Maths Lab Activity

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1. ACTIVITY 1 To find the numberof

subsets of a given set and verify that if
a set has n number of
elements, then the total number of
subsets is 2 /1
. 1

2. ACTIVITY 2 To verify that for two sets

A and B, n (A x B) = pq and the
total number of relations from
A to B is 2pq,where
n(A) = p and n(B) = q. 2
3. ACTIVITY 3 To represent set theoreticoperations
using Venn diagrams. 4
4. ACTIVITY 4 To verify distributivelaw for three
given non-emptysets A,
B and C, thatis, Au (B n C) = (A u B) (A u C) 7
5. ACTIVITY 5 To identifya relationand a function. 9
6. ACTIVITY 6 To distinguish betweena Relationand a Function. 12
7. ACTIVITY 7 To verify the relation betweenthe degree measure and the
radian measure of an angle. 15
8. ACTIVITY 8 To find the values of sine and cosine functionsin second,
third and fourth quadrants using their given values in
first quadrant. 17
9. ACTIVITY 9 To prepare a model to illustratethe values of sine function
and cosine function for differentangles which are multiples
of and rt. 20
10. ACTIVITY 10 x
To plot the graphs of sin x, sin 2x, 2 sin x and sin—
using same coordinate axes. 2
11. ACTIVITY 11 To inerpret geometricallythe meaning of i = NCI and its
integral powers. 24
12. ACTIVITY 12 To obtain a quadratic function with the help of linear functions
graphically. 26
13. ACTIVITY 13 To verify that the graph of a given inequality,say
5x + 4y —40 < 0, of the formax + by + c < 0, a,
b > 0, c < O represents only one of the two half planes. 28
14. ACTIVITY 14 To find the numberof ways in which three cards can be
selected from given five cards. 30
15. ACTIVITY 15 To constructa Pascal's Triangle and to write binomial
expansion for a given positive integral exponent. 32
16. ACTIVITY 16 To obtain formulafor the sum of squares of first n-natural
numbers. 33
for the sum of
approach to obtain formula
17. ACTIVITY 17 An alternative numbers.
squares of first n natural 36
that the Arithmetic mean of two
18. ACTIVITY 18 To demonstrate than the Geometric mean.
is always greater
positive numbers 39

formula for the sum of the cubes of the first

19. ACTIVITY 19 To establish the
n natural numbers.
line passing through the point
20. ACTIVITY 20 To verify that the equation of a
biy + Cl = 0 and
of intersectionof two lines al x +
biy + q)
a2X+ b2Y+ C2= 0 is of the form(alX +
+ X (a2X + b2Y + C2) = 0.
To construct differenttypes of conic
22. ACTIVITY 22 To construct a parabola.
23. ACTIVITY 23 An alternative method of constructing a parabola. 49

24. ACTIVITY 24 To construct an ellipse using a rectangle. 50

25. ACTIVITY 25 To construct an ellipse with given major and minor axes. 52

26. ACTIVITY 26 To construct an ellipse when two fixed points are given. 53

27. ACTIVITY 27 To explain the concept of octants by three mutually

perpendicularplanes in space. 55
28. ACTIVITY 28 To find analytically lim f(x)= 57

29. ACTIVITY 29 Verificationof the geometrical significance of derivative. 58

30. ACTIVITY 30 To obtain truthvalues of compound statements of the type

p v q by using switch connections in parallel. 62

31. ACTIVITY 31 To obtain truth values of compoundstatements of the type

p v q by using switch connectionsin series. 64

32. ACTIVITY 32 To write the sample space, when a die is rolled once, twice 66

33. ACTIVITY 33 To write the sample space, when a coin is tossed once,
two times, three times, four times 69
Activity 1
Objective : To find the number of subsets of a
given set and verify that if a set A has n number of elements,
then the total number of subsets of A is 2/7.
pre-requisite knowledge : Basic knowledgeof sets is required.
Materials required : Paper, different coloured pencils.
Procedure :
1. Take an empty set (t)= which has no element.
2. Take a singleton set (say) A which has only one elementa in it.

[Venn diagram]

3. Take a set (say) B which has two elementsa and b in it.

i.e., B = {a, b} = •b O [Venndiagram]

4. Take a set (say) C which has threeelementsa, b and c in it.

C = {a, b, c} = .
i.e., [Venn diagram]

5. Take a set (say)D which has four elementsa, b, c, and d in it.

O [Venn diagram]


1. The possible subset of is itself only. The numberof subsets of (t)is 1 = 20.
2. The possible subsets of set A are {a}. The numberof subsets of set A is 2 = 21.
3. The possible subsets of set B are {a}, {b}, {a, b}. The numberof sub-sets of set B is 4 = 22
c}, {a, b, c}. The numberof subsets
are {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b,
4. The possible subsets of set C
of set C is 8 = 2 . {a, c}, {a, d}, {b, c}, {b, d}, {c
{a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {a, b},
5. The possible subsets of set D are b, c, d}. The
number of subsets of set D is 16 24 'q,
d}, {b, c, d}, {a,
{a, b, c}, {a, b, d}, {a, c,
number of subsets of a set E containing n distinctnumber
6. Continuingin this manner,we get the
elements is 2 /1.

is number of elements in the set A.
The numberof subsets of any set A = 2n(A),where n(A)
to a random experiment of tossing a coin.
Application : Useful to constructsample space corresponding

F 01IOW-UP Activity
number of subsets.
Repeat the activityfor some more sets and find their subsets and also the

Viva-Voce Questions
1. Whatis the usefulness of this activity?
Ans. This activityis useful for finding the numberof subsets of a given set, which may be furtherusedto
constructsample space for a random experiment.
2. Whatis the numberof subsets of any given set A?
Ans. The numberof subsets of set A = 2n(A), where n(A) is number of distinct elements in the set A.
3. Writethe subsets of the set A = {1, 2, 3}.
Ans. The subsets of the A are (9,{1}, {2}, {3}„ {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}.
4. For any set A, define P(A) (the power set of A).
Ans. For any set A, we define P(A) as the collectionof all possible subsets of A.
5. If n(A) = 5 then find n(P(A)).
Ans. = 2n(A) = 25 = 32.
6. If A = xeZ:— is an integer . Write al/ possible subsets of A.
Ans. A {1 —1}.Subsets of A are {1}, {—1},{1, —1}.
7. If A = {xe Z : x = (—1
Y, wherene N}. Writeal/possible subsets of A.
Ans. A {1 —1}.Subsets of A are 4),{1}, {—1},{1, -1}.
Activity 6
Objective : To distinguishbetweena Relationand a Function.
Pre-requisite knowledge . Basic knowledgeof sets, relations and functions.
Materials required : Hardboard,board pins, white and pink colour chart paper, a pair of scissors, gluestick,
threads or yarns, paper pins.
Procedure .
1. Place a colouredchart paper firmly on a thick board with the help of board
pins, as shown in fig. 6.1

Fig. 6.1

2. From a white chart paper, cut out
a rectangular strip of 5 cm by 3 cm and paste it on the left side
of the hardboard. (refer fig. 6.2).
3. Fix 4 paper pins on this strip and mark them as
1, 2, 3, 4, as shown in fig 6.2.

4. In a similar manner cut out another strip
of same size and paste it on the right hand side of the
hardboard. (refer fig 6.3).
5. Fix 3 pins on the right side of the strip and
mark them as A, B and C (see fig. 6.3).

6. Join pins on the strips with the help of threads or yarns in differentways, as shown in fig. 6.4.
Connecting pins in each figure comprise differentordered pairs which represent elements of a relation which
may or may not be a function.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

1. Fig. 6.4 (a) represents a relation which is not a function as 1 maps to two elements, namely A and C.
4. Find the radian measure of the angle —700.
Ans. To find
the radian measure of —700,We multiply—70by
the conversion factor
c 180
-70Tt c —77t
Thus, -70 180
180 18

5. Find the degree measure of the angle 27t

Ans. We have, radians = 1800
180 c 27t 180
Thus, 240
15 15 Tt

6. Find the length of an arc of a circle of radius 3.5 cm, if the angle subtended at the centre is 450
Ans. We know,
s rO s = (3.5) x cm = 3.5 x — 22 11
cm = — cm.
4 4

Activity 8
using their
Objective : To find the values of sine and cosine functionsin second, third and fourth quadrants
given values in the first quadrant.
pre-requisite knowledge : Basic knowledgeof coordinateaxes and trigonometricfunctions.
and needle.
Materials required : Hardboard, board pins, white chart paper, coloured pencils, gluestick
Procedure : sin y
1. Place a white chart paper firmly on a hardboard with y-axis

the help of board pins.

2. Take a radius of 1 unit length and draw a unit circle with
centre O on the chart paper.
cos x

3. Draw two perpendicular lines X'OX and YOY' which o x-axis

represent x-axis and y-axis respectively, passing,
through the centre of the circle O, as shown in fig 8.1.

Fig. 8.1

4. Mark the points as A, B, C and D, where the circle intersects the x-axis and y-axis respectively.(See
fig. 8.1)
5. Writethe orderedpairs of pointsA, B, C and D as (1, 0), (0, 1), (—1,0) and (0, —1)respectively.
Also, mark x-axis as cos x and y-axis as sin y.

and — respectively (refer
angles of measures
6. From the centre of the circle, draw to fig

(1,0) cosx
O, 27t

(0,-1 )

Observations Fig. 8.2

27t would equal to 0. Thus,
1. Here, one whole revolutionof the unit circle is 2Tt.That means sin
ordered pair (x, y) = (cos0, Sino). the
Here, sine is representedby the verticalarm and cosine is represented by the horizontalarm.
2. We have the coordinatesof points NI, N2 and N3 as and respectively.
2 '2 ' Vä'u
Thus, in the first quadrant, value of sine and cosine both are positive.
3. Rotate the needle in anti-clockwise direction making an angle of — with the positive directionof
x-axis. New position of the needle is ON4. From fig 8.3, we see that N4 is the mirror imageof N
with respect to y-axis. Thus coordinatesof N4 are

sin = — and cos =

Thus, in the second quadrant,value of sine is positive and cosine is negative.
Quadrant Il Quadrant I




117t -1
2700 57t
Quadrant Ill QuadrantIV
Fig. 8.3

4. To find the value of some angle say 7Ttin third quadrant,we need to add Ttwith the positive direction
of x-axis. 6
5. In the third quadrant, position of needle
is N5. N5 is the mirrorimage of N4 with respect to x-axis.
Here, coordinates of N5 are

sin = —- and cos 7m

6 2 6 2
Therefore, in the third quadrant, value of sine and
cosine both are negative.
6. In the fourth quadrant, to find the value
of sine and cosine, rotate the needle in anti-clockwise direction
making an angle — 1lit with the
positive x-axis represented by ON6 (see fig 8.3).
N6 is the mirror image of NI with respect to x-axis. Therefore, coordinates of N6 are
1lit =
Thus, sin — and cos lilt
6 2 6 2
Hence, in the fourth quadrant value of cosine is positive and sine is negative.
8. To find the value of sine or cosine for some angle which is greater than one revolutionor 211,rotate
the needle such that for some angle — 27t+ — the needle will reach again at the position N3
3 3' 1
sin = sin and cos = cos
3 3 2 3
• Sine function is non-negative in first and second quadrants.
• Cosine function is non-negative in first and fourth quadrant.
Application: Useful to solve trigonometric problems involving properties of quadrant system.

Repeat this activity to get the values of tan, cot, sec and cosec functions.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. What is the sign of cos(—250)?
Ans. Angle —250 is in the quadrant IV. So, cosine is positive.
2. In which quadrant must be an angle lie if its sine is positive and its tangent is negative?
Ans. Quadrant Il
3. Find the exact values of (i) sin and (ii) cos
Ans. (i) sin (ii) cos = cos
(9 2 3
4. Given that sin 0 = — find the value of 0 in first and second quadrant.
Ans. We have
sino = — O = sin-I = 300 (in the first quadrant)
The other solution is 1800-30 0 = 1500 (in the second quadrant).

5. Find the value of tan —

sin —sin
7 It
Ans. tan
cos —cos

6. From the above activity,can you deduce range of sin function?

Ans. Yes. Range = [—1,11, i.e., —1 sino 1.
Activity 11
Objective : To interpretgeometricallythe meaning of i =VSI and its integral powers.
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of co-ordinate geometry, complex number iota, (O and its properties.
Materials required : Cardboard, chart paper, sketch pen, ruler, compasses, adhesive, nails, thread.
Procedure. :
1. Take a cardboardof a suitable size and paste a chart paper
on it.
2. Draw two mutually perpendicular lines X 'OX and YO Y'
representing the coordinate axes. 1=i4
3. Take a thread of one unit length and fix one end of the thread X'
at O and the other end at P along OX, as shown in the figure.
4. Loose the other end of the thread at P and rotate the thread
through the angles of 900, 1800, 270 0 and 3600 and mark the
free end of the thread in differentcases as PI, P2, P3 and P
respectively, as shown in the figure.

Observations Fig. 11.1

In the argand plane,
I. P denotes the complex numbers I , i4 i 8 i 12 i16
2. PI denotes the complex numbers i, 1•5, i9 i13 i17
3. P2 denotes the complex numbers —1,i2 i6 MO i14 i18
4. P3 denotes the complex numbers —/ i3 i7 ill i15 i19
5. OP = 1, OPI = i, OP

6. Each time, rotationof OP by 900 clockwise
is equivalentto multiplyingby i therefore,i is referredto
as the multiplyingfactor for a rotationof 900.
7. On rotationof OP through900, we get OPI = 1 x i = i.
8. On rotationof OP through 1800 (2 right angles), we get OP2 = I x i x i = i2 —1
9. On rotationof OP through2700(3 rightangles), we get OP3 = I x i x i x i = i3 ——i
10. On rotationof OP through3600(4 rightangles),we get OP4 = I x i x i x i x i = i4 = 1
On rotationof OP through n-right angles, we get OP = Ixixixixix x n times
We can interpretthe meaning of i = NCI and its
integral powers geometricallyas explained above.
Application: Useful while solving problems of geometry in complex analysis.

Follow-UP Activit y
Repeat the activity on the another chart paper on your own.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. What is the x-axis called in the argand plane?
Ans. In the argand plane, x-axis is called real axis.
2. What is the y-axis called in the argand plane?
Ans. In the argand plane, y-axis is called imaginary axis.
3. What is the value of P i?
Ans. Pn = (IQ)n_
¯ (¯l)n 1, if n is even.
—1,if n is odd.
4. Form observation table, evaluate the following.
(i) i 39 (ii) (1 + (iii)

Ans. (iii)
5. Using (Fig 11.1) plot i 21 on argand plane.

i21= i p

Ans. o

6. For what least value of k, we have = i,wherek e Z+
Ans. k = 3 as

Activity 14
five cards.
Objective : To find the number of ways in which three cards can be selected from given
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of counting the objects of the different possible arrangements
fundamental principle of counting
Materials required : Cardboard sheet, white paper sheets, sketch pen, cutten
Procedure .
1. Take a cardboardsheet and paste a white paper on it.
2. From the cardboard,cut 5 identicalcards (as A, B, C, D and E) of convenientsize.
3. Let select one card A from the given five cards. Then two cards from the remaining four cards can
be: BC, BD, BE, CD, CE and DE. Thus, the possibleselectionsare:ABC, ABD, ABE, ACD, ACE and
ADE. There are 6 possibleselection.
4. Now, let select another card B from the given five cards. Then two cards from the remaining four
cards can be AC, AD, AE, CD, CE and DE. Thus, the possible selectionsare BAC, BAD, BAE, BCD,
BCE and BDE. There are 6 possibleselections.
5. Now, let select another card C from the given five cards. Then two cards from the remaining four
cards can be AB, AD, AE, BD, BE and DE. Thus, the possible selectionsare CAB, CAD, CAE, CBD,
CBE and CDE. There are 6 possibleselections.
6. Now, let select anothercard D. Then two cards from the remainingfour cards can be AB, AC, AE,
BC, BE, CE. Thus, the possibleselectionsare DAB, DAC, DAE, DBC, DBE and DCE. Here also 6
possible selections.
7. Now, let select another card E. Then two cards from the remainingfour cards can be AB, AC, AD,
BC, BD and CD. Thus, the possibleselectionsare EAB, EAC, EAD, EBC, EBD and ECD. Herealso
6 possible selections.
8. Here 30 possible selections are:
We observe that each of the selection is repeated thrice.
Therefore, the number of distinct selection =3
= 10.
1. We have 5 differentcards A, B, C, D, E. Taking 3 at a time, if we have to make combinations,these
2. Here, ABC, BAC and CAB are the same combinationas order does not alter the combination.
3. This is why we have not included in this list.
4. There are as many as 10 combinationsof 5 cards taken 3 cards at a time.
5. Corresponding to each of the 5C3 combinations.
5! 5x4x3! n!
i.e., = 10. ncr
(5-3)! 3!
objects taken
From the above activity, we obtain the formula for finding the number of combinations of n
r at a time.
(n—r)! r!

Application: Useful in solving problems of combinationsand probability.

Follow-up Activity
Find the number of ways in which four cards can be selected from given six cards.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. From a group of 4 people, 3 are selected to form a committee. How many combinations are
Ans. 4C
Here, (4-3)! 3!
2. How many ways can 5 lettersbe arranged?
are 5! = 120 ways to arrange
Ans. Since there are no repeating letters, and there are 5 total letters,there
3. How do you calculate the number of possible combinations?
'I where n represents the total
Ans. To calculate combinations,we will use the formula C
number of items and r represents the numberof items being chosen at a
n n
4. Ifnc 9 = c , find c

Ans. We have nc9 =

1 1

(n-9) l. 9! = (n 8!
nc — 17c
Therefore, 17 17
—tiC , then show p = q or p + q
Ans. We know nc = 'iC thus p = q or p = n q
i.e., p = q or p + q = n.
that nc + n-lc is a perfect square.
6. Ifn > 1 (n e Z+), show
n(n —1)
Ans. nc + n- l c 2 2
— perfect square

7. Write the value of


From the above activity, we can write the binomial
expansion for
n n cr x

(wheren is a positiveinteger)
Application: The activity can be used to write
binomialexpansion for (x + yr, where n is a positive integer.

Viva-Voce Questions
Whatis Pascal's triangleused for?
Ans. The binomial theorem refers to the pattern of coefficients that appear when a binomial is multiplied
by itself a certain number of
times. Pascal's triangle can be used to determine the expanded pattern
2. Why is it called Pascal's triangle?
Ans. It is named for the 17th century French mathematicianBlaise Pascal. Pascal's triangle in algebra,
a triangular arrangement of numbers
that gives the coefficients in the expansion Of any binomial
expressionsuch as (x + yr.
3. How are binomial expansions related to Pascal's triangle?
Ans. Binomial expansions using Pascal's Triangle, suppose that the following expanded powers of
(a + b)n, where a + b is any binomial
and n is a whole number.In each term the sum of the exponents
is n, the power to which the binomialis raised.
4. How many terms are in the binomial expansion of (x + y)8?
Ans. Since, any binomial expansion is to the power 8, there will be nine terms in the expansion.
5. Expand (1 + p) 4.
Ans. We have (1 + p)4 = I (1)4 + p + 6 (1)2p2 + 4(1) (p3))+ l. p4

6. Write the coefficients of binomial expansion of (x + y)9 (using Pascal's triangle).

Ans. Coefficientsare 1, 9, 36, 84, 126, 126, 84, 36, 9, 1.
7. Find the number of terms in the expansion (1 + 2b + b2) 12.
(1 + 2b + b2)12 = (1 + b)24
Hence, the total number of terms is 25.

Activity 16
Objective : To obtain the formula for the sum of squares of first n-natural numbers.
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of sum of first n-naturalnumbers.
Materials required : Wooden unit cubes, coloured papers, adhesive and nails.
Procedure : Let us find a relation for the sum of squares of first n-natural numbers, i.e., 12 + 22 + 32 +

I. Take 1 wooden unit cube as 1 (= 12), shown in fig. 16.1.

Fig. 16.1
2. Take 4 wooden unit cubes as 4 ( 22) and
form a cuboid, shown in fig 16.2.
Fig. 16.2

3. Take 9 wooden unit cubes as 9 (= 32) and form a cuboid,

shown in fig 16.3.
Fig. 16.3

4. Take 16 wooden unit cubes as 16 ( = 42)

and form a cuboid, shown in fig 16.4.
Fig. 16.4
5. In fig 16.1 to 16.4, arrange all the cubes and cuboids above so
as to form an embattletype structure,as shown in fig. 16.5.
Volume of the structureas given in fig 16.5.
= (1 + 4 + 9 + 16) cubicunits
= (12 + 22 + 32 + 42) cubic units.
Fig. 16.5
6. Make 6 such embattle type structures as the figure, which is already shown in figure 16.5.
Volume of 6 such structures = 6 (12 + 22 + 32 + 42) cubic units.

7. Arrange these six structures (shown in fig 16.5) to form a

bigger cuboidal block as shown in fig 16.6.
(Cuboidal block shown in fig. 16.6 have dimensions= 4 x 5 x 9)
Volumeof cuboidalblock= 4 x 5 x 9 = 4 x (4 + 1) x (2 x 4 + 1)

Fig. 16.6
1. Volume of 6 such structures = Volume of bigger cuboidal block (fig. 16.6)
Thus, 6 (12+ 22 + 32 + 42) = 4 x 5 x 9 =
i.e., 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = —
2. 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 = — 1)]
3. 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + + 102 = _ [10 x (10 +1) x (2 x 10 + 1)]
and so on, the nth term.
12 + 22 + 32 + n [n

Activity 18
Objective : To demonstrate that the Arithmetic
Geometric mean. mean of two different positive numbers is always greater
than the
pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of arithmetic
mean and geometric mean.
Materialsrequired : Coloured chart sheet, ruler,
scale, sketch pens, cutter,squared paper.
procedure : Let us find the relation for the
Arithmetic mean and Geometric mean of two different positive
numbers,i.e., a = 3 cm and b = 2 cm.
1. Take a squared paper of size 5 x 5
squares and paste it on a card sheet.

2. Arrange the four rectangular pieces from squared

paper of
size 5 x 5 as shown in figure. 2cm
3 cm

3. Here, square PQRS is of side (3 + 2 = 5 cm), and

ABCD is of side (3 —2 = 1 cm). c
3 cm

Area of PQRS = (3 + 5cm
= 52 = 25 sq. cm.
2. Area of four rectangularpieces = 4 x (3 x 2) = 24 sq. cm.
3. Area of ABCD = (3 - 1 sq. cm.
4. Area of PQRS = Sum of areas of four rectangularpieces + area of square ABCD.
Area of PQRS > Sum of areas of four rectangularpieces
i.e., 25 > 24 52 > 4 x (3 x 2) (3 + > (4 x 3 2)
5. We have taken two positive numbers, i.e., a = 3 and b = 2.
(a + b)2> 4 x (ab) or
i.e., A.M. > G.M.
Alternative approach:
For a, b > 0, consider (G —0b)2 > 0

>Gb, i.e., A.M. > G.M.

The arithmetic mean of two different positive numbers is always greater than the geometric mean, i.e.,
A.M. > G.M. > ab
Application: Useful in solving questions related to the topic inequalities.
Try to obtain an alternativeapproach to prove A.M. > G.M.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. What does arithmetic mean indicate in algebra?
Ans. The arithmeticmean of a set of data is found by taking the sum of the data, and then dividing
sum by the total number of values in the set. Arithmeticmean is commonly referred to as an
2. Write the relationship between arithmeticmean and geometric mean of two positive numbers a andå
Ans. A.M. > G.M., i.e., > (5b. In case a = b, we have A.M. = G.M.
3. If A.M. and G.M. of two positive numbers a and b are 4 and 4 respectively, find the numbers.
Ans. Given that: A.M. - = 4 and G.M. = Cab = 4

ab = 16 (ii)
From the identity(a —b)2 = (a + - 4ab = (8)2 -4 x 16 = O
From equation(i) and (iii), we get a = 4 and b = 4.
4. What is the geometric mean of two positive numbers 2 and 8?
Ans. Geometric mean = =
i.e., Geometric mean = 4.
8 49
9 and — •
5. Find G.M. between —

Ans. G.M. - 8 49 7
9 50 3 5 15
6. If 2 is the G.Mbetween 2 and — findu, (where u > 0)

Ans. By definition,2 = 2


7. If A and G are respectively arithmeticand geometric means between two positive numbers a andb,
then find the quadratic equation with a and b as its roots.
Ans. A = i.e., a + b = 2A and G = 6b, i.e., G2 = ab. The quadratic equation,whose rootsarea
and b is given by x2 —(a + b) x + ab = 0

Activity 21
Objective : To construct differenttypes of conic sections.
pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of equations of a line, circles, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.
Materials required : Transparent sheet, scissors, hardboard, gluestick, white paper.
Procedure :
Take a hardboard of convenient size and paste a white paper on it.
2. Make a right circular cone from the transparent sheet in
the shape of sector of a circle and fold it, as shown in
fig. 21.1
3. Using transparent sheet, make four more such cones of
same size. Put these cones on the hardboard. Fig.21-1
4. Using transparent plane sheet, cut 4 cones obtained above in different positions.

5. Using transparentplane sheet cut the first cone in such a way that the
sheet is parallel to the base of the cone. The figure so obtained is a
circle, as shown in fig. 21.2.

Fig. 21.2
6. Using transparent plane sheet cut the second cone in such a way that
sheet is inclined slightly to the axis of cone. The figure, obtained is an
ellipse, as shown in fig. 21.3.

7. Using transparentplane sheet cut the third cone in such a way that
plane sheet is parallel to a slant height of the cone. The figure so
obtained is a parabola, as shown in fig. 21.4.

Fig. 21.4

the fourth cone in such a way that
sheet cut
8. Using transparentplane the cone. The figure so obtained is a
axis of
the plane is parallel to the
hyperbola,as shown in fig. 21.5.

Fig. 21.5

Observations then coni

plane sheet is parallel to the base of the cone,
We observe that when the transparent
section we get is in the shape of a circle (Fig. then coni
transparent plane sheet is inclined to the axis of the cone,
2. We observe that when the 21.3).
section we get is in the shape of an ellipse (Fig. the cone, the
that when the transparent plane sheet is parallel to the slant height of
3. We observe
(Fig. 21.4).
conic section we get is in the shape of a parabola
transparent plane sheet is parallel to the axis of the cone, the conic sectic
4. We observe that when the
we get is in the shape of a hyperbola(Fig. 21.5).
like, circle, parabola, ellipse
From the above activity,we see that various types of conic sections
hyperbolacan be constructed.
application in real lift
Application: This activity is useful to understanddifferentsections of cones and their

real life situations
IJsing above activity,try to find geometric propertiesof conics which can be applied to
well as in the field of modern science.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. Define conic section.
Ans. A figure formed by the intersectionof a plane and a circular cone is called a conic section.
on the angle of the plane with respect to the cone, a conic section may be a circle, an ellipse,
parabola and a hyperbola.
2. Whichscale is used for two systems of units measurement?
Ans. Plane scale.
3. What is the inclinationof cuttingplane in order to obtain a parabola?
Ans. The cutting should be parallel to any generator of the cone.
4. Give two practical applications of conic curves like parabola and ellipse.
Ans. Parabolic curves are used in sound reflectors and light reflector etc.
Elliptical curves are made in dam, man holes and cookers etc.
5. On the basis of above activity, fi// in the blanks.
(i) The section of the cone by a plane which is not parallel to any generator and not perpendicular
to the axis is called
Activity 23
Objective . An alternative method of constructing
a parabola.
prerequisite knowledge : Knowledge of geometry
Materialsrequired : Cardboard, white and propertiesof parabola is required.
paper, sketch pen, pencil, compasses, ruler, nails and thread.
procedure :
1. Take a cardboard of dimensions
30 cm x 20 cm and paste a white paper on it.
Take any point S on the
white paper fixed on the
cardboardand draw a line through S.
3. Draw another line I perpendicular
to the line through I
S. at a distance of 10 unitsfromS
to intersectat C,
as shown in the figure 23.1.
4. Bisect CS at the point P and mark the
points P P
5. Draw perpendiculars to CS at PI, P , P3 and s
6. With S as centre and radius CPI, draw two arcs
the perpendicular through PI at Al and
7. Similarly with S as centre and radius
CP2, draw two
more arcs intersecting perpendicularthrough P2
at A2 Fig.23.1
and A'2
8. Repeat this process for some more points P3, P4 and obtain the points A3 and A'3, A4 and A'4
9. Fix nails at these points, i.e., Al, A2, A and join the foot of the nails by a thread
to get the required parabola.
1. CPI = SAI
distanceof Al fromI = SA Al is on the parabolawith focus S.
2. CP2 = SA2
distance of A2 from I = SA A2 is on the parabola, which has S as its focus.
3. CP3 = SA3
distance of A3 from I = SA3 A3 is on the parabola, whose focus is S.
4. In the similar manner, we observe that the pointsA all are on the parabola
with focus S.
5. Therefore the curve described by all these pointsAl , A2, A3, A4 is in fact a
parabola, because every point on it is equidistantfrom the fixed line I and fixed point S.
We can draw a parabola using alternate method instead of standard method.
Application : Useful in the field of science and architecture.

Repeat the activity using a distance other than 10 units.

Activity 24
Objective : To constructan ellipse using a rectangle.
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of conic sections and propertiesof rectangle is required.
Materials required : A cardboard, white paper, coloured paper, nails, nylon wire/thread,rules, gluestick.
Procedure .
1. Take a rectangularcardboardof the size 30 cm x 20 cm and paste a white paper on it.
2. Cut a rectangle ABCD of dimensions 10 cm x 5 cm from a coloured paper and paste it on
3. Divide this rectangle into four congruent
rectangles, as shown in the figure 24.1.
4. Divide each of the sides FP and FB of the
rectangle FBGP, into 11 equal parts.
5. Mark the points of sub divisions of FB as
and that Of p l, p2,
as shown in the figure.
6. Join the point G to B B B3, and
draw the lines. Join the point E to PI , P2,
as shown in the figure.
7. Mark the point of intersection of GBI and
EPI as q, GB2 and EP2 as G2 and so on. Fig. 24.1
8. Fix nails at the points Gl, G? G GIO.
Viva-Voce Questions
1. What is the value of lim f(x)?
Ans. It is the constant value to which f(x) approaches as x -9 a. It depends upon all values of
are closer to a. It is definedonly when RHL = LHL.
2. Whatis RHL of lim f(x)?
Ans. It is Right Hand Limit of lim f(x). It depends upon all values of f(x) as x —Ya+, i.e., whenx is
to a and on right side of a.
3. Whatis LHL of lim f(x)?
Ans. It is Left Hand Limit of lim f (x). It depends upon all values of f(x) when x is close to a andit
less than a.

4. What is lim sin—Q

Ans. Not defined, as its value varies finitely between
—1and 1 (does not converge to a unique value).
5. If lim f(x) = 11and lim f(x) it is given that lim f (x ) exists, then what is your conclusio
Ans. — lim f(x)
6. Can a function f(x) converge to two
distinct limits (at the same point say a)?
Ans. No, because whenever limit exists for a
function,then it exists uniquely.
7. What is lim IXI
Ans. Limit does not exist as, RHL = 1 and LHL = —1.

Activity 29
Objective : Verification of the geometrical significance of derivative.
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of derivativesand basics of geometryis required.
Materials required : Graph sheets, adhesive, hardboard,trigonometrictables, geometry box, wires.
Procedure :
1. Paste three graph sheets on a hardboardand draw two mutuallyperpendicularlines, representing
coordinate axes.

sketch the graph of the circle (x + + ya = 25 on one sheet.

Fig. 29.1
- curve xy = 9 (rectangular
On the other two sheets sketch the graphs of (x —2)2 + Y2 —25 and the

-3-2-1 0 1234567

(x- = 25

Fig. 29.2

Fig. 29.3

4. Take a pointA(3, 3) on
(x + 1)2 + = 25 in the first sheet (Fig. 29.1)
5. With the help of a set
square, place a wire in the directionOA and other perpendicular to OA at the
pointA to meetx-axis at pointR
6. Measure the angle between
the wire and the positive direction of x-axis at P(say 0).
7. Then find tan 0 (with the help
of trigonometrictables).

(x + = 25 Y =
25 —( X -F |
dx 25 —(x +
Find at the point (3, 3) and verify that at (3, 3) = tan0.
dx dx
dy at (-5, 3) = tan a, where a is the
8. Similarly, take another point (—5,3) on the circle. Verify that —
angle made by the tangent to the circle at the point (—5,3) with the positive direction of x-axis.
(figure 29.1)
9. Take another sheet with the graph (x —2)2 + Y2 = 25 and take the point (5, 4) on it and repeat the
above process using set square and wires as shown in figure 29.2, i.e., verify that at (5, 4) =
tan 0. dx
10. Now take the third sheet, showing the graph of the curve xy = 9. Take the point (3, 3) on it. Place
one perpendicularside of set square along the line y = x and a wire along the other side touching
the curve at the point (3, 3) and find the angle made by the wire with the positive direction of x-axis,
as shown in figure 29.3, let it be 0. Verify that — at (3, 3) = tan 0.
dy —4
1. For the curve (x + 1)2 + = 25, at the point (3, 3) =
dx 3
tano =
dy 4 4
2. For the curve(x + + 25, at tana = —
dx 3 3
at (-5, 3) = tanu.

3. For the curve (x — 25,

3 -3
4 tano =
dx 4
at (5, 4) = tan().
4. For the curve xy — dy
at (3, 3)
tano = —1
= tan0.

a point P(a, b) is equal to slope of
peNative at tangent at P(a, b)
i.e., at P(a, b) = tan0.
Useful to attempt problems in
APplication: calculas and co-ordinate geometry.

by taking three more
Repeatthis activity different functions and different points.

Viva-Voce Questions
Whatis usefulness of this activity?
By this activity we deduce that derivative at a point
Ans. = slope of tangent at that point.
2. Find the derivative of following.
= I at (1,1) at (4,4)
— dy x
Ans. = 0, i.e.
dx dx
dx (1,1)
1 1 dy dy
2" 20 dx dx x
y = x.
3. Using the concept of derivative explained in the activity, find — forthefunction

o x

Clearly 1 = tan 45 0
4. Find the of xy = 4 at (2, 2) and verify —
= tano
and tan 0 = —1(where 0 = 31)


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