Bougiatioti Papagiannakis Oikonomou
Bougiatioti Papagiannakis Oikonomou
Bougiatioti Papagiannakis Oikonomou
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3 authors:
Aineias Oikonomou
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The architectural heritage of each country does not only constitute an important part of its history, but it is
also a constant source of knowledge on issues related to sustainable and environmentally friendly
architecture. The aim of this paper is to present the environmental aspects in the design of the traditional
settlement of Psarades, which is situated on the coast of Lake Megali Prespa, at the Prefecture of Florina, in
North-Western Greece. The presentation attempts to cover all the scales of architecture, starting from the
large scale of urban design and concluding with the small scale of building components and materials. First,
the urban form of Psarades is presented. The investigation of its environmental aspect is based on the
analysis of the settlement’s form in relation to the prevailing climatic conditions, the insolation and shading
conditions of the main square, as well as on the orientation of the remaining traditional houses. Then, the
architecture (type, form and construction) of the traditional houses is presented. The investigation of the
environmental aspects is based on the combination of in-situ research and computer analysis using Ecotect.
In-situ research includes measurements of air temperatures for an 8-month period in two houses, while the
computer analysis includes insolation and shading conditions for five houses, as well as simulation of
daylighting levels with the combined use of Ecotect and Radiance for the same houses. Finally, the analysis
of the environmental aspects of building materials and components is based on the thermophysical
properties and the environmental impact of the materials which constitute the various elements of the
building shell.
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
3. Environmental Aspects of the Urban Form 3.2 Insolation and Shading Conditions of the Main
3.1 The Urban Form
The main (upper) square is situated at the
The settlement is situated on the coast of the
centre of the settlement, in front of the primary
gulf and on the side of the valley that faces
school. The buildings that surround it have one or
southwest. It has a linear form, with the main
two storeys. It has a rectangular shape and no
streets being parallel to the Lake coast (Fig. 3).
slope thanks to a high step at its lower, western
There are three main streets, which start almost
side. A narrow, steep road leads to the smaller
together at the entrance of the settlement on its
(lower) square, which is situated on the coast and
south-eastern end and develop at different
has a more irregular shape. The paving material of
altitudes, always remaining almost parallel to the
the square is cement blocks, whereas in its initial
Lake coast, while following the slopes of the valley
form it was covered with earth and only the stairs
side. The first street follows the coastline, the
were made of stone (Karadedos & Tsolakis, 1998:
second runs through the core of the settlement,
passing through the main square, whereas the
The insolation and shading conditions of the
third actually runs peripherally to the settlement,
main square of the settlement were analysed with
at times in front and at other times at the back of
the use of the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis software.
the last houses. Between these three axes,
The three-dimensional model was drawn over
perpendicular smaller roads and passages exist,
Karadedos & Tsolakis, (1998: 165) and tested for
dividing the settlement into small building islets.
representative periods of the year: winter solstice
The rather steep valley side provides some
(21st of December) (Fig. 4.a), summer solstice (21st
protection against the cold, northern winds that
of June) (Fig. 4.b) and vernal / autumnal equinox
blow during the winter and intermediate seasons.
(21st of March and September, respectively) at
PSARADES representative hours of the day (09:00, 12:00,
15:00 and 18:00).
a. December 21
1. Central square
2. Primary school
3. “Lower” square
4. Administration –
Community clinic
5. Church
6. Bell-tower
7. Cemeteries
8. Social welfare office
9. Kindergarden
b. June 21
Figure 4. Psarades Square, Lake Prespa. Shadow range
Figure 3. Topography of the settlement and main points
at noon (from 12:00 to 15:00). (Autodesk Ecotect
of interest. (Survey documentation by Soulidis Christos)
Analysis software)
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
4.2 In-situ Air Temperature Measurements temperatures (by 1 up to 3oC) during the winter
The investigation and assessment of the compared to the upper-storey spaces and the
thermal behaviour of traditional houses in exterior environment. This is due to the high
Psarades was based on a series of in-situ air thermal inertia of the ground floor, as well as to
temperature measurements in two selected the fact that thermal losses are minimised because
houses. The main goal was to document the there is only one opening. On the contrary, the
passive behaviour of the building shell, hence the spaces of the upper storey have significant thermal
main criterion was to select houses that were not losses, because of the large number of windows
inhabited during the winter period and, therefore, and the poorly insulated roof construction (Fig.
not artificially heated. 10).
The measurements were conducted with
temperature loggers (Gemini data loggers) for
nearly one year (from 25.09.2011 to 08.06.2012) at 20.0
sample of single-space, two-storey house with
hayat, which has sustained a number of
interventions (hayat built-up at both storeys, External A.Ioannopoulos_Upper G.Ioannopoulos_Upper G.Ioannopoulos_Ground
addition of exterior staircase, partition of the Figure 9. Variation of mean fortnight temperatures from
upper storey). It has windows towards the south- 25.09.2011 until 08.06.2012.
east and south-west. Similar to the first house, the 15
exterior walls are made of stone and the interior
partitions of timber-frame or lath-and-plaster. 10
throughout the year. The mean values (Fig. 9), Figure 11. Temperature variation during the month of
show that the ground-floor space has higher May.
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
lower by even 10oC compared to the environment, c.Z. Nastopoulou house (W-SW orientation).
even without night-ventilation (Fig. 11).
4.3 Insolation and Shading Analysis
The insolation and shading analysis was
performed for a number of typical houses, which 21/12, 09:00 21/12, 12:00 21/12, 15:00
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
21/03, 09:00 21/03, 12:00 21/03, 15:00 a.Z. Nastopoulou house (W-SW orientation). Upper
(intermediate) (intermediate) (intermediate)
a. Ground floor 21/03, 09:00 (overcast) 21/03, 12:00 (overcast) 21/03, 15:00 (overcast)
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
5. Environmental Aspects of Materials and (density, thermal conductivity). The overall heat
Components transfer coefficient (U-value) of the different
elements of the building shell (Table 2) was
5.1 The Building Materials and Components
calculated based on the methodology proposed in
The main building materials are local stone
the technical note T.O.TEE. 20701-2. The exterior
(limestone, locally referred to as ironstone), timber
walls (thick stone walls and light-weight timber-
from the nearby woods (mainly cedar, but also
frame walls) are composite elements and, as such,
oak, beech, coniferous trees or poplar), mud
their thermal conductance depends on the
mortar and adobe bricks (Karadedos & Tsolakis,
conductivity of the different materials and the
1990:182, Stoios, 2000:11). Other materials found
extent to which they are found in a given detail.
include reed from the Lake Mikri Prespa, straw and
The stone walls of the traditional houses
wicker (Parthenopoulos, 2009:107). Imported
comprise of two surfaces, the interior and the
materials mainly involve the decorative elements
exterior, which are interconnected at intervals
of the more recent houses, such as the ironwork of
with larger stones. The core of the walls is filled
windows and balcony railing, and glass panes for
with smaller stones and mud. Hence, for the U-
value calculation, it was assumed that the walls
The foundations are made of stone and are
consist of 65% stone and 35% mud. The timber-
rather shallow, because the ground composition is
frame wall was also calculated as a composite
rocky. For the same reason, there are no
building element, with the assumption that 75% is
basements, but due to the steep slopes at some
made of adobe bricks and 25% of wood. The
parts of the settlement, many houses have their
percentages were calculated from the respective
ground floor partially underground.
material surfaces in a typical construction detail.
The external walls, of both the ground and the
upper floor, are made of local stone connected Table 2. U-value calculation of the different elements of
with earth mortar. The two sides are built with the building shell.
stone work, while the central part is filled with Thickness U-value
smaller stones and mud. The exterior side remains (cm) (W/m .K)
visible, with clay mortar. There are horizontal Stone wall 60 1.63
Stone wall (in contact with 60 0.66
wooden ties at the window sills and at the upper
the ground)
end, as well as at floor level, which are visible in Timber-frame wall (Tsatmas) 20 2.09
the older houses and hidden in the more recent Lath and plaster wall 14 2.28
ones. The interior walls are either thick stone (Bagdati)
walls, similar to the exterior, or light-weight made Timber roof 2.38
of timber-frame (tsatma) or lath-and-plaster Upper storey timber floor 3 1.80
(bagdati). Finally, the informal partition of the (over non heated space)
hayat is made of woven branches, externally Upper storey timber floor 8 1.53
rendered with mud. with earth layer (over non
The floors are formed with horizontal hewn heated space)
wooden beams, which are supported by the It can be seen that the thick stone walls have an
external walls. The hayats have predominantly intermediate U-value (1.63 W/m2.K), whereas the
timber construction. The hayat beams are light-weight walls and partitions have elevated U-
supported by the ground floor wall and by a values and thus increased thermal losses.
wooden beam that runs parallel to the façade and The timber roof also has an elevated U-value.
is supported by timber posts. Nevertheless, the frequent snowfall during the
The roofs are hipped and formed by simple winter period significantly lowers conduction
trusses, over which there are wooden boards or a thermal losses from the roof, because the snow
combination of wooden boards and reeds. cover reduces the U-value. Oikonomou (2007: 518)
5.2 Thermal Behaviour calculated a reduction of up to 58% for a 10-cm
The thermal behaviour of the different thick layer of snow in traditional timber roofs in
elements of the building shell can be assessed Florina. At the same time, in the older houses, the
primarily based on their thermophysical properties thermal losses of the upper storey were partially
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
offset by the internal heat gains from the stable substances and thus contribute to a healthy indoor
below. environment and, finally, they can, after the
In the cases where the stone walls are in demolition of the building, either be reused in
contact with the ground, namely in houses where other buildings or rejected to follow the natural
the ground floor is partially underground due to cycle of degradation.
the slope, the U-value is particularly low (0.66
W/m2.K) and complies with the standard for walls
in contact with the ground set by the Hellenic
Regulation on Energy Performance in the Building
Sector-KENAKfor the climatic zone (D) to which the
Prefecture of Florina belongs (0.70 W/m2.K).
5.3 Environmental Impact
The environmental impact of building materials
involves both quantitative and qualitative
parameters. (Table 3) The materials which are used
for the different parts of the construction of the
houses in Psarades are found in the immediate Figure 15. The use of local and natural materials. (A.
vicinity of the settlement. As mentioned above Oikonomou photo archive)
(5.1), these are: local stone, timber, mud bricks
and mortar and organic materials (reed, straw, It is acknowledged that the use of local
etc.). materials in traditional architecture is mainly due
to the lack of transportation means and economic
Table 3. Quantitative and qualitative parameters of the resources. (Wines, 2000) People had no other
environmental impact of building materials. (Adapted choice but to use materials which were available
from Berge, 2003 and Woolley et al., 1997)
within close distances from their towns or villages.
Quantitative Parameters
Nevertheless, those materials were used in the
Energy consumption (embodied energy).
Air pollution (CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions). buildings according to their physical properties and
Water consumption. their durability, while they contributed to the
Qualitative Parameters unique character of their architecture and
Ecological degradation (e.g. resource consumption, construction.
landscape and ecosystems destruction, production of
dust, noise and vibrations, and possible cause of 6. Conclusions
environmental disasters).
The analysis presented in this paper, confirms
Toxic substances (affecting the environment, human
health or both). that many aspects of the traditional architecture of
End-of-life-cycle issues (possibility to repair/restore, the settlement of Psarades in Lake Prespa are
reuse or recycle, and waste). consistent with the principles of bioclimatic and
environmentally-friendly architecture. (Table 4) At
The environmental impact of all these materials their time of construction, these houses responded
is considered to be particularly low, because they: in the best possible way to the needs and the way
were natural materials, that were used as of life of their inhabitants, providing acceptable
they were found in nature or with minimum thermal and visual comfort conditions.
processing (stone, adobe) The general orientation of the settlement and
were local materials that were found in large of the individual houses is defined by the
quantities near the settlement (stone, topography and the view towards the Lake. As a
timber) result, most of the houses are placed parallel to
were naturally renewable materials (timber, the slopes, facing towards the Lake and, as a result,
reed, straw) they have south-western to western orientation
and consequently have very low embodied energy and thus deviate from the optimum south.
and minimum emissions of air pollutants, they do The design of the public open spaces is largely
not cause ecological degradation, do not have toxic affected by the vernacular design of the
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage
settlement, based on which, the private open situated on the ground floor, where the thick stone
spaces (yards) and the houses are prioritised over walls and the fewer openings result in fewer
the public. As a result, unlike traditional thermal losses.
settlements in other parts of Greece (e.g. the Traditional architecture is shaped through time,
traditional settlements of Mount Pelion), the under the constant influence of historical, social,
square was not a space of social gathering carefully economic and environmental developments. For
arranged or vegetated with a large deciduous tree reasons that differ from area to area, most
(e.g. plane tree) in order to provide inter-seasonal traditional houses respond to the prevailing
comfort. climatic conditions and take advantage of the
Table 4. Identification of bioclimatic principles in the
natural resources of the area in which they are
design of traditional houses in Psarades. situated.
Bioclimatic principles Hayat 3-room The best way to assure that this architecture
houses houses survives in the years to come is to carefully
Winter period intervene in order to reinforce and restore the
Passive solar heating + ++ building shells. These interventions should respect
South-facing windows - ++ their typological and morphological characteristics
Thermal insulation - - and, at the same time, improve the indoor comfort
Wind-protection ++ ++ conditions and the overall environmental
Daylighting + -/+ performance.
Summer period
Shading ++ + References
Thermal insulation - -
Natural ventilation + + Berge, B., 2003. The Ecology of Building Materials,
Thermal inertia ++ ++ U.K.: The Architectural Press.
Daylighting + + Giannakis, N. et al., 1999. Special Environmental
Legend (on performance): ++ Very well, + Well, -Bad Study of the Prespes National Park (Ειδική
Περιβαλλοντική Μελέτη Εθνικού Δρυμού
The disadvantage of the unfavourable Πρεσπών), Florina: Prefecture of Florina.
orientation of the buildings, which is due to the Hellenic Meteorological Service,
particular location of the settlement, is partially
offset by south-facing openings in many houses. In Karadedos, G. & Tsolakis, P., 1990. Prespes,
most cases, the overshadowing effect of the Hellenic Traditional Architecture (Ελληνική
surrounding urban fabric is minimised, as the Παραδοσιακή Αρχιτεκτονική), vol.8-Macedonia
houses are situated, either at the back of the plot A, Athens: Melissa, pp. 156-198.
with a front yard, or at a higher level due to the Oikonomou, A. 2007. Comparative Investigation of
topography of the settlement. Furthermore, the the Architectural Structure and the
reduced solar gains are compensated by the th
Environmental Performance of 19 century
increased thermal inertia provided by the thick Traditional Buildings in Florina (Συγκριτική
stone walls. Especially in the parts of the Διερεύνηση της Αρχιτεκτονικής Συγκρότησης
settlement where the slopes are steeper, and the και της Περιβαλλοντικής Συμπεριφοράς των
ground floor is underground, thermal losses during Παραδοσιακών Κατοικιών του 19ου αιώνα στην
the cold winter period are minimised. Φλώρινα), Ph.D. Dissertation, Athens: National
The parts of the building shell that exhibit the Technical University of Athens, School of
highest thermal losses during the winter are the Architecture.
timber-frame walls and the roof. Light-weight, Parthenopoulos, et al., 2009. Prespes – Popular
timber-frame walls are mostly found on the upper Culture, Architecture, Tradition and Future
storeys and form the walls of the spaces towards Perspectives (Πρέσπες – Λαϊκός Πολιτισμός,
the hayat. Consequently, the spaces with the Αρχιτεκτονική, Παράδοση και Μελλοντικές
highest thermal losses are those that are situated Προοπτικές), Thessaloniki: Nays.
on the upper storey. This may be the reason why in Stoios, A. 2000. The Old Buildings of Prespa (Τα
the latter examples, the winter living spaces are Παλιά Κτίσματα της Πρέσπας: Πληροφορίες για
International Conference on
Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage