Detailed Lesson Plan in Music

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music II

Date: February 08, 2022

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 75% level of
proficiency must have identified the tempo through beats and movement.

II. Subject Matter: TEMPO

Reference: MUSIC II Textbook
Pages: 24-29
Material: Video presentation, and Power Point Presentation
Strategy: Collaborative approach and demonstration
Values Formation: Cooperation

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary
-Before we begin the lesson this
Prayer morning, let us ask the guidance of
almighty God, and let us enlighten
our mind to completely understand
the lesson this morning. Would you
please lead the prayer ___? (Pupil lead the prayer)

Greeting - Good Morning class! -Good Morning, ma’am!

- How are you today? -Thanks God, we are
fine ma’am.
That’s good to hear! So can I expect
a full blast of energy and active -Yes, ma’am!
participation from you?

Classroom What will you do when our class

Management begins? Listen carefully.
Be quite.
Sit properly.
Very Good. I hope you will cooperate Participate the lesson.
with that class.
Checking of - Now, let us check your attendance.
Attendance Who is absent today? None, ma’am.
(Pupils happily clap their
Very good! I’m so glad that everyone hands)
understands the reasons of coming
to school regularly.

B. Recall

-Now, who can recall our previous -Ma’am, our lesson last
lesson? meeting was all about
-Very good!
-Let’s clap our hands to (pupil’s
name). -The quality of the
sound made by a
-What is timbre again? particular voice or
musical instrument.
C. Motivation
Before, we move on to our
next lesson we will sing first.
Listen to the beat of the song
carefully. Are you ready? -Yes, ma’am.

D. Presentation
-Class, what did you notice
about the beat of the song -The beat of the song
that we sing? emphasize fast and
slow movement of
-Very well said. Here’s your
-Okay class, we are going to
discuss another elements of
music which is tempo.

-What is tempo? Let us find


E. Discussion

Tempo is the speed of the
It can be Fast
It can be slow
-What is tempo again? -Tempo is the speed of
the song.
-Let us stand and follow what It can be slow and it can
Mr. Greg wants us to do in a be fast.

Singing a song such as

rap song has a fast
-Now, can you give me other tempo, dancing,
examples fast tempo? running.

-Excellent class! How about
slow tempo?

F. Enrichment
Activity The teacher will show a Power Point Presentation in the class.
Pupils’ will identify the tempo of the music they heard.

G. Generalization -Again, Tempo is the speed of the song it can be slow just like
how the turtle walk and it can be fast just like how the horse run.

IV. Evaluation
Choose one nursery rhyme, then sing it with fast and slow beats and

V. Assignment

Direction: Identify what tempo marking is being described below.

_______1. Very slow and solemn

_______2. Very, very fast

_______3. Lively and brisk

_______4. Slow

_______5. Not as slow as largo

_______6. Slow and broad

_______7. Fast

_______8. Very Fast

_______9. Moderate

_______10. Gradually getting slow

Prepared by:

Donna S. Quirante, BEED-4A

Checked by:

Grade-II Cooperating Teacher

Observed by:



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