Server: Services AWS

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Services AWS

Estimate Cost Link

AWS Server Name Amazon EC2

Estimated monthly cost $1,157.61 OS Linux

Estimated 12 months cost 13,951.76 USD Estimated monthly cost $0
Estimated 3 years cost 41,855.28 Estimated upfront cost $60.44

Tenancy (Shared Instances), Operating system (Linux), DT Inbound: Not sele

Description Not selected (0 TB per month), DT Intra-Region: (0 TB per month), Workload
Snapshot Frequency (No snapshot storage), Enable monitoring (disabled), Ad
strategy (Compute Savings Plans 3yr All Up

Microsoft Azure Storage Name Amazon S3

Estimated monthly cost $917.38 Estimated monthly cost $25
Estimated 12 months cost 11,008.56 Estimated upfront cost $0

Estimated 3 years cost 33,025.68 Description S3 Standard storage (1000 GB per mont

Alibaba Cloud Database Name Amazon RDS - PostgreSQL

Estimated monthly cost $1,624.54 Storage volume General Purpose SSD (gp2)
Estimated 12 months cost 19,494.48 Storage amount 30 GB
Estimated 3 years cost 58,483.44 Estimated monthly cost $472.56
Estimated upfront cost $0
Storage volume (General Purpose SSD (gp2)), Storage amount (30 GB), No
Description Utilization (On-Demand only) (100 %Utilized/Month), Deployment Option (

Google Cloud API Gateway Name Amazon API gateway

Estimated monthly cost 1,113.05 Estimated monthly cost $1.25
Estimated 12 months cost 13,356.60 Estimated upfront cost $0

HTTP API requests units (millions), Average size of each request (34 KB), REST
API request units (millions), Cache memory size (GB) (None), WebSocket
Estimated 3 years cost 40,069.80 Description message units (thousands), Average message size (32 KB), Requests (1 per

Networking and
Tencent Cloud Content Name Amazon Route 53 Amazon VPC

Estimated monthly cost 1524.09 Estimated monthly cost $183.00 $36.50

Estimated 12 months cost 18,289.08 Estimated upfront cost $0 $0

Number of site to site

Hosted Zones(1), Basic connections (1),
Estimated 3 years cost 54,867.24 Description Checks Within AWS, Average duration of
Number of Elastic
Network Interfaces each connection(24h per

IBM Cloud Network Security Name VPN Connection Amazon Inspector

Estimated monthly cost $874.17 Estimated monthly cost $329 $12.50

Estimated 12 months cost 10,490.04 Estimated upfront cost $0 $0
Amazon EC2 instance
Working days per month scanning: Average*
Estimated 3 years cost 31,470.12 Description (22), Number of subnet
associations (2) No. of EC2 instances
scanned per month(10)

Kingsoft Cloud
Web Application Name AWS WAF
Estimated monthly cost 849.61 Estimated monthly cost $84
Estimated 12 months cost 10,195.32 Estimated upfront cost $0

Number of Rule Groups per Web ACL (2 per month), Number of Rules insi
Estimated 3 years cost 30,585.96 Description Number of Rules added per Web ACL (2 per month), Number of Web Access
month), Number of Managed Rule Groups per Web AC

Key Management Name Amazon KMS

Estimated monthly cost $11
Estimated upfront cost $0

Description Number of customer managed Customer Master K

Number of symmetric requests (200000

Web Name Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Estimated monthly cost
Estimated upfront cost

Description There is no additional charge for Amazon Be

Management and Name AWS CloudTrail

Estimated monthly cost $100
Estimated upfront cost

Description Management Event Units : millions, S3 operations

AWS Microsoft Azure


Amazon EC2 App Service Compute-Virtual Machines

Linux Windows
$0 $54.75 $83.22
$60.44 $0 $0.00

B2ms: (2 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM) x 730 Hours

system (Linux), DT Inbound: Not selected (0 TB per month), DT Outbound: (Pay as you go), 16GB temporary storage,
Basic Tier; 1 B1 (1 Core(s), 1.75 GB RAM, 10 GB
a-Region: (0 TB per month), Workload (Consistent, Number of instances: 1), Storage) x 730 Hours; Windows OS; 0 SNI SSL Windows (License included), OS Only; 0
age), Enable monitoring (disabled), Advance EC2 instance (t4g.nano), Pricing Connections; 0 IP SSL Connections managed disks – S4; Inter Region transfer
gy (Compute Savings Plans 3yr All Upfront) type, 5 GB outbound data transfer from
East US to East Asia

Amazon S3 Block Blob Storage

$25 $21.04
$0 $0

Region: Southeast Asia, Type: Block Blob Storage, Tier: Standard,

Standard storage (1000 GB per month) Storage Account Type: General Purpose V2,File Structure: Flat
Namespace, Access Tier: Hot,Redundancy: LRS, Capacity: 1000GiB

Amazon RDS - PostgreSQL Azure Database for PostgreSQL

General Purpose SSD (gp2) $0

30 GB 30GiB
$472.56 $205.36
$0 $0
D (gp2)), Storage amount (30 GB), Nodes (1), Instance Type (db.m1.large), Single Server Deployment, General Purpose Tier, 1 Gen 5 (2 vCore) x 730 Hours, 30 GiB Storage,
tilized/Month), Deployment Option (Multi-AZ), Pricing Model (OnDemand) 100 GiB Additional Backup storage - LRS redundancy

I gateway AWS Lambda API Management

5 $1.80 $48.03

age size of each request (34 KB), REST Architecture (x86), Architecture (x86),
emory size (GB) (None), WebSocket Amount of ephemeral storage
message size (32 KB), Requests (1 per allocated (10 GB), Number of Developer tier, 1 unit(s), 730 Hours
th) requests (10000000 per month)

Azure Virtual Network

Amazon CloudFront Manager
Azure DDoS Protection

$1.81 $73.00 $398.00

$0 $0 $0

Data transfer out to Interner(10GB/month),

Data Transfer out to origin(10GB /month), Number of 1 Managed suscriptions x IP Protection, Protection for 2 resources x 1 Month
730 Hours

Defender External Attack

AWS Shield Surface Management Azure DDoS Protection VPN Gateway

$3,000 $1.98 $199.00 $136.80

$0 $0 $0 $0
Cloud Front Usage(None), ELB Usage(None), Elastic IP 2 IP Addresses x 30 days, 2 Tier: IP protection, 1 IP Type: ExpressRoute Gateways, Gateway
Domains x 30 days, 2 Hosts
Usage(None), Global Accelerator Usae(None) x 30 days resources x730 Hours Type: Standard, 720 Gateway Hours

AWS WAF Application Gateway

$84 $20.44
$0 $0

L (2 per month), Number of Rules inside each Rule Group (10 per month),
per month), Number of Web Access Control Lists (Web ACLs) utilized (2 per Region: Southeast Asia, Tier: Basic, Size: Small, Gateway hours:1x730hours,Data processed: 0 GB,
Outbound Data Transfer: 5 GB
of Managed Rule Groups per Web ACL (10 per month)

Amazon KMS Key Vault

$11 $6
$0 $0

ustomer managed Customer Master Keys(CMK)(5), Operations(Standard or Premium): 2000000

mber of symmetric requests (2000000),

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk App Service


s no additional charge for Amazon BeanStalk Basic Tier: 1 B2 (1 Core), 1,75 GB RAM,10 GB Storage, Ix730 Hours

AWS CloudTrail Azure Monitior

$100 $67.03

Plan: Basic Log, Capabilities: 8 days included interactive retention,

ent Units : millions, S3 operations: 100 per month log search queries, Up to 7 years data archive, Pricing Tier: Pay-as-you-go, Price: 0.65 per GB,
Savings Over Pay-as-you-go, 1 GB
Alibaba Cloud Google LLC Google Cloud

Elastic Compute Services(ECS) Compute Engine

OS : Linux OS: Windows

$82.65 $127.51
$0 $0

Region : Asia Pacific SE 1 (Singapore)

Performance Level : PL1 Region: SIngapore, Provisioning Model: Regular, Machine
OS : Alibaba Cloud Linux 3.2104 LTS 64-bit,linux,64bit Family: General Purpose, Series: E2, Threads per core: 2
System Disk : Enhanced SSD (ESSD),20GB threads per core, 730 hours per month, Instance type: e2-
Bandwidth : Fixed Bandwidth,0Mbps standard-2
Instance : 2 Cores, 16 GB (ecs.r7.large)

Object Storage Service (OSS) Cloud Storage

$14.34 $20
$0 $0

Resource Plan Type: Standard (LRS) Storage Plan, Location: Singapore, Total Amount of Storage:
Region: Global, Capacity: 1TB 1000 GB, Storage Class: Standard Storage

ApsaraDB RDS Instance Cloud SQL for Postgre SQL AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

$0 $0 $0
30GiB 30GB
$167.84 $145.18 $302.99
number of instances:1, instance Primary instance: CPU: 2-
Region : Singapore (Singapore), Database Type : PostgreSQL, type: db-standard-2, RAM: 16 GB,
Database Version : 15, Node Type : High-Availability Edition, Storage
Type : Enhanced SSD (ESSD), RDS Specifications : 2 Cores/ 8 GB, location:Singapore,730 hours Regional cluster
Storage : 100GB per month, SSD storage: 30GiB, storage:30GB
Backup:100GiB Backup Storage: 100GB

API Gateway API Gateway

$12 $7.50
$0 $0

Tier2 : >10 million , <100 million (20 million)

monthly calls , 0.6USD/million call Number of API calls: 1 million, Unit Price: 1.50/100,00 calls

Content Delivery Network (CDN) Cloud CDN

$81 $90
$0 $0

Traffic Tier (Total amount of data Cache egress - Asia/Pacific: 1,000 GiB,HTTP/HTTPS
usuage) :1000GB cache lookup requests: 1,000

Security Center Cloud IAM Cloud


$180.04 $80.30
Edition : Anti-virus,Cloud Honeypot : No, Web Tamper IAM is available at no Location: SIngapore,Number
Protection : Yes,Threat Analysis : Yes, vCore : 1 , Anti-ransomware : 50, Log of tunnels per month:1460
Analysis : 40, Licenses : 1, Log Storage Capacity of Threat Analysis : 120 additional charge. tunnel hours per month

Web Application Firewall (WAF) reCAPTCHA Enterprise

$1,049 $250
$0 $0

Edition : Business, Log Service : Yes Total Number of created assessments: 1250000

Key Management Service (KMS) Cloud Key Management

$3.00 $6.60
$0 $0

Software Key Versions : 1 piece, Calls to Basic Software

Keys: 1000 Per 10K Requests , Calls to Advanced Software Total Number of Crypto Key Versions: 10, Total
Number of Key Use Operations: 2000000
Keys: 0, Calls to Service Keys : 0

Enterprise Distributed Application Simple Application Server App Engine

$153 $70 $94.74
$0 $0

Region : Singapore, Data Disk Category :

Edition : Standard, Billing Method : Data Disk, Data Disk : 100GB SSD,
Subscription, Image Type : Apps Image, Apps Image:
Instance Type: F1, Cores/vCPUs: 1,460 hours per month
Instances with Application Node.js 16.5.0, Instance Plan : 4 CPU
Deployed : 1-5, cores|16 GB memory|320 GB ESSD|6 TB
metered data|30Mbit/s peak bandwidth

ActionTrail Cloud Operations

$42.05 $140.94

Volume of monitoring data: 696.182 MiB, samples per

month: 146880, Number of trace spans: 3,
Number of Executions per month: 87600
Tencent Cloud Services IBM Cloud Kingsoft Cloud Pte. Ltd.
$1,524.09 $849.61

Kingsoft Cloud ELastic

Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) Virtual Server for VPC

Windows Intel x86

$124.10 $71.27 $39.40
$0 $0 $0

Availability Zone: Singapore Zone 1, Model: S1, Specification: Virtual Server instance: 2vCPUs,, 8GiB RAM, 4 Gbps, Image:
S1.MEDIUM4, CentOS 7.x - Minimal
2-core vCPU, 4GB, 1.5Gbps, General Purpose SSD: 50 GB, Install (amd64), Boot Volume:100GB, Virtual private cloud Standard S3: 2 CPUs,
Bandwidth: 0Mbps, (provided),Network Memory: 8GB
Billing Mode: 730 hours Interface(provided)

Cloud Object Storage COS Block Storage for VPC CLoud Object Storage Standard storage Service
$22 $80.30 $22.70 $20.20
$0 $0 $0 $0

Charge catergory: Standard

IOPS Tiers: 3 IOPS/GB, Size: Storage Class: 1000GB, Public
Storage Class: Standard, Storage usage: 1000GB/month 1000GB, standard egress(in GB): 0, Standard storage price
(per month), 1000GB
Provider managed Class A( request count ):0,
Class B (request count ):0,

Relational Database
TencentDB for PostgreSQL Databases for PostgreSQL Cloudant
$0 $0 $0 $0
32 GB
$226.56 $448.48 $82.50 $277.62
Templates: Small
(IOPS:1280, Members:2), 2x Standard, 100reads/sec, 50 Region: Singapore District 1,
Tier 1 fee: (32 GB x 0.07 USD/GB/hr + 500 GB x 0.00024 USD/GB/hr) 12 GB-RAM, 2x128 GB- DIsk, writes/sec, 5 global
x 96 hours 2x3 Virtual Processor queries/sec, Memory: 8GB, Storage space:
Core(Not Available in 0x Storage over 20GB 100GB

Tencent Cloud API Gateway API Connect Essentials


This plan starts at USD 0.0034/hour per CPU core, and

Monthly Accumulative Excessive calls: 5 million, Unit Price: 0.12
USD/10,000 calls includes basic API management features, such as API
creation, security, and analytics.

Content Delivery Network CDN Load Balancer for VPC Elastic IP

$109.41 $21.44 $28.80

$0 $0

Application Load Balancer (ALB),

Layer 4 and 7 load balancing,
Asian Pacific Region 1: 10 Mbps, HTTP,HTTPS, and TCP support, EIP pay-as-you-go ,
Billable Days: 30 days: 30 days 720 hours,1 Mbps
SSL offloading, Multi-zone support
Parameter-based routing

T-SEC Cloud Firewall Data Security Center Hyper Protect Virtual Advanced Defense
Server for Classic

$420 $120 $360/ instance $328.36

Default value: 20 Mbps; Small: 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 100 GB Storage GbpsAttack Peak X (Gbps): 30 < X ≤ 40,
Premium Edition, 3 datasets, CC protection peak Y (QPS): 100000< Y ≤ 1300
Maximum value: 200 Mbps (25 GB boot, 75 GB data) (North China)

T-SEC Web Application Firewall Web Application Firewall Web Application Firewall

$800 $300 $429.85


Type: Premium Edition, service bandwidth: 10Mb

Basic Plan Pricing : SaaS WAF Premium Premium Edition,USD 10.00 per day for 30Mbps ,Each instance package supports up to 10
up to 100 GB of traffic. name packages;Support areas are: Beijing 6, Shan
Guangzhou 1, Beijing Finance, Shanghai Finan

Key Management Service Hyper Protect Crypto Services Key Management Service

CMK storage (USD/key/day) Customer Manage CMKs: Plan: Standard, Estimated Inputs: 100 x Crypto Unit Hour,
0.06/key/day, 0xKeystore 1 Cloud Master Key= 0.2 CNY,/per day, Provided: 20
API calls, 0.6CNY per 10,000 extra calls
API calls : 0.18 USD/10,000 calls

Severless Cloud Function Key Protect

$89 $95

API call fees : 10 million $1 KEY_VERSION, KEY_VERSION:100,

5 key versions are free per account

Cloud Audit Cloud Activity Tracker Cloud Monitior

$100 $156.75

7 day Event Search, Full Featured keyword natural

Full featured keyword natural language search
Multi-channel Alerting (Pagerduty, Slack, Email, Webhooks language search, Multichanel Alerting (Pagerduty,
Slack, Email, Webhooks etc.) Export API, Archiving PCI, Free of charge
etc.)Export API, Archiving, PCI, SOC2, Privacy Shield
SOC2, Privacy Shield Compliance 7 day event search,
Compliance, 14 day event search, 50 GB
100 GB
Kingsoft Cloud Pte. Ltd.


Elastic Physical Compute


Prodict Type: Standard

Calculation, CPU: E5-2620
V4*2, Memory: 128 G, SSD:
300G SAS*2+2T SATA*4

Standard storage Service


Standard storage price

(per month), 1000GB

Distributed Relational
Database Service(KDRDS)

Standard Edition: 8-
core,16GB(2 nodes)

Elastic IP


EIP pay-as-you-go ,
720 hours,1 Mbps

Advanced Defense

ttack Peak X (Gbps): 30 < X ≤ 40,
on peak Y (QPS): 100000< Y ≤ 130000
(North China)

Web Application Firewall


Edition, service bandwidth: 10Mbps and

nstance package supports up to 10 domain
;Support areas are: Beijing 6, Shanghai 2,
1, Beijing Finance, Shanghai Finance;

Key Management Service

ey= 0.2 CNY,/per day, Provided: 20,000 free

lls, 0.6CNY per 10,000 extra calls

Cloud Monitior
Free of charge

Estimate Cost Link

AWS Server Name

Estimated monthly cost $1,157.61 OS

Estimated 12 months cost 13,951.76 USD Estimated monthly cost
Estimated 3 years cost 41,855.28 Estimated upfront cost


Microsoft Azure Storage Name

Estimated monthly cost $551.28 Estimated monthly cost
Estimated 12 months cost 6,615.36 Estimated upfront cost

Estimated 3 years cost 19,846.08 Description

Alibaba Cloud Database Name

Estimated monthly cost $1,538.49 Storage volume

Estimated 12 months cost 18,461.88 Storage amount
Estimated 3 years cost 55,385.64 Estimated monthly cost
Estimated upfront cost


Google Cloud API Gateway Name

Estimated monthly cost 838.27 Estimated monthly cost
Estimated 12 months cost 10,059.24 Estimated upfront cost
Estimated 3 years cost 30,177.72 Description

Networking and
Tencent Cloud Content Name

Estimated monthly cost $1,490.54 Estimated monthly cost

Estimated 12 months cost 17,886.48 Estimated upfront cost

Estimated 3 years cost 53,659.44 Description

IBM Cloud Network Security Name

Estimated monthly cost $1,523.73 Estimated monthly cost

Estimated 12 months cost 18,284.76 Estimated upfront cost

Estimated 3 years cost 54,854.28 Description

Kingsoft Cloud
Web Application Name
Estimated monthly cost 1,527.10 Estimated monthly cost
Estimated 12 months cost 18,325.20 Estimated upfront cost

Estimated 3 years cost 54,975.60 Description

Key Management Name

Estimated monthly cost
Estimated upfront cost


Web Name
Estimated monthly cost
Estimated upfront cost


Management and Name

Estimated monthly cost
Estimated upfront cost


Amazon EC2


Tenancy (Shared Instances), Operating system (Linux), DT Inbound: Not selected (0 TB per month), DT Outbound:
Not selected (0 TB per month), DT Intra-Region: (0 TB per month), Workload (Consistent, Number of instances: 1),
Snapshot Frequency (No snapshot storage), Enable monitoring (disabled), Advance EC2 instance (t4g.nano), Pricing
strategy (Compute Savings Plans 3yr All Upfront)

Amazon S3

S3 Standard storage (1000 GB per month)

Amazon RDS - PostgreSQL

General Purpose SSD (gp2)



Storage volume (General Purpose SSD (gp2)), Storage amount (30 GB), Nodes (1), Instance Type (db.m1.large),
Utilization (On-Demand only) (100 %Utilized/Month), Deployment Option (Multi-AZ), Pricing Model (OnDemand)

Amazon API gateway AWS Lambda

$1.25 $1.80
HTTP API requests units (millions), Average size of each request (34 KB), REST Architecture (x86), Architecture (x86),
API request units (millions), Cache memory size (GB) (None), WebSocket Amount of ephemeral storage
message units (thousands), Average message size (32 KB), Requests (1 per allocated (10 GB), Number of
month) requests (10000000 per month)

Amazon Route 53 Amazon VPC Amazon CloudFront

$183.00 $329.00 $1.81

$0 $0 $0

Hosted Zones(1), Basic Working days per Data transfer out to Interner(10GB/month),
Checks Within AWS, month (22), Data Transfer out to origin(10GB /month), Number of
Number of Elastic Number of subnet requests(HTTPS)(10,000/month)
Network Interfaces associations (2)

Amazon Inspector AWS Shield

$12.50 $3,000
$0 $0

Amazon EC2 instance scanning: Average* Cloud Front Usage(None), ELB Usage(None), Elastic IP
No. of EC2 instances scanned per month(10) Usage(None), Global Accelerator Usae(None)



Number of Rule Groups per Web ACL (2 per month), Number of Rules inside each Rule Group (10 per month),
Number of Rules added per Web ACL (2 per month), Number of Web Access Control Lists (Web ACLs) utilized (2 per
month), Number of Managed Rule Groups per Web ACL (10 per month)

Amazon KMS

Number of customer managed Customer Master Keys(CMK)(5),

Number of symmetric requests (2000000),

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

There is no additional charge for Amazon BeanStalk

AWS CloudTrail


Management Event Units : millions, S3 operations: 100 per month

Microsoft Azure

Compute-Virtual Machines


OS: Linux, Type:Ubuntu, Tier:Standard, Category: All, Instance Series: All, Instance:
D2 v3: 2 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM, 50 GB Temporary Storage, $0.085/hour, 1 virtual machines
Savings Plan (3 year saving plan)

Storage Accounts

Region: Southeast Asia, Type: Block Blob Storage, Tier: Standard,Storage Account Type: General
Purpose V2,File Structure: Flat Namespace, Access Tier: Hot,Redundancy: LRS, Capacity: 1000GiB,
Saving options: 3 year reserved

Azure Database for PostgreSQL


Single Server Deployment, General Purpose Tier, 1 Gen 5 (2 vCore) x 730 Hours, 30 GiB Storage, 0
GiB Additional Backup storagee, LRS redundancy, Reserved instances: 3 year reserved, Payment
Options: Monthly

API Management
Consumption Tier, 2 million calls

Azure Virtual Network Manager


1 Managed suscriptions x 730 Hours

Defender External Attack

Surface Management Azure DDoS Protection VPN Gateway

$9.90 $199.00 $26.28

$0 $0 $0

10 IP Addresses x 30 days
per month, 10 Domains x 30 Tier: IP protection, 1 IP Type:VPN Gateways, Gateway Type: Basic
days per month, 2 Hosts x resources x730 Hours VPN , 730 Gateway Hours
30 days per month

Application Gateway


Region: Southeast Asia, Tier: Basic, Size: Small, Gateway hours:1x730hours,Data processed: 0 GB,
Outbound Data Transfer: 5 GB

Key Vault

Operations(Standard or Premium): 2000000

App Service

Operations(Standard or Premium): 2000000

Azure Monitior


Managed Prometheus : 3 Number of AKS nodes in a cluster,10000 Number of Prometheus metrics

per node, 30 metric collection (in seconds),10 Average number of daily Dashboards users, 7
number of dashboards, 50000 data samples queries per dashboard, 25 number of promql alerting
rules, 25 number of proql recording rules
Alibaba Cloud Google LLC Google Cloud

Elastic Compute Services(ECS)Subscription Compute Engine

OS : Linux OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux

$89.79 $104.15
$0 $0

Region : Asia Pacific SE 1 (Singapore), Performance Level : PL1

OS : Alibaba Cloud Linux 3.2104 LTS 64-bit,linux,64bit Region: SIngapore, Provisioning Model: Regular
Family: General Purpose, Series: E2, Threads pe
System Disk : Enhanced SSD (ESSD),30GB threads per core, 730 hours per month, Instance
Bandwidth : Fixed Bandwidth,0Mbps standard-2
Instance : 2 Cores, 8GB (ecs.g7.large)

Data Transport Cloud Storage

$14.34 $20
$0 $0

Resource Plan Type: Standard (LRS) Storage Plan, Location: Singapore, Total Amount of Stora
Region: Global, Capacity: 1TB 1000 GB, Storage Class: Standard Storag

ApsaraDB RDS Instance Cloud SQL for Postgre SQL

$0 $0
30GB 30GiB
$54.22 $145.18
$0 $0

Region : Singapore (Singapore), Database Type : PostgreSQL, number of instances:1, instance

Database Version : 15, Node Type : Basic, Storage type: db-standard-1,
Type : Enhanced SSD (ESSD), RDS Specifications : 2 Cores/ 8 GB, location:Singapore,730 hours
Storage : 30GB per month, SSD storage: 30GiB

API Gateway API Gateway

$12 $7.50
$0 $0
Tier2 : >10 million , <100 million (20 million) Number of API calls: 1 million, Unit Price: 1.50/1
monthly calls , 0.6USD/million call

CDN Resouce Plan Cloud CDN

$75 $90
$0 $0

Cache egress - Asia/Pacific: 1,000 GiB,HTTP/H

Type: Outbound Traffic, Outbound Traffic: 1TB, Region: AP1
cache lookup requests: 1,000

Security Center

$61.05 $80.30
$0 $0

Edition : Anti-virus,Cloud Honeypot : No, Web Tamper Location: SIngapore,Number

Protection : Yes,Threat Analysis : Yes, vCore : 2 , Anti-ransomware : 50GB, Log of tunnels per month:2x730
Analysis : 40GB, Licenses : 1, Log Storage Capacity of Threat Analysis : 120GB tunnel hours per month

Web Application Firewall (WAF) reCAPTCHA Enterprise

$1,049 $0
$0 $0

Edition : Business, Log Service : Yes Total Number of created assessments: 14

Key Management Service (KMS) Cloud Key Management

$3.00 $6.60
$0 $0

Software Key Versions : 1 piece, Calls to Basic Software

Keys: 200 Per 10K Requests , Calls to Advanced Software Total Number of Crypto Key Versions: 10, T
Number of Key Use Operations: 200000
Keys: 0, Calls to Service Keys : 0

Enterprise Distributed Application

Service(EDAS) Simple Application Server App Engine
$153 $70 $94.74
$0 $0

Region : Singapore, Data Disk Category :

Edition : Standard, Billing Method : Data Disk, Data Disk : 100GB SSD,
Image Type : Apps Image, Apps Image:
Subscription, Node.js 16.5.0, Instance Plan : 4 CPU cores|
Instance Type: F1, Cores/vCPUs: 2x730 hours per
Instances with Application Deployed : 1-5, 16 GB memory|320 GB ESSD|6 TB metered
data|30Mbit/s peak bandwidth

ActionTrail Cloud Operations

$42.05 $140.94

Volume of monitoring data: 696.182 MiB, sa

Prices are not mentioned month: 146880, Number of trace spans
Number of Executions per month: 876
Google LLC Google Cloud Tencent Cloud Services

/calculator/#id=f6695a90-8b14-4fb1-b6c2-10b741e72069 $1,490.54

Compute Engine Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM)

S: Red Hat Enterprise Linux LInux

$104.15 $144.00
$0 $0

Availability Zone: Singapore Zone 1, Model: S1, Specification:

re, Provisioning Model: Regular, Machine S1.MEDIUM8,
Purpose, Series: E2, Threads per core: 2
730 hours per month, Instance type: e2- 2-core vCPU, 8GB, 1.5Gbps, General Purpose SSD: 30 GB,
standard-2 Bandwidth: 0Mbps,
Billing Mode: 730 hours

Cloud Storage Cloud Object Storage COS

$20 $22
$0 $0

ngapore, Total Amount of Storage: Storage Class: Standard, Storage usage: 1000GB/month
Storage Class: Standard Storage

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL TencentDB for PostgreSQL

$0 $0
30GB 32 GB
$290.69 $226.56
$0 $0

Primary instance: CPU: 2-

RAM: 16 GB, Tier 1 fee: (32 GB x 0.07 USD/GB/hr + 500 GB x 0.00024 USD/GB/hr)
Regional cluster x 96 hours

API Gateway Tencent Cloud API Gateway

$7.50 $6.74
$0 $0
lls: 1 million, Unit Price: 1.50/100,00 calls Monthly Accumulative Excessive calls: 5 million, Unit Price: 0.12
USD/10,000 calls

Cloud CDN Content Delivery Network CDN

$90 $66.50
$0 $0

- Asia/Pacific: 1,000 GiB,HTTP/HTTPS

Asian Pacific Region , Bill by Traffic: 1000GB
che lookup requests: 1,000

Data Security Center

$80.30 $120
$0 $0

cation: SIngapore,Number
f tunnels per month:2x730 Premium Edition, 3 data assets
tunnel hours per month

reCAPTCHA Enterprise T-SEC Web Application Firewall

$0 $800
$0 $0

ber of created assessments: 1460 Basic Plan Pricing : SaaS WAF Premium

Cloud Key Management Key Management Service

$6.60 $35.64

ber of Crypto Key Versions: 10, Total API calls(0.18 USD/10,000 calls): 2000000
of Key Use Operations: 2000000

App Engine Severless Cloud Function

$94.74 $89

F1, Cores/vCPUs: 2x730 hours per month API call fees : 10 million

Cloud Operations Cloud Audit

$140.94 -

toring data: 696.182 MiB, samples per

6880, Number of trace spans: 3, Free of charge
of Executions per month: 87600
IBM Cloud Kingsoft Cloud Pte. Ltd.

1,523.73 $1,527.10

Kingsoft Cloud ELastic

Virtual Server for VPC

Intel x86
$79.64 $151.29
$0 $0

Location: London, Virtual Server instance: 2vCPUs,, 8GiB

RAM, 4 Gbps, Image: WIndows Server 2022 Standard Standard S3: 2 CPUs,
Edition(amd64), Boot Volume:100GB, Virtual private cloud Memory: 8GB

CLoud Object Storage Standard storage Service

$31.35 $20.20
$0 $0

Charge catergory: Standard Storage Class: 1000GB, Public

standard egress(in GB): 0, Class A( request count ):0, Standard storage price
Class B (request count ):0, (per month), 1000GB

Relational Database
Databases for PostgreSQL
$0 $0
2x12GB 30GB
$470.08 $267.17
$0 $0

Templates: Small (IOPS:1280, Members:2), 2x 12 GB-RAM, Region: Singapore District 1, Memory: 8GB, Storage space:
2x128 GB- DIsk, 2x3 Virtual Processor Core(Not Available in 30GB

API Connect Essentials

This plan starts at USD 0.0034/hour per CPU core, and -
includes basic API management features, such as API
creation, security, and analytics.

Load Balancer for VPC Elastic IP

$24.50 $75.00
$0 $0

Estimated Inputs: 730xService usuage in hours, 1xData

Traffic through the load balancer in GB, 1x Reserved Floating EIP pay-as-you-go (by traffic) prices,100 GB
IPs, Type:public, Region: Osaka

Hyper Protect Virtual

Advanced Defense
Server for Classic

$360/ instance $328.36

$0 $0

GbpsAttack Peak X (Gbps): 30 < X ≤ 40,

Small: 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 100 GB Storage CC protection peak Y (QPS): 100000< Y ≤ 130000
(25 GB boot, 75 GB data) (North China)

Web Application Firewall Web Application Firewall

$300 $429.85

Type: Premium Edition, service bandwidth: 10Mbps and

Premium Edition,USD 10.00 per day for 30Mbps ,Each instance package supports up to 10 domain
up to 100 GB of traffic. name packages;Support areas are: Beijing 6, Shanghai 2,
Guangzhou 1, Beijing Finance, Shanghai Finance;

Hyper Protect Crypto Services Key Management Service


Plan: Standard, Estimated Inputs: 1x Crypto Unit Hour,

1xKeystore 1 Cloud Master Key= 0.2 CNY,/per day, Provided: 20,000 free
API calls, 0.6CNY per 10,000 extra calls

Key Protect

5 key versions are free per account

Cloud Activity Tracker Cloud Monitior


7 day Event Search, Full Featured keyword natural

language search, Multichanel Alerting (Pagerduty, Free of charge
Slack, Email, Webhooks etc.) Export API, Archiving PCI,
SOC2, Privacy Shield Compliance 7 day event search,
100 GB
Kingsoft Cloud Pte. Ltd.


Kingsoft Cloud ELastic



Standard S3: 2 CPUs,

Memory: 8GB

Standard storage Service


Standard storage price

(per month), 1000GB

Relational Database

ore District 1, Memory: 8GB, Storage space:



Elastic IP


-as-you-go (by traffic) prices,100 GB

Advanced Defense


Attack Peak X (Gbps): 30 < X ≤ 40,

tion peak Y (QPS): 100000< Y ≤ 130000
(North China)

Web Application Firewall


m Edition, service bandwidth: 10Mbps and

nstance package supports up to 10 domain
s;Support areas are: Beijing 6, Shanghai 2,
u 1, Beijing Finance, Shanghai Finance;

Key Management Service

Key= 0.2 CNY,/per day, Provided: 20,000 free

alls, 0.6CNY per 10,000 extra calls

Cloud Monitior

Free of charge

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