurred among the Olmec, the mother of all Mesoamerican civilizations. By contrast, an ancient Middle Eastern civilization, the Babylonians employed two symbols in a sexagesimal (base 60) system. Without a zero placeholder, though, they did not have the means to make a distinction, the way we do, between numbers such as 6 and 60. They used, instead, the relative size and spacing of symbols as well as the context to deal with such ambiguities. The Maya used a modified vigesimal number system, in which the value of the third place was 360 instead of 400, for calendric purposes. Vigesimal 1872 = 4*400 + 13*20 + 12 Quasi-vigesimal 1872 = 5*360 + 3*20 + 12

Some authors claim that the Maya employed a pure vigesimal system for non-calendric purposes, however all extant evidence of large numbers relates to the calendar. Calendrics: Like all Mesoamerican cultures, the Maya employed a 260-day year called the Tzolkin or sacred almanac. Dates consisted of pairings of two cycles, one cycle of 13 day numbers with another of 20 day names. Tzolkin Day Names and Glyphs Ahau Imix Ik Akbal Kan Chicchan Cimi Manik Lamat Muluc









h r


Caban Etznab

In this almanac, the day 1 Imix is followed by 2 Ik, 3 Akbal and so on, passing through 260 unique pairs of day numbers and names illustrated by interlocking wheels.

Figure 3: Tzolkin Calendar

The Maya also used the standard Mesoamerican 365-day haab, or vague year composed of eighteen months of 20 days, numbered zero through nineteen, and closing with the 5day month of Uayeb. Haab Month Names and Glyphs Pop Uo Zip Zoltz Tzek Xul Yaxkin Mol Chen Yax










Cumku Uayeb

The haab roughly approximates a solar year and the Maya recorded an accurate account of the discrepancy. Great observers of the cycles of time, they noted that a 365-day year precessed through all the seasons twice in 1,101,600 days (a number that will become significant later). Thus, the true length of a year, n, satisfies

1101600 1101600 = + 2 or 365 n

365.242036 days, which is slightly more accurate than our Gregorian calendar. A Calendar Round combined the 260-day sacred almanac and 365-day haab year in ancient Mesoamerica. As the least common multiple of 260 and 365 is 52365, the Calendar Round was comprised of 52 haab years. Thus a typical Calendar Round date referenced both the almanac and haab positions. For example, the date 11 Akbal 16 Ceh

would look like !c

^L in Mayan glyphs with the number glyphs rotated from

horizontal to vertical. Below find a graphic of the Calendar Round.

Figure 4: Interactive Calendar Round

Only four of the twenty sacred almanac day names could possibly align with the first position of any month of the 365-day haab year. This is because the sequence of 20 distinct day names and 20-day months align exactly save for the final 5-day month of Uayeb. This misalignment shifts the day name of the start of each successive year by 5. Thus, in any given year, each haab month begins on the same sacred calendar day. Then in the subsequent year, each month begins 5 days later. In Classic times these were the days named Akbal, Lamat, Ben and Etznab and known as year-bearers. By the time of the Spanish Conquest, the year-bearers had inexplicably been shifted forward by one day. In any case, the four year-bearer day names together with the day numbers 1-13 made up the 52 distinct sacred almanac days beginning each month of a 365-day haab year of a Calendar Round. Long Count: The Maya carried on the practice of using time periods longer than the 18,980-day Calendar Round believed to be developed by the Olmec. For the Maya, the basic unit of time, a day was called a kin. At a second order, 20 kins made up a uinal. In a vigesimal system the third order would be 20 uinals but, instead, 18 uinals made up a tun. Thus a tun was 360 kin (days). Time keeping units then returned to factors of 20 moving up to each successive level. In this way the Maya recorded references to

vast spans of time in their effort to tie, really justify, current events with the past history and folk law. The table below shows the five levels used to record significant dates in the Maya Classic Era (200-900CE). Maya Time Periods with Glyphs Kin 1 day Uinal 20 Kin Tun 360 Kin Katun 7,200 Kin Baktun 144,000 Kin

The Maya are often credited as the first people to establish a chronological record of dates beginning with a fixed day in the distant past from which to number each day uniquely. They identified the beginning of recorded time as the date when they believed the world came to an end and was recreated afresh. They believed this occurred at the close of a great cycle of 13 baktuns (1,872,000 Kins). Thus their chronological count, called the Long Count, is really another cycle, this one of 5,128 years. The end of the current great cycle is approaching soon, due on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012. Mayanists recognize that early Mesoamerican astronomers may have created the Long Count by targeting this particular end date. It is a date that has special meaning in Maya cosmology and perhaps, not coincidently, also related to the movement of equinoxes relative to other heavenly bodies. After all, the precession of the equinoxes was known to many ancient Old World cultures like the Egyptians and Greeks. In 2012 there will be a unique conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator and the ecliptic. A Mayan date begins with a Long Count which consists of number and time period symbols arranged vertically in carvings, called stela, and codex (book) writing. Below find a picture of Tikal Stela 29 recording the long count date 8 baktun 12 katun 14 tun 15

uinal 0 kin. Mayanists replace this with a kind of decimal representation, called the Goodman notation,, probably corresponding to July 8, 292.

The beginning of the current great cycle was written as 4 Ahau 8 Cumku (instead of See this date on the sketch of Quirigua Stela C below.

Figure 5 sketch of Quirigua Stela C

The 13 refers to the number of baktuns and each successive 0 refers to katun, tun, uinal and kin values respectively. The Ahau and Cumku numbers correspond to the sacred almanac and haab dates.

Figure 6: The Dresden Codex

During the Classic Period the Maya placed their lunar series glyphs between those of the Tzolkin and Haab dates. They demonstrated a clear grasp of the moons changing appearance in the sky. They found that 4,400 days equaled 149 moons, corresponding to a lunation value of 29.53020 days. In the Dresden Codex they laid out the number of days between 405 consecutive lunations, cleverly interpolating lengths of 29 and 30 so that the actual discrepancy in the appearance of a new moon is no more than one day.

Figure 7: pages from the Dresden Codex

Returning to the Maya computation of the length of a solar year and the significance of 1,101,600 days, the Maya observed that in the year, Midwinter day occurred on 0 Yaxkin for the second time since the recreation of the world in year This is 1,101,600 days after the zeroth, which they denote as 13 baktun, back in 3114 B.C.E. Later Dating Schemes: In the Late Classic era, Long Count dating passed out of use in favor of an abbreviated system for commemorating the end of a katun or 7,200 day period. A Long Count katun ending date of Ahau 13 Tzec was reduced to Katun 16 2 Ahau 13 Tzec. The loss of specificity is not as great as it seems because of the redundancy inherent in their dating system. A given Period Ending Date is exact within a cycle of nearly 19,000 years, a time period well in excess of the 13 baktun Great Cycle of 5,128 years.

Unfortunately, by the Late Post Classic (900-1500) era, well before the arrival of the Spanish, another abbreviation for katun endings reduced the accuracy to within the much smaller period of 260 years. This method, dubbed the Short Count, suppressed all katun ending references except the sacred almanac day. The katun ending date above, Ahau 13 Tzec, was reduced to Katun 2 Ahau! It is indistinguishable from Ahau 13 Mac, some 256 Gregorian years later. The table below shows how a particular date might appear. Note the variation in codex and stelae glyph style. There is significant variation in styles among various archeological sites and even on the same site at different times. This makes general decipherment particularly challenging. Ahau 13 Tzec Long Count: Codex Long Count: Stelae Period Ending Short Count

9 ) )

^ ) 2t



** lunar ** ** glyphs ** 2t8k **


Katuns must end on an Ahau day because the first katun did and each Ahau day reoccurs every 20 days. The 13 day numbers, however, are not sequential for katun endings. The length of a katun in days, 7,200 (mod 13) is 11 or -2. Thus successive katun ending Ahau days are 13 Ahau, 11 Ahau, 1 Ahau, 12 Ahau, 10 Ahau, These dates, arranged in a wheel constituted the prevailing calendar at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Below is de Landas version of the Maya calendar.

Figure 8: de Landa's sketch of the Round of the Katuns

The Short Count is a major reason for the unresolved problem of correlating the Maya and European calendars. Short Count dates are correlated to European dates, the problem is correlating prevailing Short with ancient Long Count dates. The generally accepted correlation places the Long Count katun ending of Ahau 8 Xul on the Gregorian date of November 12, 1539. Exploration: All of these calculations can be confirmed using the free ware package The Burden of Time, a Maya calendar converter that translates Classical Maya long counts into the Western Gregorian calendar dates and vise versa. It is simple and attractive with lots of graphics. It lets the user experiment with different correlations and dive more deeply into Mayan calendrics. Once the Mayan fonts are installed they can be used through your word processor. It is limited to our current Great Cycle of 13 baktuns, though, and uses as the Goodman notation for the (re)creation date. 1. Create a glyph long count of your birthday or other significant date(s). 2. Determine which days in the Tzolkin calendar could begin any haab new year. 3. How did the Maya arrive at 1,101,600 days in the computation of the true length of the solar year? 4. If the short count date 13 Ahau is not, are there other possible katun ending long counts in the same baktun? What would be the corresponding Gregorian date(s)? 5. Explain why period ending dates have a cycle of 18,980 haab years, more than triple a great cycle of 13 baktuns.


Related Readings 1. Coe, Michael D. The Maya. 5th ed. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1999. 2. -, Breaking the Maya Code, 2nd ed. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1999. 3. de Landa, Friar Diego. trans by William Gates. Yucatan before and After the Conquest. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1978. 4. Diamond, Jared. The Maya Collapses In Collapse, How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, 157-177. New York: Viking, 2005. 5. Kaplan, Robert. The Nothing that is, a natural History of Zero. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 6. Miller, Mary Ellen. Maya Art and Architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, 1999. 7. Schele, Linda and Peter Mathews. The Code of the Kings. New York: William Morrows, 1998. 8. - and David Freidel. A Forest of the Kings, the Untold Story of the Ancient Maya. New York: Quill William Morrow, 1990. 9. Shafer, Robert J. The Ancient Maya, 5th ed. Stanford California: Stanford University Press, 1994. 10. Stephens, John L. with illustrations by Frederick Catherwood. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, Vol. I & II. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1969.


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