Practice Questions - Hindu LAW
Practice Questions - Hindu LAW
Practice Questions - Hindu LAW
11. A bigamous Hindu Marriage is
(a) Void (b) Illegal (c) Prohibited (d) All of the above
12. A married B but the marriage was void for being within the prohibited degrees of
relationship. After sometime,A married C while B was still living with him. A’s marriage
with C is
(a) Voidable at C’s option (b) Valid
(c) Void and punishable (d) Valid but punishable
13. In a Hindu marriage between A and B, A was incapable of giving a valid consent to it
because of unsoundness of mind. The marriage is
(a) Void (b) Valid (c) Voidable (d) Illegal
14. According to Hindu Marriage Act, the children born out of the null and void marriage are
considered as
(a) Illegitimate (b) Bastards (c) Legitimate (d) Orphans
15. A, a Hindu male and B, a Hindu female were married to each other at the age of 26 and 13
years respectively. Upon attaining majority, B decides she does not wa t to remain in this
marriage union any more. What is the recourse available to her?
(a) The marriage was a perfectly valid marriage and she cannot repudiate it on the above
mentioned ground.
(b) The marriage was a child marriage which is voidable. Hence, she can repudiate the marriage.
(c) The marriage cannot be avoided by the girl but only by the boy.
(d) The marriage can be terminated only through a decree of d vorce.
16. An adopted child
(a) Can be given in adoption generally
(b) Cannot be given in adoption again
(c) Can be given in adoption again with the consent of the natural parents
(d) Can be given in adoption again only with the prior permission of the court
17. Which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to ‘impotency’ as a ground of
voidable marriage?
(a) Impotency means incapacity to ha exual intercourse
(b) Impotency may have a physical or mental reason
(c) An inability to produce children amounts to impotency
(d) All of the above
18. Which of the following grounds make a marriage voidable on the grounds of fraud under
Hindu Marriage Act?
(a) A false representa ion regarding the school of the party
(b) The concealment the fact that the party was already married
(c) A false epres tation regarding the zodiac sign of the party
(d) All of the above
19. A, a Hindu male of 25 years marries B, a Hindu female of 20 years. B is physically incapable
of conceiving a child. This fact was not disclosed to A even though B’s family was aware of
her medical condition. In this case,
(a) The marriage is valid because a mere inability to conceive a child does not amount to
impotency nor the concealment of this fact amount to fraud.
(b) The marriage is void on account of fraud practiced by B by concealment of this important fact.
(c) The marriage is voidable on account of fraud practiced by B by concealment of this important
(d) The marriage can be terminated through divorce on a petition filed by A.
20. Adultery as a ground of divorce can be availed by
(a) Wife only (b) Husband only
(c) Either the husband or the wife (d) None of the above
21. Which of the following cases is related to the ground of cruelty?
(a) Bipin Chandra v. Prabhavati (b) Geeta Hariharan v. RBI
(c) Dastane v. Dastane (d) R v. Tolson
22. Which of the following instances does not amount to cruelty?
(a) Habit of excessive drinking.
(b) Threat to commit suicide with a view to coercing the other to do something.
(c) Wife’s refusal to resign from her job.
(d) Verbal abuses and insults using filthy and abusive language..
23. Minimum how much time must elapse since the date of the marriage before a party can file a
petition for divorce?
(a) No minimum time is required and the petition can be filed any time after the marriage
(b) One year
(c) Six months
(d) Eighteen months
24. Vijay and Saroj was a childless couple. In 1990, Vijay took in adoption his brother's son
Ajay. In 1992, a son was born to the couple. Vijay wants to give Ajay back to his brother.
Can he do so
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Yes if Ajay himself wants to return to his family of birth
(d) Yes but only with the permission of the court
25. Which is/are within the degrees of prohibited relationship for the purpose of marriage under
Hindu law?
(a) Brother and sister (b) Uncle and niece (c) Cousins (d) All of the above
26. Conjugal rights means
(a) Matrimonial rights (b) Cohabitation rights
(c) Right of the parties to live together (d) None of the above
27. ASSERTION (A) : A bigamous marriage is void under Hindu Law.
REASON (R) : A child born ou of void marriage is a legitimate child of his parents
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is rue
28. In case of adopti of a son, the adoptive father or mother must not already have
(a) Son (b) Son's son (c) Son's son’s son (d) Either of the above
29. Restitution of conjugal rights can be demanded by
(a) Husband (b) Wife
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
30. Dastane v. Dastaneis a case on
(a) Adoption (b) Divorce (c) Marriage (d) Maintenance
31. Remedy of restitution of conjugal rights is aimed at
(a) Dissolving the marriage (b) Preserving the marriage
(c) Depends (d) None of the above
32. Which is the most common instance for breakdown of marriage?
(a) Desertion (b) Cruelty (c) Insanity (d) None of the above
33. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 contains the provision regarding divorce in
(a) Section 10 (b) Section 11 (c) Section 13 (d) Section 15
34. A Hindu adopts a Muslim Child. Under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act,
(a) The adoption is void (b) The adoption is voidable
(c) The adoption is valid (d) None of the above
35. Which of the following is no longer a ground for divorce?
(a) Insanity (b) Venereal disease
(c) Leprosy (d) Renunciation of world
36. Which marriage is a valid Hindu marriage?
(a) Marriage of uncle and niece (b) Marriage with grandfather
(c) Marriage with father's brother (d) Marriage with a widow
37. H and W is a married Hindu couple. From the very beginning, H has been beating W
mercilessly and has never given her the love and respect she deserves. W has tried several
times to make the marriage work and attain the love from her husband but all in vain. One
day, she meets her classmate, Rajiv in market. They decide to share a up of coffee and in
that meeting, W shares about her sad marital life with Rajiv who also shares a similar story
of unhappy marital life. A listening ear gives them some relief. Soon they begin meeting
frequently and find a friend in each other but at the same time, they never cross their marital
boundaries. One day, W calls over Rajiv for lunch at home while H is away at office. By
chance, H comes home early and finds W and Rajiv in company of each other having lunch
together. He loses his temper and accuses them both of having an extra marital affair. While
W tries her best to explain the situation to H, he is bent u on divorcing W on the ground of
adultery. He now approaches you as a lawyer for your legal advice. What would be your
suggestion to H?
(a) H can certainly divorce W on ground of adultery.
(b) H should forgive W and start a new life afre h.
(c) Since H himself has been guilty of cruelty, he cannot seek divorce on any ground
(d) The above facts do not constitute adultery.
38. A child can be given in adoption by
(a) Father (b) Mother (c) Guardian (d) All of the above
39. A boy of 17 years marries a girl of 15 years. The marriage is
(a) Void (b) Vo able (c) Valid (d) Illegal
40. A decree of judicial separation
(a) Does not dissolve the marriage and the marriage continues
(b) Dissolves the mar iage
(c) Puts an end to the marriage
(d) Both (b and ( are correct.
41. Mamta is a successful manager of a multinational company. She has made a lot of sacrifices
to reach this height including married life. But now at 32, she feels lonely and wishes to adopt
a child. To that aid, she visits an orphanage. There she meets Aman, a young boy of 12 years
and is instantly charmed by his innocence. She now wishes to adopt Aman as her son. Advise.
(a) Mamta can adopt Aman
(b) Mamta cannot adopt Aman
(c) Mamta cannot adopt Aman as he is 12 years old
(d) None of the above
42. H, the husband has lead a promiscuous life before marriage and was physically involved with
several women. After 6 years of marriage, W, the wife discovers this fact from letters found
in H’s cupboard. She feels deeply hurt by this and wishes to dissolve the marriage on the
ground of adultery. It is to be noted that the husband is a changed man after the marriage.
(a) Sexual intercourse by husband with other women is bound to hurt the wife immensely and
hence, she can very well apply for divorce on the ground of adultery
(b) Since the sexual intercourse took place before marriage, the ground of adultery is not available
(c) W can seek the divorce on the ground of desertion
(d) None of the above
43. ‘Anand Karaj’ is the customary ceremony of marriage prevalent amongst
(a) Buddhists (b) Jains (c) Sikhs (d) Parsis
44. Which of the following is not a prerequisite for a valid marriage under the Hindu Marriage
Act, 1956?
(a) Both parties must have sound mind.
(b) The age of the bridegroom must be 21.
(c) One of the parties must be a Hindu.
(d) Parties must not be within the degrees of prohibited relationship.
45. Two persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood
(a) When they have descended from a common ancestress and by the same husbands
(b) When they have descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands
(c) When they have descended from a common ancestor but by the same wife
(d) When they have descended from a common ancestor but b different wives
46. Which one of the following is not included in the term ‘Hindu’ used in the Hindu Marriage
(a) Sikhs (b) Jains (c) Parsis (d) Buddhists
47. Non-registration of marriage if registration i compulsory
(a) Invalidates the marriage and calls for imposition of penalty
(b) Does not invalidate the marriage but calls for imposition of penalty
(c) Neither invalidates the marriage n lls for imposition of penalty
(d) Makes the marriage voidable
48. In case of bigamous marriage, the second wife
(a) Has a status of wife (b) Has no status of wife
(c) May or may not have a status of wife (d) None of the above
49. A marriage solemnized between any two Hindus one of whom is not having the mental
capacity to marry shall be
(a) Void (b) Voidable (c) Invalid (d) Both (a) and (c) are correct
50. Every proceedin under the Hindu Marriage Act shall be conducted in
(a) Open court (b) In camera (c) Family court(d) Both (b) and (c) are correct
51. In which of the following cases, a child could not be a ‘Hindu’?
I. Only one parent is a Hindu and the child was brought up as a Hindu.
II. Only one parent is a Hindu and the child was not brought up as a Hindu.
III. If at the time of birth of the child, the parents were Hindus but after birth, both parents
became convert to another religion.
IV. If at the time of birth of the child, the parents were Hindus but after birth, both parents
became convert to another religion and in the exercise of parental right, the child is also
converted into the religion in which the parent or parents have converted.
(a) I, III and IV (b) II and IV (c) I and IV (d) II and III
52. Which is the most amicable way of dissolving the marriage and separating away?
(a) Restitution of conjugal rights (b) Divorce
(c) Contested divorce (d) Divorce by mutual consent
53. A Hindu wife seeks a decree of judicial separation from her Hindu husband for 2 years.
After one year, she marries again. The marriage is
(a) Void (b) Valid (c) Voidable (d) Irregular
54. Marriage of a Hindu male to his wife’s mother is
(a) Void (b) Voidable (c) Valid (d) Illegal
55. During judicial separation,
(a) The parties cease to be husband and wife
(b) The parties continue to be husband and wife
(c) The parties are free to marry other persons.
(d) None of the above
56. Ashokwent to Badrinath on a religious journey. Unfortunately, the area witnesses a ravaging
flood killing many pilgrims. There has been no news of Ashok from la t 9 years. Tired of
waiting, Meena, the wife of Ashok wants to re-marry and start a new life. Is there any
ground available to her under The Hindu Marriage Act?
(a) No, Meena must wait for atleast 20 years.
(b) No, Meena cannot remarry unless Ashok is confirmed to be dead.
(c) Yes, Meena can apply for divorce on the ground of Ashok not having been heard alive for last
7 years.
(d) Yes, Meena can apply for divorce because she cannot wai orever.
57. A and B were involved in sexual relations before marriage as a result of which B got
pregnant. To cover up the matter, they get married hastily. Later A realizes that B is a
quarrelsome woman and not the real person he loved. He now wishes to get out of the
marriage on the ground of pre-marriage pregnancy of B. Can A do so?
(a) Yes, A will be allowed to come out of the marriage.
(b) Yes because B was indeed pregnant before marriage and such right is available to the husband
under the Hindu Marriage Act.
(c) No because pregnancy of B was from A and now A cannot seek the aid of the court and he
cannot get the marriage annulled.
(d) None of the above
58. Who is the founder of ‘Mitakshara’ School of Hindu law?
(a) Jimutvahana (b) Vyatsayana (c) Mahanaryamana (d) Vijnaneshwara
59. H, the husband has been abusing and beating the wife since the very inception of marriage
on a regular basis. I itially W tried to resolve the matter but finding no solution, she returns
to her par ntal me. On H’s insistence and promises, W returns but H instead of mending
his ways has become more cruel and violent. Now W again goes back to her parent’s house.
H again tries to win back W but she being aware of her husband’s nature refuses to return to
the life of humiliation and suffering. H is very furious with W and wants to take legal
recourse against her. What will you suggest?
(a) H can apply for restitution of conjugal rights.
(b) H can apply for divorce from W on ground of desertion.
(c) Both the remedies are open to H
(d) No legal remedy is available to H.
60. Karta of a joint Hindu family is
(a) Junior male member of the family (b) Seniormost male member of the family
(c) Any female member (d) Either (a) or (b) or (c)
61. The concept of ‘Tuhr’ is relevant in matters related to
(a) Nikah (b) Mehr (c) Talaq (d) All of the above
62. Under Muslim law, marriage is a
(a) Contract (b) Sacrament (c) Tradition (d) Social need
63. A Muslim wife
(a) Cannot divorce her husband
(b) Can divorce her husband
(c) Can divorce her husband without assigning any cause
(d) Both (b) and (c) are correct
64. The essentials of a Muslim marriage do not include
(a) Valid offer and acceptance by the parties to the marriage
(b) The parties to the marriage must offer and accept the offer at one and same meeting
(c) The presence of at least two Muslim male witnesses (or one male and two female witnesses) of
sound mind and of the age of majority in case of Sunnis
(d) The offer and acceptance of marriage must be carried out by the bride and the bridegroom
while they are physically present before each-other
65. In khula, while the husband releases the wife from the marital tie, what is the consideration
from the side of the wife?
(a) Azaq (b) Mehr (c) Talaq (d) Tafzeem
66. Essential requirements of Muslim marriage are
(a) Ijab (b) Qabul (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Either (a) or (b)
67. Marriage under Sunni law must be performed before
(a) Two male witnesses (b) Two female witnesses
(c) One male and two female witnesses d) Either (a) or (c)
68. Mubarat is a form of
(a) Divorce taken on the ground of cruelty
(b) Divorce taken on the ground of de on
(c) Divorce taken on the ground of option of puberty
(d) Divorce by mutual consent
69. A says in the presence of X and Y “I have married myself to B” who is not present. On the
information reaching B, she says “I have accepted”
(a) This constitutes a valid marriage
(b) This does not con tute a valid marriage as offer and acceptance must be made at the same
(c) This does not onstitute a valid marriage as X and Y were absent when B accepted the offer
(d) None of the above
70. Option of puberty means
(a) A Muslim married during minority by a guardian has no right to repudiate such marriage on
attaining puberty
(b) A Muslim married during minority by a guardian has a right to repudiate such marriage on
attaining puberty
(c) A Muslim married during minority by a guardian has a right to repudiate such marriage on
attaining puberty only with the permission of the court
(d) A Muslim married during minority by a guardian can repudiate such marriage with the consent
of her husband
71. A Muslim can marry any number of wives not exceeding
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1
72. Which of the following is a form of unapproved and irrevocable talak?
(a) Talak-ul-Sunnat (b) Talak-ul-Biddat (c) Talak-i-Tafweez (d) Talak-i-Mubarat
73. Islamic law provides for
(a) Monogamy (b) Unlimited polygamy
(c) Controlled polygamy (d) Bigamy
74. A, a Muslim married woman marries C, another man during the continuance of her
marriage. Such marriage with C is
(a) Valid (b) Void (c) Voidable (d) None of the above
75. A marriage of a Muslim man with his niece or great niece is
(a) Valid (b) Void (c) Muta (d) Irregular
76. A Muslim male cannot marry
(a) Wife’s mother (b) Son’s wife (c) Foster sister (d) All of the above
77. The period of ‘Iddat’ in Muslim law is
(a) The period when Muslim women observe fasting after the death of their husbands
(b) The period during which the Muslim women are free to leave their husbands and marry another
(c) The period of limitation during which the Muslim women can claim back the mehr from their
divorced husbands
(d) The period of seclusion to be observed by a Muslim woman whose marriage has been
dissolved by divorce or death and during which she has to bstain from marrying another
78. Muta marriage is recognised as valid form of marriage in
(a) Only Sunni law (b) Only Shia law
(c) Both Shia and Sunni law (d) Neither in Shia nor in Sunni law
79. Muslims belonging to different schools of Mohammedan law
(a) May intermarry freely with one another
(b) Cannot intermarry at all
(c) Cannot intermarry freely with one another
(d) Can intermarry with one another only with the consent of the Qazi.
80. Tuhr means
(a) Period of menstruation (b) Period of iddat
(c) Period of purity (d) Period between menstruations
81. Talaq-ul-bidaat is p rmissible and recognised under
(a) Shia law (b) Hanafi law (c) Fatimid law (d) All the above
82. In India, terms ‘ itabi’ or ‘Kitabia’ applies to
(a) Jews (b) Christians
(c) Both (a) and (b) above (d) Only (b) and not (a)
83. Dower/Mahr belongs
(a) Absolutely to the wife’s father
(b) Absolutely to the wife
(c) Absolutely to the wife’s mother
(d) Partly to the wife and partly to the wife’s parents.
84. Though it is by agreement between the husband and wife, the initiative for divorce in khula
is by the
(a) Husband (b) Wife (c) Both (d) None of the above
85. Under muslim personal law, a Sunni male cannot marry
(a) A Jew female (b) A Muslim female
(c) A Christian female (d) Anidolateress or fire-worshipper
86. Marriage of Muslim woman with a non-Muslim shall be
(a) Valid (b) Void (c) Voidable (d) Illegal
87. Khula is a form of divorce by
(a) Sale (b) Purchase (c) Agreement (d) Under influence.
88. Mark the incorrect statement.
(a) A Sunni male can validly marry a Kitabia but not an idolatress or a fire worshipper
(b) A Sunni female cannot marry a non-Muslim whether kitabia or a non-kitabia
(c) In Shia law, a Muslim male may contract a valid Muta marriage
(d) The marriage of a Shia male with an idolatress or fire-worshipper is valid
89. Match the following
A. Ila 1. Imprecation of unchastity upon wife
B. Zihar 2. Request by wife for divorce
C. Khula 3. Unlawful comparison
D. Lian 4. Vow of abstinence from sexual intercourse
(a) 4 32 1
(b) 3 42 1
(c) 4 31 2
(d) 1 34 2
90. Iddat means
(a) The age of a girl fit for marriage
(b) The demand of dowry from the girl side
(c) A period of seclusion undergone by a Musli widow on divorce
(d) The period of purity for the purpose of marriage
91. A Muta marriage is
I. A temporary marriage
II. Recognized under Shia law
III. Recognized under Sunni law
IV. A marriage for a fixed peri d viz. a day a month, year etc.
V. One in which there is no provision for dower
(a) I, II, V (b) I, II, IV (c) I, III, IV (d) I, III, IV, V
92. What is the procedu e to be followed by the divorced muslim couple if they wish to re-marry
each other?
(a) Nafaqa (b) Iqrar-e-Nasab (c) Halala (d) Hizanat
93. Which of the following is an essential ingredient of nikah?
(a) Grant (b) Loan (c) Mehar (d) Kharcha-i-paandan
94. Which of the following cases of Supreme Court led to the Parliament of India to enact The
Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986?
(a) Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum
(b) Syed IqbalHussain v. Syed Nasamunnissa Begum
(c) Daniel Latifi v. Union of India
(d) Noor Saba Khatoon v. Mohd. Quasim
95. What is the duration of iddat in case of divorce?
(a) 2 months (b) 3 months (c) 45 days (d) More than 4 months
96. Khyal-ul-bulugh is
(a) A form of dower (b) Infidelity
(c) Marriage during minority (d) Option of puberty
97. In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court held that the wife under Section 125 of
CrPC includes Muslim women also and that divorced Muslim women will also be entitled to
maintenance till re-marriage.?
(a) Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan (b) Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India
(c) Veera Ibrahim v. State of Maharashtra (d) Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum
98. X, a muslim has given triple talaq to his wife. He wants to marry her again. He can do so
(a) Without any restriction
(b) Only on request of such wife
(c) Only if such woman marries another man, the marriage is consummated and she is divorced by
(d) None of the above
99. Mark the incorrect statement.
(a) A Shia may contract a valid marriage with Sunni
(b) In Shia law, at the time of marriage, the witnesses are not necessary
(c) Witnesses are mandatory for Sunnis at the time of marriage
(d) Sunnis can enter into muta marriage
100. In case of death of husband, the period of iddat is
(a) 3 months and 10 days (b) 4 months and 10 days
(c) 5 months and 10 days (d) 6 months nd 10 days