Credit Card Agreement For Consumer Cards in Capital One N.A

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Credit Card Agreement for Consumer Cards in Capital One, ® N.A.

There are two parts to this Credit Card Agreement: Capital One Pricing Information and the BASEBIT customer
Agreement. The Pricing Information shows a range of terms that includes both mail and online offers for Basebit
investment. The combination of terms that could apply to you will differ depending on the specific card offer and on your
creditworthiness at the time of application. Not all offers will contain introductory rates. The Customer Agreement contains
important information related to consumer credit cards issued by Capital One, N.A


Annual Percentage Rate Introductory rate of 0% for 10 months.
(APR) for Purchases Non-introductory rates between 6.4% and 16.5%.
Some Purchase APRs may vary with the market based on changes in the Prime Rate.
APR for Transfers Non-introductory rates between 10.9% and 14.9%.
Some Transfer APRs may vary with the market based on changes in the Prime Rate.
APR for Cash Advances 5.9%.
Cash Advance APRs may vary with the market based on changes in the Prime Rate.
Penalty APR and 9.4%.
When It Applies
Penalty APRs may vary with the market based on changes in the Prime Rate.
This APR may be applied to your account if you make a late payment.
How Long Will the Penalty APR Apply? If APRs are increased for a payment that is late, the
Penalty APR may apply indefinitely.
Paying Interest Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge interest
on new purchases, provided you have paid your previous balance in full by the due date
each month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and special transfers on the
transaction date.
Minimum Interest Charge If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $0.50.

Annual Fee $0.

Transaction Fees
• Cash AdvanceFee The greater of either $10 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance.
• Foreign TransactionFee None.
Capitalone Credit card
• Cost $1,500
• Logistics $500

How We Will Calculate Balances: We use a method called “average daily balance” (including new transactions). See How
Do You Calculate the Interest Charge? below for more details.
Loss of Introductory APR: We may end your Introductory APR and apply the Penalty APR if you make a late payment.
Can You Change My Account Terms? We can change the terms of your account as permitted by law. When required, we
will send you notice before doing so.
How Do You Calculate Variable Rates? Variable rates may change when the Prime Rate changes. We calculate variable
rate by adding a percentage to the Prime Rate published in The Wall Street Journal on the 25th day of each month. If the
Journal is not published on that day, then see the immediately preceding edition. If Prime changes, your new rate will take
effect on your next billing period. If your offer discloses a variable rate that changes quarterly, your new rate will take effect on
the first day of your January, April, July, and October billing periods.
If the APR associated with an offer is variable, the APR will equal:
Non-introductory Purchase APR - Prime plus a margin between 10.65% and 21.65%.
Non-introductory Transfer APR - Prime plus a margin between 10.65% and 21.65%.
Cash Advance APR - Prime plus 21.65%.
Penalty APR - Prime plus 26.15%.
Any increase in the Prime rate may increase your Interest Charges and your Minimum Payment.
.03808% and .06822%, Cash Advance APR .06822%, and Penalty APR would be .08055%.
How Can IAvoid Paying Interest Charges? If you pay your statement’s “New Balance” in full by the due date, we will
not charge interest on any new transactions that post to the Purchase balance. If you have been paying your account
portion of the balance that you did not pay. For cash advances and special transfers, we will start charging interest on the
transaction date.
How Is The Interest Charge Applied? Interest charges accrue from the 1) date of the transaction, 2) date the transaction
is processed, or 3) first calendar day of the billing period. Interest charges accrue on every unpaid amount until it is paid in
full. This means you may owe interest charges even if you pay the entire “New Balance” one month, but did not do so for
the previous month. Unpaid interest charges are added to the proper segment of your account. However, we reserve the
right to not assess interest charges at any time.
How Do You Calculate The Interest Charge? We use a method called Average Daily Balance (including new
creditsforthatsegmentasofthatday.Theresultisthedailybalanceforeachsegment.However,ifyoupaidyourprevious month’s
balance in full (or if your balance was zero or a credit amount), new transactions which post to your purchase or
specialpurchasesegmentsarenotaddedtothedailybalances.Also,transactionsthataresubjecttoagraceperiodarenot added to
the dailybalances.
Next,tofindyourAverageDailyBalance:1)addthedailybalancestogetherforeachsegment,and2)dividethesumbythe number of days
in the billingcycle.
At the end of each billing cycle, we determine your Interest Charge as follows: 1) multiply your Average Daily Balance by
thedailyperiodicrate(APRdividedby365)forthatsegment,and2)multiplytheresultbythenumberofdaysinthebilling period. NOTE:
Due to rounding or a minimum interest charge, this calculation may vary from the interest charge actually assessed.
© 2015 Capital One. Capital One is a federally registered service mark. All rights reserved. Products and services offered
by Capital One, N.A. Capital One supports information privacy protection: see our website
Capital One® CustomerAgreement
Welcome to Capital One WemayrestrictorcloseyourAccountifwecannotverify
Thankyouforopeningacreditcardaccountwithus. yourinformation,orifyoudonotprovideitasrequested.
(“Agreement”)containsthetermsofyouragreement Credit Limits
with CapitalOne. WhenyouopenyourAccount,wewilltellyouyourcredit
limits. These will also appear on your Statement. We
Definitions mayalsorefertoyourcreditlimitsasyourcreditlines.
Themeaningsofthetermsyouseeinitalicsappearin Wemaygiveyoudifferentcreditlimitsforthedifferent
theGlossarysectionattheendofthisAgreement. SegmentsofyourAccount.Forexample,youmayhave
Asusedhere,“you”and“your”meaneachapplicant one credit limit for purchases and a different one for
and co-applicant for the Account; any person CashAdvances.
responsibleforpayingtheAccount;andanyperson YouareresponsibleforkeepingtrackofyourSegment
responsibleforcomplyingwiththisAgreement. balances and your available credit. You must manage
“We,” “us,” “our,” and “Capital One” mean Capital yourAccounttoremainbelowyourcreditlimits.Wemay
One, National Association; and its agents, authorized honortransactionsaboveyourcreditlimits,butifwedo
representatives, successors, and assignees. thesetransactionswillnotincreaseyourcreditlimit.You
Account Documents above your creditlimits.
(1) thisAgreement; credit limit on any Segment at any time. This will not
(2) allStatements; affect your obligation to payus.
(3) any rewards program terms, conditions, anddisclosures;
(4) any privacynotices; Using Your Account
(5) your Card benefits brochure which describes (1) ThisAgreementapplieswhetherornotyouuseyour
benefitsprovidedbythePaymentCardNetworkfor Card or Account. It will continue to apply even after
yourAccount; yourAccountisclosed,aslongasyouhaveabalance.
(6) alldisclosuresandmaterialsprovidedtoyoubefore (2) YoumustsigntheCardimmediatelywhenyou
or when you opened yourAccount; receiveit.
(7) anyotherdocumentsanddisclosuresrelatingtoyour (3) YoumustreturntheCardtousordestroyitifweask
Account, including those provided online; and youto.
(8) anyfuturechangeswemaketoanyoftheabove. (4) You must take reasonable steps to prevent the
Pleasereadthesecarefullyandkeepthemfor unauthorizeduseofyourCard,AccessChecksand
futurereference. Account.
(5) We may decline to authorize a transaction for any
New Offers reason.Thismayoccurevenifthetransactionwould
In the future, we may provide you with new offers that not cause you to go over your credit limit or your
wethinkmayinterestyou.Thetermsoftheseoffersmay Account is not indefault.
differ from the standard terms on your Account. This (6) Wearenotresponsibleforanylossesyouincurifwe do
Agreement will stillapply. not authorize atransaction.
(7) Wearenotresponsibleforanylossesyouincurif
Account Information anyonerefusestoacceptyourCardforanyreason.
We need information about you to manage your (8) Unless we tell you otherwise, we will bill each
Account. This includes: transaction to the applicable Segment of your
(1) your legalname;
for thatSegment.
(2) avalidU.S.mailingaddressandresidentialaddress
(9) You may obtain Cash Advances and Transfers as
(3) your date ofbirth;
payanyamountyouoweusoranyothercompanyin the
(4) yourSocialSecuritynumberorothergovernment
Capital Oneorganization.
(10) You must not use, or try to use, the Card for any
(5) your telephone number(s);and
(6) your employment and incomeinformation.
Youmusttelluswhenthisinformationchanges.Wemay (11) Wearenotliableforanylossesthatmayresult
askyouforadditionaldocumentstoverifyanychanges. whenourservicesareunavailableduetoreasons
beyond ourcontrol.

Rewards Authorized Users
YourAccountmayprovideyouwiththeopportunityto If you ask us to issue a Card to any other person,
earnrewards.Ifitdoes,wewillseparatelyprovideyou theyareanAuthorizedUser.Wemayrequirecertain
withinformationandtermsabouttherewards. informationaboutthem.Wemaylimittheirabilitytouse
Access Checks yourCard.Theymayhaveaccesstocertaininformation
Cash Advances or SpecialTransfers.
OnlythepersonwedesignatemayuseAccessChecks. Removing an Authorized User
Youmaynotusethemtopayanyamountyouoweusor If you want to remove an Authorized User from your
anyothercompanyintheCapitalOneorganization.We Account,youmustcontactCustomerServiceandrequest
mayrejectandnotpayanyAccessCheckif: theirremoval.YoualsomustimmediatelydestroyallCards
(1) yourAccountispastdue,chargedoff,bankrupt,lost/ havesetuponyourAccount.Theywillbeabletouseyour
stolen orclosed; Accountuntilyouhavenotifiedusthatyouareremoving
(2) we suspectfraud; themfromyourAccount.Duringthistime,youwillstillbe
(3) your Account is over the credit limit;or responsibleforallamountstheychargetoyourAccount.You
(4) thecheckhasexpired,isdamagedorcannot willberesponsibleeveniftheseamountsdonotappearon
otherwise beprocessed. your Account untillater.
OurliabilityifwedonotpayanAccessCheckwillnever Authorized Users may remove themselves from your
bemorethan(1)youractualdamagesor(2)theamount of Accountuponrequest.Wereservetherighttoremove
the Access Check, whichever isless. themfromyourAccountforanyreason.Toremovethem
UseofanAccessCheckisnotthesameasusingyour fromyourAccount,wemaycloseyourexistingAccount
Card.WhenyouuseanAccessCheck,youwillhave andissueanewCardwithanewAccountnumber.
fewer rights to dispute merchant transactions than
withusesofyourCard.Pleaseseethe“BillingRights Your Promise to Pay
Summary”onyourStatementandyourotherTruth-in- YoupromisetopayusallamountsdueonyourAccount.
Lending Disclosures for moreinformation. Thisincludesamountswhereyoudidnotsignapurchase
StoppingPaymentofAccessChecks transactions made without presenting your actual Card
YoumayrequestastoppaymentonanyAccessCheck (such as for mail, telephone, Internet, or mobile device
by contacting Customer Service. purchases)thesameasifyouusedtheCardinperson.If
youletsomeoneelseuseyourCard,youareresponsible for
Wewillhaveareasonableamountoftimeafteryour all transactions that personmakes.
stoppayment.Wewillnotberesponsibleifwecannot Statements
completethestoppayment.Reasonsinclude: We will generally send or make available to you one
(1) theAccessCheckwasalreadypaid; Statement for all Cards on your Account at the end of
(2) youdonotgiveustheinformationweaskedfor;or eachBillingCycle.Undercertaincircumstances,thelaw
(3) theinformationyougaveuswasincorrect. may not require us to send or make available to you a
theaccountholderwhomadetherequestasksusto. Disputed Transactions
Ifwere-credityourAccountafteravalidstoppayment YoumustinspecteachStatementyoureceive.Tellus
order,yougiveusallofyourrightsagainstthepayeeor aboutanyerrorsorquestionsyouhave,asdescribed
otherholderofthepaidAccessCheck.Youalsoagreeto inthe“BillingRightsSummary”onyourStatementand
helpusinanylegalactionwemaylatertakeagainstthe otherTruth-in-LendingDisclosures.Ifyoudonotnotify
payee or other holder of thecheck. us of an error, we will assume that all information on the
Statement is correct.
Using a PIN
Wemaygiveyouapersonalidentificationnumber(PIN). If we credit your Account for all or part of a disputed
Forsecurityreasons,youmayhavetoprovidethePIN transaction,yougiveusallofyourrightsagainstothers
before you are able to use yourCard. regarding that transaction. You willalso:
KeepyourPINsecure.Donotwriteitdown,giveit (1) giveusanyinformationaboutthedisputed
toanyone,orkeepitwithyourCard.Ifyouloseyour transaction, if weask;
Card or believe the confidentiality of your PIN has (2) not pursue any claim or reimbursement of the
beencompromisedforanyreason,youmustcontact transactionamountfromthemerchantoranyother
Customer Serviceimmediately. person;and
(3) helpus get reimbursement fromothers.
Stop Payment Fee
No Warranties We may charge you this Fee each time you ask us to
We are not responsible for any claim you may have (1)stoppaymentonanAccessCheckor(2)renewan
regardingthepurchaseofgoodsorservicesmadewith existing stop paymentorder.
Rights Summary” on yourStatement. Cash Advance Fee
Lost or Stolen Card CashAdvance.WewilltreatthisFeeasaCashAdvance
IfyourCardislostorstolenorifyouthinksomeoneelse transaction.
permission, you must contact Customer Service Transfer Fee
immediately. WemaychargeyouthisFeeeachtimeyoumakea
YouwillnotberesponsiblefortransactionsonyourAccount Transfer.WewillchargetheFeetothesameSegment
thatwefindareunauthorized. where we post theTransfer.
Ifwereimburseyouforunauthorizedtransactions,you Transactions Made in Foreign Currencies
willhelpusinvestigate,pursueandgetreimbursement If you make a transaction in a foreign currency, the
from the wrongdoer. Your help includes giving us PaymentCardNetworkwillconvertitintoaU.S.dollar
documents in a form that werequest. amount. The Payment Card Network will use its own
Interest Charges and Fees ineffectontheprocessingdatemaydifferfromtherate
WewillchargeInterestChargesandFeestoyourAccount ineffectonthetransactiondatethatappearsonyour
asdisclosedonyourStatementandotherTruth-in-Lending Statement.Wedonotadjustthecurrencyexchangerate
Disclosures.Ingeneral,InterestChargesbegintoaccrue or charge any currency conversionFees.
from the day a transaction occurs. However, we will not
chargeyouinterestonanynewtransactionspostedtothe Minimum Payment
purchase Segment of your Account if you paid the total Youmustpayusatleasttheminimumpaymentamount
balanceacrossallSegmentsofyourAccountinfullby bythepaymentduedate.YourStatementwilltellyou:
(1) the minimum paymentdue,
(2) your newbalance,
(3) the payment due date,and
(4) anexplanationofwhenthepaymentmustreachus
details in the specificoffer.
We will generally treat Fees as purchase transactions
unlessotherwisespecifiedbelow.TheseFeesapplyto ReturnsandothercreditstoyourAccountwillreduce
yourAccountonlyifyourTruth-in-LendingDisclosures yourAccountbalance,buttheywillnotchangeyour
provideforthem.WemayincreaseyourInterestCharges minimum paymentamount.
andFeesasdescribedintheChangestoYourAgreement Inadditiontotheminimumpayment,youmaypay
sectionorinyourTruth-in-LendingDisclosures. allorpartofthetotalbalanceonyourAccount.But, you
must still pay at least the minimum payment
Membership Fee amounteachmonth,evenifyoupaidmorethanthe
IfyourAccounthasamembershipFee,wemaycharge minimumpaymentdueonthepreviousStatement.We
thefirstmembershipFeeeitheronthedayyouactivate willcontinuetochargeInterestChargesduringBilling
your Card or on the day when you use your Account, Cycleswhenyoucarryabalanceregardlessofwhether
whicheveroccursfirst.IfyourAccounttermsincludea your Statement includes a minimum payment that is
$0introductoryFee,wemaychargethefirstFeewhen due.IfyourAccountis180dayspastdue,ispartofa
theintroductoryperiodends.IfitisanannualFee,we bankruptcyproceedingorisotherwisechargedoff,the
maythenchargeitapproximatelyonceperyear.Ifitisa totalbalanceisimmediatelydueandpayable.
Making Payments
Late Payment Fee YourpaymentmustbemadeinU.S.dollarsfromaU.S.
We may charge you this Fee if we do not receive depositaccountinaformacceptabletous.Wedonot
yourpaymentasinstructedonyourStatementbythe accept cash payments through the mail. You may not
payment duedate. make payments with funds from your Account or any
Returned Payment Fee other credit account with us or any other company in
the Capital One organization. You must send mailed
We may charge you this Fee each time your financial paymentstousasinstructedonyourStatement,unless
institutionforanyreasonrejectsapaymentyoumaketous. we tell youotherwise.

Other Payment Services Capital One
Wemaymakeservicesavailablethatallowyoutomake PO Box1330
fasterorrecurringpaymentsonlineorbytelephone.We Charlotte, NC 28201-1330
language. This also includes all accompanying
use these other paymentservices.
Ifyouasksomeoneelsetomakeapaymentforyou, we andreturnittoyou.Wemayalsoacceptitandprocess it
may provide that person with limited Account without losing any of ourrights.
payment.Wemayalsorefusetoacceptthatpayment.If Credit Balances
wedoacceptit,youwillberesponsibleforthatpayment Wemayrejectandreturnanypaymentthatcreatesoradds
even if a financial institution rejectsit. toacreditbalanceonyourAccount.Anycreditbalance
we allow will not be available until we confirm that your
Payment Processing paymenthascleared.Wemayreducetheamountofany
Wemayacceptandprocesspaymentswithoutlosing creditbalancebyanynewcharges.Youmaywritetothe
any of our rights. We may delay the availability of address provided on your Statement or call Customer
credituntilweconfirmthatyourpaymenthascleared. Servicetorequestarefundofanyavailablecreditbalance.
This may happen even if we credit your payment to
yourAccount.Wemayresubmitandcollectreturned Account Default
paymentselectronically.Ifnecessary,wemayadjust You will be in default if:
yourAccounttocorrecterrors,processreturnedand (1) youdonotmakeanypaymentwhenitisdue;
reversedpayments,andhandlesimilarissues. (2) anypaymentyoumakeisrejected,notpaidor
WhenyousendusanItemaspayment,youauthorize us cannot beprocessed;
to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from (3) you exceed a creditlimit;
yourdepositaccount.Youalsoauthorizeustoprocess (4) youfileorbecomethesubjectofabankruptcyor
thepaymentasanItem.Wemaywithdrawthefunds insolvencyproceeding;
from your deposit account as early as the same day (5) youareunableorunwillingtorepayyourobligations,
we receive your payment. You will not receive your includingupondeathorlegallydeclaredincapacity;
Itembackfromyourbank.Wewillprovideadditional (6) wedeterminethatyoumadeafalse,incompleteor
informationaboutthisprocessonyourStatement. misleadingstatementtous,oryouotherwisetriedto
We may use the information from an Item to create an (7) youdonotcomplywithanytermofthisAgreement or
electronic image. We may collect and return the image any other agreement with us;or
electronically. This electronic image may also be (8) youpermanentlyresideoutsidetheUnitedStates.
toasubstitutecheckandmaybeprocessedinthesame If you are in default, we may take certain actions with
waywewouldprocessanItem.Wewillnotberesponsible if respect to your Account. For example, depending on
an Item you provide has physical features that when the
imagedresultinitnotbeingprocessedasyouintended. default,wemaytakethefollowingactions,withoutnotifying
How We Apply Your Payments
(1) chargeyouFees,orchangetheAPRsandFeeson
(2) close or suspend yourAccount;
hasSegmentbalanceswithdifferentAPRs,hereishow (3) lower your creditlimit(s);
we apply payments in a BillingCycle:
(4) demandthatyouimmediatelypaythetotalbalance
(1) We generally apply credits and payments up to owing on yourAccount;
yourminimumpaymentfirsttothebalancewiththe (5) continuetochargeyouInterestChargesandFeesas
lowestAPR,andthentobalanceswithhigherAPRs. longasyourbalanceremainsoutstanding;and/or
(2) Weapplyanypartofyourpaymentexceedingyour (6) filealawsuitagainstyou,orpursueanotheractionthat
minimumpaymenttothebalancewiththehighest isnotprohibitedbylaw.Ifwefilealawsuit,youagreeto
APR,andthentobalanceswithlowerAPRs. payourcourtcosts,expensesandattorneyfees,unless
Items with Restrictive Words, Conditions, the law does not allow us to collect these amounts.
or Instructions Communications
YoumustmailallItemsbearingrestrictivewords, Youagreethatwemaycommunicatewithyoubymail,
conditions,limitations,orspecialinstructionsto: telephone, email, fax, prerecorded message,automated
regarding yourAccount. Waiver
You agree that we may contact you at any telephone nottotakeanyactionforanyreason.Wemaywaiveour
number (including a mobile telephone number that rightwithoutnotifyingyou.Forexample,wemaywaive
you provide us), and use an automated telephone yourInterestChargesorFeeswithoutnotifyingyouand
dialingsystemorsimilardevicetodoso.Youagreethat we withoutlosingourrighttochargetheminthefuture.
may monitor or record any conversation or other
communication withyou. Assignment
Credit Reports yourandoursuccessorsandassigns.Youmaynotsell,
WemayreportinformationaboutyourAccounttocredit assign or transfer your Account or this Agreement to
bureausandothers.Latepayments,missedpayments, someoneelsewithoutourwrittenpermission.
or other defaults on your Account may be reflected in
yourcreditreport.Informationweprovidemayappear We may sell, assign or transfer your Account and this
onyourandtheAuthorizedUsers’creditreports. Agreement without your permission and without prior
notice to you. Any assignee or assignees will take our
If you believe that we have reported inaccurate place under this Agreement. You must pay them and
information about your Account to a credit bureau or performallofyourobligationstothemandnotus.Ifyou
otherconsumerreportingagency,notifyusinwritingat PO payusafterwenotifyyouthatwehavetransferredyour
Box 30281, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0281. When AccountorthisAgreement,wecanreturnthepayment
youwrite,tellusthespecificinformationthatyoubelieve toyou,forwardthepaymenttotheassignee,orhandleit in
isincorrectandwhyyoubelieveitisincorrect. another way that isreasonable.
• “AccessCheck”meansanycheckwesendtoyouto
Closing or Suspending Your Account accesscreditfromyourAccount.Wemayalsorefer
YoumaycontactCustomerServicetoaskustoclose toanAccessCheckasa“conveniencecheck”ora
yourAccount. “purchasecheck”.
WemaycloseorsuspendyourAccountatanytimeandfor • “Account”meansyourCardAccountwithus.
anyreasonpermittedbylaw,evenifyouarenotindefault. • “AuthorizedUser”meansapersonwhomayusethe
If we close or suspend your Account for any reason, Card,butisnotresponsiblefortherepaymentofthe
youmuststopusingyourCard.Youmustalsocancelall Account.
billingarrangementssetupontheAccount.Ifweclose • “BalanceTransfer”meansaTransferpostedtothe
orpermanentlysuspendyourAccount,youmustreturn purchase Segment of your Account unlessotherwise
ordestroyallCards.Youmuststillpayusallamounts you describedinyourTruth-in-LendingDisclosures.
owe on theAccount.
• “BillingCycle”meanstheperiodoftimereflectedon
Changes to Your Agreement aStatement.Thisperiodmayvaryinlength,butis
Atanytime,wemayadd,deleteorchangeanytermof approximately30days.YouwillhaveaBillingCycle
thisAgreement,unlessthelawprohibitsusfromdoing evenifaStatementisnotrequired.Wewilloften
so.Wewillgiveyounoticeofanychangesasrequired specifyaBillingCyclebythemonthinwhichitsclosing
bylaw.WemaynotifyyouofchangesonyourStatement dateoccurs.Forexample,a“MarchBillingCycle”will
orinaseparatenotice.Ournoticewilltellyouwhenand haveaclosingdateinMarch.Wemayalsoreferto
howthechangeswilltakeeffect.Thenoticewilldescribe aBillingCycleasa“BillingPeriod”.IfyourAccount
anyrightsyouhaveinconnectionwiththechanges. balancehaschargedoff,wemayswitchtoquarterly
Billing Cycles for yourAccount.
theindexfortherategoesupordown.Ifweincrease • “Card”meansanyCapitalOnecreditcardassociated
yourAPRsforanyotherreason,orifwechangeyour with your Account. This includes all renewals and
FeesorothertermsofyourAccount,wewillnotifyyou as substitutions.Italsomeansanyotheraccessdevice
required bylaw. foryourAccountwegiveyouthatallowsyoutoobtain
credit, including any Accountnumber.
The Law That Applies to Your Agreement
WemakedecisionstograntcreditandissueyouaCard • “CashADVANCE”meansaloanincashorthingswe
fromourofficesinVirginia.ThisAgreementisgoverned consider cash equivalents, including wire transfers,
byapplicablefederallawandbyVirginialaw.Ifanypart travelers’ checks, money orders, foreign currency,
ofthisAgreementisunenforceable,theremainingparts lottery tickets, gaming chips, and wagers. We post
will remain ineffect. CashAdvancestotheCashAdvanceSegmentofyour
• “Fees”meanschargesimposedonyourAccountnot • “Special Transfer” means a Transfer posted to a
based on the Annual PercentageRates. SegmentofyourAccountthatisnotyourpurchase
• “InterestCharges”meansanychargestoyourAccount Segment or Cash AdvanceSegment.
basedontheapplicationofAnnualPercentageRates. • “Statement” means a document showing
• “Item”meansacheck,draft,moneyorderorother important Account information, including all
negotiableinstrumentyouusetopayyourAccount. transactions billed to
Thisincludesanyimageoftheseinstruments.This yourAccountduringaBillingCycleandinformationabout
does not include an AccessCheck. whatyoumustpay.WemayalsorefertoyourStatement
• “PaymentCardNetwork”meansthenetworkprovider
displayed on your Card. This may be Visa Inc., • “Transfers”means amounts transferred from other
MasterCardInternationalIncorporated,oranyother accounts to this Account and includes Balance
networkprovider. Transfers and SpecialTransfers.
• “Segments” means the different parts of yourAccount • “Truth-in-Lending Disclosures” means disclosures that
we may establish that are subject to unique APRs, the federal Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z
pricing,orotherterms.Wecreatethesepartsofyour requireforanyAccount.Thisincludesyourapplication
Accountforsuchthingsasyourpurchases,Balance and solicitation disclosures, Account opening
Transfers,CashAdvancesandSpecialTransfers. disclosures, subsequent disclosures, Statements, and
ThesumofyourSegmentbalancesequalsyourtotal change in termsnotices.
Account balance.

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All rights reserved.

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